Any hopes/wishes for the next expansion?
Burning Legion expansion
Any hopes/wishes for the next expansion?
One ugly drake.
Any hopes/wishes for the next expansion?
Any hopes/wishes for the next expansion?
Any hopes/wishes for the next expansion?
Updated models for vanilla racesAny hopes/wishes for the next expansion?
Updated models for vanilla races
It's the only thing I want but they probably won't come.
I hope so. Last time I heard something about new models they said they were a while off. Hopefully that was just a lie to surprise people at BlizzCon.Actually, I'd say that's a given for the next expansion, and I'd expect to see some examples/progress at blizzcon.
Standardize raid sizes. Sick of the 10/25 BS. Make it 10, 15, 20, 25... or make Flex the standard.
Playable Naga, Big villain(someone that you will eventually get to kill at the end of the expansion)Either return to outland or back to more fantasy type zones. MoP was just just forests and forests.
Any hopes/wishes for the next expansion?
HahahahahaIf fucking trolls return again for another xpac
I'll quit for 50th time.
If fucking trolls return again for another xpac
I'll quit for 50th time.
Any hopes/wishes for the next expansion?
D3 uses item appearances - once an item's appearance is unlocked, it's bound to your account and any character on that account can use that appearance in transmogrification. So if you have two barbarians and one has Unending War, the other can use its appearance in transmog. In WoW, if you have a warrior with Ashkandi, your death knight still has to farm BWL to get it if she wants to use that item for transmog.
In World of Warcraft, if you want to use an item for transmog, you have to have that item - it's in your bank or void storage tab, taking up space. In D3, once you've unlocked an item's appearance, you do not have to keep that item.
Woo! Got a Burden of Eternity off some random rare on Timeless Isle. Desperately need a new neckpiece and now I don't have to farm 30k more coins to buy one.
Too bad the Timeless gear is budgeted so badly (at least for hunters) but it'll do as a stopgap until I get something in SoO.
Bah, I keep looking at old WoW vids - I've been direly wanting to return to WoW after quitting for like 5-6 years. I left off at killing Illidan in TBC and some raid content on Sunwell Plateau. So, if I may, is it still fun guys? or am I just relying on nostalgia? It's a generic question, I know, but part of it is that I would need to rebuild a PC. In other words, is it worth it.
I'm not really sure if I'm "allowed" to post this kind of question on community threads
Bah, I keep looking at old WoW vids - I've been direly wanting to return to WoW after quitting for like 5-6 years. I left off at killing Illidan in TBC and some raid content on Sunwell Plateau. So, if I may, is it still fun guys? or am I just relying on nostalgia? It's a generic question, I know, but part of it is that I would need to rebuild a PC. In other words, is it worth it.
I'm not really sure if I'm "allowed" to post this kind of question on community threads
The game is great right now I think. Very nice variety of content in MoP, it's been a great expansion.Bah, I keep looking at old WoW vids - I've been direly wanting to return to WoW after quitting for like 5-6 years. I left off at killing Illidan in TBC and some raid content on Sunwell Plateau. So, if I may, is it still fun guys? or am I just relying on nostalgia? It's a generic question, I know, but part of it is that I would need to rebuild a PC. In other words, is it worth it.
I'm not really sure if I'm "allowed" to post this kind of question on community threads
Grats man! That's quite a feat.
Also, I did not know Alysrazor was soloable. How geared are you? Wondering if I could do it as a 547 hunter.
I was in a similar spot as you; I quit late in Vanilla and came back last year before Pandaria came out. The game is still fun and there have been so many changes over the years that it's going to be a blast for you to see how different everything is (all of the pre-level 60 zones were completely revamped, massive class changes, etc).
Give it a shot; returning accounts get a week free, so there's nothing to lose.
Best it's ever been.
The game is great right now I think. Very nice variety of content in MoP, it's been a great expansion.
You're sort of like me. I quit in the early days of Cataclysm, didn't play for two years. But I came back five months ago and have had a blast so far. Coming into an expansion like this somewhat late was actually nice because there's a ton of content to catch up on.
Grats man! That's quite a feat.
Also, I did not know Alysrazor was soloable. How geared are you? Wondering if I could do it as a 547 hunter.
I like the new look for my Dwarf mage. Looks very Alliance with the blue and gold colors.It's like the staff was made for the rest of the set(old PVP set from Burning Crusade).
Oh my god. I am never doing Archaeology again.
Until next expansion.
Time to grind out all pet battle achievements.
I like the new look for my Dwarf mage. Looks very Alliance with the blue and gold colors.It's like the staff was made for the rest of the set(old PVP set from Burning Crusade).
It's just an extra option if you really want to reach the hit cap. When you have gear you don't really need to do it.So it's been...years since I've seriously used my dps caster in pve content. Most of the time they're crafting or farming mules.
So I learned for the first time that expertise is now a thing they gem/reforge into. I had to search 3 different sources I used to trust for caster DPS data to make sure I wasn't being trolled hard. If there was any indication that stats on gem colors are poorly distributed it's this and this alone. They really have to shuffle this deck for the next expansion, or undo the crazypants idea that expertise is something mages and warlocks gear for. It's WotLK Spirit all over again.
We downed Nazgrim in two pulls tonight (much better than last week), and got Malkorok down too! Three wipes into spoils, we didn't realize that it takes more crates than Flex to fill the meter. It almost seems like it needs to be every box in the room?
Yeah Jack, I saw an explanation of it somewhere and they posted gemming for expertise vs reforging for hit and you could get more stats out of gemming for expertise vs reforging hit. Crazy stuff. Edit: Ah, found it!
Any other warlocks out there doing/done with SoO? Looking to see how I'm shaping up DPS wise. Looking like 200k on single target and 250k+ on certain fights with 553 item level.
Logs from tonight (I'm the Warlock):
(Wish more people would post their logs here! I'd love to be able to compare classes and such!)
Thats not necessarily true, if you check the robot link in my post they explain why.
Oh my god. I am never doing Archaeology again.
Until next expansion.
Time to grind out all pet battle achievements.
We downed Nazgrim in two pulls tonight (much better than last week), and got Malkorok down too! Three wipes into spoils, we didn't realize that it takes more crates than Flex to fill the meter. It almost seems like it needs to be every box in the room?
That could definitely be awesome.
2 weeks until Blizzcon! I really wish the new expansion info would leak early. Did it for MoP? I can't remember. Seems like it was a few days before Blizzcon. At least the title came out.
They are pretty good at keeping this underwraps.
Another solo question. Been Waiting a Long Time for This achievement in 25 man. Any chance of solo'ing this?