Salvage yard or mission? If so whats your set up?
From mission
Lumber Mill, Dwarven Bunker, Lunarfall Inn, Barracks, Tailoring, Alchemy, Salvage Yard, all lvl 3 except the inn.
Salvage yard or mission? If so whats your set up?
Everbloom is my least favorite. Execution-heavy first boss. Obnoxious Stonecore-style maze of trash between the first and second bosses. Uninteresting add grind on spider boss. God awful trash for the Archmage boss. Difficult to see and annoying stun/aoe damage effects from those spores before and during Archmage boss.
So far my biggest garrison regret is the Trading Post. Need 3 reps at exalted for the level 3 blueprint...the auction bot quest is the worst thing in the world...they often ask for dust or true iron ore for work orders. What a waste of a building plot. It's worse than the barn![]()
I don't run a DPS meter but I've pulled aggro from tanks who were equally geared several times, and I'm usually the target of bosses's "let me annoy a DPS" ability. So I guess ret paladins are fine. I just switch seals for packs or solo targets, use my cooldowns as often as I can. I've also seen mages complaining about "utility classes" out DPS's them in many heroics. I've yet to run with a DPS shaman, I think they gave up.
I've gotten lucky with trading post work orders - only ever asked for dust once. The three exalted rep thing and obscene auction quest will probably have me dropping it for something else once I build all my other stuff to lvl 3 though.
So Blizz made fights that weren't soloable, soloable.
Except Cho'gall who just MCs you and resets every single time.
Blizz really needs to splurge and hire somebody else to voice 'evil female dragon' for once
Suffer mortals, as your pathetic magic *gasping*BETRAYS you!
Those are probably just some mechanics you're running into. It's literally impossible to pull off a tank once they attack anything once. Threat isn't even a thing anymore, the tanking meta-game is surviving, not keeping threat.
I've played female blood elf for like two months and I didn't even bothered to notice their scrawny look.
Though, to be honest, I really like the updated look for female belfs.
Camped Poundfist for 3 days. Finally crashed around 12am. He spawned at 2am and my raid that I was in got him. Fuck.this.
Nah, you embrace it. Once you see the smugness of their run and their toy sized weapons you just run with it.Oh god, I rolled a female blood elf.
Do you ever get used to the terminal anorexia?
My demise accomplishes nothing! The master will have you! You will drown in your own blood! The world shall burn!
Citizens of Dalaran! Raise your eyes to the skies and observe!
rip cleaveNumbers were horribly inflated, their "cleave" is better than Warriors'.
Ravager is super legit.Bladestorm, Dragon's Breath, and Thunder Clap are the only satisfying warrior aoe.
Bladestorm, Dragon's Breath, and Thunder Clap are the only satisfying warrior aoe.
Whirlwind is lame as fuck.
I still don't understand his spawn pattern, is it just like old galleon, wait for a week and hope you get lucky with your chosen location?
I created a Blood Elf Warrior and it randomly got the achievement Savage Friends, which is for getting Exalted with three Draenor factions. Okay? Any rational explanations? A mission finished on another character and it gave that character reputation or something? As far as I know, I don't have any Draenor factions at Exalted, or even close to it, on any character.
It's bugged. I was at 2/3 reps for it without being exalted with anything, and finishing off Steamwheedle gave me the full achieve.
Suffer mortals, as your pathetic magic *gasping*BETRAYS you!
I didnt like Gorgrond AT ALL
It's easily the worst zone I've ever seen in any MMO.
I don't like Gorgrond but come on.It's easily the worst zone I've ever seen in any MMO.
Silithus 1.0 might like a word with you...
among some other Vanilla zones.
But yeah, it's pretty bad.
What happened to the amount of missions I'm getting? I was getting like 10+ all the time, couldn't keep up with my followers... but now it's like 3-4 of them and they never seem to recharge fast enough.
What happened to the amount of missions I'm getting? I was getting like 10+ all the time, couldn't keep up with my followers... but now it's like 3-4 of them and they never seem to recharge fast enough.
Gorgrond is way better than Nagrand.
Blizz really needs to splurge and hire somebody else to voice 'evil female dragon' for once
It's easily the worst zone I've ever seen in any MMO.
Gorgrond is way better than Nagrand.