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World of Warcraft |OT5| Where we're going, we're gonna need roads

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Balls to that, I haven't done my profession cooldowns / 4 farms daily for half a year. Lately I have also been capping valor only on my main... though that's about to end soon unless SoO drops some more goddamn conqueror tokens. Half of our raid uses them and they drop maybe once a goddamn month.
Sometimes I just ignore it all if I'm not feeling up to it, but when I have the time I need to keep track of daily profession cooldowns, if I did the farm, etc.

I used to run the farm on all my alts. Took an hour a day just to harvest/replow/plant

Then I noticed all this unused herb/leather/cloth/ore taking up space in my bank, added to the fact that I can't enter the ink/gem/spellthread/leg armor markets because of the auction bots on Kilrogg. So I stopped doing it.
Riding around Shadowmoon Valley trying to see if I can find anything interesting. Found this guy on the island to the south.


Also to nobodys surprise, I found a Burning Legion level 100 zone at the Anchorite's Rise flight path.


The itch has been scratching for far too long. I resubbed yesterday.

What's been stopping me from playing and coming back for so long is the WALL of dailies (not just quests, but other 'daily' repeatable obligations for max results, like daily LFH Scens. and daily heroics, and daily/weekly whatevers), and grinds, and keeping track of so many things if playing on 2 or more characters.

I've decided to just come back and experience shit. Just go freeform and not obsess about min/maxing or anything.

Which makes me so grateful that LFR exists.

I want to come back, dick around on alt, experience the classes and races I haven't really gone deep into yet (Monks, Pandaren, Death Knights, Rogues, etc.), and leisurely complete the Legendary Cloak questline (because it seemed rather epic, and I think I'm on the very last leg of the whole thing, as far as raid drops go - Runestones). and check out Brawler's Guild some more, and then do all the 5.4 content....which I haven't even touched yet. SoO, etc.

And mercifully...the boost to 90 is freely available now at $60 a pop, right? The fuck if I ever really want to endure the 1-90 slog again. Done it 3 times, and have many more in the 60-85 range.

My one gripe is that I know I want to go with a retail CE for WoD, meaning I can't upgrade and use the 90 boost now. Alas.

I have a second frozen account from way back that I upgraded to Pandaria for cheap (or free, I can't remember), explicitly so that I could digitally upgrade it for $50 and get a boost there too (this was before they announced boosts separately for $60), but if I did that on that account, I wouldn't get any gametime there to use it. Haha!

Sorry for the long-winded post.

I'm such a casual these days. Far cry from how I used to play this game 4-5 years ago: Spreadsheets, and role-leading in heroic raids, and server-first-ing things....my main still has his good ol' Vala'nyr, an Amani War Bear from the original timed ZA runs, and the Ashes of Al'ar (it's still beautiful and one of the best in the game as far as I'm concerned) which I got last year.

I can't believe the game's going to hit 10 years in just a few months. I want to be around to commemorate that, and expect I will be since that'll be in and around the time WoD probably launches.



I wish I could get the game running better on this old rig.

Windows 7
Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 3.00ghz
4gb RAM (though apparently only 3.25 gb is useable...? I thought Windows 7 did away with that, guess not)
Nvida GeForce 9800 GT (2gb)

What's bottle-necking the whole thing, the video card? I don't think I could just pop a new CPU in this mobo, so I hope it's not that. Probably is.

I suppose it's been 6 years, and I should probably just get a new rig, but all I use it for is Netflix, the rare Steam game, and Blizzard games (which are supposed to run great on old rigs, but I guess this one's too old)
I wish I could get the game running better on this old rig.

Windows 7
Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 3.00ghz
4gb RAM (though apparently only 3.25 gb is useable...? I thought Windows 7 did away with that, guess not)
Nvida GeForce 9800 GT (2gb)

What's bottle-necking the whole thing, the video card? I don't think I could just pop a new CPU in this mobo, so I hope it's not that. Probably is.

I suppose it's been 6 years, and I should probably just get a new rig, but all I use it for is Netflix, the rare Steam game, and Blizzard games (which are supposed to run great on old rigs, but I guess this one's too old)
Mainly the CPU and GPU are bottlenecking it. The version of Windows you're running might be the 32-bit version of 7 instead of the 64-bit which would explain only 3.25 GB of RAM being useable. 6 years is a long time without a single upgrade and every expansion bumps up the system requirements a bit to accommodate for new graphical options and such.

Unless you want to run the game in Rosti Mode, you're better off getting a new rig.

Male Draenei artcraft up! Dude has bulked up, but I like it.
The model looks great in-game. They just need to do something about the tentacles as the color doesn't match the skin color sometimes.


