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World of Warcraft |OT5| Where we're going, we're gonna need roads

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I think mages may be the most boring class in wow since launch. Vanilla ret paladins are pretty close though. They did have a fun point where you could keep rolling ignite dot with crits that made it do absurd damage. Warlocks are the more fun/complicated version of mage imo.

I like fury warrior a lot right now. Shaman also seems interesting.

Not Spaceghost

I made a Mage as an alt for recruit a friend, instead of a Druid or Shaman like I had planned. Did I make a mistake? I see a lot of Mage hate/disinterest these days.

I love my mage so much, I normally play ret but for MoP frost mage really clicked with me. What mage it really click was using frost bomb over living bomb as per a recommendation from this thread. Mages feel really active, it feels like a ranged rogue, however I cant get into arcane, that spec is not fun for me. Frost on the other hand I can solo, pvp and pve very well. Super fun, the rotation is simple but exciting. Keep your bomb up, spam frost bolt, use procs as you get them, use cool downs together and refresh invocate buff every minute!


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Holy crap. My friend and I did the RAF thing and I went from 16-32 in the span of 1-2 hours. 0.o
Using arcane spec its like using a sniper rifle in a laggy match, your enemy is already killed by your teammates before your arcane shoots hit it which is kinda frustating because you have to charge your arcane buff four times to do real damage.


Haven't played since early Cata but boy is leveling professions in Panda content do much easier. I went from 500 to 600 in enchanting and tailoring in like a hour. Are all the professions like this for this expansion?


This was my luck getting the Darkmoon Fair one, finally got it a couple days ago though. I think the only ones I need now are the fishing one, the farming one, and the Tol'vir one.

I suspect the Tol'vir one will be the worst thing ever.

I think the farming one took the most time for me, I tilled for the better part of a month before getting it. RNG ._.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Yep. You can get to Outlands in a day. I just did it. And don't forget about the granted levels.

Yeah, that's the beauty of it. My friend turns in his quests first, grants me levels, then I turn in my quests and I go up 3-4 levels each dungeon.

I'm playing a monk with my buddy, but I'm playing a shaman by myself doing regular quest content. It's a much slower process.
Oh man my heart is pounding. Just won the STV fishing contest for the second time. 1st Place, but I grabbed the ring since that's what I wanted right now. Need two more victories to get everything though. Pole would be next up before the boots, especially since the boots are an option for second place. But the ring is gonna be awesome.

Not much else gets you in quite a rush as something like that.

No big achievement fanfare since I had done it before, but still feels great.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
So that's how Tigereye Brew works. Didn't realize it stacked up to ten. I thought it just went up to 2 then you had to pop it kind of like Chi Brew. What a weird class.


I think the farming one took the most time for me, I tilled for the better part of a month before getting it. RNG ._.

Two days and no farm one yet, obviously not many tries, but still.

My worry about the Tol'vir one is it requires actually getting Tol'vir dig sites (unless you just exchange for crates I guess) which I have the worst luck with.


Got bored, so I did some Brawler's Guild today going from Rank 4 to Rank 8, and some of the Challenge Cards I've been putting off for a while.

My burst in BM is crazy as hell. I was killing some bosses in about 10-15 seconds.
(Skada showed my DPS on some fights to be up to 400-500k.)

Didn't have too many issues apparently, and died once on Dark Summoner since I had a random ghost spawn right on top of me.
Battletron had me a little worried for a sec, but I managed to get through it.

I'm holding off for now, since I'm well aware of the horror stories about Hexos, and I don't feel like banging my head up against the wall at the moment.


Two days and no farm one yet, obviously not many tries, but still.

My worry about the Tol'vir one is it requires actually getting Tol'vir dig sites (unless you just exchange for crates I guess) which I have the worst luck with.

I just exchanged for crates. Pandaria is reasonably quick to fly through and the mantid sites are all packed together.


I've grown into loathing the quests in Townlong Steppes, particularly the first 3 little chains. Got about to 88.5 before hitting the zone, so I'm hoping to ding with a dungeon, rest XP, and one of the optional quest chains (where the alien looking dudes sacrifice themselves to kill the badguy).


