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World of Warcraft |OT5| Where we're going, we're gonna need roads

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So I convinced my friend to start playing WoW (he's never played before). The problem is that all of his other friends are alliance and on a different server (I'm horde). He would like to be horde but his friends won't switch over. Am I really going to have to pay $50 or whatever it is to switch factions and servers? I really want some people to play with but that is a lot of money to just switch my faction and server. Ugh this sucks


So I convinced my friend to start playing WoW (he's never played before). The problem is that all of his other friends are alliance and on a different server (I'm horde). He would like to be horde but his friends won't switch over. Am I really going to have to pay $50 or whatever it is to switch factions and servers? I really want some people to play with but that is a lot of money to just switch my faction and server. Ugh this sucks

Yeah, they should really make that shit free.

then lock it for like 6 months or something.


So I convinced my friend to start playing WoW (he's never played before). The problem is that all of his other friends are alliance and on a different server (I'm horde). He would like to be horde but his friends won't switch over. Am I really going to have to pay $50 or whatever it is to switch factions and servers? I really want some people to play with but that is a lot of money to just switch my faction and server. Ugh this sucks

Well, you really only would have to faction switch. You should be able to group together cross-realm...

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Something about watching the Alpha stream of the guy doing Garrison stuff was really promising. I could tell it was a huge grind, but I guess it's better than where I'm at now. Which is logging on to raid, logging on to farm, and that's it.


Dear Blizzard: Stop making kick-ass armor in art and then never making it in-game.


i want nothing more int rems of transmog then alextraszas armor.

although my druids cm set is pretty damn nice, would be my second favorite set in the game if straszas armor was available.


Dear Blizzard: Stop making kick-ass armor in art and then never making it in-game.

That "armor" wouldn't actually protect them much though :p

One of the reasons I love the shield off Nefarian v2 is that it would actually block a lot of stuff!


I mean still $30...and I don't even want to go to Alliance. lol but as of now I'm playing alone so I feel like there isn't a choice.

Do RAF if you friend has not already made an account https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/recruit-a-friend

Since your friend is just starting, just start another character with him on the realm there.

And listen to this man! It's not hard to reroll and leveling can be lots of fun!


I don't even have one character at 90 yet because I never make it/have time. Right now my only character is at 80 and I REALLY don't want to start over since I'm almost to the top now. I want to max this character with everything before the expansion, and I really don't have time to start over.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I actually think my favorite shield might be the last season's PVP shield.

Goes really well with the Dark Shaman set.
Dear Blizzard: Stop making kick-ass armor in art and then never making it in-game.

I think I saw some night elves with their default hunter armor dunno how they get that. valeera "armor" yeah never saw that in game

Ok so instead of paying $30 to switch over I should probably just pre order the expansion for $50 and then use my free 90 on the alliance side. The thing is should I waste my free 90 on the same class? I'm not even 90 on this warrior yet and kinda want to continue being a warrior. I will probably only focus on one character because of time.

First check if your realm have some good alliance players since you could feel alone in non existance faction players


Ok so instead of paying $30 to switch over I should probably just pre order the expansion for $50 and then use my free 90 on the alliance side. The thing is should I waste my free 90 on the same class? I'm not even 90 on this warrior yet and kinda want to continue being a warrior. I will probably only focus on one character because of time.
So I think I'm going to take a break from trying to play the alpha till they get a patch out. The crashing into going straight back to my garrison is getting a little old.


Ok so instead of paying $30 to switch over I should probably just pre order the expansion for $50 and then use my free 90 on the alliance side. The thing is should I waste my free 90 on the same class? I'm not even 90 on this warrior yet and kinda want to continue being a warrior. I will probably only focus on one character because of time.

Don't think of it as wasting a 90, think of it as getting your first 90. This way you can get stuff together on the class, do as much advancement as you want. Then you can roll another character of a different class to adventure with your friend with.


Got my Hunter from 83 to 87 since yesterday. Love beast mastery spec, I tried out survival but my pet just feels so weak. It's just not for me. I love rolling with my devilsaur much more. Range with a pet just so easy and a lot of fun.

I got so frustrated with my DK with constantly trying to keep up in heroics (newer 90). It's not a fun experience a lot of the time. I did get him geared up a bit more but I'm still not getting all the drops I need. I'm eligible for 3 LFRs with him but I'd rather level my hunter. I have every intention of getting him geared up. He was my first character and good lord was I the definition of a huntard.