Mainly the CPU and GPU are bottlenecking it. The version of Windows you're running might be the 32-bit version of 7 instead of the 64-bit which would explain only 3.25 GB of RAM being useable. 6 years is a long time without a single upgrade and every expansion bumps up the system requirements a bit to accommodate for new graphical options and such.

Unless you want to run the game in Rosti Mode, you're better off getting a new rig.

Even if I'm efficient and learn to build something great for under $600 or so, that's still $600. Basically double a new system, just to play WoW.


But, I do foresee that I'll sink quite some time into the game again when WoD releases. And it'll be nice to have a good rig for other occasional games, too.

Going to have to convince the BF to help me build something, for I know nothing.

At this point, if I were impatient, I could simply buy a $500 rig from Best Buy or something and have better performance than this old rig from 2008...yeah?
Even if I'm efficient and learn to build something great for under $600 or so, that's still $600. Basically double a new system, just to play WoW.


But, I do foresee that I'll sink quite some time into the game again when WoD releases. And it'll be nice to have a good rig for other occasional games, too.

Going to have to convince the BF to help me build something, for I know nothing.

At this point, if I were impatient, I could simply buy a $500 rig from Best Buy or something and have better performance than this old rig from 2008...yeah?
I hear ya. It's quite a lot of money to sink in when you're only using it for Netflix and WoW.

As for a $500 rig from Best Buy it all depends on the specs. Usually prebuilt PCs around that price use integrated graphics and I'm not too sure how well the game runs on that. It would run better than your current one though.


Randomly out and about in the beta and a wild Hobbs appears. He got a kick out of the guild name and wanted a screenshot lol. He's always been a cool lad.



That gives me hope that blood elf male will look pretty awesome after its touch up. Now I just hope for some better Anti-Aliasing options.


Got some decent gear on my DK after not running him through crap in a while.

My only complaint is that I have SO MUCH Hit/Expertise on gear.
Like crazy amounts. It'll take some major tinkering to try and get everything looking right.
(Though I got some pretty good stuff for my Blood OS.)


And Male Draenei is BULK. Got damn.

They've been taking the same roids that a lot of the other races have.

(That HGH is starting to show!)

Doesn't look bad though.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.


Having played a Pally exclusively in BC, this saddens me. Retadins were jokes at best.

Will Paladin again for WoD, though!

Yep. "Retlol" was how it went. Finding a group as a Ret Pally was basically impossible save for a few elite players who had guilds willing to let them raid. I was Holy throughout BC once I hit 70 for this reason. I had fun and was a pretty decent healer (back in the day when healing consisted of two buttons), but I kept wishing I could DPS.

I played ret also throughout BC, and that shit was painful. I loved the lore, the style, and the look of paladins though so I was hopeless. It took so much effort to be a respectable ret paladin back then. I was laughed away from heroics so many times without being given a chance. I had that goddamn Oathkeeper forever. By the time TBC wrapped up and ret paladins were buffed so that mana wasn't a concern anymore with free judgments and seals, and you could wear superior warrior dps gear, it did get a lot better.

Ret was godly though in the early part if Wrath, holy shit was the class changed for the better. It was just amazing. I need to get back to finish leveling that old paladin who's sitting at 87.

Yeah, the mana re-work was what really fixed the class. Once you didn't have to worry about intellect anymore and could focus on strength/stamina gear, Ret became a legitimate DPS spec.

I had the Oathkeeper for a long, long time as well.

While I don't miss the miserable performance of pre-Wrath ret paladins, I think that the class design/mechanics has been completely gutted over the course of the post-BC iterations. They just feel like warriors with different looking spell effects to me now. Same goes for prot paladins. I liked the way seals and judgments worked in the old design, and I liked the kind of quasi-passive AoE-focused tanking of protadins. Prot tanking was still kind of fun throughout Wrath, but come Cataclysm my passion for paladins just withered away completely.

Also reckbombs.

It was all part of the homogenization of the game. The classes feel pretty cookie-cutter now, but I fondly remember when each class had its own unique feel, and changing specs changed the way you played the game. Cataclysm and Mists have really screwed with the class designs.

Don't get burned out before the expac!

Yeah, my game card expires Sunday and I'm thinking I'll let my account sit for a bit and might even wait until the expansion hits before buying another. I'm tired of doing the same fucking dailies day after day. I hope Blizzard does away with that approach in WoD.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Balls to that, I haven't done my profession cooldowns / 4 farms daily for half a year. Lately I have also been capping valor only on my main... though that's about to end soon unless SoO drops some more goddamn conqueror tokens. Half of our raid uses them and they drop maybe once a goddamn month.

