Angry Grimace
Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Thank you Reddit.
Needs more Skitty.
Thank you Reddit.
Thank you Reddit.
Rösti;88594070 said:Possible leak (another from MapleEve at MMO-Champion, who also posted some cryptic details from a Chinese localization staff member). Regarding the timeline in Warlords of Draenor:
Doesn't seem too farfetched.
That...sounds terrible. We fight Garrosh and Deathwing again? Another Saurfang boss? Garrosh is the last boss of an expansion again?
Why not move forward with a BL attack on Azeroth...instead of going back in time. Time Travellers as a faction is worse than space goats.
Rösti;88594070 said:Possible leak (another from MapleEve at MMO-Champion, who also posted some cryptic details from a Chinese localization staff member). Regarding the timeline in Warlords of Draenor:
Doesn't seem too farfetched.
While I understand that they don't want to shell out every possible lore world/bad guy, seems they're saving too much content for future expansions.That...sounds terrible. We fight Garrosh and Deathwing again? Another Saurfang boss? Garrosh is the last boss of an expansion again?
Why not move forward with a BL attack on Azeroth...instead of going back in time. Time Travellers as a faction is worse than space goats.
That...sounds terrible. We fight Garrosh and Deathwing again?
I'm mostly curious about the vision where mostWill that actually happen? I kinda doubt it, unless its another "What if..." future like that 5 man released near the end of Cataclysm.faction leaders are dead, put on spikes in Stormwind.
I'm pretty sure that was a just a "this is what happens if we don't stop Garrosh" vision, reinforcing the importance of our victory in SoO.
I'm pretty sure that was a just a "this is what happens if we don't stop Garrosh" vision, reinforcing the importance of our victory in SoO.
That make sense, but, (I'm not there yet) isn't there also another vision showing a bronze drake dying near the Caverns of Time? That one is a bit more mysterious.
Rösti;88594070 said:Possible leak (another from MapleEve at MMO-Champion, who also posted some cryptic details from a Chinese localization staff member). Regarding the timeline in Warlords of Draenor:
Doesn't seem too farfetched.
Several big lore issues with that leak.
Like "lore issues" have ever stopped Blizzard before.
Like "lore issues" have ever stopped Blizzard before.
1. The Stormreaver Clan wasn't formed until after Gul'dan came to Azeroth.
2. Gul'dan was a shaman until he made contact with the Burning Legion and began practicing Fel Magic/became a warlock.
3. Deathwing didn't flee to Outland until between the First and Second Wars. (After Dark Portal was opened)
4. Without the Legion's influence, Medivh would never have learned of the orcs. Without the cooperation of Medivh/Sargeras on the Azeroth side, the Dark Portal would not have been built. Without the Dark Portal, the orcs couldn't invade the Eastern Kingdoms.
Yeah, but there are a few that are really impossible to ignore here, a few posts from that thread provided some of the big ones better than I could:
Edit: How many people did we bring with us to the alternate timeline too? They listed the Wildhammer clan as being there. Thrall was an infant after the second war, so I guess we brought him along too. The last raid involved invading EK, so I guess the Dark Portal was opened at some point during the expansion? Where is the Burning Legion in all of this? It just doesn't make much sense.
Which is basically why I will probably unsub if these rumors are true.
The big problems I have with your post - Having an expansion where the story has no real progression as we merely return things to the status quo is going to feel like little more than a filler arc, and is going to do nothing to stem the bleeding sub count. Either that or we purposefully "ret-con" the story with our characters, which is little better. I don't see how a time travel expansion could follow any path but those two. It also continues the story focus on the horde, which has been a major complaint over the length of this expansion given Cata's focus on Green Jesus and this one with Garrosh being the big bad. It also results in having Garrosh as a villain for a second expansion in a row, which makes things feel stale and overdone.
Which is basically why I will probably unsub if these rumors are true.
What are the chances of the next expansion that's announced at blizzcon coming out early springish/late winterish?
I'm already suuuuuuper bored of 5.4, and with all the Titan devs back in WoW it shouldn't take thaaat long.
What are the chances of the next expansion that's announced at blizzcon coming out early springish/late winterish?
I'm already suuuuuuper bored of 5.4, and with all the Titan devs back in WoW it shouldn't take thaaat long.
The big problems I have with your post - Having an expansion where the story has no real progression as we merely return things to the status quo is going to feel like little more than a filler arc, and is going to do nothing to stem the bleeding sub count. Either that or we purposefully "ret-con" the story with our characters, which is little better. I don't see how a time travel expansion could follow any path but those two. It also continues the story focus on the horde, which has been a major complaint over the length of this expansion given Cata's focus on Green Jesus and this one with Garrosh being the big bad. It also results in having Garrosh as a villain for a second expansion in a row, which makes things feel stale and overdone.
Which is basically why I will probably unsub if these rumors are true.
Edit: To be fair it would be great as a quick single-tier patch. As an entire expansion? Fuck. That.
Yeah, it totally would be a filler arc. No denying that at all. It would be Blizzard scrambling to drag the story out because they only have two expansions of actual plot left.
The key here will be new models and classic raids, which is basically all they have left to keep people around.
Our Garrosh has been "defeated" in a way that can't be undone, and going back in time is the ultimate form of idealized escapism. I'm not sure he'd be the antagonist so much as he'd be the catalyst for a much bigger problem, especially because his father isn't going to just pass off leadership to some orc claiming to be his son (though I'm sure he'll listen to him).
Keep in mind I loathe time travel. I wanted a South Seas expansion. But the pieces are all there, and it would make too much sense for them to make a really fanservice-ccentric expansion where all the classic characters come back. We're not just talking orcs here, but just about any interesting character from previous Warcraft games.
New Expansion:
World of Warcraft: The Med'an Expansion
The Mo'arg leak was clearly fake because this is the real picture.
If I remember correctly, Metzen has said that he would love to do more raids where we go fight historical battles again. I can totally see this happening, as I believe the Warcraft movie will be set in a similar time period.
Found a rare mob with an awesome model while questing
Yeah, the cataclysm crocolisk model is very cool. I'd like to see raptor's get a similar treatment. They don't look bad by any means but they could certainly look a bit cooler.
Is there still an option to turn off XP?
If so , where?