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World of Warcraft |OT5| Where we're going, we're gonna need roads

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I have tanked challenge mode modes gold 50 times now, on my warrior and monk. Helped a lot of friends.

Willing to help gaffers out. This weekend I am helping two different groups already. I can free up time for next week and the coming weekend.

Pm me if yiu want to set. Something up.

P.s I am an asshole. If people don't perform I kick without remorse.


*starts resubbing*
I'm in for the physical collector's edition.

Buying a digital version and then getting a "digital copy" refund? To hell with that.

Yeah, with Diablo at least they let you get back b.net credit so you could use it for sub time. Looks like I'll be selling a WoD key. Anybody need one? lol
I have tanked challenge mode modes gold 50 times now, on my warrior and monk. Helped a lot of friends.

Willing to help gaffers out. This weekend I am helping two different groups already. I can free up time for next week and the coming weekend.

Pm me if yiu want to set. Something up.

P.s I am an asshole. If people don't perform I kick without remorse.


My guild actually cab together for CModes and want me to tank. I've only done them as DPS. Any suggestions or tips? I can do it on my warrior, paladin or DK.

Also for flex 4 do I need to have beaten flex 1-3?


RAF turned out to be even faster than I expected. We're already level 65 after a few evenings of casual play where we took more breaks than we actually played. There's also absolutely no challenge left in the old world anymore. It's a bit too easy now and we can't really up the challenge because then we're too low to start the quests. We tried. TBC seems a bit broken now too, there's a sudden jump in item stats but even without them stuff dies even faster than before. Ah well it's still great. Ended up leveling Shaman.

Anyway I finally hit 90 with my first character! Not sure what to do now though. I think it might be a little too late to bother to gear up. I'm thinking of maybe getting one of those reputations up. Maybe Shadopan for the tiger and onyx serpent or maybe the cloud serpent themselves for the jewelcrafting mount. Anyone know how long it takes to bring these to exalted? I don't think I can be bothered to grind too much. :)

I have to say I actually liked MoP much better than I expected. I wasn't too interested in the Pandaren (and it still feels a litte disconnected from the rest) but it was great leveling through most of it.

Karl Hawk

Now that I finished off my business with Ghostlands, I guess I should do some stuff at Hillsbrad Foothills till level 25 (I'm level 21 now) and then take a zeppelin to Orgrimmar and go all the way to Ashenvale. Not a bad idea when I think about it.

I gotta be honest, I like WoWGAF community. For a first time MMO player like me, you guys were really helpful and friendly in my ordeals. Thanks for your warm presence. ;)


I gotta be honest, I like WoWGAF community. For a first time MMO player like me, you guys were really helpful and friendly in my ordeals. Thanks for your warm presence. ;)
Glad you're liking it, enjoy your stay!

And Hillsbrad is definitely a good route to take. One of my favourite zones in the game.


So I rolled a draenei shaman. How's enhancement in the endgame? (Of course, endgame is pretty far away right now.)

Everything is up in the air as the changes for the expansion are ironed out. If other forums are to be believed, every class/spec sucks in WoD.


So I rolled a draenei shaman. How's enhancement in the endgame? (Of course, endgame is pretty far away right now.)
Enhance is fine. Great burst. Things are always separate for top bleeding edge guilds, but for every day raiding I'm competitive with any spec on my shaman.

And I think it may be even better in WoD. I haven't tested it at all for myself, but my brother plays enhance and seems to be enjoying it on beta. And I think we suffer from some of the worst ability bloat in the game, so that being cut down (even if by just a little) will be welcomed.


I'm so confused. I thought the Orcs were supposed to be 'peaceful, shamanistic' people before the whole demon blood thing. Each of these videos portrays them as maniacs bent on conquering Draenor with or without demon blood. I know WoW is infamous for retconning lore, is this what we're seeing?

This is the original origin. The peace-loving shamanism is the retcon.



Blizzard just posted some cut-scenes from Warlords of Draenor, including the ones at the end of all of the zones.

