Are the launch Cataclym raids soloable with 530+ gear? Like with a ret paladin?
I know there are videos out there with people Soloing a lot of stuff, even HM. Was watching one yesterday of a Paladin soloing Alystrazor in Firelands for the mount.
Are the launch Cataclym raids soloable with 530+ gear? Like with a ret paladin?
Are the launch Cataclym raids soloable with 530+ gear? Like with a ret paladin?
Coming back after a break since a couple a weeks before 5.4 launched. Not interested in doing real raiding this time around, so I'm benching the 537 bear and working on my Resto Shaman. So far I've just been spamming dungeons for JP, got the two pieces from the Sunreaver quartermaster without doing those lame solo scenarios again.
Where is the Dominance Offensive quartermaster? I went to Domination Point but didn't find any NPC's there.
Oh man, Ahoo'ru is going to haunt my dreams. I can't beat this fucker.
And I love when I have a good run going before one of the angels gets bugged out on the edge of the arena and becomes untargetable. Really fun.
You need to do the intro quest Meet The Scout to get the base to pop up.
Tigole is Vice President of Blizzard now? Damn.
Got my 100 mount achievement today. Probably behind a lot of people here, but oh well. I think the next mount I want is the Kite String from getting exalted with all the Pandarean factions.
Interesting. I wonder what he is a VP of exactly.
Interesting. I wonder what he is a VP of exactly.
Oh man, Ahoo'ru is going to haunt my dreams. I can't beat this fucker.
Very true.None of his mechanics are that bad on their own, but, combined they make for a fight that is far more annoying than fun.
VP of Kevin Butler Impersonation.
Finally got Galakras. Amusingly, it came about in part due to poor attendance, in that we were forced to run with two healers today in place of our usual three. The extra DPSer - plus someone having an inspired idea about positioning in P2 - did the trick, and we're past the boss that's been blocking us for a few weeks.
Juggernaut was going okay, but we absolutely needed a third healer for that one.
What part of the fight makes you think like that?
When is the WoW anniversary?
Gotcha! Someone better send me a PM whenever you can get the anniversary achievementSometime in November?
Tigole is Vice President of Blizzard now? Damn.
The fact that the healers couldn't keep up with the quantity of damage going out, largely. The fact that my cotank seemed to have terrifyingly low health from time to time while I was running off doing mine duty. And, to be fair, the fact that we seem to be coming in well under the enrage timer.
I have to admit, I do wonder if my (warrior) cotank does something fundamentally incorrect, because he does seem rather more fragile than me, despite being better-geared (And I *know* I make mistakes, but I generally get away with them!). I also - conversely - have nagging doubts about the healing practices used, but I'm unfamiliar with both the warrior tanking role and all healing roles that I'm not in a position to make a call on it either way.
If they can't keep up, it could be a gear issue (where 3 healers would help) or it could be a L2P issue. The only thing that really comes to mind for the warrior tank is if he's using Shield Barrier for the fire damage (IIRC the big cone is fire dmg) and otherwise keeping Block up as much as he can.
Yeah. We call that guy One Shot Robot.
Avoiding the ground spikes on the ground is also a big deal for the tank. If he's just standing in them, it'll add up quick.
Warrior tank is amazing for mine duty, though.
Yup, our Paladin tank is so jelly about warriors and druids on that fight. He can barely make all the mines while you can zip all three mines on a warrior in a couple seconds![]()
Tigole is Vice President of Blizzard now? Damn.
Wow, that's scary as hell. It's been nice with him off and working on Titan, but with that reset/shelved I'm hoping he doesn't come back to focusing on wow. Or say hello to more asinine raids and grinding your ass off for gear. I realize you can't really place all that on one person, but back in the day he was pretty much the anti-casual at wowville.
edit: I may be confusing him with someone else, but I'm pretty sure he was one the lead that was a big everquester and brought as much of eq as possible into wow. Including raiders being rock stars and everyone else being second class citizens.
Yeah, that was him. He was also the one responsible for the worst quest in the history of anything.
Yeah, that was him. He was also the one responsible for the worst quest in the history of anything.
Yeah, that was him. He was also the one responsible for the worst quest in the history of anything.
Yeah, that was him. He was also the one responsible for the worst quest in the history of anything.
You're both wrong, this is the worst quest in the history of everything.
How come no one ever told me that Monks were so damn fun? I created one a couple days ago and cannot stop playing it; I went from level 13 to 37 yesterday
I really like the whole Zen Pilgrimage idea, it's a neat little touch.
How soon we forget Deep Ocean, Vast Sea.
Finished hunter this week, only needed 1 Runestone, ended up doing Pinnacle twice, seemed like the least painful method.
Pretty much done with LFRs on everyone, then. With a mixture of SPA, Celestial tier, and Ordos gear the 528 LFR loot weighed against actually doing the SoO LFRs doesn't seem remotely worth it (hunter and lock are 538, DK is 540). I'll probably end up doing some Flex here and there, and definitely try and get some Garrosh heirlooms a few months down the line for the next expansion.
Yeah, that was him. He was also the one responsible for the worst quest in the history of anything.
Are those the original T3 Lock shoulders?
Yessir, and most of the set. Never got the ring or boots, but I did end up buying the boots (shamefully!) from the BMAH a few months back.