What are the WoW zones that you like?
I did both ways for gorgrand. The storyline you get with the shredder is inferior in every way. The rexxar stuff with the sparring arena is much better than hey we found these dorfs in some cave with an artifact.
Agreed.I did both ways for gorgrand. The storyline you get with the shredder is inferior in every way. The rexxar stuff with the sparring arena is much better than hey we found these dorfs in some cave with an artifact.
I have yet to do that storyline. I need to check it out before the raids.I do like how you get quests in previous zones at higher lvls, its a interesting idea. im doing these lvl 94 quests involving Gul'dan now in shadowmoon
Just got Starfall on my Druid.
It's a new game.
Boomkin: ok I want to AOE these 5 mobs.
Starfall: I WANT TO AOE
*pulls entire world*
Boomkin: ok I want to AOE these 5 mobs.
Starfall: I WANT TO AOE
*pulls entire world*
Boomkin: ok I want to AOE these 5 mobs.
Starfall: I WANT TO AOE
*pulls entire world*
you just described Halo for shadow preists, its very annoying, so much so I specced out of it
I'm having a hard time justifying keeping Engineering around. It's no longer the "trinket" profession like it used to be, and even special mounts like the Sky Golem no longer require Engineering, a pattern I'm confident will be duplicated in future. It doesn't make me any money... which is normal for Engineering I guess, but it was once a worthwhile trade off for all the "fun" stuff.
Right now all it does for me is give me a 640 helm (I have the MC one anyway), Blingtron 5000, and an outlet for all this fucking ore I have.
Someone talk me into/out of dropping it for Enchanting or Leatherworking or something.
Even Jewelcrafting is more enticing at the moment.
EDIT: Oh, and Goblin Glider Kit. Honestly, this is the big thing right now. Making my own kits is very convenient and I make heavy use of them, although I'm not sure if it's because I like to or because I'm so desperate to justify keeping Engineering around.
EDIT: Oh, and Goblin Glider Kit. Honestly, this is the big thing right now. Making my own kits is very convenient and I make heavy use of them, although I'm not sure if it's because I like to or because I'm so desperate to justify keeping Engineering around.
or barrage for hunters.
AOE apparently means the ENTIRE area now. It'll be nice when we're raid geared and stomping dungeons though.
So I plucked up the courage and did my first Heroic, which was UBRS. Went okay. Ended up with nearly 15k DPS on the score which seems okay to me.
Had a tank leave after the first boss, and his replacement left after the second because he was annoyed that he was doing more DPS than the DPS classes in there.
22k wut?
22k wut?
I had a rogue in my heroic yesterday that was doing almost 30k dps.
how do I assign followers to professions buildings?
side note, did all of Talador and loved it. lvl 97 now, going into Spires of Arak and I love the look of it. Also I love arrakoa so im biased
Oh god, I rolled a female blood elf.
Do you ever get used to the terminal anorexia?
Today I learned you can't be logged into the battle.net application from more than one computer at the same time.
This strikes me as extremely stupid.
Oh god, I rolled a female blood elf.
Do you ever get used to the terminal anorexia?
I did both ways for gorgrand. The storyline you get with the shredder is inferior in every way. The rexxar stuff with the sparring arena is much better than hey we found these dorfs in some cave with an artifact.
or barrage for hunters.
AOE apparently means the ENTIRE area now. It'll be nice when we're raid geared and stomping dungeons though.
Auchidoun was my favorite dungeon so far. too bad the group as usual cant wait for a brother to watch a cutscene
I was still in time for the boss but damn
Are Monks in any way fun to level or play at max level?
Auchidoun was my favorite dungeon so far. too bad the group as usual cant wait for a brother to watch a cutscene
I was still in time for the boss but damn
Six more salvage crates until level 3 salvage yard.
Six.. more..
Probably my least favorite of the expansion, tbh. That or Mines.
Salvage yard or mission? If so whats your set up?Got a 655 ilvl head with socket from the garrison!, still could have been some other part as I have the 640 one from MC.
Sustained? Single-target? Receipts.gif