So I caved and pre-ordered WoD, and used the character boost to get my old Rogue from 70 to 90.
Been reading up on a lot of stuff but it's mindboggling, what happened since WotLK lol.
It took me an hour to find out I had to visit my class trainer and pick 2 specializations and then had to browse the web to find out what the hell glyphs are and how to get them...
Anyway, after last night I think I'm ready to do something ingame, but what?
Any pointers on what would be best to do for a ''new'' lvl 90 Rogue, maybe in preparation for WoD ?
Wanted to do a round of WSG before I logged off and noticed there's like 8 new BGs since I left, do people even play WSG/AB/AV anymore?