I've grown into loathing the quests in Townlong Steppes, particularly the first 3 little chains. Got about to 88.5 before hitting the zone, so I'm hoping to ding with a dungeon, rest XP, and one of the optional quest chains (where the alien looking dudes sacrifice themselves to kill the badguy).

I've only done that zone once, I honestly think it's one of, if not the worst questing zones there is. It's just so bland.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
The only area I really loathe questing in now is Outlands. I HATE how theme park-y it is. Like, at least Northrend and Pandaria, you can see common themes. You can see how the Wastes fit into that world. You can see how most the Northrend areas fit in Northrend(though I think Scholozar was a mistake similar to BC). It feels different but not like different worlds.



Whelp, back to WoW now. Was playing Skyrim so much even bought the legendary edition for dlc. Played through Dragonborn first, really loved it. Then I played Dawnguard.....it really soured me on the whole game enough that I don't think I will be playing again, how can something so fundamentally broken (I am not even going to go into how its a cheap, unpolished cash in on Bethesda's part) be part of a fucking LEGENDARY edition of the game and it's been out for how long and not fixed? I wish I could say I will never buy another Elder Scrolls again after this shit but I know it's a lie :(

Was dual boxing raf last week it was kinda fun figuring the whole thing out. Pretty exhausting having to switch between different clients all the time for loot and quests though, wish I had dual monitor set up....


Just found a guild that focuses on Flex finally. Been looking for a laid back experience forever!


Only level 35 right now, but I'm really enjoying the Monk class.

They feel like a very fun, fluid, and well thought out class. They don't feel too clunky, or too simple.

Hopefully this holds up.

It also helps that they look and feel very badass with their animations and attacks.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Guys I just did Escape from Durnholde on my Shaman. Never complain about MoP length heroics ever again. HURRY UP THRALL

Only level 35 right now, but I'm really enjoying the Monk class.

They feel like a very fun, fluid, and well thought out class. They don't feel too clunky, or too simple.

Hopefully this holds up.

It also helps that they look and feel very badass with their animations and attacks.

In a couple levels they'll start throwing a ton of CDs at you if you're WW

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I will never do LFG from 70-80 because it means I might have to do Occ.

Edit: Blizzard, it's time to stop treating Druids like special snowflakes. Give Shaman Ghost Owl form. You can't keep them exclusively flight form capable forever.


I will never do LFG from 70-80 because it means I might have to do Occ.

Edit: Blizzard, it's time to stop treating Druids like special snowflakes. Give Shaman Ghost Owl form. You can't keep them exclusively flight form capable forever.

Also, bring back 2h enhance. It's time.


Did a nice normal run up to Sha of Pride.

Didn't get much in the way of loot, but I used a coin on Sha and got the Normal version of Assurance of Consequence.

I was pretty damn excited for a bit after that. :D

The only area I really loathe questing in now is Outlands. I HATE how theme park-y it is. Like, at least Northrend and Pandaria, you can see common themes. You can see how the Wastes fit into that world. You can see how most the Northrend areas fit in Northrend(though I think Scholozar was a mistake similar to BC). It feels different but not like different worlds.


Yeah, Outland is really goofy-looking because of that.
That said, the zones themselves can be described incredibly easily.

-Hellfire: Red place
-Zangarmash: Mushroom/Swamp Place
-Terrorkar: That place where Shattrath is. (lol)
-Nagrand: Pretty place.
-Blade's Edge: Spiky place.
-Netherstorm: Purple place.
-Shadowmoon: (Dark) Green place.

That and Black Morass. *shivers*

I remember doing quite a bit of that back in the day.

At least gave you lots of leather. But yeah, waves were a terrible idea.

(Not to mention it got carried over into Hyjal.)

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
We wiped so many times on Shadow Vaults. That fucking Ogre MC.

So is one of the new amazing features of cross realm zones getting all my quest giving mobs killed in every questing zone? Because it's awesome.


Why are there turtles in feralas that are called snake and rabbits?

