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World of Warcraft |OT5| Where we're going, we're gonna need roads

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What does this even mean? Rofl.

Maybe he's talking about the MPQ replacement

Introducing Our New File Format: CASC
For nearly 20 years, Blizzard games have used a file format called Mo’PaQ (MPQ for short) as a way to compress and store game files. We’ve been able to introduce some great new technology using MPQ, such as our streaming client, but we’ve really pushed the file format far beyond what it was ever intended to be used for. Today, it’s become the source of a number of technical limitations for World of Warcraft.

To address these limitation and help us develop new technologies that will improve everyone’s game experience for years to come, we’re introducing a new proprietary file format that we call CASC (Content Addressable Storage Container). We’ll be using this new format in the Warlords of Draenor alpha and beta tests, and our intent is to convert everyone to the new format in a pre-expansion patch.

As geeky as it may sound, we’re extremely excited to be moving to this new file format. It provides a ton of benefits not only for us and our ability to support and patch the game, but also for players. Here are just a few of the benefits of the new CASC file format:

File Corruption - File repair tools are a thing of the past. The file structure maintains itself, helping to prevent errors during installation.
Speed - Real-world game performance should increase for many players thanks to a non-redundant file structure[/b] - in layman’s terms, the game can find the assets it’s looking for more quickly.
Patching - Updating your game files should be faster and more reliable. Patch data is integrated seamlessly, and no longer requires double the installation size on-disk when patching.
Client Hotfixing - CASC allows us to be able to hotfix client game data, similar to server hotfixes, giving us the ability to address client-side issues that would normally require a patch.
Streaming - The new format provides better support for streaming data and gives us greater flexibility to define how content updates are delivered and released.
Expandable - The file structure is built to allow easy integration of new technologies in the future that we haven’t even thought up yet.
. . . and more!

We’re already using this file format for Heroes of the Storm’s Technical Alpha test, and we’re looking forward to reaping its benefits for WoW. As we mentioned, the first big step in transitioning all WoW players over will be converting everyone’s World of Warcraft installs to the new file format prior to the expansion. Our goal is to make sure that’s as seamless and painless a changeover as possible, using as much of the existing installed data as possible to reduce additional downloads. We’ll have more info on the file conversion process as we get closer to the launch of Warlords of Draenor.


That's what I was assuming...but how does any of that sound bad? It doesn't even effect us, even data-miners. Its simply server-side changes that simply updates the games file architecture and will only benefit players / content development.

It's actually all client-side changes, but it's about time they replaced MPQ with something more suited to a streaming world.
It's actually all client-side changes, but it's about time they replaced MPQ with something more suited to a streaming world.

Oh whoops! I meant to say client side >_<. But it seems much more efficient and just cleans up an architecture that has been pushed way past its limits over the last 10 years.


Oh whoops! I meant to say client side >_<. But it seems much more efficient and just cleans up an architecture that has been pushed way past its limits over the last 10 years.

Yeah, it's a strange thing to be complaining about. Worst case scenario nothing changes, best case scenario we save some HDD space and the game loads faster.

Also I'd say something about them updating tooltips as hotfixes go out but I'm not even that hopeful.
Happy to see Warlords testing begin. Hopefully this is a quicker alpha period.

I just want to see MMO-Champion's front page filled with data-mined stuff.


Draenor Perks is a new feature that adds rewards for leveling. Over levels 91 to 99, you will earn these 9 new Draenor Perk in a random order. Each class and specialization has a different set of 9 Draenor Perks.

Level-100 talents have been added for all classes!
Draenor Perks have been added for all classes, earned from levels 91 to 99.

Kinda neat way of doing this!


So there is a thread for WOW i was wondering how come i didn't encounter WOW thread so far :D

Well.. I've got a lvl 90 destruction lock and lvl 19 disc priest


Almost a complete mechanical overhaul of the game and how different classes and specs function. Very brave of them lol.


I love that all the classes get a long list of changes and such... then you get to pally and it's barely anything. Disappointing.

Wowhead has the new perks and talents up.


Professions no longer have combat perks...awww....

