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World of Warcraft |OT5| Where we're going, we're gonna need roads

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A friend and I took a few lumps trying to two man Flame Leviathan on 25 player mode. After that it was an absolute joke lol. I still feel dirty from it. I'm still convinced that Ulduar is one of the best raids every released for the game, Jeff Kaplan's last hurrah.

You should be able to solo 25H Flame Leviathan now. I did it yesterday. I lined up three of the vehicles that launch pyrite to point towards FL. Get in the front one, build the ten stacks of pyrite and then immediately hop out and go to the next one and do the same. Should be able to get full stacks from two and I believe I got nearly a full stack on the third one. From there it's just a matter of staying alive for 5 more seconds for the stacks to tick enough damage and you'll be golden.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I had to play well to get ten man madness last week. Now I stomped 25 in under three minutes

I wonder how well i could solo Dragon Soul by myself on my ~550 ret paladin. I really want the Blazing Drake mount. I'm only missing that and Onyxian Drake for the Emerald Drake reward.
A friend and I took a few lumps trying to two man Flame Leviathan on 25 player mode. After that it was an absolute joke lol. I still feel dirty from it. I'm still convinced that Ulduar is one of the best raids every released for the game, Jeff Kaplan's last hurrah.

Yeah, I figure raids that require a vehicle will be a bit tougher, if the vehicles don't scale.

I got up to Ultraxion on 25m Dragon Soul on my...Mage. Then I went to enter a BG, it crashed, and I can't load back in.


I mean


I wonder how well i could solo Dragon Soul by myself on my ~550 ret paladin. I really want the Blazing Drake mount. I'm only missing that and Onyxian Drake for the Emerald Drake reward.

It should be a joke soloing it with a ret pally. If I can do it on a frost mage with no healing, you can do it with your eyes closed.


Think I'm gonna go into Draenor wearing this.

Forgot all about the Savage Gladiator's Chain set (well, minus the belt and feet which I picked out to go with it). But you know, it's savage. So it'll totally work. :)

One really exciting thing for me was that they FINALLY added back in the boots and belt for the Gladiator's Pursuit set for Hunters.
(Those items have unobtainable for years!)

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
How does spine even work solo?

and pro-tip for any Shaman who want to solo Yogg. Lightning Shield will cause you to hard lock every time when Yogg pops up and grabs you the first time. It's also very risky to do because nova is your only way to kill the constrictors.
Why do so many random dungeon finder groups fail to start because someone didn't accept the invite? Is this a problem with the server, or are people getting the popup and then not clicking through for some reason? Literally like 6 of my last 7 have failed to happen


Why do so many random dungeon finder groups fail to start because someone didn't accept the invite? Is this a problem with the server, or are people getting the popup and then not clicking through for some reason? Literally like 6 of my last 7 have failed to happen

Yep its someone queuing and likely going afk and missing the pop


Why do so many random dungeon finder groups fail to start because someone didn't accept the invite? Is this a problem with the server, or are people getting the popup and then not clicking through for some reason? Literally like 6 of my last 7 have failed to happen

It's because it's easy to AFK for a few minutes and miss the invite when your average wait time is 40 minutes.
So... heroics. WTF is this shit? I returned to WoW from BC and if my memory serves me correctly, when you did a heroic in BC, if anyone other than a tank got hit in your group, ever, they were dead. End of story. I just did the first heroic that came up on the dice at level 90, and I had the priest running into large groups of enemies just happily pulling them back. It was a fucking joke. I'm honestly not even sure it was harder than regular. Certainly didn't feel like it.

What the hell is the point? Is this how the rest of my endgame experience is going to be? WTF blizzard.


So... heroics. WTF is this shit? I returned to WoW from BC and if my memory serves me correctly, when you did a heroic in BC, if anyone other than a tank got hit in your group, ever, they were dead. End of story. I just did the first heroic that came up on the dice at level 90, and I had the priest running into large groups of enemies just happily pulling them back. It was a fucking joke. I'm honestly not even sure it was harder than regular. Certainly didn't feel like it.

What the hell is the point? Is this how the rest of my endgame experience is going to be? WTF blizzard.