So the story takes place back in 2007 right when TBC released. 1up started a new podcast called Legendary Thread, and I was a big fan of 1up Yours and CGW podcasts so I listened. Hearing and learning about WoW from them and the South Park episode got me to play. So my first character was said hunter. I was amazed and just loved the game, but I knew shit all about how to spec, what stats I should be looking for, or anything really. So as I'm leveling my hunter I started to notice that somehow other hunters pets are able to hold mobs and the hunter is just free to stand there and shoot away. I kept thinking that must be some talent I haven't unlocked or that I needed to get a boar. So I got a boar and still nothing. So because of this I was specing into survival and taking a lot of melee talents. I was just terrible. I would take armor that I thought looked cool, I remember I was obsessed with getting a stereotypical wizard hat because it looked awesome. So around level 30 or so I went to my trainer to buy new talents, and I noticed something called a "pet trainer" right next to him. I thought, huh what's this? So I clicked and saw just an array of pet talents. My mind was blown and I bought them all, but felt like such an idiot for not knowing. If I was ever told by a trainer that I need to go to a pet trainer, I never noticed.

History and connecting like this with your characters is just something that makes WoW so special. Because I was so terrible with him 7 years ago just motivates me all the more to get him fully geared out before WoD. I never raided with him or even level cap'd him during expansions. I did those things with my paladin and shaman instead and he just sat there collecting dust. Not anymore.


Got my Hunter from 83 to 87 since yesterday. Love beast mastery spec, I tried out survival but my pet just feels so weak. It's just not for me. I love rolling with my devilsaur much more. Range with a pet just so easy and a lot of fun.

I got so frustrated with my DK with constantly trying to keep up in heroics (newer 90). It's not a fun experience a lot of the time. I did get him geared up a bit more but I'm still not getting all the drops I need. I'm eligible for 3 LFRs with him but I'd rather level my hunter. I have every intention of getting him geared up. He was my first character and good lord was I the definition of a huntard.

So the story takes place back in 2007 right when TBC released. 1up started a new podcast called Legendary Thread, and I was a big fan of 1up Yours and CGW podcasts so I listened. Hearing and learning about WoW from them and the South Park episode got me to play. So my first character was said hunter. I was amazed and just loved the game, but I knew shit all about how to spec, what stats I should be looking for, or anything really. So as I'm leveling my hunter I started to notice that somehow other hunters pets are able to hold mobs and the hunter is just free to stand there and shoot away. I kept thinking that must be some talent I haven't unlocked or that I needed to get a boar. So I got a boar and still nothing. So because of this I was specing into survival and taking a lot of melee talents. I was just terrible. I would take armor that I thought looked cool, I remember I was obsessed with getting a stereotypical wizard hat because it looked awesome. So around level 30 or so I went to my trainer to buy new talents, and I noticed something called a "pet trainer" right next to him. I thought, huh what's this? So I clicked and saw just an array of pet talents. My mind was blown and I bought them all, but felt like such an idiot for not knowing. If I was ever told by a trainer that I need to go to a pet trainer, I never noticed.

History and connecting like this with your characters is just something that makes WoW so special. Because I was so terrible with him 7 years ago just motivates me all the more to get him fully geared out before WoD. I never raided with him or even level cap'd him during expansions. I did those things with my paladin and shaman instead and he just sat there collecting dust. Not anymore.

Heh, you made me think of leveling my Hunter through Vanilla and BC.
I was Marks mostly, then once we got into actual raiding, I went Survival since it had a pretty good debuff at the end of its tree (Expose Weakness, IIRC.) and some of the other talents in that tree were crazy useful (chance of Traps and Feign Death not failing).

Of course, I now kinda kick myself for not going BM since it was all sorts of good then.

And I'd forgotten all about Pet Talents and having to spec for stuff like Resistances and Abilities.
It was way more involved rather than it is now, where you just click a Spec and that's it.
(Additionally, you don't have to worry about Pets running off because you couldn't feed them and keep them happy.)


