Anyone here tried playing WoW on Linux?
I have several times in the past, works fine....sometimes better.
Anyone here tried playing WoW on Linux?
My realm sucks for AH prices. The sky golem, last I checked was going for 350k and 560k.
1 runestone
3 bosses
Yeah, I just started that step. 1 for 5 so far this week. Not a great start.1 runestone
3 bosses
How much does the Sandstone Drake go for these days?
I'm sick of the horrible pvp in this game, I don't like raiding. Wtf can I do in this game ?I don't want to quit after 8 years =\
I got my 11th from Dark Animus and went straight to Lei Shen. Which I now have to do again.2 now
DA and Primo, so no guranteed drop
On the plus side you cannot get less than two since Sha of Pride and Lei Shen are both guaranteed, but I got 4 every week.Yeah, I just started that step. 1 for 5 so far this week. Not a great start.
Yeah, I messed up and killed Sha in Flex before I turned in my quest to get to the Runestone step. Guessing I can't go back and rekill him for a stone on like LFR or something.I got my 11th from Dark Animus and went straight to Lei Shen. Which I now have to do again.
On the plus side you cannot get less than two since Sha of Pride and Lei Shen are both guaranteed, but I got 4 every week.
It scales, something like that shouldnt be a measurement of dps capabilities.
Actually, that's exactly the reason why I'm interested; I think too many of our DPS are showing up as adequate because they're overgeared, but their fundamental rotations/attentiveness/adaptability are flawed, and if that was fixed, it could be great.
Mind you, I'm not sure I can be *that* critical in endless mode, given I *really* struggled to get tank gold.
Go for a gunI guess my hunter will be my next 90, 81 at the moment. Any cool transmog bows that you guys can think of, that is easy to solo? I'm fine with I have to be 90, just want a heads up.
So, here's a curious question:
I see lots of people saying that DPS proving grounds are easy. As such, is it *not* safe to assume that someone with Gold in PG can meet the DPS requirements of normal raiding?
I fear our DPSers aren't really pulling their weight, but I'm struggling in that I don't have a clear benchmark to validate that.
I'm sick of the horrible pvp in this game, I don't like raiding. Wtf can I do in this game ?I don't want to quit after 8 years =\
Do I need to hit exalted before I can move onto Runestones?
It won't work. Someone asked a CM they and they confirmed it won't work. One chance per week at any item for the legendary quest.Yeah, I messed up and killed Sha in Flex before I turned in my quest to get to the Runestone step. Guessing I can't go back and rekill him for a stone on like LFR or something.
10-man Normals. People *should* be reforged properly, enchanted, gemmed, flasked and fed; guild is perfectly willing to supply everything there (bar the reforges, naturally!)logs. You could simcraft some dps to see if they are even close to that number in some fights. Not the best benchmark, but it's something.
What kind of content are you doing/current progression? are people reforged properly for their class? Fully enchanted/gemmed? Everyone have food/flasks?
Last question would be do you hit enrage timers fairly often?
Do I need to hit exalted before I can move onto Runestones?
Just did Challenges to gold on my warlock. It really teaches you nothing but how to think on your feet.
I need to do those. Really want the armor set.
Just did Challenges to gold on my warlock. It really teaches you nothing but how to think on your feet.
To be fair, that's probably the #1 skill most raiders lack.
To be fair, that's probably the #1 skill most raiders lack.
Communication is also a skill many people in WoW could improve. So many wipes I've had in pugs could have been averted by someone simply speaking up and asking for clarification on a simple mechanic. But nobody talks and people die to really basic shit.
Hah, I suppose so. But insofar as using it to grade your DPS, if they're not failing movement stuff, the Proving Grounds aren't that useful.
Exalted is very easy to get though. Stand in the Courtyard on IOT and chain pull those Mogu animator guys with a Guild Flag up. You can even get OQ groups that do nothing but kill these dudes.
What is the best way to use Elixir of Ancient Knowledge? I heard they nerfed the spot in Deepholm, but running Stone Core over and over seemed like a pretty good way.
On one of the last Brawler's Guild fights (maybe the last?) Ahoo'ru. That mount is almost mine!
Need to watch some videos on him before I try that again :lol got warped into the arena and died in like 10 seconds to a bunch of floating orbs.
Deepholm still works ok. idk what 'spot' you mean, but I loaded the initial...8? quests up, popped a potion, and did 82-85 in 55 minutes the other day.
If I'm leveling an enhancement shammy, should I get a second BoA fist weapon - - or should I use the Mass of McGowan BoA mace?
I'm enjoying it too. It's neat to have a Warcraft universe card game that's a video game. I'm over buying physical trading cards, but I still enjoy card game mechanics.I'm falling for Heartstone... I bought a $2.99 pack x_X
Nice. Was hoping that was the case, the fist weapons look so much cooler :lolI guess the fist weapons will be a bit better since hit rating > other stats to cap, and you almost never have much hit rating while leveling.