Healing Potions now share a CD with Healthstones instead of other potions...Woo! Lock dominance takes a hit!


I just need to crosspost my reaction from the greatest WoW change in the history of mankind to ever exist in this universe and all parallel universes ever. I'm freaking out right now.



"Druid: Shred no longer requires the Druid to be behind the target."




Was kind of hoping they would remove overpower from warrior. I hated the idea of spamming a button as a filler as a two hand class. I should be swinging slowly and for big numbers, not superfast for weak numbers. They said they weren't happy with the warrior arms rotation, so hopefully they did something about TFB. Overpower should be like how it was at launch, a situational button that did a ton of damage, especially in pvp. Not every button needs to be in a rotation, and not everyone has to be doing something every second. I'd like it if they brought back sudden death and made execute numbers a thing again. That haste change is pretty godly though, but I hope crit is still king for our stats (just not as much).

Overall I'm kind of happy they didn't switch alot up for the sake of change, hoping this expansion lands before september and I get onslaughted by DAI and Arkham Knight.


They continue on the road to making abilities and racials much more generic and dumbed down. They did this with gear in MoP and are doing it with abilities and racials in WoD.

I'm all for removing ability bloat. I've played a hunter since release and have alts in every class, most of them 90 and the Hunter is probably one of the most bloated classes.

I know they had issues with certain classes being preferred over others, but instead of making interesting, new and creative abilities they continued on the path of +1% haste, +1% crit, +1% mastery, etc. It just isn't that exciting.
I think I'm pleased about enhancement shaman stuff across the board. And those perks are simply insane and I expect to see nerfed. Improved flame shock has a 15% chance to reset lava lash, are most powerful attack? At 5% with the 4p tier bonus I'm constantly having lava lash reset. With 15% that'll be silly. There were a couple others but that was my favorite.

I'm cool with the other changes like the few abilities cut, lightning bolt not being castable while moving (without ancestral swiftness), and the only major raid thing I noticed for me being that earth elemental won't be meant to be popped for dps rotations as much with its damage significantly reduced.

Oh, and super pleased to see we get another elemental totem with the wind elemental. I suggested that in this thread some weeks ago. Not sure if it'll end up being the talent I'd go with but I still like that it's an option.


Damn, with all these changes, WoD is gonna feel like a fairly different game.
(Almost. Gonna be weird missing abilities and other things.)

I guess Hunter pets are gonna be getting a big overhaul on abilities since they removed all their CC skills and a few of the status effect ones (on the pets that had those abilities anyhow).

Perks are alright. Can't complain much about those.


I'm not feeling these patches notes. Currently just looking at my character select screen wonder what to do.

Probably shouldn't worry about deciding on anything, since we can't really experience these changes without considering the game as it will be for the next few months.


Man they are changing so many things. A lot of the changes sound really great though.

They're really cutting down on cast while moving, Ele Shamans are losing that on Lightning Bolt. It's a good call because ranged dps was getting all the perks of being at range and the perks of being melee (moving and attacking).

Kinda neat way of doing this!

Yeah I love the idea. Gives us new bonuses while leveling, but does it without bloating the bars with new abilities.


Seems like hunters got the most "removed" looking at the list real quick. Some of it good, some of it really bad. I had a feeling it would turn out like that.

Time will tell I guess. Overall I'm kind of surprised that there's THIS many changes.
Professions not giving combat perks is a pretty huge change, but mostly just QoL, so I can't complain too much. I am curious about the new glyph changes with quite a few being automatically learned now. Wonder if they're going to make that up to scribes somehow or if they thought it was just excessively out of balance.

Army of the Dead now deals 75% less damage and is only available to Blood Death Knights.


Raise Dead is now only available to Unholy Death Knights, summons a ghoul as a permanent pet, and has a 1-minute cooldown.


Everything else for DKs is fine though.

Symbiosis has been removed.
Void Shift has been removed.

We hardly knew ye.

Rockbiter Weapon has been removed.

The tank dream is dead!

Curse of Exhaustion and Curse of the Elements now affect all enemies within 10 yards of the target.

Huge QoL for AoE there.