Heroic dungeons are not endgame. Normal (now called Heroic) raids are what I'd consider the beginning of the true "endgame".
So... heroics. WTF is this shit? I returned to WoW from BC and if my memory serves me correctly, when you did a heroic in BC, if anyone other than a tank got hit in your group, ever, they were dead. End of story. I just did the first heroic that came up on the dice at level 90, and I had the priest running into large groups of enemies just happily pulling them back. It was a fucking joke. I'm honestly not even sure it was harder than regular. Certainly didn't feel like it.

What the hell is the point? Is this how the rest of my endgame experience is going to be? WTF blizzard.

People overgear them by over 100 iLvls now and they're nigh soloable. It's the very end of the expac and they're really not content at all. They were never hard to begin with in MoP anyway. WoD Heroic 5-mans are supposed to be tuned harder, and definitely will be when people don't have the gear to purely faceroll them, but the real tough stuff will be the challenge modes.

In other news, got this neat addon called Align that helped me center some UI elements that were off a bit. Will be nice. Only problem now is my extra action button is still MIA. I know it's bartender's fault, but I don't know how to fix it - I've tried various things without the nuclear option. I'd rather not have to delete and recreate all my bartender settings from scratch if I can help it, or worse, switch to dominoes.
So... heroics. WTF is this shit? I returned to WoW from BC and if my memory serves me correctly, when you did a heroic in BC, if anyone other than a tank got hit in your group, ever, they were dead. End of story. I just did the first heroic that came up on the dice at level 90, and I had the priest running into large groups of enemies just happily pulling them back. It was a fucking joke. I'm honestly not even sure it was harder than regular. Certainly didn't feel like it.

What the hell is the point? Is this how the rest of my endgame experience is going to be? WTF blizzard.

They ruined 5-man content a long time ago with WotLK. They treat it as pre-school for raids now.


So... heroics. WTF is this shit? I returned to WoW from BC and if my memory serves me correctly, when you did a heroic in BC, if anyone other than a tank got hit in your group, ever, they were dead. End of story. I just did the first heroic that came up on the dice at level 90, and I had the priest running into large groups of enemies just happily pulling them back. It was a fucking joke. I'm honestly not even sure it was harder than regular. Certainly didn't feel like it.

What the hell is the point? Is this how the rest of my endgame experience is going to be? WTF blizzard.

Damn, so angry.
Has anyone in the 550~ range tried doing T11 or T12 content? Magmaw was near impossible for me back in june, granted my gear's a little better now. I'm a warrior btw.

So... heroics. WTF is this shit? I returned to WoW from BC and if my memory serves me correctly, when you did a heroic in BC, if anyone other than a tank got hit in your group, ever, they were dead. End of story. I just did the first heroic that came up on the dice at level 90, and I had the priest running into large groups of enemies just happily pulling them back. It was a fucking joke. I'm honestly not even sure it was harder than regular. Certainly didn't feel like it.

What the hell is the point? Is this how the rest of my endgame experience is going to be? WTF blizzard.

5 mans were easy in wrath, hard again in cataclysm. Too hard apparently since a bunch of people quit. Now in pandaria they're a joke. Come Warlords, mechanics take a new front seat in 5 man content. It should be much more interesting.
Admittedly I haven't done CMs or raids yet, so maybe the balance of what's considered endgame hast just changed, and it's no logner heroics, but rather CMs and raids. If so I suppose that's fine, just have to wait and see the new content. Although I still hope they make 5-mans harder in WoD. I don't know what is the point of just steamrolling everything. Perhaps that's part of why dungeon groups are so anti-social.


It definitely feels like there is something wrong with melee DPS at the moment. Against the raid dummy outside the Shrine, I miss attacks like crazy on my Monk or Feral, but my Mage can nuke it all day and never miss at all.
So apparently you can't download the patch(es) on 4G LTE. Good one Blizzard. There a bunch of people on the forums who can't download from battle.net ><

including myself
That was quick and mostly painless. Found a group at heroic Garrosh, joined, one shot him, and got my staff. Trying to decide who to make my main in WoD since Frost Mage is so boring now.


Admittedly I haven't done CMs or raids yet, so maybe the balance of what's considered endgame hast just changed, and it's no logner heroics, but rather CMs and raids. If so I suppose that's fine, just have to wait and see the new content. Although I still hope they make 5-mans harder in WoD. I don't know what is the point of just steamrolling everything. Perhaps that's part of why dungeon groups are so anti-social.
Eh, the dungeons are super old at this point so people have done them to death. And everyone outgears them by a wide margin.

