...blizzard never got rid of Valor points. They just made it so you that you can earn 'valor' either by being rich or doing pvp as well as grind them out for a few minutes a day.
Good morning ya'll! How is/was the raid when it went live?
Also, how often will the two (two right?) world bosses spawn?
just one of them spawns per week
Haha, I need more mounts too! I'm doing all of those every week on like five characters save for Eye of Eternity.So with being geared up for this expansion I'm now safely running more old content for mounts. Now weekly I run:
Eye of Eternity (10m)
Throne of the Four Winds (25m)
Ulduar (25m)
Icecrown Citadel (25m, Heroic at Lich King)
Firelands (10m Normal)
Dragon Soul (10m Heroic)
And got nothing. Bah! Still trying to kill warbringers and run around often for them to catch them spawned. Get maybe 5-10 kills a day. I've now gotten duplicates of both Slate and Amber but still need Jade.
All 25 of my followers are now level 100 and just working on raising their ranks and ilvl.
I really need to do the legendary stuff. I've only ran two heroic dungeons so far. And I haven't even ran all of them in Normal. I think there's three I've never been in. But I'm ilvl 627 so I'm not terribly worried.
I just need more mounts.
It looks like it switches every week. So this week it's only Tarlna. Next week it'll be Drov.Good morning ya'll! How is/was the raid when it went live?
Also, how often will the two (two right?) world bosses spawn?
Aw, and they both spawned simultaneous as soon as the servers went online, right?
1 shotted kargath/butcher, lets see if we can for these rock dudes.
Haha, I need more mounts too! I'm doing all of those every week on like five characters save for Eye of Eternity.
I wonder if I'll be able to solo say...Horridon eventually if gear gets powerful enough this expansion. Or maybe people are already solo'ing Horridon, I don't know.
It looks like it switches every week. So this week it's only Tarlna. Next week it'll be Drov.
The timer isn't long. I got into a group and they said they had been waiting maybe 10 minutes before Tarlna showed up again. Of course I got double gold =[
can one realistically, easily do firelands 25m solo with any class at 100?
what about dragonsoul?
can one realistically, easily do firelands 25m solo with any class at 100?
what about dragonsoul?
Ran with a guild starting on heroic without doing normal. Heroic Butcher is nearly impossible in dungeon gear. We were barely getting him to 50% before healers were oom and we weren't close to beating enrage. X_x
can one realistically, easily do firelands 25m solo with any class at 100?
what about dragonsoul?
I've done heroic 25man firelands easily and heroic 25man DS ( until shitty deathwing tail ) on my 635 warrior.
I do firelands on my warlock all the time, it's pretty easy. I don't know why you'd want to do it 25 man though unless you were doing the legendary.
Same with dragon soul. Don't know why youd want to do 25 man over 10 unless you were doing the legendary, but Ultraxion needs 2 people on 25 man or he wipes the raid, and I don't know for sure but I think Spine is pretty hard unless you have a healer.
Maybe not "any class" either. Mages might have some problems.
just realised I cant play when I get home from work because servers will be down. Now im sad![]()
Yeah, harder that Butcher imo. Got down to 1 shard and 4 motes so far. Trying to find a new group on it.Tectus is pretty fucking hard.
I've been on for a few hours now, seems fine.Are they taking down the servers again?
Ah damn. Well hopefully ToT gets easier with new raid tiers.I'll try MSV again to make sure but as an enhance shaman we can't live through the damage. I was hoping I could solo that up to Elegon but I didn't figure that to be a reasonable thought and I only got the stone dogs about 1/3 of the way down when I attempted it. But that was as a fairly fresh 100, I think my ilvl was still around 590 or lower, so now that I'm 627 it might be more possible. I still haven't used my 90 boost because I don't play alts but I've been very close throwing it on a DK I started and played a little during MoP to get a proper soloing class up and running. I would bet DKs could solo a fair bit of the later content.
Also during that fresh 100 period I tested the world bosses and the only one I could keep my health up on was Sha of Anger but once it MCed me it faded away and reset. I intend to start using LFG to put together world boss killing groups. I'm sure most of them at this point really just need a tank, healer, and some DPS as the damage output should be quick enough to not require tank swapping or anything.
There's some other mounts I need to work on through just grinding like the new reps, Timeless Isle rep, and there's the Molten Core run I keep forgetting about.
One nice recent thing was being able to buy a fairly cheap Crimson Deathcharger (40k gold) so now I don't have to worry about Shadowmourne for its mount. That was another reason I wanted the DK since they don't even allow shamans to make it since they can't use it.
Oh, and while I've completed most the meta achievements prior to MoP on my own there's always one or two achievements within the last four I have of the older stuff that can't be soloed so that'll be another step eventually to knock out the last meta achievements I need to land me four more mounts.
Just need to get 250 and I'll be done again.
Edit: Oh, and forgot to mention that I did actually try Throne of Thunder back with the others with Horridon and the bird mounts in mind and maybe got like 15% into the first boss. Hit way too hard.
EU is up and running fine.
So how are you doing?
Yeah, harder that Butcher imo. Got down to 1 shard and 4 motes so far. Trying to find a new group on it.
Browsing the Highmaul Premade Group listings, it looks like I should be playing a healer.
What's the state of the various healing specs right now for raids? Most OP? Ones to avoid? Most fun? etc.
Browsing the Highmaul Premade Group listings, it looks like I should be playing a healer.
What's the state of the various healing specs right now for raids? Most OP? Ones to avoid? Most fun? etc.
So level 90 mage.
Arcane seems kind of uh.. shit. Also holy fuck I take so much god damned damage. It's ridiculous.
Resto drood is the best on paper. Play style is something you have to try for your self.Browsing the Highmaul Premade Group listings, it looks like I should be playing a healer.
What's the state of the various healing specs right now for raids? Most OP? Ones to avoid? Most fun? etc.
Resto drood is the best on paper. Play style is something you have to try for your self.
I don't need to have to choose between 8 different spells on every single GCD to have fun. I'd rather play a simple, straightforward spec that makes me feel powerful and in control than one that's more involved/complicated. I want to be able to pay attention to what's going on around me rather than staring at 20 different Weakauras the whole fight.
I enjoy the new Arms Warrior rotation, if that gives you an idea of what I'm looking for![]()