Heh, weird. We run 10 man and tier tokens are like the one thing we don't have issue with other than legs. Our lock has a full tier set of demo, destro, and aff for example. Off-pieces, and certain fucking Dark Shaman trinkets, seem to be our problem.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I don't play alliance, but I've always thought Male Draenei was a fairly good looking race. No big changes, but they just look a bit nicer now. If I ever did seriously go ally, I'd probably roll up a draenei shaman, even though the idea of bloodlust being "heroism" is just disgusting.


I like male Draenei, and the new one looks good, but I still prefer the current female Draenei. One of the cooler looking race/gender combos in the game I think. And I love their animations.


Heh, weird. We run 10 man and tier tokens are like the one thing we don't have issue with other than legs. Our lock has a full tier set of demo, destro, and aff for example. Off-pieces, and certain fucking Dark Shaman trinkets, seem to be our problem.


We get vanquisher like candy, a reasonable amount of protectors and a trickle of conquerors. We've killed Thok for something like 15+ times already and gotten 3 conquerors off him. I've coined Thok on every kill and no tier tokens.

The only offpiece that's really eluding us is the cloth dps pants from the iron scorpion at the gates. We haven't gotten a single heroic one of them.

We get vanquisher like candy, a reasonable amount of protectors and a trickle of conquerors. We've killed Thok for something like 15+ times already and gotten 3 conquerors off him. I've coined Thok on every kill and no tier tokens.

The only offpiece that's really eluding us is the cloth dps pants from the iron scorpion at the gates. We haven't gotten a single heroic one of them.

Aren't those pants kinda crap though? I mean it's haste/mastery, but two blue sockets. Think most classes would rather have tier legs. Probably good for a healer though.


Unconfirmed Member
Hmm, no update on the 4Gamers beta key giveaway yet. I hope I don't have to wait the whole weekend to find out if I've won a key or not.


Aren't those pants kinda crap though? I mean it's haste/mastery, but two blue sockets. Think most classes would rather have tier legs. Probably good for a healer though.

A shadow priest wants them for some reason. I'm just trying to get tier head/pants/shoulders. Shoulders would be the worst piece since I already have the best offset piece as my shoulders, but I need to get rid of my normal crap and I picked up the helm from garrosh last week.


So I'm a pretty casual player just now returning after a few years (maybe a couple hours on a few nights per week). I have a level 85 Paladin and that is pretty much it. I started on a new server to play with a few friends. Leveling up a hunter. Not sure how I feel about it yet, only at level 22 thought.

Question is: I'm thinking of transferring my paladin over. $25 seems reasonable to a casual player to not have to level a character up.

I'm also planning on the WoD prepurchase with an instant boost. Not sure what class to boost though. I think I've only ever played Paladin, Hunter, and a little Mage. That's about it though. I guess I want a nice mix of classes at max level. Like a good ranged dps, good melee dps, and maybe a tank (I used to tank my Paladin way back).

What class to boost? Ah!
Death knights are characters you don't really have to boost since they start out at I think 55. Check one of those out. They're my favorite class.
I have to say, I am unimpressed with the new male draenei model. Too veiny and the face tentacles look bad. Worst new model yet.

I'm annoyed that I can't pre purchase the retail CE and get my 90 boost now. Alas.

Me too! It's annoying seeing all the digital preorder players trot around on the (underwhelming) mount. By the time I get mine (on release day, ugh) it won't feel special or unique anymore.


Thank You IGN. Used Chrome to get a beta key and it worked instantly. Tried using IE and kept getting error yet they say chrome is the one that has trouble getting keys


Unconfirmed Member
Thank You IGN. Used Chrome to get a beta key and it worked instantly. Tried using IE and kept getting error yet they say chrome is the one that has trouble getting keys
Congratulations. I too got a key by Peachblossom kindly gifting me one. Now we just wait for the new build to be initialized and for the servers to come back online.

I'll have loads of new Uglycraft shots of the beta soon, and hopefully some intriguing details about tech stuff as well. Also taking request if there's anything special you want me to do.


Rösti;120567829 said:
Congratulations. I too got a key by Peachblossom kindly gifting me one. Now we just wait for the new build to be initialized and for the servers to come back online.

I'll have loads of new Uglycraft shots of the beta soon, and hopefully some intriguing details about tech stuff as well. Also taking request if there's anything special you want me to do.

Grats. and very kind of Peachblossom. Downloading the Beta now nice and fast so hopefully be done in time for any patch when it hits and server up.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I've given up on trying to get a key from websites. Bot central or 'pay for it' seem to be the only options, and no thanks to either.
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