Releasing new 5 mans over the course of future expansions is something I can get behind, but in this specific case 5 man heroics simply aren't a meaningful part of endgame.


Modesty becomes a woman
So... heroics. WTF is this shit? I returned to WoW from BC and if my memory serves me correctly, when you did a heroic in BC, if anyone other than a tank got hit in your group, ever, they were dead. End of story. I just did the first heroic that came up on the dice at level 90, and I had the priest running into large groups of enemies just happily pulling them back. It was a fucking joke. I'm honestly not even sure it was harder than regular. Certainly didn't feel like it.

What the hell is the point? Is this how the rest of my endgame experience is going to be? WTF blizzard.

Challenge modes are BC level heroic difficulty. Do those in WoD if you want hard 5 man content. It's super difficult to get gold, like...Magisters Terrace hard.


Did you guys know they changed the MoP profession stuff to be across everything now? I just mined Iron with like 94 mining, got 18 nuggets


Challenge modes are BC level heroic difficulty. Do those in WoD if you want hard 5 man content. It's super difficult to get gold, like...Magisters Terrace hard.

Let's be real. BC Heroics were never remotely as hard as people want to pretend they were, and CM golds are WAY harder :) Spoken as someone that did a LOT of both.

As far as why Heroics aren't hard? Because they're random. Random group matchmade content simply can't be hard, it doesn't work. They made the Cata heroics about as hard as BC heroics to begin with and the backlash was massive - and frankly even as a good player it was NOT fun to random with pugs. Meanwhile guild groups steamrolled it instantly, just like BC. CMs exist for people that really want hard 5 man content (at least, relatively hard) without making it some kind of necessary gearing step. It's a good compromise in my eyes.


Mythic garrosh is somewhat easy. Those adds in jade serpent dont even cast anymore.

Id say phase 4 is the only thing that is somewhat challenging still.


Modesty becomes a woman
Let's be real. BC Heroics were never remotely as hard as people want to pretend they were, and CM golds are WAY harder :) Spoken as someone that did a LOT of both.

Pretty much. If you considered stopping at every pack, CCing mobs and then attacking them one at a time actually hard, then you're getting boring and poor pacing mixed up with difficult.


I never did CMs, but TBC heroics were significantly harder than either WotLK heroics or Cata heroics, not only due to crowd control stuff. There were easy ones, but Arcatraz and Shattered Halls were nightmarish.

...I think I'm resubbing next week ;_;


Depended on the instance. Heroic Shattered Halls was pretty fucking legit for awhile.

Eh, it wasn't hard, even the timer. You needed a good tank or a lot of CC, that was really about it. I used to think tanking was hard. Then I made my own tank in BC.

Heroic SH with the timer is sort of what I'd consider the prototype of CMs. I guarantee if it were still around in its incarnation from BC, like just as hard, you'd see people plowing that zone in like 20 minutes, just like you see people doing CMs in ridiculously fast times.

Either way, it's mostly meant to address the nostalgic attitude that BC was amazing and hard - people were just not knowledgeable about the game. For a lot of players who didn't raid BC was the ACTUAL introduction of having to learn how to play. You didn't even need to CC in any BC heroics if your tank and healer were good, it was just not braindead to pickup a lot of mobs like it is now. In terms of coordinating CC, the soft CC trains you get in CMs have way more skill involved than someone hitting the sheep button on every caster. The only thing that made MoP CMs eventually dumb were sockets and vengeance. I'm looking forward to WoD without the vengeance stuff, and doing it in starter blues is always a blast.


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
I have both Orc and Dwarf characters, really love the new models on both of them and I am struggling with picking a character to stick with for the expansion.


Let's be real. BC Heroics were never remotely as hard as people want to pretend they were, and CM golds are WAY harder :) Spoken as someone that did a LOT of both..

TBC heroics were much, much harder than pretty much any future 5 man content. If you were in raid gear they were easy, but honestly if you weren't geared it was very hard to ever try to do them without a group of you communicating. I remember failing Magisters Terrace so many times trying to get a random group for that when it released.

