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World of Warcraft |OT5| Where we're going, we're gonna need roads

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all dem naysayers eatin dirt now

Them alliance racials, seems to me instead of establishing a baseline they just reversed the power balance to the other side lol.
can't get the top pve guys to faction change and server transfer their multiple characters if it is balanced :p

Still doesn't explain everything though since just what's mentioned there isn't balanced either.

And yeah that blog post was a disappointment. Just a condensed writeup of the (relatively vague) things that have been said through posts/tweets which you'd get reading MMO-Champ anyway.


Also, upgraded new helm puts me at 566 iLevel :D

And I broke 220k gold today as well!


Removing offensive CD's has me worried.

Like Rapid Fire can go, but I really dig Stampede.

I don't think they would touch TBW.
All that blog post did is take like 3 or 4 Tweets worth of old info and write multiple paragraphs about them without actually saying anything new or giving any details (aside from the CC stuff but pfft PvP). I AM DISAPPOINT.


Bull on a Donut
Removing offensive CD's has me worried.

Like Rapid Fire can go, but I really dig Stampede.

I don't think they would touch TBW.

Yeah I'm really not a fan of this... one thoroughput CD per class? That's pretty bland, splitting your offensive abilities in PvP is core. Pop a short one to burn their defensives, then pop your big one to end matches.

Also removing stuff like Shadow Blades, Stormlash, Skull banner, I dunno, all those are pretty fun abilities.

All I got out of the blog post was "we are not trying to dumb down the game," but we are dumbing down the game by removing CCs, lengthening CC cooldowns, removing thoroughput CDs, and normalizing damage in both PvE and PvP (crit dmg against players reduced and thoroughput, cooldowns cut). Sounds pretty boring tbh.


Have no problem with them removing crowd control, they don't seem like they are ever going to make it worthwhile for PVE again, and there is just too much of it in PVP.


So what are the chances Blizzard makes the Ethereals a playable race one day? :p

Been doing Mana-Tombs lately for transmog and they look so bad ass.


Oh boy, one dps cooldown per class. Everyone's a shadow priest now.

I wish I could be more upset about it, but most cooldowns end up being so mindless that you end up popping them together in a single macro. Might as well make it official.

I'm glad that they're being smart about it with the more active stuff like Tiger's Fury vs. Berserk, so the rotationally active stuff still matters.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I need to find a good WW monk player because I'm getting mixed signals. Some sites say I should use Fists of Fury. Others say not to bother. Like... ever. No matter what conditions.


No One Remembers
I need to find a good WW monk player because I'm getting mixed signals. Some sites say I should use Fists of Fury. Others say not to bother. Like... ever. No matter what conditions.

Depends on the fight, your haste/energy regen, etc. If you're going to move during it, don't use it. If you're going to be still, and you won't be back at 100 energy during it, use it.
Ugh it hurt me to do it but I feel the karma was worth it since I finally got the damn ring from Galakras with a bonus roll. Was doing heroic Norushen with another guild and I was their only pug. After about an hour, we finally kill him and it's their first heroic kill of him. Heroic warforged shoulders dropped and I won the roll, but their guild leader offered me 15k to give them to their lock instead, and I did. Probably a really easy decision for most people but I'd feel so badass with a heroic warforged piece.


So what are the chances Blizzard makes the Ethereals a playable race one day? :p

Been doing Mana-Tombs lately for transmog and they look so bad ass.

Never, just like they will let as play as Naga's. Knowing blizzard though they will start selling races through the shop. lol
They're removing Shadow Blades? Seriously?

Yay that will make Assa rogues even more exciting to play ^_-

I'm leveling assassination right and it's just dumb. I have more defensive/utility cooldowns than I can keep track of won't have a single DPS one until I hit 80 with Vendetta. Ridiculous.


Oh boy, one dps cooldown per class. Everyone's a shadow priest now.

Really not a fan of them removing something like Skull Banner. There are times when I want to throw that out for the raid (like Lust at start), but save recklessness til I swap in to tank and my vengeance is up higher.

Kind of annoyed that they're taking away options.


Dumb and lazy people win again I guess. It's a shame, I like options, even if I agree some spells are rather useless.
The hard part when you reroll imo is the lack of spells/attacks. It's so boring for so long and spells are unlocked so far apart each other. I'm trying to imagiine that as the default situation at max level and I shit my pants.
Dumb and lazy people win again I guess. It's a shame, I like options, even if I agree some spells are rather useless.
The hard part when you reroll imo is the lack of spells/attacks. It's so boring for so long and spells are unlocked so far apart each other. I'm trying to imagine that as the default situation at max level and I shit my pants.

The thing is though - serious pruning of skills needed to happen sooner or later for the health of the game to have room to expand without being even more bloated than it is currently. Especially since each expac is expected to have, you know, at least a couple new skills/talents for each class that do something.

I mean it's hard to say for sure exactly how it'll all turn out. Without official patch notes we're running on a lot of speculation at this point.


The thing is though - serious pruning of skills needed to happen sooner or later for the health of the game to have room to expand without being even more bloated than it is currently. Especially since each expac is expected to have, you know, at least a couple new skills/talents for each class that do something.

I mean it's hard to say for sure exactly how it'll all turn out. Without official patch notes we're running on a lot of speculation at this point.

I agree but considering iirc they've said we won't get new spells and instead will get stronger versions of existing ones I fear it'll stay that way. Of course, who knows at this point but I think it's worrying that every single decision they make can be linked to "it'll be easier for new/returning people!" again and again since cataclysm.
And those people don't exist. If they continue that way they'll just alienate existing playerbase in their hope to bring back people who moved on and won't look back.


