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World of Warcraft |OT5| Where we're going, we're gonna need roads

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I just got back after a three and a half year hiatus. I saw that a tomorrow a ton of stuff is getting pulled from the game. If I just hit 90 yesterday, how likely is it for me to get the legendary cloak, the SoO mount, or challenge mode transmog gear? Would I be better served just lvling the other two 85s I have?


I just got back after a three and a half year hiatus. I saw that a tomorrow of stuff is getting pulled from the game. If I just hit 90 yesterday, how likely is it for me to get the legendary cloak, the SoO mount, or challenge mode transmigration gear? Would I be better served just lvling the other two 85s I have?

You could still get the cloak quest done I believe. You still have 2 months until WoD launches. As long as you start the quest (I believe), you can still finish it in the time between 6.0 and launch of the xpac. They're removing the Valor part when 6.0 hits which is the big timesink. For the SoO mount, you'll probably have to pay unless you know someone in high places (http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/14277497821). You can still get the challenge modes done. Your gear gets scaled so its more about getting the right gear than getting the best gear. Download something like oQueue and try to find a group. That is going away with 6.0 though, so it's more of a tight timeline. People also pay to get carried through that.

Do what you enjoy though. The cloak will be 'worthless' at level 100. There are a million other transmogs and mounts you can leisurely try to get. I watched a video about things to do to prep for WoD. Alts were highlighted. Because of the way garrisons work, there are some nice benefits to having multiple garrisons going. All that said, I'm trying to get my cloak quest done, but I have most of it done.

Karl Hawk

First time doing the dungeons was pretty interesting, at the very least.

Played Deadmines, and let's just say my DPS output is shit compared to other players who at similar level as me lol.

I got some good loot, in the end. I can see myself playing on dungeons whenever I have the mood for it.


First time doing the dungeons was pretty interesting, at the very least.

Played Deadmines, and let's just say my DPS output is shit compared to other players who at similar level as me lol.

I got some good loot, in the end. I can see myself playing on dungeons whenever I have the mood for it.
Eh, wouldn't worry about it. A lot of times you'll be with people who are on like their fifth character or something, so they have full heirlooms with max level enchants and whatnot. Incredibly powerful gear compared to almost anything else at low levels so it throws the numbers outta whack. And of course I assume you're still learning the class.

But yeah, dungeons are a great boost to questing. Especially a dungeon you haven't been in before because you can pick up the multiple quests inside.
You could still get the cloak quest done I believe. You still have 2 months until WoD launches. As long as you start the quest (I believe), you can still finish it in the time between 6.0 and launch of the xpac. They're removing the Valor part when 6.0 hits which is the big timesink. For the SoO mount, you'll probably have to pay unless you know someone in high places (http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/14277497821). You can still get the challenge modes done. Your gear gets scaled so its more about getting the right gear than getting the best gear. Download something like oQueue and try to find a group. That is going away with 6.0 though, so it's more of a tight timeline. People also pay to get carried through that.

Do what you enjoy though. The cloak will be 'worthless' at level 100. There are a million other transmogs and mounts you can leisurely try to get. I watched a video about things to do to prep for WoD. Alts were highlighted. Because of the way garrisons work, there are some nice benefits to having multiple garrisons going. All that said, I'm trying to get my cloak quest done, but I have most of it done.

Yeah I realize it's not the end of the world if I can't get the stuff, but I really dig the Phoenix and wolf mounts. The cloak and transmog stuff I could just let go. I started looking around and at least the normal Garrosh kills seem pretty cheap on my serve, so I may farm the gold and buy a run.

Thanks for the help!


Yeah I realize it's not the end of the world if I can't get the stuff, but I really dig the Phoenix and wolf mounts. The cloak and transmog stuff I could just let go. I started looking around and at least the normal Garrosh kills seem pretty cheap on my serve, so I may farm the gold and buy a run.

Thanks for the help!

I've linked this in the past, but http://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1mkwf8/faq_im_a_fresh_90_how_do_i_gear_up_patch_54/ is a solid guide if you want to gear up ASAP.
Were raid carries as abundant back in the day as they seem now? I don't recall them being out there in vanilla, bc, or wrath. I'm sure some people would do it but it doesn't seem as prevalent as it is now. I didn't raid during cata so I'm unsure how things were at that time.


Were raid carries as abundant back in the day as they seem now? I don't recall them being out there in vanilla, bc, or wrath. I'm sure some people would do it but it doesn't seem as prevalent as it is now. I didn't raid during cata so I'm unsure how things were at that time.

Cross realm stuff makes it really easy to do them nowadays. We have an officer who is constantly finding people who want to buy stuff and they're almost always from a different realm.