You didn't even need to CC in any BC heroics if your tank and healer were good

Magisters Terrace again disproves that as if you didn't CC properly then even with a good Tank and Healer you would die. The mage mobs for example could pretty much one or two shot clothies if they wasn't in raid gear and I know this as one of the best resto druids on my server at the time.


TBC heroics were much, much harder than pretty much any future 5 man content. If you were in raid gear they were easy, but honestly if you weren't geared it was very hard to ever try to do them without a group of you communicating. I remember failing Magisters Terrace so many times trying to get a random group for that when it released.

But that's just it, you weren't supposed to get 'random' groups for BC heroics. And no, I'm not talking about raid gear. You didn't get raid gear without attunements, which required you to do the heroics in the first place. It's horseshit to call them hard, they just required you to CC mobs. When random is the expectation for dungeon groups, you CANNOT make them require that level of coordination. Hence, CMs.

Magister's doesn't 'disprove' anything. I did it. I tanked it plenty without CC. My warrior wasn't even raid geared when that zone came out, he was a badge of justice champion through and through.

Unless you had a Prot Pally, heroic Shattered Halls in heroic/T4 gear was pretty damn hard. Every heroic gets easier the farther into the expansion because of gear being more easily accessible. If there were no new dungeons late in Cata I'm sure people would say the same thing now. For the gear level intended, a decent amount of the BC heroics were pretty hard.

I would simply disagree? You had to do the heroics to get attuned for the raids. Yeah, we carried some bad people through them. THAT was annoying. A real group? Completely trivial. And my tank alt was a warrior.
Eh, it wasn't hard, even the timer. You needed a good tank or a lot of CC, that was really about it. I used to think tanking was hard. Then I made my own tank in BC.

Heroic SH with the timer is sort of what I'd consider the prototype of CMs. I guarantee if it were still around in its incarnation from BC, like just as hard, you'd see people plowing that zone in like 20 minutes, just like you see people doing CMs in ridiculously fast times.

Either way, it's mostly meant to address the nostalgic attitude that BC was amazing and hard - people were just not knowledgeable about the game. For a lot of players who didn't raid BC was the ACTUAL introduction of having to learn how to play. You didn't even need to CC in any BC heroics if your tank and healer were good, it was just not braindead to pickup a lot of mobs like it is now. In terms of coordinating CC, the soft CC trains you get in CMs have way more skill involved than someone hitting the sheep button on every caster. The only thing that made MoP CMs eventually dumb were sockets and vengeance. I'm looking forward to WoD without the vengeance stuff, and doing it in starter blues is always a blast.

Unless you had a Prot Pally, heroic Shattered Halls in heroic/T4 gear was pretty damn hard. Every heroic gets easier the farther into the expansion because of gear being more easily accessible. If there were no new dungeons late in Cata I'm sure people would say the same thing for Cata now. For the gear level intended, a decent amount of the BC heroics were pretty hard.


Let me clarify for whatever it's worth - I think at the time I would've said 'wow this is hard'.

I think it's pure rose-tinted goggles to say that the content was objectively harder though. To me that's the same as people who say raids are easy now and Vanilla was the heyday. or BC for that matter. That shit is objectively false, the player base was unsophisticated but the complexity of the content was VERY low relatively speaking. Same for BC five mans - Yeah, the shit hurt if you didn't CC when you could. But that undermines their difficulty in two ways:
A) CCing is fucking easy, anyone that thinks sheeping is hard has never played any class with a CC.
B ) Most classes simply lacked CC, meaning you could have a group with 3 mages or a group with 3 Ret Paladins. The level of 'difficulty' was entirely based upon this number.
C) you could go as slowly as methodically as you wanted.

All this shit combined meant you could do a dungeon appropriately and have to pay attention - no CC and going at a nice clip. OR you could do it the way most pugs did it which was get 2-3 hard CC classes and just cut every pull in half that way.

Magister's and Shattered Halls without CC actually required me to play well on my Warrior, and usually some of the rest of the group too. That was cool, that was also not really how most people did the dungeons (clearly). I would say it's still a lot less work than every single trash pack being like this in a challenge mode, while also being under the gun. Night and day - the CMs were harder.


. It's horseshit to call them hard, they just required you to CC mobs.