I like that they're ditching some CDs. Some classes have such insane burst through them that it carries their DPS through a whole fight because of a 20 second window. This will allow for a more consistent tuning approach.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Arcane+pom+pyro+trinks=one shot on that 60 war with spinal yeaaaaaaaaaa

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
My hate for mages has not subsided all these years because of that.

I still remember the days I got my trunks. Instantly made the macro, jumped in wsg, boom. Like playing a different game.


I don't like the removal of certain offensive cooldowns but agree it needed to happen at some point. I think they mentioned that its cooldowns plus whatever talents you pick so who is to say there won't be options within the talent trees for each spec.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
This is so confusing.

My rotations are mostly spot-on, but simulationcraft is putting me at 232k. I'm at 190k at ilvl 548. I know simulationcraft is like saying that's you having zero mistakes, but it just seems like such a huge gap. But then when I'm looking at logs from normal last night, I outdpsed the Warlock by a good margin on half the fights and he's got 10 ilvls and a cloak on me

Not Spaceghost

Yeah I'm really not a fan of this... one thoroughput CD per class? That's pretty bland, splitting your offensive abilities in PvP is core. Pop a short one to burn their defensives, then pop your big one to end matches.

Also removing stuff like Shadow Blades, Stormlash, Skull banner, I dunno, all those are pretty fun abilities.

How the hell is skull banner fun? From the moment I got the skill I macroed it to recklessness and forgot it even existed.

I think cool downs need to be slightly more engaging than just raw damage or stats bonus, probably my favorite cool down in the game was shadow dance, because it almost felt like I was going super saiyan. It let me replace all my normal skills with my super strong ones I wouldn't' really get to use all that often.

Besides cool downs while great aren't actually that fun unless they look awesome to use, the last time I used a cool down that actually made me feel bad ass was icy veins + mirror images (macroed together lol) and just watching an ocean of frost bolts pour out from my mage.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
So, I've never seen this before.

My raid team has zero Blood Elves and Undead.
2 Pandaren(Monk and Priest)
2 Druids(Both Tauren)
1 Warrior(Orc)
2 DK (both Orc. One tank one DPS)
1 Shaman(Goblin.) -- Sometimes there's another Shaman. Also a Goblin.
1 Hunter (Troll)
1 Warlock(Orc)
I wish I could be more upset about it, but most cooldowns end up being so mindless that you end up popping them together in a single macro. Might as well make it official.

Not everything is a raid boss. Sometimes you want to split your CDs because one is more flexible and the other just adds a multiplier to your DPS so yeah duh it's a button to press during burst periods. This is definitely the case with Shadow Blades vs. other rogue CDs. Proving Grounds, Challenge Modes, Brawler's Guild and PvP just got a lot less interesting.


I just want my classes to be fun and useful to play. I don't want to feel like my class is not needed in whichever aspect of the game I'm playing at that given time.


How the hell is skull banner fun? From the moment I got the skill I macroed it to recklessness and forgot it even existed.

I think cool downs need to be slightly more engaging than just raw damage or stats bonus, probably my favorite cool down in the game was shadow dance, because it almost felt like I was going super saiyan. It let me replace all my normal skills with my super strong ones I wouldn't' really get to use all that often.

Besides cool downs while great aren't actually that fun unless they look awesome to use, the last time I used a cool down that actually made me feel bad ass was icy veins + mirror images (macroed together lol) and just watching an ocean of frost bolts pour out from my mage.

Do you tank or are you Arms / Fury? Tank Warriors can have legit reasons to keep Skull Banner separate.
Draenei has pretty godly racial now. Really curious in seeing some of the warrior changes, I liked what I saw with overpower being removed & the flame damage heroic strike.

Beth Cyra

I can't believe the BELF racial is so weak. I get not wanting to jack up all racials to crazy levels, but still that is some freaking nonsense.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Getting rid of CC? But they really brought it back this tier! Like that part leading up to Garrosh! And.... uhhhh....

I really hope they don't nerf Epicurean.
One other big takeaway from Mists of Pandaria is that there is currently simply too much crowd control (CC) in the game, especially when it comes to PvP. To address that, we knew that we needed an across-the-board disarmament. Here's a summary of the player-cast CC changes:
Removed Silence effects from interrupts. Silence effects still exist, but are never attached to an interrupt.
Removed all Disarms.
Reduced the number of Diminishing Returns (DR) categories.
All Roots now share the same DR category.
Exception: Roots on Charge-type abilities have no DR category, but have a very short duration instead.
All Stuns now share the same DR category.
All Incapacitate (sometimes called "mesmerize") effects now share the same DR category and have been merged with the Horror DR category.
Removed the ability to make cast-time CC spells instant with a cooldown.
Removed many CC spells entirely, and increased the cooldowns and restrictions on others.
Pet-cast CC is more limited, and in many cases has been removed.
Cyclone can now be dispelled by immunities and Mass Dispel.
PvP trinkets now grant immunity to reapplication of an effect from the same spell cast when they break abilities with persistent effects, like Solar Beam.
Long fears are now shorter in PvP due to the added benefit of a fear changing the players position.

Damn at all the CC nerfs. So basically my precious "polymorph" is going to turn itno a "hex"...... i freaking hate how hex works.


do non human mages use double dps trinkets for pvp? decided to gear mine up and looking at a bunch of mages they all have double dps trinkets :/


I'm just jazzed that my night elf now actually gets some benefit from her race.

The cooldown thing sounds cool, but I'm worried that it sounds like they're making every class simpler to play. Between that and making DOT snapshotting obsolete, all you'll really need to know is your priority/rotation.
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