Screw up by blizzard or some actual reason?
Oh, I also finally did Karazhan earlier today since you don't have to be in a party for old raids anymore. Was one of the fee I could never be bothered with before.

Dat Chess event. Failed it at least 3 times before finally getting it. Somewhat difficult to solo. I'm sure it would have been a ton of fun back in the day with a full raid, albeit very easy in comparison.

Attumen farming should be easy after I wrap up the rep since he's right at the entrance there. Could even work on that with multiple characters without much fuss.

Main reason I finally took the plunge to do Kara was to grab Mongoose since I just learned about the whole new scaling enchants thing for heirlooms.

Also did MC the other day, nothing good. And soloed most of BT, but I died on council and couldn't be bothered to run all the way back at that point. Will have to read how to beat that one easier.


Why are there turtles in feralas that are called snake and rabbits?

Screw up by blizzard or some actual reason?

I'm not sure, but I think there's a Mage glyph that lets Polymorphs last a very long time... Maybe a mischevious spellslinger came through...

Edit: Glyph of Crittermorph maybe?


I'm not sure, but I think there's a Mage glyph that lets Polymorphs last a very long time... Maybe a mischevious spellslinger came through...

Edit: Glyph of Crittermorph maybe?

Oh that must be it, well doing this quest there was a 90 mage killing whelplings for w/e reason. Guess he got bored waiting for spawns.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Someone was telling me to solo The Eye you have to move all the generals to the other rooms, but when I did it the doors were closed with a gate? I was able to make it through, but it was a rough go.


Gratz on the Garrosh kill. Always awesome to hear. Unless someone in your group got one of the BoA's....then I hate you. Our raid group hasn't seen any yet.


Two people in our group got an heirloom! Healer Monk got the 2h staff and one of our mages got a 2h staff. 10 man, for reference. I think the Monk bonus rolled, Mage I think it was just thrown at him.

On another awesome note, I just got gloves from the celestials! My only flex piece now is a ring :D

Yay for starting heroics!


The only area I really loathe questing in now is Outlands. I HATE how theme park-y it is. Like, at least Northrend and Pandaria, you can see common themes. You can see how the Wastes fit into that world. You can see how most the Northrend areas fit in Northrend(though I think Scholozar was a mistake similar to BC). It feels different but not like different worlds.


OK, I lol'd at Netherstorm being Final Destination.

But yeah, the world consistency (or rather lack thereof) was the biggest flaw of TBC. Really liked when they fixed that in the following expansions. The jump from Hellfire to other zones is really jarring, I hope they work on that in WoD.


Questing in Kalimdor is always so nostalgic, I ran through all those areas so many times over the last 9 years. I love all of those zones, even Desolace.

Also, I really wish they would make some player weapons in the model of those star shaped swords Night elf npc's have.


So what kind of character does the NSA play?

A briefing uncovered by the Guardian reveals that the NSA—and its UK sister agency GCHQ—have infiltrated the massive online gaming communities in their quest to uncover secrets. The newspaper reports that the NSA has "built mass-collection capabilities against the Xbox Live console network," as well as deploying agents in the virtual kingdoms of World of Warcraft and Second Life.

I'm guessing they are that DK Tank in starting gear that rage quits right after pulling the boss or maybe the idiot that keeps pulling the boss in LFR as people are buffing.


Made it to 81.5 over the weekend. Questing in Mt. Hyjal is fun, not too many PvP problems so far. Did kill an Ally Hunter a few times, that was fun. Hoping to get to around 83/84 before the 10 day trial ends. I will probably be subbing for at least a month after that, I really want to see the MoP end game content.


God help me, We're raiding Sunday and Monday and only Paragons stand between us and mega-wipe 2000 on Garrosh.

We've been at him now for around 4 weeks and its just such a wipe fest. 6 hours (3 each night), I don't think my fragile psyche can handle this.

You and me both. There's been clamouring to extend the raid, but I don't think it takes too long to clear the first bit (Generally up to and including spoils on day one, remainder to Garrosh on day two) and, frankly, it's nice to have a change from the endless wipes.

That said, from next week our raids start to get disrupted by the approach to Christmas, so it'd be nice to down him before the years' end.
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