Duude. Jealous. You're rolling mounts in lately.
Duude. Jealous. You're rolling mounts in lately.
Man I'm doing mine on 4 characters. Nothin' =[I'm farming them every day on 5 characters, I would hope so :lol
I'm farming them every day on 5 characters, I would hope so :lol
Finally got the Azure Drake from Malygos today. Still have yet to get the Blue Drake to drop from Oculus.
im still missing blazing drake and blue drake
Then the Green Drake is mine.
I wanna complete the Aspect.
If you have 5k just buy a heroic Garrosh kill
im still missing blazing drake and blue drake
Then the Green Drake is mine.
I wanna complete the Aspect.
Blue drake doesn't come from Oculus anymore, so if you've been running that, L. O. L.
Only used to be in the goody bag during late Wrath.
Both blue and azure come from 10 and 25 EoE.
If Dragon Aspects were real
Are the ICC Glory achievements for the Frost Wyrm mounts soloable? I have a ~550 Arms Warrior, a ~530 Frost DK, and a ~540 WW Monk.
I wish they'd bring back the black and plagued proto drakes. I remember how blizzard claimed they wanted to keep the mounts meaningful. Since then they've left every other mount in the game still obtainable, even if it's just a low drop rate now. I'd love a reason to put nax on farm every week.
Blue drake doesn't come from Oculus anymore, so if you've been running that, L. O. L.
Only used to be in the goody bag during late Wrath.
Both blue and azure come from 10 and 25 EoE.
Well I just started farming it this week but whatever. Three runs of Oculus didn't hurt nobody!This. Read that and wept silently for your wasted time running oculus.
Boosted a DK. Did the Blasted Lands questing intro zone. Felt a lot more challenging and rewarding as a fresh 90, haha.
Earning skills back was a bit bizarre, though. I got a good feel for the abilities due to being restricted to some for a time, but they really do very suddenly unleash it all on you before very long.
I'm Frost. I have no idea what I'm doing really in terms of higher-level play, but I can kill standard trash effectively and quickly enough. My UI (XPerl, I know, shut up) doesn't display the DK runes properly, so that sucks.
The way to go for soloing is Blood, the tanking spec?
Yeah but you have to have lots of gold and be able to snag it before anyone else. Bringing back the two mounts as a rare drop in naxx would certainly encourage players to go back through that raid. It would be a win win for blizzard. Its easy for people who have been playing the entire mop expansion to talk about having and making gold. Its a little more daunting and time consuming for someone returning after over a year of being gone. Plus the ah will be down until wod starts next month.Plagued has been popping up in the Black Market Auction House for a while.
Black is still unobtainable.
Yeah but you have to have lots of gold and be able to snag it before anyone else. Bringing back the two mounts as a rare drop in naxx would certainly encourage players to go back through that raid. It would be a win win for blizzard. Its easy for people who have been playing the entire mop expansion to talk about having and making gold. Its a little more daunting and time consuming for someone returning after over a year of being gone. Plus the ah will be down until wod starts next month.
Blizzard said:Q: Will you ever bring back the mounts for achievements that were removed (Naxx Glory runs) as you didn't remove the later mounts? Joyia (North America/ANZ)
A: This is a tough one. On the one hand, we know there are a lot of players who would still like to get their hands on these mounts. On the other hand, we were pretty clear that they would only be available for a limited time, and we hate to go back on our word because we know some groups went through heroic efforts to get them before the door closed. This is the kind of thing that is not set in stone and player feedback might eventually convince us to change our minds.
True. And then they also brought back the zul aman mount, at least in some fashion. That was a contradiction of what they originally said. Im still pissed because they have rares that people work hard for and then immediately make them available for all. I worked for a long time to get the fox pup. Like a month later they turned it into a purchasable pet. Like come on. Blizzard needs to be consistent. Either mounts and pets are special and limited or you keep all of them obtainable.I think part of the issue was that it was a prestige reward and deemed limited-time only when Naxx was current content.
