Um, well the curse pages for addons typically have a screenshot or two, but it's not like it's hard to just remove it if you don't like it either.
I can show you my UI, but since the positions and layouts and stuff are up to what you prefer it's not going to look anything like what yours probably would heh. Otherwise it's just buttons. You set how much space you want between them, how large you want them, which direction they should grow as a bar (up, down, left, right, rows, columns, etc). You can change the bevels and stuff too, make them circular, whatever.
My bars are in the bottom right - the big block is what I use for my actual hotkeys, and the other ones on the right are just where I dump tradeskills and crap I can click on. Again, you could arrange any of it however you wanted, I just kind of like the block of buttons.
Moveanything doesn't even have anything to look at, it's just a checklist of all of the frames in the game, and you check a frame off, move it, and uncheck it again. I would only use it if you have a specific need (For example, I use it for ONE SINGLE thing that blizz won't let mods modify anymore, the totem timer, which happens to also control my ghoul summon), most anything else you want a more fully featured mod for.