I do recall Yanger talking about selling Invincible back in WotLK, so it was definitely happening then. Probably just to a lesser extent.


Were raid carries as abundant back in the day as they seem now? I don't recall them being out there in vanilla, bc, or wrath. I'm sure some people would do it but it doesn't seem as prevalent as it is now. I didn't raid during cata so I'm unsure how things were at that time.

There wasn't a lot of point to carrying people for gear in Vanilla or BC - you needed people to be attuned (I think we helped some people get that done) until later in BC, and in Vanilla it was pretty hard to even imagine having the gear that wasn't going to be used by someone. There weren't mounts or the like to pass out and we didn't tend to farm zones as long (Black Temple aside).

Wrath? Wrath was where this all began though. Many servers had GDKPs that ran a LOT of tough content and that's basically carrying like 25%-50% of a raid. Shit was a joke.
I know on Mal'ganis we had multiple Mim's Head GDKPs, at least 1 Invincible GDKP run, and probably 3 more Invincible selling runs (maybe 4) between juggernaut and Vigil. It was definitely a thing.
Every person I know that had tons and tons of gold back then, got it by putting in hours on alts in GDKPs.

Sale runs have sort of become the guild bank buffer for the next expansion. We started Cata with about 6 million gold in the bank to buy everyone Darkmoon cards, buy profession levelling for everyone, etc. Rag and Dragon soul sales for my Cata guild left us with over 10 million for Pandaria, and on it goes.


Were raid carries as abundant back in the day as they seem now? I don't recall them being out there in vanilla, bc, or wrath. I'm sure some people would do it but it doesn't seem as prevalent as it is now. I didn't raid during cata so I'm unsure how things were at that time.
I've wondered that also :lol maybe I just missed them back then, but I never remember PvE and PvP carries being so abundant. Granted my server is incredibly high pop, but I see people advertising heroic Siege clears and arena wins almost daily. Not that I mind 'em or anything, perfectly legit, it's just interesting.

The only advertisements that are annoying are the massive gold selling spams from random level 1 characters. Though thankfully those have seemingly died off almost to the point of nonexistence.

edit: ah, Yanger's post makes sense.


Modesty becomes a woman
Heh, well Patch 5.4 is >1yr old :)

The video talking about prepping for patch 6.0? Was posted Sept 9th, 2014.

The heirloom vendor for justice points was selling them for gold for a while, he talks about that, now they are just totally removed.

Challenge mode mounts also aren't free, you can buy the other 3 and they're cross account now, but they cost 1000 gold each. Not much, but not free either.


Wait, I just realized with the justice heirlooms, those are actually going away for a while? At least according to this: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/14420192331 - actually did not know that was happening until just now.

Now I feel like I should grind out a bunch a bunch of justice to pick up the last few heirlooms I still need.

edit: thinking more about it, cash shop heirlooms incoming =[
nah just playing. hopefully


The video talking about prepping for patch 6.0? Was posted Sept 9th, 2014.

The heirloom vendor for justice points was selling them for gold for a while, he talks about that, now they are just totally removed.

Challenge mode mounts also aren't free, you can buy the other 3 and they're cross account now, but they cost 1000 gold each. Not much, but not free either.

Oh woops, misread which post you quoted.


Your smartphone can act as an internet source right? I used that to play wow for a week when I moved in a new appartment.

It's a workphone with a 500mb datacap, won't last long.

I survive with fixing stuff in the apartment for now, but soon there's not any more things squeaking, dripping or buzzing.
Damn the last post on them disabling MSAA + the fact that GeDoSaTo doesn't work with WoW is a bummer.

Yeah, I don't get what was the point of making a blog post trying to justify how they made the game look like shit.

The aliasing on PTR is so bad it hurts. Luckily PTR is down 90% of the time so I only have to take it in small doses.


Modesty becomes a woman
Yeah, I don't get what was the point of making a blog post trying to justify how they made the game look like shit.

The aliasing on PTR is so bad it hurts. Luckily PTR is down 90% of the time so I only have to take it in small doses.


Yeah it's a real assault on the senses.


That's one specific area in that zone that glows like that, and I'm almost certain CMAA isn't actually on in that pic. Here's some more of the zone and a better one of the glowy area that's not compressed to hell and full of jaggies.

Yeah I keep seeing people bitching on the beta forum about how terrible it looks. Typically defending by saying anyone who doesn't have a 'high-end' rig is just running it on horribad settings anyway and shouldn't talk about it because the game has always looked like garbage for them.

Well I'm not running at super high res (just 1080p on a g-sync monitor) but it doesn't look like a blurry/jagged mess at all, even with csaa. I'm running every setting at max and typically in the 100-120fps range and the game looks fairly good to me. It looks pretty much like your screens but at 100+fps.