Tons of tons of stuff, can't address it all. Most I like, some I dislike.


Hunter always felt very bloated to me (my hunter alt is only 85 though). Glad that's getting fixed.

Second wind change sounds like it could actually make it better for soloing old content so I think I'm ok with that.

Cleave feels like a traditional warrior ability (see Saurfang) that I'm actually sad to see it gone even if I haven't used it in ages. Was hoping they would redesign it into something useful. I'd guess it'll come back someday in a different form.

Glad Shred lost its positional requirement. Sad to see mangle gone though I understand with the shred change. Feral is the only spec I've ever cared to play on druid but it's always been such a pain in the arse to play.

It's nice that prof's are losing their damage bonuses. Also happy Tauren are gaining a crit damage bonus and their health racial reverted back to Stamina like it was in BC.
The tank dream is dead!

I'll admit that when I saw that I actually said, "noooo!" I was mostly joking to myself as it was really rare for me to use it but did enjoy the small amount of tanking I could do in a pinch. Tanking the Sha of Fear in ToES as an enhance shaman is still possibly my favorite moment in the game for me.

I would really like if in another expansion they gave shamans a tank spec. That'd be so amazing.


Professions not giving combat perks is a pretty huge change, but mostly just QoL, so I can't complain too much.

Great change, and I also love:
Healing Potions no longer share a cooldown with other potions, but instead share a 60-second cooldown with Healthstones. The cooldown will not reset until the player leaves combat.

It means Healthstones are a nice bonus, but people can bring health pots if you don't have a lock. Another great change.

I am curious about the new glyph changes with quite a few being automatically learned now. Wonder if they're going to make that up to scribes somehow or if they thought it was just excessively out of balance.
Sounds like scribes will have plenty to make:


Hmmm... Lacerate has no cooldown now and generates 10 Rage. Did they just make the easiest spec in the game even easier?


I'm not feeling these patches notes. Currently just looking at my character select screen wonder what to do.

I dabbled in Cataclysm, but the last time I played seriously was WotLK. Generally, I wouldn't give my opinion much weight. That said, as someone who feels WoD sounds very intriguing, the patch notes dented my enthusiasm. Once again, the path of least resistance moves away from the little nuances that ultimately distinguish abilities/classes, and toward reduction and homogenization. For me, Eyes of the Beast is symbolic of this instinct. Out of the abilities that have been removed, this one ranks among the less useful, but it was harmless, squeezing whatever use it had out of it was fun, and it was a perfectly sensible flavor ability for a Hunter to have.

Removing Disarm? It was one of the more interesting CC effects to use. It wasn't nearly as effective in PvE as more conventional CC, but like EotB, it's an ability where you have to "squeeze the usefulness out of it," and by extension, maximize the usefulness of your character. And occasionally, it actually was surprisingly useful!

Removing Disarm Trap? Por qué? Few Rogues used it, but on the occasions you could, it was pretty entertaining to do so.

The usual effects (Divine Shield, etc. etc.) can now cancel out Cyclone? So now people will approach it in pretty much exactly the same way they approach every other CC? Not nearly as interesting. This was an ability that really made Druids want to hit max level (if I remember correctly!) once.

And the list goes on, of course.

Complaining about WoW patch notes makes me feel pretty dirty, because it's impossible not to associate that with the WoW forums. But I recall Ghostcrawler giving hints about a growing awareness that the developers often didn't hit the mark with homogenization. I guess that's not a sentiment the people still working on WoW agree with.

Anyway, there's a lot of exciting stuff there, as well. Healing changes sound interesting overall, for example, and were I ever to play again I'd probably go down that route. Just a bit surprised that once again they're pushing homogenization this hard.

Out of curiosity, how did Blizzard handle that throughout MoP?

Interesting changes to the mages, holy damn they even changed their early talents to be more viable.

Also this is greatly welcome:

In order to solve all of these problems, we decided to merge the 3 current Bomb Talents into one that changes based on spec. That allows us to reintroduce spec-specific perks to each Bomb, and makes room for some non-DoT alternatives.

