If you're saying you had 40 active players during Naxx, you're probably lying.
lol I just saw they rerereverted the personal loot thing so that it's back to being default personal loot.
Sometimes I wonder if Blizzard takes feedback for longer than 3 minutes before making a decision.
Man, I hate this shitty loot system. I never get stuff I can use, I only ever get crap that I already have..
So... I'm doing about ~10K DPS with my arms warrior at ilvl 600 in normal dungeons.
Is that bad? FYI: I've never played a warrior end-game before. I used to be a hardcore rogue so all of this is still new to me. I'm assuming the DPS is very gear based?
I really like the spec though, but there are moments when you're low on rage and you feel the combat is a bit slow. Probably because most rage comes from auto attack now.
So... I'm doing about ~10K DPS with my arms warrior at ilvl 600 in normal dungeons.
Is that bad? FYI: I've never played a warrior end-game before. I used to be a hardcore rogue so all of this is still new to me. I'm assuming the DPS is very gear based?
I really like the spec though, but there are moments when you're low on rage and you feel the combat is a bit slow. Probably because most rage comes from auto attack now.
Yeah. Getting no loot is a bummer, but when you see an Agi 2H wep that rolls Warforged and with a socket, and nobody in the group can use it, you get straight-up pissed.TheYanger said:With the old loot system you'd get stuff you couldn't even use.
Single target I assume? I think for your gear level that's fine. Not too sure about where Arms is placing at in general. In my 626 Ret set, I can finish at about 17-18k on bosses.
When the only time I get loot is from the last boss, and it's shit that is useless to me, I get pissed.
I'd hate to see you after wading through dozens of dungeons, seeing nothing but loot for other classes/specs drop only to have a great item for you finally drop and some off spec (or completely wrong class) decides to roll need on it and win.
When the only time I get loot is from the last boss, and it's shit that is useless to me, I get pissed.
Yeah but MOST of it has changed in ways that only made the game deeper. I was there in those days, I did MC before CTRA existed, the first raid frame mod was simply called RaidBar and it was basic as dirt. That said...you don't NEED any mods for that stuff. The bosses have like 2 mechanics apiece and one of them is a dispel spam (On every single boss). We had 1 decurse per group, and just called 'decurse' every time the curses cast. Mages/druids would handle their 5 for 5 GCDs and resume whatever else.
Vael? Do DPS rotation, run out with burning adrenaline. That was it. It was hard because people were bad, not because it was challenging.
Playing most of the classes as dps consisted of spamming your best spell. Playing a rogue was MARGINALLY more complex - the first class in the game with an actual rotation!!!
BSx3 SND BSx5 SND, BSx5 Eviscerate. Such mechanics. Much complex. This was ye olde 3-5-5 rotation.
Don't get me wrong, I would do it and it'd be neat, but the simple truth is if my guild had to suddenly go back to all blues and do BWL (IE: undergeared) we absolutely could and would with no trouble at all. I wouldnt' be shocked if we one shot all of the bosses (Ony cloaks aside, obviously).
I haven't done entirely unbuffed and don't really know exactly what kind of break down you'd be looking for, but IIRC, with just my Mastery buff, I can burst w/ CDs about 18-19k single target on a dummy, averaging at around 12-13k over time. I'd never played Ret before Friday and hadn't played a DPS in something like 5 years, so I have no clue how I'm doing in relation to other Ret pallies, or if I'm doing particularly well for my gear level.What are you doing unbuffed against target dummies? I'm a 621 ret, so a comparison would be nice.
Who can forget running Maraudon to get nature resist gear.
I haven't done entirely unbuffed and don't really know exactly what kind of break down you'd be looking for, but IIRC, with just my Mastery buff, I can burst w/ CDs about 18-19k single target on a dummy, averaging at around 12-13k over time. I'd never played Ret before Friday and hadn't played a DPS in something like 5 years, so I have no clue how I'm doing in relation to other Ret pallies, or if I'm doing particularly well for my gear level.
