Before or after they nerfed the ashraan ilvl doping?
Ashran doping?
I think I saw people with low hp in heroics as recently as Friday night.
Before or after they nerfed the ashraan ilvl doping?
So apparently Poundfist camping...
Been waiting for hours trying to decide if I keep going or sleep lol
I never thought I'd say this about a blood elf, but the mage boosted set is absolutely lovely on a blood elf.
Ashran doping?
I think I saw people with low hp in heroics as recently as Friday night.
I hate how long the WoD starting area takes. It was cool the first time, but going through it on 2 more alts makes me wish we could skip it so I can get my garrison faster.
I hate how long the WoD starting area takes. It was cool the first time, but going through it on 2 more alts makes me wish we could skip it so I can get my garrison faster.
I hate how long the WoD starting area takes. It was cool the first time, but going through it on 2 more alts makes me wish we could skip it so I can get my garrison faster.
The Bunker is way better than the Tower because you can get the items to raise your Followers ilvls from it. After you get them to 645 you get quests that give you Highmaul Gear of a tier higher than you are raiding (rarely, of course).
Seriously? Wow. I've almost gotten 20 followers to 100, and I'm trying to get everyone to 615 but lord it's hit and miss (salvage!). Are you telling me I can get missions for 650 player gear later?
So I got a new mount:
And I only camped it for like 3 hours =V
Its 655-690 depending on what raiding you do.
Your followers have to hit 645 though, three of them. You get more of the item enhancements through workorders from Level 2 Bunker/whatever the Horde equivalent is.
So I have to complete certain raids to have the gear show up? (in addition to the follower ilevel requirements)
Quick question, I decided to renew my sub to level up my DK to 90 from 85 to see if I would like it enough to buy WoD but i'm just struggling to get myself through the content. Is leveling better in WoD, I just feel very disengaged from everything thats happening around me.
I loved leveling in WotLK that was my favorite exp, will I like WoD or is it more like MoP? Thanks in advance!
Negative, the gear you get continues to improve as you raid because they want it to always remain relevant. At the start you'll get 645 stuff though (Marginally better than LFR gear, since they assume anyone can do lfr basically).
I hope MC is not an indicator of how wrong that is.
MC is from a different era, man. Say what you will about the current raid scene, but shit like BWL and AQ40 would break modern day raiders if they had to do it with patch appropriate characters and gear.
the first boss in BWL is still impossible to solo
MC is from a different era, man. Say what you will about the current raid scene, but shit like BWL and AQ40 would break modern day raiders if they had to do it with patch appropriate characters and gear.
the first boss in BWL is still impossible to solo
MC is from a different era, man. Say what you will about the current raid scene, but shit like BWL and AQ40 would break modern day raiders if they had to do it with patch appropriate characters and gear.
Negative, the gear you get continues to improve as you raid because they want it to always remain relevant. At the start you'll get 645 stuff though (Marginally better than LFR gear, since they assume anyone can do lfr basically).
Well..what don't you like about it? Mechanically it's a lot like MoP, people hate mop for mostly thematic (illogical but emotional) reasons like art or setting typically, systematically wod isn't that different. Thematically however it's ENTIRELY different. I could say it evokes a Wrath-like oppressive force type feeling at most turns? Don't get me wrong, I hated levelling in mop too, but mostly because the quests were meh. Not sure what else there is to say than that.
Oh great that was what I was looking forward to hear. The quests in MoP just did not suck me in like they did in Wrath and to a lesser extent Cata. But WoD upgrade bought, thank you for the info!
662 iLvL in Ashran now, playing with the early morning crowd (sub 600 probably). I've never felt so OP. I beat a warlock and a hunter 2v1, healed, then killed a warrior that came leaping in. I've been farming mobs in the Arena of Annihilation, turning in 100 fragments for 200 honor for the quest for the whistle. All I have left to upgrade are my gauntlets and necklace. Oh, and the bonus quest for killing mobs there grants 625 honor.
Wait a minute, are we trying to say AQ40 and BWL are harder than modern content? Or are you calling LFRers 'modern raiders'? Because AQ40 and BWL are basically jokes compared to every raid in every expansion after them. It's all gear. All vanilla content is. A modern player in 'appropriate gear' would destroy AQ40 and be done with it within a day.
I'd actually love to see that. Modern raiders having to get used to the classes as they were before any major class streamlining or balancing, before 99% of their favourite add-ons existed with a raid interface that sucks ass, raid leaders trying to get 40 assholes who are used to 10 years of improvements to sit still for hours on end.
The game has changed a bit over the years, is what I'm saying.
Is it possible to solo the Shadowmourne legendary questline?
I'm guessing not because of the vampire and putricide bit?
Every hardcore raider who's still raiding now that raided back in vanilla says, and myself included, that the content now is actual content with mechanics. Watching videos and reading strats on how to best play your class for a particular fights, exchanging talents and gear to adapt to that situation. 40 man raiding had people raiding in pirate hats, greens, afking(it's still the biggest case for it), and people who had no idea what raiding was. All vanilla content was was getting gear and telling people what to do before the pull. You were told what to do and you executed it. It was as cut and dry as you can get.
Couldn't disagree with you more. I'm not sure you were part of a progression guild if you had AFKers or people in pirate hats qualify for raid slots, obviously.
Couldn't disagree with you more. I'm not sure you were part of a progression guild if you had AFKers or people in pirate hats qualify for raid slots, obviously.
I'd actually love to see that. Modern raiders having to get used to the classes as they were before any major class streamlining or balancing, before 99% of their favourite add-ons existed with a raid interface that sucks ass, raid leaders trying to get 40 assholes who are used to 10 years of improvements to sit still for hours on end.
The game has changed a bit over the years, is what I'm saying.
If you're saying you had 40 active players during Naxx, you're probably lying.
They've also introduced a cooldown on dispels and removed decursive. Bunch of LFR MCs difficulty comes from them retaining the old mechanics. Perma -75% healing taken on your raid does wonders when people try to guess where the Rain of Fire ends and where it starts![]()
The pirate hat actually was very strongWell, admirals hat. Had to be nerfed. We all wore them.
The pirate hat actually was very strongWell, admirals hat. Had to be nerfed. We all wore them.
It's so quick.... done it 8 characters already....
Is it possible to solo the Shadowmourne legendary questline?
I'm guessing not because of the vampire and putricide bit?
The Admiral Hat was the best.
"Okay, you buff him. I'll buff you. You, you buff me...."