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World of Warcraft |OT5| Where we're going, we're gonna need roads

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Well looks like I can't check to see if Forbidden Love works because Draenor is dying right now.

At least the new Khadgar model is in from the last build.

Think I'll resub Friday, what server is Gaf guild on?
There is no GAF guild at the moment as everyone is spread onto different servers.


Ugh. I'm getting worse image quality in the beta. I can't figure it out. First and foremost I don't like the glow/bloom the game uses, but the ffxglow 0 doesn't seem to work. All of the AA methods look like crap, jaggies everywhere. I play at a lower resolution though. Still on live I used 8x multisample with 8x supersample through my video drivers, and it looks great, even at the 1280x960 I play at.

I sure hope they bring multisample back, I can't seem to force it either.


Unconfirmed Member
Garrisons are one of the things that concerns me the most and one of my primary reasons for wanting to get in to test the beta.

Bad enough that they've already been scaled back from the original ambition of being in any zone. Really hope they strike a good balance between useful, but not mandatory. Maintaining 6+ farms is obnoxious enough, I don't know if I could handle anything much more complex. Really want them to turn out alt-friendly with this longer missions and such.

They're barely worth testing ATM given how bugged they are. What I've tried though seems fun. The follower system seems the most interesting by what I've played but it was bugging out after the first mission.
Kinda wish it were live on Tuesday, but I guess weekend makes sense for more people.

Atiesh still looks so good.

It's really kinda bullshit they keep doing it. Just make it permanent already.

Wife and I will be done with a test of valor this week. Don't we have to pvp next? Any tips on what to do?


This kind of kills your point. They were good in classic and godly from 3.0 to about 3.2.

I didn't say we have never been good in PVP -- I was simply concurring that we definitely aren't "out of control" right now. I started playing right after BC came out, so I can't comment on classic, but you're right about there being a strech of Wrath where we were quite good.


Hurrah for Elixir of Ancient Knowledge. 1 of them let me go from 76 to 81 in 1 hour, bypassing those horrible last levels of Wrath.
Got 3 pieces of tier tonight for the full 5-set (upgrading flex helm, timeless legs, LFR chest) on my Warlock.

He's 566+ now and legit could do heroic raids at this point.

Too bad I'm fucking terrible at him. I definitely pull way less DPS than I should for that iLvl and spec. Like I do 250k average over the course of a fight tops. I don't manage CDs nearly as well as I do on my DK and my DPS suffers greatly for it. The other thing is this issue (bug) where my target will randomly switch to an ally or I'll stop targeting at all and I'll lose out on a few seconds of DPS time. Seems to only happen as ranged, not as melee.

Feel like I should be pulling 300k or close to it - maybe with the upgrades and 4-piece bonus.

Kinda wish my Rogue was 90 already so I could just play another melee (not gonna play feral, at least this expac), but I really don't want to invest the time in another cloak + gearing. Maybe if it seems like we'll have a lot more time than expected with Mists to go, but I'd rather just focus on making gold or whatever than gearing out a 3rd (or more) alts.

At worst, my lock is a gold-farming beast with the gear he has. Even if I'm shit in raids, AoEing mobs is easy enough and much more efficient than my DK.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
This kind of kills your point. They were good in classic and godly from 3.0 to about 3.2.

Feels good blowing shit up in dungeons. Guild is annoyed I kill things too fast lol.
Having played a Pally exclusively in BC, this saddens me. Retadins were jokes at best.

Will Paladin again for WoD, though!


So, any problems installing the new patch?

I'm afraid to start up Battle.net.

I didn't get the patch, I had the entire thing download again. I saw a few others with the same thing. Most just got an 800mb update though. Either way, it was fine downloading and installing.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
So nice to get good looking sets again. SoO had so bad looks for the majority of the sets.

I like the lock set ok, but not as much as the first tier for MoP. The Sha-Skin regalia. This tier of armor's been a real disappointment though I do like seeing them do more with belts like CMs and PVP sets have. It's funny, I play a Shaman, and I'm more surprised when I see someone in the current tier look than not it being transmogd. It's incredibly bland.


So nice to get good looking sets again. SoO had so bad looks for the majority of the sets.

With transmog around I find myself never too bothered regardless of how my tier set ends up. If there are a couple pieces of leather gear scattered around that look cool, I'm happy.

I actually like the Monk tier for SoO, but I'm almost always wearing some transmog smattering.

Current mog, random stuff but I like how it looks:


I like the lock set ok, but not as much as the first tier for MoP. The Sha-Skin regalia. This tier of armor's been a real disappointment though I do like seeing them do more with belts like CMs and PVP sets have. It's funny, I play a Shaman, and I'm more surprised when I see someone in the current tier look than not it being transmogd. It's incredibly bland.

