The Timeless Isle is somewhat of a template for endgame world content going forward. There might be some more structure in the future, but the general style of content that avoids pure daily quests worked well.
from the recent dev round table
You happy now people? people as in everyone that bitched about daily quests. I'll admit there was too many but still, taking a swing in the complete other direction is kind of silly.
I will be straight up. This makes me sour because I think the Timeless Isle is trash. When people talk about random events and what not, or compare it to Rift... hilarious. My main problem is the "rare" grinding. First of all, not even close to being rare spawns. Second, If you get unlucky you can manage to miss half of them because they die way too quickly. If they are going to go this route they NEED to increase the health of these.
Don't get me started on the way PvP is handled there either. ugh.. disgusting. I realize I am probably reading too much into this but I have to admit reading that makes me worried for the future.
from the recent dev round table
You happy now people? people as in everyone that bitched about daily quests. I'll admit there was too many but still, taking a swing in the complete other direction is kind of silly.
I will be straight up. This makes me sour because I think the Timeless Isle is trash. When people talk about random events and what not, or compare it to Rift... hilarious. My main problem is the "rare" grinding. First of all, not even close to being rare spawns. Second, If you get unlucky you can manage to miss half of them because they die way too quickly. If they are going to go this route they NEED to increase the health of these.
Don't get me started on the way PvP is handled there either. ugh.. disgusting. I realize I am probably reading too much into this but I have to admit reading that makes me worried for the future.
I don't hate Timeless Isle, but I don't really love it either, so that quote doesn't excite me too much.from the recent dev round table
You happy now people? people as in everyone that bitched about daily quests. I'll admit there was too many but still, taking a swing in the complete other direction is kind of silly.
I will be straight up. This makes me sour because I think the Timeless Isle is trash. When people talk about random events and what not, or compare it to Rift... hilarious. My main problem is the "rare" grinding. First of all, not even close to being rare spawns. Second, If you get unlucky you can manage to miss half of them because they die way too quickly. If they are going to go this route they NEED to increase the health of these.
Don't get me started on the way PvP is handled there either. ugh.. disgusting. I realize I am probably reading too much into this but I have to admit reading that makes me worried for the future.
from the recent dev round table
You happy now people? people as in everyone that bitched about daily quests. I'll admit there was too many but still, taking a swing in the complete other direction is kind of silly.
I will be straight up. This makes me sour because I think the Timeless Isle is trash. When people talk about random events and what not, or compare it to Rift... hilarious. My main problem is the "rare" grinding. First of all, not even close to being rare spawns. Second, If you get unlucky you can manage to miss half of them because they die way too quickly. If they are going to go this route they NEED to increase the health of these.
Don't get me started on the way PvP is handled there either. ugh.. disgusting. I realize I am probably reading too much into this but I have to admit reading that makes me worried for the future.
Man I looooooove the novelty items on the isle.
The big pet biscuits, the 500 stat buff crystal, the dps buffs that only work on the isle, the diving helm that increases swim speed, the feather that increases mount speed, the Super fast Yak Mount, the hang glider, the drink that turns you to a ghost apparition. Great stuff.
I've warmed up a little over the last few weeks to Timeless Isle, but I still dread completing "Going to need a bigger bag". That is one ridiculous achievement. And only worth 10 points when it requires more time than any other achievement in game.
Hey guys, I've been considering resubscribing but had a question beforehand...
I'm interested in leveling a prot warrior, but currently only have a full set of leather DPS heirlooms. How terrible of a time am I going to have trying to tank dungeons in this set?
Ugh, the Celestial Bosses hate me. Every goddamn week it's nothing but PvP gear.
I even burned a coin this time just because I'm a stubborn idiot and ended up getting a bonus piece of PvP gear :lol
Thanks. I guess I'll try to buy the plate items available through the guild vendor since I don't have the justice points (or whatever the currency is now) for the rest of the set.I wouldn't suggest it, but you should manage before going to Outland or so, if you don't have a brain dead healer.
Thanks. I guess I'll try to buy the plate items available through the guild vendor since I don't have the justice points (or whatever the currency is now) for the rest of the set.
You happy now people? people as in everyone that bitched about daily quests.
