And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Level 3 Lumber Mill and Mine now building!
How did you get the artifacts for mining so fast?
Level 3 Lumber Mill and Mine now building!
Blood elves models will be shown tomorrow!
No hype, Blood Elves suck.
I'm not even a mount collector, and I hate riding huge mounts that can't fit in doorways. I'm not sure why I want it so much to be honest. I think its mostly the thrill of being the first group on the server to down him.
Blood elves models will be shown tomorrow!
Do you never do LFG? Almost every time I find people like this.
The crappy thing with not having much time to play is my entire guild has outgeared me. I'm still around 600 ilvl, and in a Normal Skyreach a dps and the healer were just going at it, all the way up through the final boss. I just don't get the animosity sometimes.
No hype, Blood Elves suck.
Bush chicken!
Comes from the Pilgrim's Bounty bag when you do the dailies.
[URL="http://www.wowhead.com/news=244668/pilgrims-bounty-2014-guide-november-24-december-1"]Actually, here's the whole guide since it starts today.[/URL] There's a new toy too.[/QUOTE]
Wonder what the drop rate is for the pet and the toy. Might do the daily on a few toons to be safe.
How did you get the artifacts for mining so fast?
How did you get the artifacts for mining so fast?
Level 92, tier 2 garrison. Should I replace the barracks with the war mill? Is losing patrol missions a big deal or worth it?
Does anyone know if there are going to be any Black Friday deals for the base game? I want to get back into the game since I've heard a lot of good things about the latest expansion, but I'm going to have to level up a character from zero so I'm looking for deals on the base game rather than on the expansion.
The expansion comes with 1 free level 90 character.
Wait, really? I thought that was only a pre-order bonus?
Oh man, totally agree. Will look into this when I get home. Thanks.The addons MMO-Champ linked today for garrison missions are super awesome. They almost trivilize them for me, but in a good way. I was sick of sorting through all my followers trying to figure out which missions I could do and who was best to send where.
Got my first seal of tempered fate because of it.
Nah. Buy WoD and you get the boost.Wait, really? I thought that was only a pre-order bonus?
The free 90 boost is part of the base package, has nothing to do with pre-order or CE or anything else.
Haha yup, my same thought.I honestly couldn't tell you the difference between all the 'missions'
Right now Shamans are really lacking from what I'm hearing. Both of their DPS specs are bottom of the barrel but I think their healing is pretty good.Ohhhhh. Well that changes things then... Maybe I should read up on the classes to see which one I would want to boost. I used to play a Shaman back in the day but my brother is using my account and I always felt like Shamans were underpowered (jack of all trades, master of none).
Wow, grats man! Looks awesome.Finally got the belt token to finish the set! Think I'll go tabard-less now.
Right now Shamans are really lacking from what I'm hearing. Both of their DPS specs are bottom of the barrel but I think their healing is pretty good.
Wow, grats man! Looks awesome.
Iron Horde scraps are still confusing to me. In all of my time playing so far I think I've gotten 9 of them lol...and the spot you and someone else posted in here last week has been nerfed =[
Ah, that makes sense. I haven't been in heroics yet so hopefully I get some there.Thanks! Yeah, I think the fastest way is to just chain Heroics now. There might be some decent farm spots out in the wild, but they won't be anywhere near that one spot. Glad I hammered out my set before they nerfed it
Still deciding whether I should go back to the Blackrock helm or stick with the MC Crown.
I always used to like maxing every profession with alts, but there just doesn't seem to be much of a reason to do it now with how the garrison works. Not interested in having to get everyone to 92/96 to daily farm mine/garden to supply work orders that only give slightly higher yields, on bop mats that can't traded around.
Shaman were pretty damn good in MOP, right? Skipped that xpac for the most part but that's what I've been told, anyways. Watching them be gutted in beta and now out of it has been pretty depressing, though. I'd stick with them but I just don't like how enh plays now.
What's the achievement called, that you need in order to get lvl 3 Frostmine?
Yeah Shamans were good in MoP. And honestly Ele is a bit low right now, but they'll probably bring them up.
If you don't enjoy how a spec plays that's another story though. I'll probably keep my Shaman as an active alt and heal/dps with it a bit.
What's the achievement called, that you need in order to get lvl 3 Frostmine?
Oh! Apparently I have close to 400 of'em so I should have lvl 3 soon enough as wellI can't remember what it's called but you need to loot 500 Draenic Stone. It shows up in the profession achievement tab not the garrison one.
Elemental does seem pretty weak at the moment... They seem to want to buff Lava Burst over and over again to fix it...
Ah, that makes sense. I haven't been in heroics yet so hopefully I get some there.
And I would stick with the MC crown imo. It's a nice touch with the rest of the set.
Yesssss, just finished farming iron horde scraps. In my opinion, heroics are pretty bad for getting them. I found the best place for farming them is either the Orunai Coast in Talador, or the iron horde encampment that is in the north of Talador.
Lava burst just flat-out needs to do more damage. It was nerfed horrendously a while back and is now just sad. It's damage (assuming flame shock on the target, obviously) is between a regular lightning bolt and a crit lightning bolt. It should do at least as much damage as a lightning bolt crit.
Earthquake is another story. Some people hate it, I don't really mind it and am totally fine with the AoE rotation using both chain lightning and EQ, but the fact that no one other than the caster can see it and it's (relatively) small radius make it way more bothersome to use effectively in dungeons and raids than it should be.
Grats mang!Just got this warforged trinket for my resto druid:
Sooooooo good. (Both proc and intelligence increase)
Ah, interesting. Thanks for the tip.From the launch thread:
I played enhance for the last 5 months or so of MoP and I thought they were great in PvE. Was always competitive DPS-wise.Shaman were pretty damn good in MOP, right? Skipped that xpac for the most part but that's what I've been told, anyways. Watching them be gutted in beta and now out of it has been pretty depressing, though. I'd stick with them but I just don't like how enh plays now.
Druid Mythic T17 looks sooooo good (on the left below).
The Monk one is... eh. Gonna stick with my old xmog, I like more leathery looking gear. This new set looks like metal.
Woot! Finally.
Druid Mythic T17 looks sooooo good (on the left below)..
i almost fell asleep during molten core
Yep, it's Molten Core alright