I'm starting to wonder if this is a bad implementation of nvida/amd drivers on certain hardware at this point, because I'm just not seeing it. But it doesn't seem like anyone complaining about how 'bad the engine' is, has really posted any screenshots to show proof.


Anyone else getting the Patch Required text when starting up WoD? I've restarted the Battle.net app and it didnt update WoD.

NM, just saw there are doing maintenance.
Wow, opened a ticket saying I don't enjoy alliance anymore and I want to play wod but can't afford a faction change. A gm actually replied within 15 minutes and faction changed me to horde for free, no questions asked. Amazing customer service.


Ugh, Sargeras seems to be lagging out yet again. Everyone in my world boss group saying they can't do anything, 2700 MS and shit. I don't know why I have such bad luck lately, seems like every night I try to play the servers start fucking up.

Wow, opened a ticket saying I don't enjoy alliance anymore and I want to play wod but can't afford a faction change. A gm actually replied within 15 minutes and faction changed me to horde for free, no questions asked. Amazing customer service.
What?!? Seriously??


Modesty becomes a woman
Wow, opened a ticket saying I don't enjoy alliance anymore and I want to play wod but can't afford a faction change. A gm actually replied within 15 minutes and faction changed me to horde for free, no questions asked. Amazing customer service.

I want to do this for one of my guys, but it feels so...weird to me.

Like I'd rather pay than get the potential no, even though I would be asking for a reversal of a faction/server change, I'm that awkward.

edit: fuck it, i'm gonna try it.


Assuming you're talking about PvE, you can never totally ignore your pet. They're an important part of your damage. But even as BM there isn't a lot of active management. They don't really take damage (as long as you remember to take taunt off) and basically all of their abilities can be set to auto cast. Honestly, the only time I'm conscious about my pet and what it's doing is if I feel the need to use the heal from one of my spirit beasts. Other than that, it's really just about making sure it's on the correct target.

Worth noting that in WoD there is a level 100 talent called "Lone Wolf" for Survival and Marks that lets you completely get rid of your pet. Whenever you don't have one active you get a 30% damage buff to your core abilities.

If your pet dies as bm you lose tons of dps. If you dont manage your pet you will lose dps regardless. During target swaps it will run across the room wasting time. You can get by easily in solo content, but in raids you will get punished hard.

Pet management is completely trivial. 99% of the time you just have it attack your target and forget about it. I personally have it on passive at all times and just force attack any time I swap target, becomes second nature. Mousewheel up = attack target. mousewheel down = follow. Works flawlessly on all of my pet classes.

Same. I have attack and follow bound to extra mouse keys and just keep it on passive. Never had any issues. And the raid buffs are all auto cast so even that is taken care of.

I haven't done any dungeons yet, but controlling the pet in solo seems pretty easy. I'll try out the mouse control you mentioned.

The only thing I was worried about before playing the class is hearing about people getting mad at hunters for taking aggro during dungeons/raids, but that seems like it solved with simply setting your pet to passive and turning off auto cast on growl

I really like the visual effect on the legendary cloack, hope I can get it on my main at least
This is the first week I have for the 3k valor quest, so 2 more weeks of that and I'll still have lots to do to get it


I haven't done any dungeons yet, but controlling the pet in solo seems pretty easy. I'll try out the mouse control you mentioned.

The only thing I was worried about before playing the class is hearing about people getting mad at hunters for taking aggro during dungeons/raids, but that seems like it solved with simply setting your pet to passive and turning off auto cast on growl
Oh yeah, that's just hunters leaving the growl on. Never a problem when that's off.

Karl Hawk

Eh, wouldn't worry about it. A lot of times you'll be with people who are on like their fifth character or something, so they have full heirlooms with max level enchants and whatnot. Incredibly powerful gear compared to almost anything else at low levels so it throws the numbers outta whack. And of course I assume you're still learning the class.

But yeah, dungeons are a great boost to questing. Especially a dungeon you haven't been in before because you can pick up the multiple quests inside.

@Bolded: Haha, that's the idea. I wanna play my Paladin all the way to level 60 to get the feel of the class. Then, pre-purchase WoD for level 90 boost. ;)

Of course, I don't have MoP yet (Since Battlechest edition only includes the first 3 expansions), so I need to buy that before I make that decision first. :p
First time doing the dungeons was pretty interesting, at the very least.

Played Deadmines, and let's just say my DPS output is shit compared to other players who at similar level as me lol.

I got some good loot, in the end. I can see myself playing on dungeons whenever I have the mood for it.
Dont give too much about dps in the low level dungeons. Some classes just need more time to get their abilities to be supereffective in dungeons then others.
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