My only experience with MoP is partially leveling a monk, so I never hit 90 on any of my characters, unfortunately.You get 100(or 120 if you're in a guild with the right lvl) justice points per heroic boss, which means you can buy a full set of heirlooms very quickly, especially with heroics being ridiculously easy and fast nowadays. So if you already have a 90, just spend some time doing heroics.
You happy now people? people as in everyone that bitched about daily quests. I'll admit there was too many but still, taking a swing in the complete other direction is kind of silly.
The only real complaint I have about Timeless Isle is that I'm a tank, and as such, all those 'this mob does no damage unless you get hit by his special ability, which knocks off 80% of your health" enemies *really* don't work well with Vengeance, meaning that it takes an age to whittle down some of the elites.
Don't you have a DPS spec? I mean... I assumed everyone had one now with dual specs...unless, you're one of those with 2 tank specs or something... although its pretty pointless now with the new talent system.
Yep Nagrand as well.Random thought of the day: it will be really weird leveling alts after the next expansion hits since they probably won't redo the quests Garrosh appears in. Like the whole Twilight Highlands intro zeppelin ride.
Oh well.
Random thought of the day: it will be really weird leveling alts after the next expansion hits since they probably won't redo the quests Garrosh appears in. Like the whole Twilight Highlands intro zeppelin ride.
Oh well.
Random thought of the day: it will be really weird leveling alts after the next expansion hits since they probably won't redo the quests Garrosh appears in. Like the whole Twilight Highlands intro zeppelin ride.
Oh well.
Random thought of the day: it will be really weird leveling alts after the next expansion hits since they probably won't redo the quests Garrosh appears in. Like the whole Twilight Highlands intro zeppelin ride.
Oh well.
It appears that Blizzard made similar assumptions.
I don't really have a second spec. I've been toying with the idea of putting together a DPS one, I grant you, but that's coupled with no actual skill in that field. Just flailing in the general direction of mobs... probably wouldn't be much better than I do currently. All my skill is tank-based.
It's like the attitude I have with alts: I can't really afford to spend time on alts until I'm satisfied that I'm good enough with my main. And I never am.
It's not like DPSing is actually... you know... hard. Especially compared to tanking and healing where you don't have to worry about keeping others alive or using your defense and taunting abilities at the right moment. Just press a few buttons in a general order and dont stand in bad stuff.
It appears that Blizzard made similar assumptions.
I don't really have a second spec. I've been toying with the idea of putting together a DPS one, I grant you, but that's coupled with no actual skill in that field. Just flailing in the general direction of mobs... probably wouldn't be much better than I do currently. All my skill is tank-based.
It's like the attitude I have with alts: I can't really afford to spend time on alts until I'm satisfied that I'm good enough with my main. And I never am.
What skill?
Mortal Strike
Dragon Roar
Mortal Strike
Colosyus Smash
Mortal Strike
Oh it's dead.
.It's even simplier on my frost mage..
Evocation before combat for 1 min 25% damage buff
Frozen Orb
Frost Bomb
Use Frostfire Bolt when Brain Freeze is up
Use Ice Lance when Fingers of Frost is up
Go back to Frost Bomb step and repeat until it's dead. Recast Evocation & Frozen Orb if combat last longer than 1 min.
You can't be a stickler about timelines in an MMO anyways. You're dealing with a timeline where you kill the bad guy MULTIPLE times, or he kills you multiple times.
Can anyone tell me what the item is that changes the weather? We were all standing waiting for Moonfang to spawn and out of nowhere was this loud, long boat horn sound and it started snowing. I must have it! Haven't played regularly since the beginning of Cata so I'm a little out of the loop lol.
Spoils is the anti-LFR encounter.
I have no idea why Blizzard made it such a pain to levels alts through Pandaria, no heirlooms, no flying mounts, just a pain in general unless you max out rested and go from there.
I have no idea why Blizzard made it such a pain to levels alts through Pandaria, no heirlooms, no flying mounts, just a pain in general unless you max out rested and go from there.
There's ilvl 450 weapons that spawn in the Dread Wastes that are bind-on-account and require lvl 86. Archaeology has a few ilvl 463 weapons that are usable at 85. My alts were usually capable of killing stuff quick enough that it was relatively easy.
Mclem, volunteer to tank for a rep group. Take the items that drop, make a DPS set, boom, good to go.