So this weekend I finally had time to actually level and it was surprisingly quick, i'd wager just doing quests I went from 90-100 in about 15 hours? Played for 10 hours on saturday and about 5 on sunday.
Pàcing was also fuckin excellent UNTIL SPIRES OF ARAK WHICH LASTED WAYYY TOO LONG. I should have just left that zone when I hit 99 but I really wanted to finish the story line and I ended up hitting 100 just as I was about to leave.
Now I really don't feel compelled to do Nagrand at all. Is there anything particularly important in Nagrand? I did the intro quests to get the garrison ability but nothing else, is it worth finishing up at all?
You may need some of the quest reward/treasure before you can do heroics, i think you need ilvl 610. Theres a few high level followers. Also, If youre into the lore theres a few big story things that happen.