LOL sounds exactly like me while leveling my first toon ever (hunter) through the beginning of LK. leveled as BM and spent hours hunting the rare spirit beasts. theres one event that will forever haunt me...leveling in storm peaks and i find the flock of blue proto drakes. im thinking "those look cool, but why is that one the only brown one"? moused over it and read "time lost proto drake", what evs. kept on questing. it wasnt until after reaching level cap that i found out about TLPD =/
I've mentioned this several times before but during Wrath I didn't use any rare hunting add-ons so I simply had a macro I mashed when I went through Storm Peaks to try to spot TLPD. I didn't camp for it but I'd swing through several times a night and make a lazy lap through some of the zone mashing. Most of the way through Wrath I actually had it through up the alert and there it was flying through Bor's Breath untouched. I was so nervous I had no idea what to do so in my genius mind I decided that instead of waiting for it to fly within range of any ranged attack I'd dismount above it, attack while falling past it, and then bubble. Several things made this very stupid:
- You can aggro it by flying in front of it and lead it to a nearby spot to kill it (I probably thought it was neutral going into it at that time).
- Paladins bubbling themselves causes them to lose all aggro so it'd just ignore me and go on flying without me tagging it.
- In my frantic nervousness instead of clicking bubble I clicked and dragged it off my bar and thus removed it from my action bars. I fell to my death.
By the time I got back to it another paladin was fighting it and killed it.
I lost all enthusiasm from the game and stopped logging on after that for months. I come and go frequently but that was one of the most disheartening things for me back then.
Now I have all of the world rare spawns (TLPD, Aeonaxx, Poseidus, and Mysterious Camel) so I can shrug it off but man. That took it out of me. It wasn't until still upset and feeling my heart race I told my friend in-game what just transpired and he's like "Why didn't you just fly in front of it to aggro it?" that I realized I messed up so badly. Ugh.