I'm guessing they're going to be part of the next beta build and want to release them before the dataminers do. Looks damn great though.



Blizzard just posted some cut-scenes from Warlords of Draenor, including the ones at the end of all of the zones.

I'm guessing they're going to be part of the next beta build and want to release them before the dataminers do. Looks damn great though.

Gan'ar went out like a motherfucking boss.



Blizzard just posted some cut-scenes from Warlords of Draenor, including the ones at the end of all of the zones.

I'm guessing they're going to be part of the next beta build and want to release them before the dataminers do. Looks damn great though.
Oh shit, really want to watch all of these. Must resist.
I want to at least get Silver before 6.02, but I'm only around 530ish ilevel

Me and 2 friends are interested in getting at least Silver before 6.0. We have the following classes ready/geared to try.

Me: Destro Lock, Hpriest, Blood/Frost DK
Friend1: Frost Mage, BM/WW Monk, Ele/Resto Shammy, Sub/Ass Rogue
Friend2: Hpriest, Resto Druid, Surv(?) Hunter

We're thinking Hpriest, BM Monk, Hunter cause those are our previous mains so we're pretty comfortable with them. We've been playing/leveling/gearing the Lock/Mage/Priest recently though. The Destro/Mage combo does insane AOE dps....

Also, for Lock/Mage/Priest , we're Alliance, but all the other toons are Horde.

On Battlenet I'm fuzzyset#1722 if you wanna try to coordinate something.

I'll add you later, I only have alli characters but plan to transfer to Horde come Oct. 6th. idk when the patch will be so I'll let you know if you wanna do it on your horde toons


Unconfirmed Member
As Tanaan Jungle (level 100) is now partially opened, I did some basic exploration there. No greater revelations, but an interesting change:

Two Spirit Healers have been added to the zone, one on the south shore and one on the north shore.



Only the shores can be explored, for the debuff Eye of the Archmage has replaced No Man's Land which was there before.
If you try to enter the main zone while alive, you will be teleported to Khadgar's Tower in Zangarra.
There, Khadgar will tell you that the time for an assault on Tanaan isn't now.


The south shore


A ??? level hydra. I did not attack it.


A makrura, only one I saw there, might be more.

The greatest change to the zone however is that they have even further increased the radius of the invisible wall. Now you cannot even explore Tanaan Valley (where the intro experience takes place). Why this is I do not know, there appears to be very few changes to the zone, though Far Sight was quite limited in this zone.

There are likely some gaps here and there in the invisible wall, but even if you find such you will need some kind of lag macro (or third party software like NetLimiter , though I frown upon use of such) to bypass the debuff. Vehicles, at least some, are not affected by the debuff, so it might be possible to use that tank from Engineering to take a stroll in the jungle.


Modesty becomes a woman

Blizzard just posted some cut-scenes from Warlords of Draenor, including the ones at the end of all of the zones.

I'm guessing they're going to be part of the next beta build and want to release them before the dataminers do. Looks damn great though.

They've been able to keep them encrypted until someone triggered them on the server, releasing the video for all.

I think they just knew they were too badass and wanted to generate hype. Even out of context, all of them kick ass, especially Dark Portal intro.


Modesty becomes a woman
Rösti;130819730 said:
And now he's just there, immobile, powerless, for any necromancer to come and rise. Perhaps could be of interest to Sylvanas.

For the love of fuck no, I've had enough of him.


I don't know why anyone would want to watch those, that's literally spoiling the entire expansion. If I saw those, I'd lose all desire to play WoD.


Those cutscenes man. Fucking awesome.

Actually kinda felt a little bad for Garrosh.

Ga'nar goin out like a fuckin boss though.

I don't know why anyone would want to watch those, that's literally spoiling the entire expansion. If I saw those, I'd lose all desire to play WoD.

It's not the entire expansion though. Only a few parts of the overall story. Also they're amazing.


