Blizzcon goodies announced, and they include this amazing pet:
Definitely gotta get a virtual ticket now.
Definitely gotta get a virtual ticket now.
Was just about to give up looking for the Unborn Val'kyr pet after the reset, when I found one! Was the worst quality, but whatever I'll just get a flawless stone.
Sooooooo happy to check that one off my list.
Blizzcon goodies announced, and they include this amazing pet:
Definitely gotta get a virtual ticket now.
So when I can start doing some raids? I hit 90 last week. Im a prot warrior, with 550k HP and a gear lvl of 490. Do I need ilvl of 500+?
So when I can start doing some raids? I hit 90 last week. Im a prot warrior, with 550k HP and a gear lvl of 490. Do I need ilvl of 500+?
So I one shot Wrathion without any buffs at all and pretty shitty gear. I was stressing for no reason. The damn Timeless Isle bosses took the longest time getting groups for each one. BUT ALAS I have got the legendary cloak! WOAH!
Now what...
BlizzCon is only a month away! ;D
Man, I miss this game so much. I was playing so much until the start of Sept (new job) and haven't touched it once since the new patch hit. All that buildup and wait to 5.4, and then, haven't been able to really log on once.
So, a couple weeks later, how is 5.4 all in all?
Siege is a great raid I think.Man, I miss this game so much. I was playing so much until the start of Sept (new job) and haven't touched it once since the new patch hit. All that buildup and wait to 5.4, and then, haven't been able to really log on once.
So, a couple weeks later, how is 5.4 all in all?
So I have an interesting question for you guys.
First, a bit of history: in my raiding group, we have 4 potential healers: a Paladin, a Druid, a Disc Priest and a Shaman.
Typically, our healing team is the Paladin/Druid/Priest combo. They are all 3 very good healers (with the Priest being a bit behind but still potent).
When we 3-heal with those 3 guys, we do good, but often hit walls.
For a while now, we've noticed a very strange trend: if our Druid isn't there and we replace him by our Shaman, we perform noticably better. This would normally make sense if the Shaman was better than the Druid, but he *REALLY* isn't. If anything, our resto Shaman is very middle of the road, while our Druid is very good. (we did test this - if we put our Resto Shaman instead of the Priest, he is outmatched in every aspect by the Pally/Druid).
What *seems* to happen, to me and my co-tank anyway, is that when our Druid isn't there, the DPSers seem to take much greater care in how they play because they know one of the healers is lacking. They take less damage, use their CDs more, etc.
Has anyone else ever experienced something like that? It's the only explanation I can come up with. The Shaman is clearly sucking - he has really good gear, and is constantly being outhealed by the Paladin and the Druid, and not only that, but he's almost always the first one to die on fights, he has trouble keeping up and is generally an okay player. (He used to be elemental but his DPS was horrible, and he figured mooching to the GL that he would like to heal instead worked. He knew he was going to get kicked from the group, as in full ToT gear he was often pulling a wonderful 40k DPS).
Could be that while the Shammy's heals aren't topping the charts he's still getting heals to the people who need them most. A Druid spamming HoTs on people at 80% health will out heal the person keeping that one dude bouncing at 10-20% health alive.
RNG is making me slowly change my main haha.
Four bosses down this week, two Secrets of the Empire. Batting .500, not bad! Just six more to go.
To temper that though, Siege is only fun on flex/normal/heroic. LFR is an absolute clusterfuck. Flex is killing it, it has removed the desire by any decent player I've met to actually run LFR, and LFR without the strong carrier types queuing is absolutely abyssmal. Like 4 hour runs of a single wing of 3 bosses with 20+ total determination stacks kind of terrible. There's a thread, Blizz claims completion rates are ok. They are wrong as fuck. If you're an LFR raider don't come back, if you are ok with hitting up openraid or trade chat to find flex groups, you'll be ok. Flex is a very fun difficulty and totally hits the mark it was aimed at.
God, I've been playing the MoP trial and now I'm at a crossroads. My trial is about up, but I need to upgrade to MoP and buy game time...which would come out to be like $55 bucks. It seems a little ridiculous that MoP is still 39.99 for a digital upgrade. I guess I'll just wait until it goes on sale randomly or something.
God, I've been playing the MoP trial and now I'm at a crossroads. My trial is about up, but I need to upgrade to MoP and buy game time...which would come out to be like $55 bucks. It seems a little ridiculous that MoP is still 39.99 for a digital upgrade. I guess I'll just wait until it goes on sale randomly or something.
Method has partnered up with @esportclothing! Find out more about them here:
On the plus side, the drop rate in LFR SOO is pretty high, probably for the express purpose of funnelling people into Flex Raid.The main bummer for me regarding the flex/lfr situation is that I only have one char with an ilvl high enough to get into OQ/openraid groups. My two 90 alts are both right around 500, so I pretty much have to do SoO lfr to get my ilvl up, and that shit just aint fun.
I've seen some OQ groups using proving ground medals as a requirement, which I think is actually a great idea. It's a totally legit in-game way of someone proving they are reasonably skilled at playing their role and doesn't rely on ilvl. A lot of people seem take issue with it and get angry at the raid leaders though, calling them elitist or whatever, which is definitely a bit of "doth protest too much" if you ask me. If you are so mad about it, go get a gold medal.
Speaking of flex raids... where are players gathering people for them? I spend most of my time on Timeless Isle farming coins or rep, and all i see in general chat is people calling when rares are up. I really don't want to stand afk in the Alliance's Shrine(whatever its name is) or Stormwind waiting for something to show up. It's the biggest reason why i do LFR instead of Flex, because i can do my farming while waiting.
Speaking of flex raids... where are players gathering people for them? I spend most of my time on Timeless Isle farming coins or rep, and all i see in general chat is people calling when rares are up. I really don't want to stand afk in the Alliance's Shrine(whatever its name is) or Stormwind waiting for something to show up. It's the biggest reason why i do LFR instead of Flex, because i can do my farming while waiting.
Whee, Immersius HC down. Went from a "wtfisthisshit" to "ezpz" in an hour or so. Legendary kill with 3 guys up at the end
I've gotten mine out of Openraid. There's loads of groups going early on the reset, just grabbing people from the chat.
Also, soloing those Yaungols for rep is much much easier with my ret paladin since they don't charge/stun me, unlike my mage. That damn ability of them hurts way too much on top of that, my mage need to eat after almost every combat while my paladin can keep going without any breaks, self heals helps a lot too.
Just stay close enough and they won't charge. And you should use the glyph that adds healing to evocation/rop. Must have for soloing imo.
Also, soloing those Yaungols for rep is much much easier with my ret paladin since they don't charge/stun me, unlike my mage. That damn ability of them hurts way too much on top of that, my mage need to eat after almost every combat while my paladin can keep going without any breaks, self heals helps a lot too.
They're really easy to kite as fire.
Depends where you fight them. Not much room to kite up by the sanctuary![]()