So I started a DK, got my mounts from my alt, but drakes won't fly when I press the space bar. Do I need a flying license for this area? If so, where do I get it?
So I started a DK, got my mounts from my alt, but drakes won't fly when I press the space bar. Do I need a flying license for this area? If so, where do I get it?
Probably. Every continent has its own flying training. What area are you in?So I started a DK, got my mounts from my alt, but drakes won't fly when I press the space bar. Do I need a flying license for this area? If so, where do I get it?
Probably. Every continent has its own flying training. What area are you in?
Edit: oh DK starting area. Yeah, no fly zone.
Thanks guys.The DK starting area? You can't fly in it.
What did the combat log say?
I didn't see anything obvious in the combat log. Sadly I probably don't plan to try it again any time soon. This is the first time I'd ever done the encounter so I'm not sure what used to happen when he wiped you. I do know it took me a really long time to get through the door because at first I thought you just had to keep killing stuff and the door would open. Then I found out you actually have to use the lever, and it took me probably another good 2-3 minutes to keep from getting interrupted while opening the door. So in total, I was probably in the room for 5-6 minutes before giong through the door. Not sure if that affected anything. I died right about the time I got to the first big statue at end of the first hallway.
It's about what happen with Velen (Draenei leader) in the expansion. Some major spoilers i guess if you care about the story.
Tempted to change my male dwarf mage to a human since i already have a male dwarf shaman.
So, male or female human? Which feels better overall as it comes to animations?
The human male running animation. Ugh. Rip female humans. You look frail, no more bitchy face, and sound awful now.People aren't fans of the new female humans. Anyone who says male humans look worse now though is possibly insane.
The human male running animation. Ugh. Rip female humans. You look frail, no more bitchy face, and sound awful now.
Female blood elf, female panda, and female undead are the only females i can play really. There are female draenei, but having space goat
Male human is awesome all around I think. Big improvement.Tempted to change my male dwarf mage to a human since i already have a male dwarf shaman.
So, male or female human? Which feels better overall as it comes to animations?
Male human is awesome all around I think. Big improvement.
Feel like Blizzard should accept some responsibility in how unbalanced their servers are by just including faction changes with server changes. You know you ain't going to Zul'Jin as Alliance, come on.
Rösti;136119736 said:The updated press kit with the high-res cover is still not released (hopefully should be out this week), but I found a high-res cover in JPEG format and thought it could be good to post since I haven't seen any with these dimensions:
Feel like Blizzard should accept some responsibility in how unbalanced their servers are by just including faction changes with server changes. You know you ain't going to Zul'Jin as Alliance, come on.
Now I notice he has a tusk ring and a tusk piercing.
Imagine drilling a hole in your tooth, or sticking a metal ring around one.
That's so dumb.
Imagine drilling a hole in your tooth, or sticking a metal ring around one.
That's so dumb.
Ok so I finished all the DK beginning stuff, got to Org, and the only available quest was on the board and that was the Hellfire stuff from Burning Crusade.....
Is that really pretty much how I'll be leveling up the DK now? Going through all the old stuff again?
When I decided to take the plunge and do Loremaster, BC was the thing I wanted to get out of the way first for the reason of it being so painful. Like that blood elf chick you need to escort in Hellfire. Holy hell I was swearing the whole time.The worst part about Loremaster, other than doing Loremaster, is easily the BC portion. So much 'shit that starts in other areas to unlock this quest chain' shit.
The biggest offender being the Mag'har.
People aren't fans of the new female humans. Anyone who says male humans look worse now though is possibly insane.
When I decided to take the plunge and do Loremaster, BC was the thing I wanted to get out of the way first for the reason of it being so painful. Like that blood elf chick you need to escort in Hellfire. Holy hell I was swearing the whole time.
Ugh :/Yep. Or boosting. Could also just run dungeons, but that's a lot faster if you queue as a tank rather than as DPS.
Here's my tried and tested guide to new 90s for patch 6.0, assuming your simple goal is to grab a BOA before xpac.
-if you have spare gold/honor like most people do step 1, if not, skip to step 2-
1. Feel free to let go of some of your gold on some 500+ pieces in Townlong. Similarly, grab any 550 gear you want from the pvp vendors.
2. Go to Timeless Isle and do the quests/sneak your way into a frog group. Farm for 30 mins and you will fill out your entire armor set with drops for your class.
3. At 496 you can either:
a) LFR SoO to get 520+ gear. You can do start to finish in about 2 hours with most groups.
b) Keep farming frogs to get charms and upgrade any 500+ gear to squeeze out ilvl. If you plan to do LFR you should do this anyway for seals.
4. Once you hit 510 you can now run UBRS and fill out slots in 550 gear if you still need to.
Extra bonus tip: Farm Headless Horseman now until you get a few of the ~540 pieces.
Your goal is basically to get around ~530-550 so you can get into a garry kill group on normal. If you want heroic, you'll definitely need at least 550. I took me about 2 days to get my fresh 90 sham to 525 and I main healed garry on normal at 527 for my boa. If you're anything but heals/tank you'll want to squeeze all the ilvl you can because that's all they really have to go on for dps.
Ugh :/
I mean it's been a while since I've played but not long enough to want to do alllllll that stuff over again.
Think I'll hop on my 85 pally and do the Pandaria stuff for the moment being then.
6.0 has been the worst patch for stability I can remember in a long time. Don't think I've gone a day without being kicked off, not being able to log in to a character or there being issues with instance servers or log in servers or (and this is best case scenario!) just dealing with big lag.
Bit worried about the launch of WoD to be honest, can only hope this 6.0.3 helps out.
6.0 has been the worst patch for stability I can remember in a long time. Don't think I've gone a day without being kicked off, not being able to log in to a character or there being issues with instance servers or log in servers or (and this is best case scenario!) just dealing with big lag.
Bit worried about the launch of WoD to be honest, can only hope this 6.0.3 helps out.
I expect some kind of maintenance for how we will travel to Draenor. If it's going to be like in the beta where Khadgar just offers teleportation to Tanaan Jungle, I expect Stormwind/Orgrimmar to be packed to the brim with people, and thus could need additional resources.I don't think there is going to be any special launch patch or maintenance or anything for WoD. Most of the content has already been applied by the pre-patch so people can get started right away when the content unlocks. This is how it's been since the launch of WotLK.
Weird, are you in NA? I haven't had much issues since the first few days(think i got disconnected once during a Lich King fight last week.)
There will be hiccups on xpac day no matter what, but I have not experienced any stability issues in years with this game. This patch is absolutely fine too minus patch day hiccups. Might be your internet.
EU. This second week has been more stable but its a monday night and a cluster of realms have just gone down and log in server is a mess too. I can't imagine it's from demand?
EU. This second week has been more stable but its a monday night and a cluster of realms have just gone down and log in server is a mess too. I can't imagine it's from demand?
Certainly not my internet, these are issues Blizzard are acknowledging.
I don't think there is going to be any special launch patch or maintenance or anything for WoD. Most of the content has already been applied by the pre-patch so people can get started right away when the content unlocks. This is how it's been since the launch of WotLK.
So, can you really not use the dungeon finder while you are leveling up anymore?
I hit 10 and all I can see is the custom groups tool, and the dungeon finder says it doesn't unlock until 85?
Last time I leveled I used the dungeon finder all the time!
It's not happening in NA, so it's gotta be just the EU servers not being taken care of.
If it is servers and not just you*
We can still do the green fire quest? I only started playing again recently and I'd love to do this on my Lock. The tome is going for a cool 25k though :lol