I guess, but I think the pay off is bigger to get a kick ass cutscene you've never seen before after you poured hours into the zone/quests. Though I'd like one spoiler, just post yay or nay. Is the Burning Legion in any of those videos?
Question on the physical CE "deal"...

So if I buy WoD $50 and boost to 90 I'm using that one's boost, right? And then when the physical CE arrives I'll have another boost to 90 and can petition to get the key from the non-CE unbound from my account so I can gift it? But that key won't have the boost with it, right?
So nervous and excited. High chance for H Garrosh kill tonight and I probably get one of the first mounts.

Know we can do it, just worried about P4 mostly at this point and how soul-crushing wipes can be at that point after 10 minutes of fighting. Just hope we get off the ground running and don't get stuck in transition 1.


I wouldn't mind trying for CM silver. I'm on alliance have a Warlock and Hunter that I can do them with.

If you want silver, just find a group and do them. Silver is ridiculously easy. You can literally RP walk all the dungeons and get them.

Silver gives you 20-30 minutes, way more than enough time. It's basically just like clearing the heroic when the expansion hit, but now everyone knows how to do them, and your gear has significantly more sockets and stats.


Well, can you imagine the lag on the 100 vs 100 idea? Their servers probably can't take that much.

Yeah 100v100 sounds neat, but... yea right. It would be a lagfest.

On the one hand, sure.
On the other hand, I just watched them and HOLY SHIT my hype level is monumental right now.

Hmmm interesting. I sort of want to watch them now, but I'll probably wait to make questing/etc more neat.


I highly recommend waiting if you're interested in the zone lores, I mean those cutscenes are like Wrathgate levels of "wtf" and multiple times through the questing experience at that. Just be hyped.


Sounds awesome. I plan to play for a solid day or two to 100 with just sleeping/eating interruptions since I took work off :). So I'll save it all for that.


I'll add you later, I only have alli characters but plan to transfer to Horde come Oct. 6th. idk when the patch will be so I'll let you know if you wanna do it on your horde toons

I think we want it for the Ally characters (Hpriest/Lock/Mage). They're the toons we've been playing so we're probably more comfortable with them then our older toons. We were thinking Horde cause I read BM Monks were great at CM.
Phase 4 Garrosh wipes...


Better get this shit done tomorrow. I'll be there next Friday, but on my 5 year old laptop in a hotel at best that Saturday, so if it's not dead tomorrow I'm going to be very unhappy. Not to mention the torturous week-long wait between raids when you're just itching to put in the time.


Finished LFR ToT and got a sweet new polearm, Shan-dun, Breaker of Hope. Fully geared in Timeless gears as well. Lordddd I'm a happy clam. Can't wait to start SoO LFR tmrw


Developers can be such trolls sometimes. Guy in charge of Garrisons asked me to talk with him about my concerns over crafting and the work order system so I did.

In particular was my issue 1 work order per day would complete only. Did the math with him and showed how it could take 3 months just to craft your gear and bags as a tailor alone. By that time the gear you craft wont even be useful. Also pointed out how the Queue system benefits no one but casual players and there is no real incentive to go beyond level 1 or 2 really on profession buildings.

So he's quite nice and listens to all my feedback etc. Next build the system is tweaked so now we can do 6 Work orders a day instead of 1 with a queue possible of like 20+. Sounds great but then to do this they nerfed work orders down to 1 cloth per work order if no helper or 2 with helper down from 4 and 8 respectively.

Its a pure troll move because it doesn't change anything whatsoever and all he did was a smartass answer to my complaint work order queue did nothing but benefit casual players. Now we can see work orders finish while we are online and get 1 whole item out of it while waiting for 99 more
Ok, my thoughts so far after playing again after 2 years;

- What did they do to Scarlet Monastery? :( They have ruined it. I want the classic one back
- AH sucks now. Everything is stupidly overpriced. Even the lowbie crap.
- Making gold is easier. That is cool
- Alliance still sucks at BGs. Some things never change
- LFG means I don't have to quest anymore. Which is cool as well since I'm resto
- I miss talent trees :(
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