Probably fake but...
I haven't played a Warrior since the early days of BC, they can dual wield 2 handers these days right? Wondering if I should grab a second Arcanite Reaper BoA. Have 4k justice points just collecting dust on my hunter.
Probably fake but...
So obviously fake i'm questioning whether you should be allowed to post.
I'm betting on a new class this time around because of the model updates.
I just hope its not a demon hunter. I'd like my Warlock to get more Illidari abilities.
I'm betting on a new class this time around because of the model updates.
I just hope its not a demon hunter. I'd like my Warlock to get more Illidari abilities.
time for people to start removing 'probably' from 'probably fake' whenever they see a 'blizzcon leak' from now until the end of next week. People didn't even accurately predict Starcraft II.
we just killed heroic garrosh us 1st on 10 man, right in time for blizcon
we just killed heroic garrosh us 1st on 10 man, right in time for blizcon
I broke my rule of never visiting Blizzard threads in gaming
Slowly farming my pet battle achievements, this will take a while.
we just killed heroic garrosh us 1st on 10 man, right in time for blizcon
My guild is still struggling on spoils HM, way behind schedule. There are already two guilds in our server with a Garrosh 10 HM kill since last week. If we didn't have so many problems with our roster we may have not killed him yet, but we would be closer!
I may or may not write a small blog post about how fucking terrible we were this tier, that remains to be seen. We lost about 10 raid days this tier due to DDOS Attacks on our members by elements within our own guild, bad recruits who slept through raids and don't have cell phones, and overall bad play from a few members that we expected better from. Even though we lost 10 days of raiding, during Klaxxi progression we did a huge restructure of our raid group mid-tier.
We replaced an under-performing tank with a competent one, we dropped a Shaman Healer from our roster who was irresponsible and I switched from Shadow to Discipline full-time, we kicked the Elemental Shaman who was DDOSing us -- preventing us from raiding several nights, and we had our star Enhancement Shaman Jkww return from a raiding hiatus to prog Garrosh with us as our 10th raider on roster. We managed to gear him up from 539 iLvL in two raid clears and he killed Heroic Garrosh with two 540 Weapons.
I don't get it, can someone who plays Pokemon and whatever that whale is explain?
I don't get it, can someone who plays Pokemon and whatever that whale is explain?
Also, God damn Nightmare Asylum... Tons of call outs on their raiders who didn't perform!
News post, looks like lots of drama!
How much are you raiding? My guild does 9 hours a week and we just got to Malk HC.
we just killed heroic garrosh us 1st on 10 man, right in time for blizcon
I'm kind of confused by that pic, why is it outside with airships? I've done the garrosh fight and other than the realm of y'shaarj teleports, it's underground.
I'm sort-of jealous of guilds that can afford to raid so little. We do fourteen hours a week - four chunks of 3:30 - but it's sort-of necessary given that our raiders tend to skew older and therefore generally have a few real-life things to contend with in a given night. It doesn't help that we're in a guild that spans several timezones (3 hours, I think), so it's asking quite a commitment from the eastern Europe ones to work at a time convenient to the British ones, and vice versa.
That said, we're progressing well at our own rate for our server (in the top 20, which is our general target these days), so it works for us - but the safest way to evade burnout is to avoid the game pretty much completely during the off-nights!
I'm kind of confused by that pic, why is it outside with airships? I've done the garrosh fight and other than the realm of y'shaarj teleports, it's underground.
I'm sort-of jealous of guilds that can afford to raid so little. We do fourteen hours a week - four chunks of 3:30 - but it's sort-of necessary given that our raiders tend to skew older and therefore generally have a few real-life things to contend with in a given night. It doesn't help that we're in a guild that spans several timezones (3 hours, I think), so it's asking quite a commitment from the eastern Europe ones to work at a time convenient to the British ones, and vice versa.
Do you guys switch people in and out a lot? Like not a consistent 10 man? I only ask because 14 hours is a lot of time.
Source: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads...ne-new-raid-from-5-5-World-Event-to-Patch-6-5THIS XPACK IS ABOUT AN ALTERNATIVE TIMELINE.
If it's all about old RTS story, it's not so exciting then.
Let me get this straight.
Patch 5.5 World Event
Collapse of The Time
Hellscream jailbroken from the jail by a mysterious human.
The book "Rishen of the Horde" is the key.
时魂之钟,铜龙军团的瑰宝,它作用于平衡时间线,使它们永远在平 行之路上而不互相交触,当这个瑰宝毁灭之时,我们的时间线将无法 再次保持平衡而最终会撞向另一条离我们最近的时间线上。 而你,大酋长,我要将你送回到那条即将与我们碰撞时间线的过去, 组建真正的钢铁部落,当两条时间线碰撞之时,就是你重返荣耀之刻 。 你的目的何在?为什么我要帮助我? 我有我的理由,但是我绝对不会妨碍你,在这个世界的将来不会, 在那个世界的过去亦不会.....
Patch 6.0
Warlords of Draenor
With someone's help, G Hellscream back to Draenor.
Raid 1: Cavern of Felmyst Boss: Gul'dan
Raid 2: Fall of the Karabor Temple Boss: Grom Hellscream
Raid 3: Dark Secret of Terokk Boss: Terokk
The Warsong Clan is the storyline key of this patch.
New Ally Camp:
Time Travellers Leader: Medivh
Heart of Draenor Leader: Ner'zhul and Durotan
Horde/Alliance Army
Sands of Time Soul Leader: Zhaladuomu
Patch 6.1
The Ancient Power of The Earth Warder
New Ally Camp:
Wing of Anzu
Wing of Dark
Final Raid: N/A
The Warsong is now ruling the planet without Demon Blood. And Garrosh is building the New Horde.
The next plan --- Death Wing.
Patch 6.2
Rise of The Black Prince
Raid: Lair of Deathwing Final Boss: Neltharion (Human Form)
找到了死亡之翼巢穴的兽人氏族准备向耐萨里奥发起总攻,并捕获耐 萨里奥化作部落的绝对战力。 在这看似不可能的任务之下,加罗什却有着特殊的信心,而这信心正 来自于七首亚刹极的记忆...... 黑王子正等着对自己的最后试炼,一条战胜对死亡的恐惧与获得真正 的荣耀的道路。
Patch 6.3
The True Horde
战歌部落最终杀死了耐萨里奥,虽然这不是最理想的结果,而加洛什 也获得了耐萨里奥身上残存着的一部分上古之神力量。 在战歌真正统一了德拉诺,浴血了死亡之翼之后,战歌氏族正式改名 为铁血部落。 而离加洛什的最终计划,也只有一步之遥
Patch 6.4
Fall of Hellscreams
Last Stand of The Eastern Kingdom
The biggest Raid Dungeon ever in WoW history and alternative raid between Horde and Alliance.
Alliance Line:
Part 1: Fall of Stormwind Boss: W Saurfang
Part 2 : A Bloody Path
Part 3 : End of the Tyrant Boss: Garrosh Hellscream
Horde Line:
Part 1: A Brave Moment Boss: W Saurfang
Part 2: Fall of Grom Boss: Grom
Part 3: End of the Tyrant Boss: Garrosh Hellscream
Patch 6.5
The Origin
Plot Battle: Ascension & Downfall
This is known new stuff form the same solid source of my last spoiler.
This... this leak sounds fake. Details for every patches already too? Right...It seems incredibly farfetched, because having Garrosh be the end boss of raids 2 xpacs in a row would be the botch of the century.