Maybe this is where mine and your opinion diverges but it was the coordination that made them hard. Infact coordination is one of the only "difficult" things in WoW at all. People in random groups would finish CMs on my server, it'd take them longer but they'd still do it, if anything I'd argue it's directly comparable to TBC heroics in terms of difficulty whether you're in a group you know or not.

Raiding in general is really, really simple mechanics (aka don't stand in the fire). The difficulty of the encounter comes with the coordination and organisation of every player to do the task they're supposed to be doing. Even for timed events like Zul Aman it was all just timing and coordinating as quickly as you could. I didn't raid MoP but I'd raided and finished all the content since the beggining of TBC and for me the difficulty of raids has gone down purely due to a lack of coordination needed to get between bosses.

CC even in Kharazan was so important on the trash or you could just end up wiping yourselves if you pulled too much. After TBC they started to remove that aspect and try and put in more funky boss mechanics, but all it did was make getting between bosses a complete chore and horrible since it was so easy. Whoever designed firelands and the way to spawn Shannox should've been fired. That bit before killed my entire interest in the game back then, it was so facerollingly easy that I'd lost all will to carry on before we even got to any bosses.

Also the heterogenising of the classes has done nothing but make the game easier. Now rather than having classes with defined roles you can take anyone to anywhere. The problem with this however is now it just means classes who don't have the best DPS or are not the objective best classes who used to have a purpose like CC are no longer taken into raids by the top guilds. I know this from yesterday as one of the raid leaders for my guild (I don't raid but we were doing a heroic run of SoO) said that there's no way in hell they'd ever take a boomkin to a raid in WoD due to their DPS being objectively worse than the other classes. Where as before due to the buff boomkins gave they used to be useful enough to take despite the dip in DPS.

I have no doubt that CMs were hard to start with, much like TBC heroics were if you wasn't geared or experienced enough to do them, but they certainly got easier much to the same TBC heroics were. The difficulty was just a different variety in terms of WoW mechanics. Heck, even RFC used to require CC if you didn't want to wipe on your first go. I was aa mage and never stopped pollying the square in that instance every time I did it haha.
Let me clarify for whatever it's worth - I think at the time I would've said 'wow this is hard'.

I think it's pure rose-tinted goggles to say that the content was objectively harder though. To me that's the same as people who say raids are easy now and Vanilla was the heyday. or BC for that matter. That shit is objectively false, the player base was unsophisticated but the complexity of the content was VERY low relatively speaking. Same for BC five mans - Yeah, the shit hurt if you didn't CC when you could. But that undermines their difficulty in two ways:
A) CCing is fucking easy, anyone that thinks sheeping is hard has never played any class with a CC.
B ) Most classes simply lacked CC, meaning you could have a group with 3 mages or a group with 3 Ret Paladins. The level of 'difficulty' was entirely based upon this number.
C) you could go as slowly as methodically as you wanted.

All this shit combined meant you could do a dungeon appropriately and have to pay attention - no CC and going at a nice clip. OR you could do it the way most pugs did it which was get 2-3 hard CC classes and just cut every pull in half that way.

Magister's and Shattered Halls without CC actually required me to play well on my Warrior, and usually some of the rest of the group too. That was cool, that was also not really how most people did the dungeons (clearly). I would say it's still a lot less work than every single trash pack being like this in a challenge mode, while also being under the gun. Night and day - the CMs were harder.

You obviously didn't play a healer back then. CC was required not just because things hit hard but also because non-Warrior tanks lacked cooldown's. There were mobs in most dungeons that were not CCable that just hit ridiculously hard unless you had a geared tank. Enraged Ravenguards in Sethekk Halls would kill tanks in a second and even ones not enraged (when you've killed neither of them) hit really hard where I'd have to spam Holy Light just to keep the tank alive. Bog Lords in Underbog would 2 shot tanks without CD's. Felguards in Blood Furnance would 3 shot tanks which is why everyone wanted a Warlock, etc.


but ever so delicious
Tried some leveling tonight, Not a huge fan of the drop they have done across the board. I just died for the second time in 88 levels haha. Feels like it might have been a bit too harsh.

Going to take some time getting used to it.


Can anyone advise me on how to force proper supersampling back into WoW now?

The nVidia Control Panel option no longer has any effect on WoW, it appears.



The first logging in last night I felt like my hunter had had his fingers cut off. Most insta-cast spammy abilities are gone from Marksman.
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