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World of Warcraft |OT5| Where we're going, we're gonna need roads

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Seriously. With the drop rates how they are now I don't expect anybody to finish it before WoD unless they were well into the Titans drops.

If they screwed it up then I'm sure it would've been fixed by now. They'll just sweep it under the rug because people will forget once the expansion is live.

I got three titan runestone drops in 4 bosses yesterday. I also got 12 secrets yesterday too.

Also I've had the game since TBC and the most gold I've ever had is now and I'm sat at 35k. I just hemmorage money for some dumb reason.


Finally cracked the 1 million mark last week

Aussie servers

lol @ Americans on frostmourne because of latency advantage....

How the hell do you people make so much gold?

Dancing Steel sells for 1800g

Buy Sha Crystal @ 100g each, cost = 1000 + another say 20g for the other mats.


Gem sells @ 70-100g
Buy golden lotus @ 20-30g
Buy green gem @ 1-5g
Transmute 50 of them and end up with 60-65 from procs
Profit with 10-15 having no cost...

And also buy low, sell high. I bought 20 Jade Spirit enchants for 1100g the day of maintance, sold them all and extra ones for 1800+ already...


It comes down to how much effort you want to put into it.
Farming cloth while I do other things fills my purse and don't make the game tedious, so it works for me.
Figure out not just what you can do, but what you're willing to do.


It comes down to how much effort you want to put into it.
Farming cloth while I do other things fills my purse and don't make the game tedious, so it works for me.
Figure out not just what you can do, but what you're willing to do.

Once you put in the initial effort you can cut back time heaps, once you know the prices on your server you know what your margins are.

It doesn't take long to click Living Steel search on auctionator and see Living Steel @ 185g and Belt Buckles @ 285g. Click each gem search (cept Blue which is trash) and alt tab etc.

The most time consuming thing was selling MOP blue and green gear which I don't have to worry about anymore. Transmog too if you don't just stick to the high end stuff....

glyphs take ages but if you use TSM you can search, alt tab for like 5 min, come back hold shift spin your mousewheel for 5 secs and alt tab while it posts like 300 gylphs.

When I had to manually post 15 of each glyph during the auction house display error during the pre expan patch for MOP and into the start of MOP, that was tedious..... especially since I had to relist stuff a lot so the "illusion" was maintained....

*Was listing the highest prices first so i listed say 15xglyph of stars @ 99g or 20x Bold Inferno Ruby @79g people who just search and assume that's the cheapest buy it. Saw people doing this tactic asking for 599g smh lol...


This is like 2 years old since Blood Spirits barely go above their vendor value now.

Yeah I know, that's just what my alliance (poor side) ah seller has sold since a two months before MOP to now... I did highlight buckles... I just sold 10 of them for 285g now and living steel was 120g on the AH 5 hours ago and 20 for 2000g in trade chat...

Belt buckles been a gold mine for blacksmiths and will stay that way until WOD comes out and that gravy train stops since no more new belt buckles.

Though I heard Blacksmiths get a big cooldown item this expansion... still can't churn them out like buckles...


Living Steel costs 250 gold, and the buckle only sells for like 20 gold more than that on my server. But hey, I'll give it a shot.


I'm surprised: We're suddenly able to put together Mythic-capable groups. Now, I'm fully aware Mythic is much easier than heroic was, but even so, the fact is that we've gone from struggling to get ten people to just about making twenty with only getting a couple from out-of-guild (and I don't think those are strictly necessary, either). And it's a group that's having success, as well; the stuff we could kill on heroic was easy, but we've also downed Sha and Juggernaut, which both required a bit of work and practice - the latter being a bit of a surprise given the AOE damage feels a little overtuned compared to the other fights.

I do hope this attendance continues into Warlords, it'd be great to actually run with larger groups again. The challenge will be when we hit content balanced for the new abilities, of course, and whether people will stick around beyond the original rush - but for now, I'm revelling in proper raids of a size I haven't experienced for ages.

I've missed this.


One thing I'm super hype for in WOD is the fact that the last level of druid talents are all actually good and all have their own uses. Hopefully it means for the first time ever (even with their more choice orientated talents) we'll have true choice of what to take.
Wibble, what difficulty should I do that on?

Both mounts drop in 10m so there's no reason not to do it on that. You can do 25m if you simply want to see if you can solo it but there's no good reason to do it. Pre-patch I had no issues solo-ing 25m the one time I thought I'd try it to see if I could and get the achievement.


LFR is getting its own tier now?

Saw on mmo-champion this morning. Before it was just regular pieces. Now it comes in a set, even with bonuses! I know I'm one of the very few that wanted tier to drop in LFR, but I guess this is the next best thing having some sort of set, specially if LFR was going to be your end game.

I guess they listened... kinda.


Unconfirmed Member
LFR is getting its own tier now?

