AV in it's current form is such a relic of vanilla WoW, it's kind of funny. You can still collect armor scraps and turn in various other crap that drops off dead players to call in reinforcements, upgrade the guards that protect graveyards, etc. Heck you can still do the quests that require you get the banners from the caves and everything.
It's really surprising that AV has gone eight years essentially untouched, it's this weird window into the past. Man, on the rare occasions way back when Lokholar and Ivus + all 40 players from each faction would duke it out on the Field of Strife, talk about some epic shit.
It's trade-off though, sure AV's weren't as underwhelming as they are today - but fuck me they lasted way too long.
Will be getting my legendary cloak once servers come back up today!
Until someone decides to be an ass and constantly resets the only celestial you need.
Eh, I'll just find a Celestials group through oQueue.
Think I'm giving up on playing alts. Just too much work to try and catch up on the legendary quest. I'll just wait until the expansion, I'm happy with just playing my Monk. Plus I have DotA2 to tide me over.
Think I'm giving up on playing alts. Just too much work to try and catch up on the legendary quest. I'll just wait until the expansion, I'm happy with just playing my Monk. Plus I have DotA2 to tide me over.
green shot screen capture
God, so demoralizing! We have about 48 wipes on this guy, it seems like if ANYTHING (death, dc, lag spike) happens in this fight, its basically over. The timer seems really too tight. If everything goes well, its 0~4% health left.
Why the hell did they nerf Rogues.
At this point, I'm surprised Blizzard still knows rogues exist.
Afaik, we're the least played class... and it's been like this for quite a while. I'm usually the only rogue in an entire raid.
So I randomly checked my battle.net account and saw I had a 10 day trial of Pandaria so I took advantage and downloaded the game again. Pandaria is such a beautiful continent, just amazing art. I am enjoying the story and quest progression as I'm playing through it on my DK. I played a bit of my Ret pally but I feel completely underwhelming in comparison with similar gear.
Also went through the first 5 man and it was short and sweet. I'll see how close to 90 I can get him only playing evenings after work, but I am really enjoying it so far.
I'm really liking my "overgeared" (526 average item lvl with the legendary cloak) ret paladin. Elites on Timeless Isle dies fast(those turtles and frogs can barely hit me) and i just like the feel of hitting stuff with my holy spells. It must be ridiculous when you're really overgeared in heroic raiding gear.
Plus, with Inquisition lasting a minute now, i don't have to reapply that thing all the fucking time.
Sha down, Galakras is, well, messy thus far. We've reached him once but didn't really judge the add status. I'm worried about DPS; it goes pretty much okay up until we have to send a tower group off, then the downstairs group struggles to keep up with the quantity of adds.
Wondering if it's worth putting our absolute best DPS downstairs. Not sure there's all that much need for the tower groups to be *fast*. Well, assuming it's normal to rejoin the downstairs fight when they're about 25% of the way through the second downstairs miniboss.
Go hit up the elites in Ordos Sanctuare if you start feeling uppity![]()
I used to play rogue, but i realized after a year or two that there were much more fun classes to play with way more interesting abilities and rotations ... i recommend u do the same.
With all three Timeless Isle buffs, food, a good Shrine 60 minute buff, and the Crystal of Insanity, even those elites die to my ilvl 524 Arms alt-spec like nothing.
Assuming I dodge Cracked Blow, anyways (and this is ignoring the big ass melee unfriendly fire elementals and high priests).
I don't know. Not too worried about this nerf. Yeah a 5% dps drop is pretty big, but we'll likely still end up being the top melee dps. It just won't be as significant of a difference between us and whoever follows behind us.
I don't know. Not too worried about this nerf. Yeah a 5% dps drop is pretty big, but we'll likely still end up being the top melee dps. It just won't be as significant of a difference between us and whoever follows behind us.
My only concern is that this is going to make Combat the better spec and I hate Combat.
I used to play rogue, but i realized after a year or two that there were much more fun classes to play with way more interesting abilities and rotations ... i recommend u do the same.
Rogue is probably the most fun melee dps class in the game. Survivability, high burst and sustained dps and a useful raid cooldown? Yespls.
I go back and forth on Rogue, but I think there's a perception they're poorly designed that I think is actually wrong. Combo points on the player vs. the enemy pretty much never matters in practical matters with the exception of FOK spam on AoE pulls.
Assassination Rogue is actually the easiest class to play in my opinion in terms of purely doing DPS because you have a fairly significant amount of time to plan out what you're going to do, which gives you time to maneuver around to avoid stuff.
They're just very boring visually IMO, Blizz has a really good opportunity to add some flair going into the next expansion. Don't see why rogues can't do things like go in and out of stealth more often (even if it's just a stealth visual effect to prevent PVP imbalances). As of right now they almost look and play like leather warriors in pve once you perform your opener.
So, LFR gear and prior PvP Season elite gear.
Once the LFR's end or the new season starts, are they gone forever?
Elite gear, yes.
LFR gear, no, but people have to be queuing for it.
Yeah, you're not the first person to tell me this. Thing is, I love my rogue. I love playing as a stealth character and I've always done decent dps with it, despite blizzard fucking up the class.
I'm just so used to the rotation, abilities and the overall class. I've played a couple of other classes in my years, but I kept going back to my rogue.
My only concern is that this is going to make Combat the better spec and I hate Combat.
Subtlety does do that with Shadow Dance.
Right, but all it does is activate the openers, which is only part of what the move should entail. Unless I've totally blanked on it, there is literally no visual representation at all to go along with pushing the button. A graphic like hunters camouflage would have been pretty cool to associate with that move.
I seem to recall (back in the day) playing in AV in the morning, having to quit to go to work, and coming home in the evening and having the same battle still raging...
Don't see why rogues can't do things like go in and out of stealth more often (even if it's just a stealth visual effect to prevent PVP imbalances).