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World of Warcraft |OT5| Where we're going, we're gonna need roads

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Blizz went batshit insane with scaling in Mists. Something I always compare is heroic blues hp to last raid fully geared hp. I don't remember WotLK hp's from beginning to end because of the increased health in 4.0, but in BC and Cata there was around a 40% increase. In Mists it more than doubled.

Haven't health pools been roughly doubling every 3 tiers since Naxx? It only got crazy in Cata when they decided everybody needed the same base health values.


meanwhile hunters do everything casters and melee do

It sounds stupid now but the problem is that we can't see all these changes in a vacuum. I'd wait until we get some info from the playable NDA-free alpha before starting on a crusade.



meanwhile hunters do everything casters and melee do

Don't worry, us Hunters lost a lot of abilities. Our pets abilities have been devastated. There were a lot of abilities that needed to go (distracting shot rarely utilized, rapid fire barely a cooldown, aspects irrelevant since fox/viper removed). But a bunch of changes are weird. Kill shot not being available to survival, focus fire still with BM, and Serpent Sting on Multishot only for instance. We probably got pruned the hardest in terms of abilities removed.

Also, this is interesting

Improved Camouflage - Camouflage no longer breaks from dealing or taking damage.
Enhanced Camouflage - You heal 5% of your maximum health every 1 sec while Camouflage is active.


I slept on it. It still feels like (as a warrior) the game is being dumbed down and I'm losing options. That plus the movement of our talents around to prevent certain combinations....

Obviously it's impossible to experience how it plays as I'm not in alpha, but I'm not going to pretend I don't have a depressed feeling about all of these changes.

As said above, the perks are also useless fluff.


People bitching and whining about their characters getting screwed over in 6.0

Meanwhile I'm reading the rogue changes and I'm like...



I might actually be interested in healing again in WoD. I really liked early Cata healing apart from not having any mana ever (which made some people I knew quit the game). It's moving a lot closer to how healing used to be.


I might actually be interested in healing again in WoD. I really liked early Cata healing apart from not having any mana ever (which made some people I knew quit the game). It's moving a lot closer to how healing used to be.

I'm predicting yet another situation where they throw all their chips in for triage healing, completely miss the mark in terms of mechanics, regen or viability across all healing specs and spark another Cata-level exodus before hastily bandaging it in patches to be roughly what it was at the end of the last expansion so we can start it this process all over again in a year.

It's a consistent part of the expansion cycle, you see.
People bitching and whining about their characters getting screwed over in 6.0

Meanwhile I'm reading the rogue changes and I'm like...


I won't lie I'm going to miss Mind Numbing poisons. Paralytic sucked and it should have died, but Mind Numbing was amazing in 5-mans.


I won't lie I'm going to miss Mind Numbing poisons. Paralytic sucked and it should have died, but Mind Numbing was amazing in 5-mans.

Hmm, that's right. I still have nightmares (not really) about playing a Holy Paladin in arena and feeling so crippled by Curse of Tongues, particularly back when Holy Shock was a very mediocre spell. Regardless, this is another example of a form of CC that was rarely actually demanded for bosses (I vaguely remember there was at least one, though, that basically necessitated it), but that acted as an interesting avenue for a more creative player to maximize their contribution to a party/raid.


I'm in a dilemma...i want to open a hunter but i don't know if i should make the effort and get the looms or should i keep lvling the priest? So far the priest didn't get to me.


I've been waiting for a potential alpha invite all day.

Randomly started to check wowhead and it said:

"The Warlords of Draenor Alpha was just announced--Friends and Family invites are coming soon!"

So, invites haven't been sent yet? I had to send my battle net to blizzard this morning so I've been refreshing gmail the entire day.





No NDA or anything?

Chances are they weren't given a login or access to it so they signed nothing.

Though that wouldn't save them from a C&D if Blizzard ordered it, but that just delays the flood of info if there's an alpha client out in the wild.


I don't think any WoW expansion alpha or beta has had an NDA. Maaaaaybe Burning Crusade?

Plus anyone can grab the files and mine them, there's not a lot they can do to stop it.

It's been awhile, but I'm 90% sure the WotLK F&F alpha had an NDA. I believe the closed beta did, as well, for at least some of the duration.

Beth Cyra

I really need to see the lvl 100 DK skills. Frost got hit the hardest in the ability prune (out of the three DKs) and nothing positive to make up for it.


I was in wotlk f+f and was not asked to sign a nda

What do you mean "sign an NDA?" :p I don't think I ever signed or even actively agreed to anything, but it was definitely at least an implicit agreement. Same with Cataclysm's F&F alpha, actually.

I wish I could find the emails, but...shamefully enough, at the time I had my WoW account linked to a hotmail email, and apparently my inbox has been reset for whatever reason.
I am an ex 6 year stint WOW player that left when MoP dropped and of late have been thinking about going back. I was 2ic of FURY on Nagrand and it's the guild interaction I miss more than the game I rekon. I tried playing GW2 but have not been able to get the same feel for it.