Saw on mmo-champion this morning. Before it was just regular pieces. Now it comes in a set, even with bonuses! I know I'm one of the very few that wanted tier to drop in LFR, but I guess this is the next best thing having some sort of set, specially if LFR was going to be your end game.

I guess they listened... kinda.
Perhaps, but this I think is a horrible change. The only thing this will accomplish is forcing people who raid in Normal/Heroic/Mythic to run Raid Finder to gear up as quickly as possible, just like it happened in Mists of Pandaria. The item level I also find rather strange, just ten levels below Normal, a decrease by two levels from what we have today.

In my opinion, Raid Finder should in terms of item levels and item quality be on par with heroic dungeons.


Guys, have you ever bought gold? It's so god damn tempting

Once way way way back in the Vanilla days when gold was really hard to come by unless you were a high end game raider and got some valuable drops. Like Dirk's recipe book that sold for $3k Farming mats for raids could get expensive and hunters had to buy our own arrows! Imagine if every attack you made cost money. (brb buying more ammo)
LFR is getting its own tier now?

Saw on mmo-champion this morning. Before it was just regular pieces. Now it comes in a set, even with bonuses! I know I'm one of the very few that wanted tier to drop in LFR, but I guess this is the next best thing having some sort of set, specially if LFR was going to be your end game.

I guess they listened... kinda.
Id prefer getting the real raid set optic through raid finder, since i dont have the time to do real raids. I really like the splitting of the raid parts, or is it possible to try normal raids with groups the same way (e.g. just doing a specific wing instead of clearing that whole raid)?
This just forces every raider to go through LFR before try raids, which is just bad.

Guys, have you ever bought gold? It's so god damn tempting
I dont know what to do with all my gold and i dont have interest to buy mounts for 10k gold. Getting Gold in WoW is really easy now, nothing compared to Vanilla and BC times... And risking a ban just for a few gold? Just no.


Killed Heroic Garrosh again last night, and... got another 2H. Now I have three. What the fuck?

And Blizzard says that re-running will still yield "higher" drop rates. Do we know what higher translates into, and if it's all totally random from the full pool after your 1st spec-designated one, or if there's some weighting between heirlooms?


I've given 30k to this one guild so far for three heirlooms and that was just in one day and there were about 10 other people like me who paid for the heirlooms. These guys are making well over 100k per run and they say they do about 10 to 15 runs a day. I thought I was rich when my old guild sold the amani war bear, this is on a whole different level

Also, I really want the shield but I've already got the one hand on my tank. Am I better off bringing that tank back and hoping the shield will drop? Or is it random? Wondering if I should bring another tank and hope shield drops this time instead of another sword.


Seems I've found the worst group ever for my soo LFR today. It feels like I'm the only one doing any healing. 6 healers, 4 are doing something but I'm doing nearly 50% of the work god damn wake up people.


Do we know what higher translates into


and if it's all totally random from the full pool after your 1st spec-designated one


or if there's some weighting between heirlooms?


It's a bummer, but if you are targeting a specific heirloom you will want a certain class/spec combo. I had a Mythic 1 handed Agi axe, and I really wanted another one, but my best bet was bringing my Shaman to a heroic run as Enhancement loot spec. So at least I have 2 heirloom 1 handers now.
Uh, I just started up the Blizzard launcher and suddenly there's a Heroes of the Storm icon and I can install the game. Does this mean I got invited? Didn't get a mail or anything.

It means you got lucky, yeah. They just appear like that now.

Annoyingly, the people I know that got in don't even give a shit about the game. Meanwhile I'm sitting here eager to play and nothing. Urgh.

Same here.

Time to impose my Dota 2 elitism.

I've actually been kind of interested in playing it, want to try out Malfurion, Illidan, The murloc, Muradin and Sonya


Maybe I'm crazy, but it didn't seem like heirloom weapons were that huge a help on the beta. I was tearing through levels anyways.

Now if they provided XP bonuses like the armor....


I re-upped for the expac (because I'm willing the give that a few months of my time despite how WoW angry MoP made me) and I'm really not a fan of the engine being a deferred renderer now. MSAA 4x was functionally free on my hardware and produced a clean image. FXAA just blurs everything and CMAA is causing in upwards of a 50% frame rate hit.


How the hell do you people make so much gold?

I made my fortune dominating the market on a couple of popular glyphs (unbound elemental and condensation) that for whatever reason people just weren't selling on my shithole low/medium pop realm. I was selling them for 500g a pop and typically sold around 10-15 a day. I also have a lot of alts and made as many 553 boes as possible.