LOL sounds exactly like me while leveling my first toon ever (hunter) through the beginning of LK. leveled as BM and spent hours hunting the rare spirit beasts. theres one event that will forever haunt me...leveling in storm peaks and i find the flock of blue proto drakes. im thinking "those look cool, but why is that one the only brown one"? moused over it and read "time lost proto drake", what evs. kept on questing. it wasnt until after reaching level cap that i found out about TLPD =/
LOL sounds exactly like me while leveling my first toon ever (hunter) through the beginning of LK. leveled as BM and spent hours hunting the rare spirit beasts. theres one event that will forever haunt me...leveling in storm peaks and i find the flock of blue proto drakes. im thinking "those look cool, but why is that one the only brown one"? moused over it and read "time lost proto drake", what evs. kept on questing. it wasnt until after reaching level cap that i found out about TLPD =/

I've mentioned this several times before but during Wrath I didn't use any rare hunting add-ons so I simply had a macro I mashed when I went through Storm Peaks to try to spot TLPD. I didn't camp for it but I'd swing through several times a night and make a lazy lap through some of the zone mashing. Most of the way through Wrath I actually had it through up the alert and there it was flying through Bor's Breath untouched. I was so nervous I had no idea what to do so in my genius mind I decided that instead of waiting for it to fly within range of any ranged attack I'd dismount above it, attack while falling past it, and then bubble. Several things made this very stupid:

- You can aggro it by flying in front of it and lead it to a nearby spot to kill it (I probably thought it was neutral going into it at that time).

- Paladins bubbling themselves causes them to lose all aggro so it'd just ignore me and go on flying without me tagging it.

- In my frantic nervousness instead of clicking bubble I clicked and dragged it off my bar and thus removed it from my action bars. I fell to my death.

By the time I got back to it another paladin was fighting it and killed it.

I lost all enthusiasm from the game and stopped logging on after that for months. I come and go frequently but that was one of the most disheartening things for me back then.

Now I have all of the world rare spawns (TLPD, Aeonaxx, Poseidus, and Mysterious Camel) so I can shrug it off but man. That took it out of me. It wasn't until still upset and feeling my heart race I told my friend in-game what just transpired and he's like "Why didn't you just fly in front of it to aggro it?" that I realized I messed up so badly. Ugh.
:lol I'm at 570 crates right now. I'm too scared to turn them all in and not get shit so I just keep farming dig sites lmao

Btw I counted it up and I'm 88 solves in with 3 of the rares.

With the amount of crates you have, averaging about 7 (lower end estimate) fragments a crate, you can solve about 80 artifacts (at 50 fragments apiece). I don't know how many solves you have under your belt already, but you'll almost certainly get at least a couple of the rares out of it.

I'm getting frustrated for sure, especially when there's two other possible rares I might have to chew through. The rage that will be had if one of those shitty BoA weapons pops up first will be great.

Also I caved and just bought 3k gold worth of Tol'vir hieroglyphics to help speed this up for a bit. Maybe regrets, but oh well.


Btw I counted it up and I'm 88 solves in with 3 of the rares.

With the amount of crates you have, averaging about 7 (lower end estimate) fragments a crate, you can solve about 80 artifacts (at 50 fragments apiece). I don't know how many solves you have under your belt already, but you'll almost certainly get at least a couple of the rares out of it.

I'm getting frustrated for sure, especially when there's two other possible rares I might have to chew through. The rage that will be had if one of those shitty BoA weapons pops up first will be great.

Also I caved and just bought 3k gold worth of Tol'vir hieroglyphics to help speed this up for a bit. Maybe regrets, but oh well.
I'm at 402 Tol'vir solves right now. Think I'll grab 30 more crates and go in with 600.

And yeah, seeing the other rares sucks :lol I've gotten all the BoA gear and the stupid scarab toy. Think the only rares I'm missing are the claw pet and the Qiraji mount.
Oh I did like 30 more crates plus some actual Tol'vir sites after my last post. Blew through the 3k worth of hieroglyphics.

Still. Jack. Squat.

Honestly one of the worst grinds they've put in the game.
Nagrand is but a portal away~

I'm sure they mean playable. That said I'm all for this, there are all sorts of different varieties on orcs, trolls, dwarves, etc... I'd like to see them all playable. Wildhammer and Dark Iron dwarves are now officially a part of the alliance, so there is no good reason why we couldn't have them. As are several of the orcish clans and those Bison-like Tauren from WotLK which would be awesome to play as.


Mm, finally got my heirloom axe from Garrosh last night and completed the last achievement I needed in there for the Galakras mount.

Heroes of the Storm alpha email arrived right on time.


I'm sure they mean playable. That said I'm all for this, there are all sorts of different varieties on orcs, trolls, dwarves, etc... I'd like to see them all playable. Wildhammer and Dark Iron dwarves are now officially a part of the alliance, so there is no good reason why we couldn't have them. As are several of the orcish clans and those Bison-like Tauren from WotLK which would be awesome to play as.