So hit 100 yesterday for the first time and got a ilevel of 600. What should I be looking to do now?
Should I just try and get my ilevel up so I can get into heroics now and get my garrison stuff to level 3 too?
You can probably get close to 610 if you complete everything in Nagrand, helps if you build a War Mill/Dwarven Bunker before questing there for the increased chance at quest reward upgrades.
Don't forget to do the daily Apexis crystal quest and start your legendary questline.
So hit 100 yesterday for the first time and got a ilevel of 600. What should I be looking to do now?
Should I just try and get my ilevel up so I can get into heroics now and get my garrison stuff to level 3 too?
Barrage in the new instances is scary. It's so good but I feel like such a noob when I accidentally pull more because of the massive range and how buggy it can be sometimes. Maybe ill get in the habit of flanking packs of mobs so I can't pull more than I should.
Threat was a much bigger issue in those days when its pretty much nonexistent now (except for some tank transitions if the tanks aren't used to each other).
I only done a few quests in Nagrand before hitting 100 so would have a good bit left to do there.
Where is it I find the daily quests?
I think I did a legendary quest too where I got a ring in skyreach and gave it too khadgar which i got a 640 ring from. So the quests which he gives after this are the legendary stuff?
When the only time I get loot is from the last boss, and it's shit that is useless to me, I get pissed.
Ah okay, cool, we seem to be in the same ballpark.
I will say, a lot of the ret style is really proc heavy. Sometimes I get a whole bunch of free Templar's Verdicts in a row and other times I can go for ages without seeing a single one.
Yeah, it's kinda frustrating. Some AoE pulls, I blow up to about 30k+ (I've done as high as 45k on some pulls though), and then on others I'm barely scraping 20k because free Divine Storms won't proc.
The daily I mentioned can be found inside your Garrison town-hall, that quest you did for the 640 ring is part of the longer legendary questline, next step sends you into heroics and rewards you a 680 epic ring.
Finally got my level 3 garrison.
... Now I have no resources. Shit.
The struggle is realFinally got my level 3 garrison.
... Now I have no resources. Shit.
Tanks in general seem to do a lot of damage right now, prot wars in particular. It's not uncommon for our main tank to beat one or two DPS on trash pulls, and sit firmly at 10-12k on a boss fight.Try playing a Warlock some time. Oh? what's that? I'm not getting enough crits to generate embers and the fucking tank is doing more damage than me?
Had to farm venom sacs in Duskwood with the Alterac Valley frost ammo + buy a Hurricane for Viscidius.
The game is in a much better place now, and the actual hard content of raiding is the raiding itself.
First random bg win on my fresh 100 hunter. Awesome! purple strongbox woot! Open it up... 40g Gee thanks assholes.
Absolutely fine at ilvl 600. You'd do well in heroics with that number already.
Single target I assume? I think for your gear level that's fine. Not too sure about where Arms is placing at in general. In my 626 Ret set, I can finish at about 17-18k on bosses.
I think once you get some gear and get more used to the ins and outs of your spec you'll get up there.
Yeah. Getting no loot is a bummer, but when you see an Agi 2H wep that rolls Warforged and with a socket, and nobody in the group can use it, you get straight-up pissed.
Finally got my level 3 garrison.
... Now I have no resources. Shit.
Trading Post + Lumber Mill for your medium buildings, guaranteed 50 resources / hour.
Tanks in general seem to do a lot of damage right now, prot wars in particular. It's not uncommon for our main tank to beat one or two DPS on trash pulls, and sit firmly at 10-12k on a boss fight.
Garrison addicts should check out Master Plan.
Not sure if I want to stick to Brewmaster on my Monk or switch to Mistweaver. Have read mixed things about both of the specs right now.
MC queue takes forever.
MC takes forever but it was a 2 minute DPS queue for me.