The only reason I probably won't go back is the game is dumbed down a lot. I don't miss walking till level 40 like when I stated in vanilla wow just before BC dropped.


Falling in a nice groove with this semi-regular pug group on my server. Full clearing SoO normal with relative ease. Still no BoA from Garrosh, though =[

Heroic Norushen down tonight! Now 4/14!

No swords :((((((
Grats! How are the heroics in SoO? Pretty tough? I probably won't get any time on them before WoD is out.
I am an ex 6 year stint WOW player that left when MoP dropped and of late have been thinking about going back. I was 2ic of FURY on Nagrand and it's the guild interaction I miss more than the game I rekon. I tried playing GW2 but have not been able to get the same feel for it.

The only reason I probably won't go back is the game is dumbed down a lot. I don't miss walking till level 30 like when I stated in vanilla wow just before BC dropped.

You didn't get mounts until 40 in classic.

Tonight was our first night on heroic Sha of Pride. The maze is actually really easy, it's the rifts that are really annoying. Only got him under 30% once and wiped with 48mill left. We're gonna try him again on Sunday even though we normally don't raid that day.


Random Warlords of Draenor Dungeon - 0
Random Warlords of Draenor Heroic - 0
Random Timewalker Dungeon - 0

Wonder if we're finally seeing the scaling down and doing older dungeons mechanic being activated.

Razorfen Kraul

Razorfen Kraul - Defeat the forces of the Death's Head Quilboar inside their city of Razorfen Kraul.


Reusing old dungeons? Because we didn't have enough of that in MoP.

Well it's probably just the mechanic that lets high level characters group with lowbies and run a dungeon. Other MMOs do this, but WoW doesn't. And as someone who has friends that are lowbies, I would welcome it.


Razorfen Kraul

Razorfen Kraul - Defeat the forces of the Death's Head Quilboar inside their city of Razorfen Kraul.

RFK, Get the hell in! I always loved RFK and RFD and I completely forgot they existed. Although in a way I kinda hope they don't make it a 100 dungeon.

They really made me dislike the changes they made to SFK, Scholomance and Scarlet Monestary. I can't believe they'd replace Arugal and Herod and make scholomance smaller ;;


Bull on a Donut
So I just read the alpha notes, and I'm pretty much that guy that gets hyped for every WoW xpac no matter what and I tend to convince all my skeptical buddies to buy in and jump back into WoW.

I don't know about this time around. No big addition (race/class/gameplay system), completely uninteresting story (time travel and Grom? Really? We just had goddamn Garrosh), and they are taking a knife to pretty much every class except rogues. Army of the Dead gone? GoAK prot only? Those are two awesome, fun abilities, not some extra button bloat fat... Skull Banner also gone? Hunters reduced to vanilla levels of tunnel vision? Classes normalized even further? Burst damage, throughput, and CC drastically reduced in both PvE and PvP? Let's just make the game less fun, because X, Y, Z were anti-fun and cause "button bloat!" Also we aren't trying to dumb down the game, but we are dumbing down the game! Yeah I'm not a fan at all so far, hopefully they make drastic changes during beta.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
16(eventually 20) new models isn't a big addition?

And do people really want new classes? I main a WW Monk, and even I recognize that they're not diverse enough. New classes would make that ten times worse.
You didn't get mounts until 40 in classic.

Tonight was our first night on heroic Sha of Pride. The maze is actually really easy, it's the rifts that are really annoying. Only got him under 30% once and wiped with 48mill left. We're gonna try him again on Sunday even though we normally don't raid that day.

I appreciate pointing out my typo. I blame the scotch and my bad touch typing.

Thanks regardless.


Blizz went batshit insane with scaling in Mists. Something I always compare is heroic blues hp to last raid fully geared hp. I don't remember WotLK hp's from beginning to end because of the increased health in 4.0, but in BC and Cata there was around a 40% increase. In Mists it more than doubled.

A minor goal I set for myself at the start of the expansion - as a tank - was to hit 1M health. I was rather surprised how easy that was in the end, without needing to delve heavily into stamina gemming.
They don't want casters to be able to cast while moving! They announced/mentioned/talked about this awhile ago. :p

Then they shouldn't have removed it from being glyphed to a permanent change. Typical Blizzard... changing shit, not being happy and then screwing everyone else when they revert it.

This drops my shammy from my main to alt.
Falling in a nice groove with this semi-regular pug group on my server. Full clearing SoO normal with relative ease. Still no BoA from Garrosh, though =[

Grats! How are the heroics in SoO? Pretty tough? I probably won't get any time on them before WoD is out.

We're still on the "easy" side of them, so they're not too hard, but it's a definite step up from normals which all feel pretty faceroll now besides Garrosh. The mechanics are much less forgiving and require greater organization. I'm enjoying it.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Anyone else think the next set of CMs should include weapon/shield/off-hand transmogs along with costumes? Would be nice. Like if you get the Shaman CM currently, you'd get two totem shaped maces or something.
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