I know they were, just playing. I don't think we'll see them just because the logistics of dealing with veteran characters could cause a lot of backlash. Unless they're unlocked in some way or sold exclusively in the shop, you're punishing veteran players just for being around longer.

Doesn't mean I don't want to see them, though. I've been upset that I couldn't play as a true Wildhammer shaman since that became a thing.


Finally finished Challenge Modes with my casual group the other night. I can now let out my inner fire Blastoise on my Shaman.


I would consider resubbing just to do CMs and my alt Warlock's green fire quest.

Is the CM reward being removed in the pre-WoD event patch? Might just return during that time instead.
I've mentioned this several times before but during Wrath I didn't use any rare hunting add-ons so I simply had a macro I mashed when I went through Storm Peaks to try to spot TLPD. I didn't camp for it but I'd swing through several times a night and make a lazy lap through some of the zone mashing. Most of the way through Wrath I actually had it through up the alert and there it was flying through Bor's Breath untouched. I was so nervous I had no idea what to do so in my genius mind I decided that instead of waiting for it to fly within range of any ranged attack I'd dismount above it, attack while falling past it, and then bubble. Several things made this very stupid:

- You can aggro it by flying in front of it and lead it to a nearby spot to kill it (I probably thought it was neutral going into it at that time).

- Paladins bubbling themselves causes them to lose all aggro so it'd just ignore me and go on flying without me tagging it.

- In my frantic nervousness instead of clicking bubble I clicked and dragged it off my bar and thus removed it from my action bars. I fell to my death.

By the time I got back to it another paladin was fighting it and killed it.

I lost all enthusiasm from the game and stopped logging on after that for months. I come and go frequently but that was one of the most disheartening things for me back then.

Now I have all of the world rare spawns (TLPD, Aeonaxx, Poseidus, and Mysterious Camel) so I can shrug it off but man. That took it out of me. It wasn't until still upset and feeling my heart race I told my friend in-game what just transpired and he's like "Why didn't you just fly in front of it to aggro it?" that I realized I messed up so badly. Ugh.

I'm starting to feel that way with Rivendare's mount. It's caused me to quit a few times. Still can't get it. Starting to feel burnt out again too.


Don't think of it as wasting a 90, think of it as getting your first 90. This way you can get stuff together on the class, do as much advancement as you want. Then you can roll another character of a different class to adventure with your friend with.

Would I be able to give my gold, armor, etc of my Horde warrior to my 90 alliance warrior so I can just transfer over when I finish lvling my horde warrior?


Dropped another 3k on hieroglyphics. 13 more solves with 50 crates. Nada.

This is punishment for the Vial of the Sands recipe, I know it.
Make sure you're using the mantid artifact thing where all Pandaria dig sites come up Mantid. It makes it go way quicker since they only show up in Townlong and Dread Wastes. And the sites are pretty small so you don't have to run around much.
Make sure you're using the mantid artifact thing where all Pandaria dig sites come up Mantid. It makes it go way quicker since they only show up in Townlong and Dread Wastes. And the sites are pretty small so you don't have to run around much.

Oh I do. Still sucks. 50 crates is maybe two hours or so. Really wish I was playing when the bug was around that let the artifact locator work for Tol'vir sites.


Oh I do. Still sucks. 50 crates is maybe two hours or so. Really wish I was playing when the bug was around that let the artifact locator work for Tol'vir sites.
Ah okay, yeah it's still a pain in the ass.

I still have over 400 restored artifacts in my bank now. Not sure what to use them for or if I should just save them. Already have the mounts and the claw pet. Maybe use them in WoD if they work still work for some cool new reward.


Would I be able to give my gold, armor, etc of my Horde warrior to my 90 alliance warrior so I can just transfer over when I finish lvling my horde warrior?

You can't give armor to another character unless it's an heirloom or other BoA item (you probably don't have any if you aren't at level cap). Gold can be sent between characters on the same server and faction only.



The OpenRaid group I signed up to do Garrosh 25 killed him so fast he never even spawned adds. GG.
Aw man, that is awesome.

My group was super slow this week. Didn't think we'd get him with all the transition phases and empowered whirling adds :lol

Luckily, everyone was solid on mechanics and we still got him. Just somewhat shitty DPS.

Speaking of Garrosh 25, is there a better chance for heirlooms in 25 man as opposed to 10 man?
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