And rip Invocation =c


Huh, info dump, I'll read through the entire thing later on but I still don't like removal of Shadow Blades. I honestly really liked that skill as it gave assa rogues finally some true burst and made soloing much easier and more viable. Besides, it was an interesting cooldown. I think I wish they retuned skills and removed Vendetta instead :/

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Earth Elemental deals 90% less Auto Attack damage.

Uh... Wow. And Unleash Elements just became a PVP ability.

Lightning Bolt is no longer castable while moving by default. Effects like Spiritwalker&#8217;s Grace can still make the spell castable while moving.


Storm, Earth, and Fire no longer has an energy cost, and is off the GCD.
brb maining monk again


The 91 to 99 "perks" are absolutely useless.

By 100, you have them all. Everyone will have all of their perks. Furthermore, everything about the game is balanced at 100 because that's the level that 95% of the WoD content will take place at.

What this ends up meaning is that the perks were completely fluff, designed to make you feel like you are getting something by levelling up as the content takes into account that people have the extra damage from them. Without them, the level 100 content would have still been balanced around the damage that people are doing.

They are completely boring and pointless.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
10/12 Runestones on my monk. Guaranteed my cloak next week.

Don't really play her anymore, but it'll still be nice to have. Mostly doing it for Ordos for my main


Wait, am I looking right at these graphs? I thought the squish would bring the numbers back to TBC, early-WotLK levels at most, but it seems they're going to squish it only back to Cata levels? Honestly that's kinda disappointing, I thought they're gonna do a serious squish, instead it looks like they want to do it, but they're afraid of going all the way through. Meh.

Dual Wielding still imposes a 17% chance to miss, so as to balance it with two-handed weapon use.

Ugh, sounds fun


Wait, am I looking right at these graphs? I thought the squish would bring the numbers back to TBC, early-WotLK levels at most, but it seems they're going to squish it only back to Cata levels? Honestly that's kinda disappointing, I thought they're gonna do a serious squish, instead it looks like they want to do it, but they're afraid of going all the way through. Meh.

Well this is what we got from the last event. I think it's a little further back than Cata levels.

Well this is what we got from the last event. I think it's a little further back than Cata levels.


That's basically 25 man Naxx (although KT's weapons are better). Random assumption that heroic warforged gear is now around heroic 25 Ulduar or normal 25 man ToGC (239-245 ilvl) and that will probably make WoD stats similar to Cata depending on how crazy they go with scaling.


Yeah this looks about late-TBC level (edit: almost the damage per second as Apolyon in fact, remember that damage calculation changed in 5.0 so damage per second on past weapons was increased. Glaives are now 154.4 dps when they were, err, about 108-109 dps), but mind you that's mid-tier MoP item. And looking from the graph they're expecting to include the usual new expansion stat spike, which seems might bring it back to Cata level at 100, which is IMO dumb.

These graphs are very deceptive though, in the game there is a huge hp spike at 81, back when they wanted to massively inflate health pools for Cata to decrease the burstiness of the game.

Overall it seems they are manipulating existing data to show how much of a squish they're doing when it's not as massive as they promised. But I guess we will see when we get a first look at lvl 100 items, no need to panic yet.
Blizz went batshit insane with scaling in Mists. Something I always compare is heroic blues hp to last raid fully geared hp. I don't remember WotLK hp's from beginning to end because of the increased health in 4.0, but in BC and Cata there was around a 40% increase. In Mists it more than doubled.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Got my first gold CM. Scarlet Halls with some pug on oq, one shotted it too. Even had the tank die once and beat it. And I was nubcaking it up since I didn't know when to use dps potions, and we got lucky and avoided an entire set of mobs before Armsmaster.

This reddit screen is the sassiest thing ever


I was reading through those Warlords of Draenor alpha patch notes.

Blizzard is addressing almost every mechanical problem I have with the genre. I've never been so excited.

I quit playing this a while back after becoming frustrated with my monk and spent half a year with FFXIV:ARR. I can't stand that game anymore and was looking to come back to WoW. I had concerns because I didn't leave on a high note, mostly because of these issues I have with playing the game.

But those patch notes address so many of them. It feels so unreal reading through it.

I can't wait to get started again.
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