Of course the price of everything plummeted when my realm was connected to another, then plummeted even more when horde/alliance AHs were connected in 6.0.2, so it's likely harder to find a market to control. But you'll have a great opportunity to get in at the beginning of WoD


Master Trapper Place 25 Place 125 Work Orders at the Barn by trapping creatures in the world. Reward: Unlocks Barn, Level 3 Blueprint. 5 points. Account Wide

For anyone who has been following Garrisons and Savage Blood acquisition, it will now take a lot longer to start being able to make Savage Bloods. This lessens the impact of crafted gear on initial raiding since gear that is not upgraded with Bloods will be 630 or 640 ilevel. I like the change, means I can do whatever I want with Garrisons really.
I've given 30k to this one guild so far for three heirlooms and that was just in one day and there were about 10 other people like me who paid for the heirlooms. These guys are making well over 100k per run and they say they do about 10 to 15 runs a day. I thought I was rich when my old guild sold the amani war bear, this is on a whole different level

Also, I really want the shield but I've already got the one hand on my tank. Am I better off bringing that tank back and hoping the shield will drop? Or is it random? Wondering if I should bring another tank and hope shield drops this time instead of another sword.
I would totally be doing this with my characters, but all of them are deleted. With the new 30 day undelete feature I'm stuck waiting to get them back :*(


So I have recently just started playing WoW for the first time really. I am a paladin and the issue I have is that with the skill Seal of command I can't activate it.

Is this like passive or a buff I activate the icon on it when on my skill bars is different from what it is in the spellbook.


Being one of the first to be able to craft the crappy entry-level epics at the start of an expansion will set you up for the whole damn thing. My mage tailor made enough in the first two weeks to support all my alts for the last 18 months, easily. Now I'm skint but I know I will make all the money I need in a month or so, not fussed.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
So I have recently just started playing WoW for the first time really. I am a paladin and the issue I have is that with the skill Seal of command I can't activate it.

Is this like passive or a buff I activate the icon on it when on my skill bars is different from what it is in the spellbook.

Seals are basically "stances", in that you have one active at a time, and they stay active permanently unless you activate another. If the icon it is showing is different from the one in the spellbook, like a white/blue circle thing, that means it is the currently active seal.


A few weeks back a friend (who i went to the WWI in France with) comes up to me and says if i wanted to have his stuff from that event (he stopped playing WoW years ago). I said sure, found out the Tyrael pet was still there. Sold it for 1000€ on ebay, not bad i would say :)

Thought of keeping it for myself, but with the amount its worth, still boggles me that there are people who spend so much money on stuff like that. But oh well, if you can miss it, why not.
So I have recently just started playing WoW for the first time really. I am a paladin and the issue I have is that with the skill Seal of command I can't activate it.

Is this like passive or a buff I activate the icon on it when on my skill bars is different from what it is in the spellbook.
Seals are basically "stances", in that you have one active at a time, and they stay active permanently unless you activate another. If the icon it is showing is different from the one in the spellbook, like a white/blue circle thing, that means it is the currently active seal.
Also, you may want to go into the interface settings and change the buffs so they're not consolidated. I may be in the minority, but I prefer to be able to see what buffs are active at any given time. Will allow you to see your seals if you have multiple buffs active.


Modesty becomes a woman
Guys, have you ever bought gold? It's so god damn tempting

If you don't play enough to get the gold that just comes from naturally playing, why would you want to spend money on a game you don't play enough?

It's going to be dumb how easy it is to get gold in WoD, and how little it will be needed anyway. Why bother?


Any recommendations for professions to boost with my level 60 rogue? My main character already has mining+engineering, and I plan to use the rogue for PvP only.


LW + skinning has always been a good rogue staple. You can make some decent gear and get a daily cooldown to make some money with.
Any recommendations for professions to boost with my level 60 rogue? My main character already has mining+engineering, and I plan to use the rogue for PvP only.
I think the most common rogue professions are skinning and leather working for making nice gear. However, if you are only going to use him for pvp, you might think about enchanting combined with jewelcrafting. With enchanting, you can make your own mats for the enchants and then enchant for all your toons. And since you've already got mining on your main, you can get mats for the jewel-crafting profession and do your own gems. Nothing beats being independent of others and the AH in wow imo. Plus enchanting and jewel-crafting can both be a decent source of income since you're not having to worry about leveling them to 90 yourself.


Modesty becomes a woman
Seems I've found the worst group ever for my soo LFR today. It feels like I'm the only one doing any healing. 6 healers, 4 are doing something but I'm doing nearly 50% of the work god damn wake up people.

If you're doing LFR on any day besides Tuesday (or Wednesday if you're EU) then you have no one to blame but yourself. Everyone gets it done asap because of the mouth breathers you get nearer to the weekend.


Seals are basically "stances", in that you have one active at a time, and they stay active permanently unless you activate another. If the icon it is showing is different from the one in the spellbook, like a white/blue circle thing, that means it is the currently active seal.

Also, you may want to go into the interface settings and change the buffs so they're not consolidated. I may be in the minority, but I prefer to be able to see what buffs are active at any given time. Will allow you to see your seals if you have multiple buffs active.

Ah right ok thanks just unsure how it worked that's all.
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