Draenor is the homeworld of the orcs and draenei. Kil`jaeden is a Eredar = Draenei.
Can I buy MoP digitally on on the Blizzard store? I really don't want to pay $60 for it.
Orcs only. Draenei got there with their interstellar space crystals.
Yeah, I bought mine there.
Sorry, I meant "only" on the blizzard store. Amazon has it for $20 but I can't find the option to buy it digitally
Oh. Blizz should have it for 40 on their store there somewhere. Have you checked the account page thoroughly?
Orcs only. Draenei got there with their interstellar space crystals.
Yea it looks like Amazon only sells the physical version? I have a group playing tonight so the digital version is definitely the best option, but if I can find it cheaper than $40 that would be great.
Oh fuck not that
So, that rumor about CoT expansion might be correct? Come on
I'm really glad we're not getting a Southseas expansion next. I was hoping it'd be a Legion one, so I'm happy about this. Looking forward to renewing my account and getting back into the game when this launches.
Still waiting for an Emerald Dream expansion...
Returned to my prot warrior after a year or two away.
Wow, they nerfed everything in BC, huh? We literally dpsed through Sethekk halls without me going below 90%
The douche even listed two Bliz employees names that supposedly leaked the info, before a moderator edited it:
Nah, it's the abilities.
I simply don't see it. That rumor basically claimed you'd have to go to X zone and use a portal in that zone to go to a time-shifted zone. It was only like a year ago that Blizz said they learned that having random leveling zones was a bad idea and that one continent worked better.
I don't know why anyone would still want an emerald dream expansion. There is nothing to do there.
Is blacksmithing as profession worth it anymore? especially with places like timeless isle and its rewards?
Is blacksmithing as profession worth it anymore? especially with places like timeless isle and its rewards?
A lot of people thought Blizz would never do Pandas
I don't know why anyone would want a profession that isn't engineering.
I don't know why anyone would want a profession that isn't engineering.
I don't know why anyone would want a profession that isn't engineering.
I'm already drowning in novelty items. I simply don't have space for any others.
It's not even the novelty items. It's the tinkers you get for your gear.
Goblin Glide and Rocket Boots/Frag Belt are both worth it alone.
For a tank? I think I'd rather have Toughness and the two extra sockets.
Ya know, we do have a shortage of classes that use Mail items. 3 Leather, 3 Cloth, 3 Plate, 2 Mail.
Demon Hunters could work.
Well, those tinkers aren't the "added stat perk" of professions. They're just a bonus.
As a tank, you would get an on-use 1500 armor for 12 seconds on a 1 minute cooldown. Or 1920 of agi/str for 10 seconds on the same cooldown. It's more situational, may or not be as useful for a tank, I guess.
Bad ass. Looks so good.Sheesh, this transmog took forever. Looks good. Makes me want to switch to blood now instead of frost.
Sheesh, this transmog took forever. Looks good. Makes me want to switch to blood now instead of frost.