The lock one would've been great with better robes and swapping the heroic and lfr color schemes, maybe with a slightly smaller helm.

With transmog around I find myself never too bothered regardless of how my tier set ends up. If there are a couple pieces of leather gear scattered around that look cool, I'm happy.

I actually like the Monk tier for SoO, but I'm almost always wearing some transmog smattering.

Current mog, random stuff but I like how it looks:

Yeah, transmog is a godsend. I used throne of thunder stuff for my transmogs before we got off our asses and did the challenge modes. Dunno when I'll change out of looking like Illidan. Probably when the expansion hits since I like to wear the current stuff, at least for a while. And yeah, monk set was allright for SoO, along with paladin (while maybe not looking very paladin-y and maybe rogue).


Having played a Pally exclusively in BC, this saddens me. Retadins were jokes at best.

Will Paladin again for WoD, though!

I played ret also throughout BC, and that shit was painful. I loved the lore, the style, and the look of paladins though so I was hopeless. It took so much effort to be a respectable ret paladin back then. I was laughed away from heroics so many times without being given a chance. I had that goddamn Oathkeeper forever. By the time TBC wrapped up and ret paladins were buffed so that mana wasn't a concern anymore with free judgments and seals, and you could wear superior warrior dps gear, it did get a lot better.

Ret was godly though in the early part if Wrath, holy shit was the class changed for the better. It was just amazing. I need to get back to finish leveling that old paladin who's sitting at 87.


Was bored last night, errantly flipping through webpages / Youtube. Proceeded to have my mind blown that Martin Sheen and Frank Welker (voice of Megatron!) do voices in WoW.

Especially Sheen, was like....what?


While I don't miss the miserable performance of pre-Wrath ret paladins, I think that the class design/mechanics has been completely gutted over the course of the post-BC iterations. They just feel like warriors with different looking spell effects to me now. Same goes for prot paladins. I liked the way seals and judgments worked in the old design, and I liked the kind of quasi-passive AoE-focused tanking of protadins. Prot tanking was still kind of fun throughout Wrath, but come Cataclysm my passion for paladins just withered away completely.

Also reckbombs.


All about dat homogenization. /sigh

Reckbombs were hilarious. I loved classic ret PvP videos featuring them. Same thing with shaman windfury with arcanite reaper. Much lulz to be had.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
As much as I dislike the practice, WoW really needs to put up the Grinning Reaver in the shop, so I can buy it. I love bug mounts.

Should've mentioned that lol.

Should've, lol.

Yeah melee seems really strong in general in PVP on beta, except maybe enhc, which seems p shit. And yeah, ret hits like a truck on beta probably second to only warriors and Frost DKs.

While I don't miss the miserable performance of pre-Wrath ret paladins, I think that the class design/mechanics has been completely gutted over the course of the post-BC iterations. They just feel like warriors with different looking spell effects to me now. Same goes for prot paladins. I liked the way seals and judgments worked in the old design, and I liked the kind of quasi-passive AoE-focused tanking of protadins. Prot tanking was still kind of fun throughout Wrath, but come Cataclysm my passion for paladins just withered away completely.

Also reckbombs.

I feel like paladins were best in WOTLK, especially ret and prot. the 96969 or w/e rotation for tanking with holy shield and stuff. Seal of command ret cleave AOE, divine storm, especially with the ICC 2piece. etc.

Cata started out really boring (even with being able to pop wings and spam HoW people to death from range with the 60% crit chance or w.e). But I really enjoyed it at the end, especially with how hard it used to hit, even though it had empty GCDs. Abilities felt meaningful, templars verdict felt like god damn truck.

MoP killed any remaining interest I had in ret though, hitting 4 mediocre damage abilities so I can do 1 slightly less mediocre finisher is not fun. Even though you're hitting something every GCD, it doesn't feel like any of it matters.

Ret went from my main, to one of my most played alts to my least played and last to level melee alt from tbc/wotlk > Cata > MoP.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Straight up delicious.

Prot paladins were just stupid in Wrath. The highest level of power while being the easiest to play by far.

And that one skill that prevented a death automatically similar to the cloak proc now, can't remember the name (was still in the game in Cata at least, albeit watered down), was stupidly OP for progression, especially with the boss mechanics back then and being in very real danger of dying every other swing.


Prot paladins were just stupid in Wrath. The highest level of power while being the easiest to play by far.

And that one skill that prevented a death automatically similar to the cloak proc now, can't remember the name (was still in the game in Cata at least, albeit watered down), was stupidly OP for progression, especially with the boss mechanics back then and being in very real danger of dying every other swing.
ardent defender, prot paladins still have it but it is a cooldown now and only lasts 10 seconds


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
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