(Of course in that case, why they brought back the Plagued proto in the BMAH is beyond me.)
This is from some time back:
Granted, most people have enough reasons to run Naxx if only for transmog, achivements, or the pets.
That's why i said in "some fashion"But they didn't bring back the ZA mount. The new bear is a fair shade uglier and they knew it when they put it in.
True. And then they also brought back the zul aman mount, at least in some fashion. That was a contradiction of what they originally said. Im still pissed because they have rares that people work hard for and then immediately make them available for all. I worked for a long time to get the fox pup. Like a month later they turned it into a purchasable pet. Like come on. Blizzard needs to be consistent. Either mounts and pets are special and limited or you keep all of them obtainable.
Thats a good example too. Difference being there was literally only one per server ever as it was linked to a single event. The nax protodrakes were linked to an achievement and then blizzard removed them since higher gear levels meant that the achievements would be a lot easier. So in that case why did blizzard not remove the rusted and ironbound mounts as well as invincible and mirmirons head?What about the Black Qi'raji Battle Tank? At this point it's so rare it might as well not even be in the game
Thats a good example too. Difference being there was literally only one per server ever as it was linked to a single event. The nax protodrakes were linked to an achievement and then blizzard removed them since higher gear levels meant that the achievements would be a lot easier. So in that case why did blizzard not remove the rusted and ironbound mounts as well as invincible and mirmirons head?
Serious question? Am i coming off as angry? Because im not lol and wasnt trying to sound hostile. I just felt like posting a longstanding wish for blizz to bring back those two particular mounts. Amd to this day blizzard's reasons dont really add up. Thats all. Carry on.
This seems far more important to you then it does to me. I just thought it would be nice to have blizzard bring them back. Thats the only reason i brought it up in the first place. Shrug.There are a LOT of black qiraji battle tanks. it wasn't 1 per server, you could only ring the gong once per server, but then anyone that hit it during the next 12 hours got the mount. There were entire guilds of Scarab Lords that had transferred to newly opened servers back in Wrath.
Blizz didn't do it with future drakes because of the outcry over it happening with black and plagued. It's that simple. If they introduced it today they wouldn't do it, but the simple truth is it's one of the few times they've ever said "This will NOT be in the game again" so I respect them for honoring that. I mean, do people get mad that they can't get like...Merciless Gladiator's Netherdrakes and stuff still too?
This seems far more important to you then it does to me. I just thought it would be nice to have blizzard bring them back. Thats the only reason i brought it up in the first place. Shrug.
Right now you're acquiring at warlords rates is the issue, without the strongboxes or whatever. I admit I haven't followed pvp stuff a ton but I know it's something like that.Well shit... looks like they nerfed honor gains in battlegrounds with this patch.
I was going to grind out the PvP gear, but this shit is just ridiculous now.
Calm down. You're not max level anymore, you're playing a twink. Is this your first expansion launch?I'm tempted to delete my Mage right now. So fucking pissed at all the nerfs Frost Mages got:
I just needed to vent a little.
Calm down. You're not max level anymore, you're playing a twink. Is this your first expansion launch?
Level 100 talents for every class are crazy and in most cases totally change how you play.
I've been playing since October 2005. I'm just pretty bipolar and get frustrated by PvP.
Only two achievements left for my 25 Glory of the Icecrown Raider. The non-vampire part of Once Bitten, Twice Shy and Been Waiting a Long Time For This. Any tips on soloing these?
I assume the easiest way to do OB,TS with my Frost DK (the only character that has the vampire part of the achievement done already) would be to charm something with Control Undead and let that take the first bite? Or maybe switch to Unholy?
What about BWALTFT? I have a 550 Arms Warrior, a 540 WW Monk, and a 520 Destro Lock available as well (DK is 530).
Assuming you're U.S. I'll help you with OB,TS. I have level 90 horde and alliance, so faction isnt a problem. BWALTFT.. no clue. That was a massive pain in the ass for me, and I had several people helping.