Wrathion is pissed
[22:43:17] Wrathion says: You were there! Is it true then? What happened in Orgrimmar?
[22:43:24] Wrathion says: That fool king!!
[22:43:28] Wrathion says: I did everything in my power. The whole world was his, he needed only seize it!
[22:43:36] Wrathion says: Oh sure, another year of fighting. Enormous casualties trying to take Thunder Bluff. But the rest of the Horde would've caved, eventually.
[22:43:46] Wrathion says: TONG! DRINK! NOW!
[22:43:47] [90:Zaraxiliana] has come online.
[22:43:50] Wrathion says: What? Yes, I was backing the Alliance.
22:43:54] Wrathion says: I thought Hellscream's victory was assured before he turned half of his Horde against him. So I changed my allegiance.
[22:44:03] Wrathion says: Oh, don't look so surprised! I'm a black dragon. My loyalties are my own.
[22:44:09] Wrathion says: But that idiot, IDIOT Wrynn! "High King" indeed!
[22:44:14] Wrathion says: Why did he allow another warchief? He could've united the world under the Alliance banner. What a fool I was to trust his ambition!
[22:44:24] Wrathion says: Should've taken over the throne room myself. Like Auntie Onyxia. Get things DONE.
[22:44:32] Tong the Fixer says: Enough!!
[22:44:35] Wrathion says: Uhh... wha?
[22:44:37] Tong the Fixer says: Talk! Talk! Talk!
[22:44:41] Tong the Fixer says: Always you speak. Never do you listen! You ignore the lessons of Pandaria!
[22:44:49] Tong the Fixer says: You see, there is balance in all things. Wisdom etched in our very fur: Black and white. Darkness and light.
[22:45:06] Tong the Fixer says: When the last emperor hid our land from the rest of the world, he also preserved the homeland of our ancient enemy, the mantid. Why did he do this?
[22:45:19] Tong the Fixer says: He did so to keep the land whole. Living with the mantid for ten thousand years has made us both STRONG.
[22:45:29] Tong the Fixer says: So it is with your Alliance and your Horde. They are not strong despite one another; they are strong BECAUSE of one another.
[22:45:44] Tong the Fixer says: You mistake your greatest strength for weakness. Do you see this?
[22:45:53] Wrathion says: ...you ...you're just a WAITER!
[22:45:59] Wrathion says: I promise you this: I will stop at nothing to prepare this world for the battle to come.
[22:46:07] Wrathion says: Next time, I will leave nothing to chance.
[22:46:15] Wrathion says: NOTHING!
[22:46:25] Tong the Fixer says: ...He destroyed my inn. He left no tip. He is not nice.
"Auntie Onyxia" :lol