Tier 15 wasn't that long ago
My main's Undead and personally I've hated everything since Deathmantle. My transmog set right now is Bloodfang, and I don't see that changing any time soon.
Tier 15 wasn't that long ago
I hit 630 today and I didn't even put any effort into gearing up yet. It's not hard at all.
does anyone have a good follower guide? im sure there are some followers out there at a 100 that I can solo get?
after doing every quest in nagrand I want..something to do that isnt running dungeons. would like some lvl 100 followers tbh, still need one with tailoring >_>
I feel like the only way to go froward is to make as many alts as I can for savage blood. Why bother with anything else?
am i missing something or dungeons have little to do with whats going on in warlords this time around? used to be dungeons were at the end of a zone more or less, usually the conclusion to some zone wide quest
now... like, the train dungeon, wtf is that about (as much as I love it)? the everbloom? the iron docks? you get sent randomly to the docks in gorgrond after not having anything to do with it (at least when you choose the lumber mill), you kill a guy there and you fuck off, there doesnt seem to be a reason for a dungeon there aswell.
Auchidon and Shadowmoon temple are somewhat connected to the zone quests I guess, but even those feel seperated. I dunno, maybe its just me
I liked the old raid style more than the current one. The story-heavy raids just feel very forced. It's funny you mentioned DS and SOO, as they're totally my least favorite raids specifically because of how story-heavy, "epic", and "cinematic" they try to be.There will probably never be a set of dungeons as good, story-wise, as the three at the end of Cata (End Times, Well of Eternity and Hour of Twilight). Really good storytelling there.
Generally, Blizzard's gotten a lot better at this. Dragon Soul and SoO are great examples, Dragon Soul especially. Before, raids were just, you walk up to the last boss, who's doing.. fuck-all, really. Illidan's just chilling atop BT, Lich King same in ICC. The story's already happened by the time you get there. Dragon Soul is very much you playing the story. SoO the same thing to a somewhat lesser extent.
Idk, maybe I'm biased because as a lore nerd I love story stuff, but now going through the old dungeons for the first time, those Cata dungeons in CoT really blew my socks off.
Story-wise, the best thing so far this expansion is the intro questline and Spires of Arak, which does a great job of telling the story of the Arakkoa in a way that somewhat made me care, against all odds.
It's not just you. The stakes for each dungeon are so disconnected from any central theme. 'Go clear these weeds before they overtake Stormwind!' 'go back to UBRS never mind that nobody should have really gotten through the dark portal in sufficient force to make it a threat!' 'go hop on a train between a raid instance and...some docks...nearby...because reasons!'
Leveling up the barn for this is labor-intensive.
Guess it'll be worth it in the long run.
sad story: Ive never done Dragon Soul or the 5man dungeons that came with it![]()
Wait, green followers can be upgraded all the way up to epic?? How did I miss this.
And lastly I finished up the Stable Master stuff and did those 36 terrible fights. That takes roughly 90+ minutes to get all of that out of the way. So annoying. I promptly replaced my Stables with a Dwarven Bunker. I'll miss the look of the Stables but I didn't much care about the passive benefits. Can't wait to get the Bunker up to Tier 2 and start working on upgrade pieces for my followers.
Wait, green followers can be upgraded all the way up to epic?? How did I miss this.
The exp needed to green to epic is massive.
why is Kargath not THE boss in there anyway? isnt he one of the warlords? what am I missing?
why is Kargath not THE boss in there anyway? isnt he one of the warlords? what am I missing?
Yeah that passive benefits are straight up useless with how WoD is designed, I replaced my stables as well but someday when I have my other buildings/achievements I want I will put it back just because I loved having random mounts from my collection wander around. Watching a motorcycle have its front tire right in a pile of hay still remains one of the funniest things I've seen in this game.
Also yeah I don't understand the gorn necklace stuff. Having to go through all those fights again was a slog, mostly because the majority of your time was spent waiting on respawns. Also when I did it (could have been changed since then unsure) the whistles only had 3 charges. Had to go all the way back to my garrison and get more whistles halfway through... Bleh. I wish they would have thought of something more creative for the frost wolf.
I haven't seen the flying disc from MoP but I'm curious if that one shows up. I really think they should have flagged some mounts from showing that don't make sense.
You know, i take back what I said about the Lumber MIll. Once you get it to 3, getting timber is so easy.
getting timber even at lvl 1 is easy...
...at least it was while I was doing the zones. now that I have no quests and im 100, probably not so much
In fact I should probably just drop it now, or at least when im out of lumber. I have a trading post, what else goes on a medium plot? Stables is big so that cant go, hmm the inn perhaps? Especially with the buffed dungeon quests and im still doing dungeons?
or is that quest not at lvl1?
why is Kargath not THE boss in there anyway? isnt he one of the warlords? what am I missing?
You get quests at level 1.
But I find it easier now because the big ones give about 20ish timber, and in Nagrand it's so easy getting it.
Well, Nerzhul dies in a heroic. And if they're doing the three tier normal routines that they usually do. They'll go for something outland related but not Iron Horde related for the second tier, and Grom for the third tier.
I'm betting it will be Nerzhul/Shadow Council/Sargeri for the second tier raid. With Grommash for the third tier raid.
Well, Nerzhul dies in a heroic. And if they're doing the three tier normal routines that they usually do. They'll go for something outland related but not Iron Horde related for the second tier, and Grom for the third tier.
Cleared through normal Twin Ogron tonight. Boss after that we only got two pulls on but he seems a bit trickier.
Resume on Monday.
Meanwhile, I made 35k+ off potions alone tonight. Pretty damn good. Plus a little change off enchants. Need the trading post to cycle back to cheap meat though.
Same. Well, I got gloves from the world boss with a bonus roll and some stones from all or almost all.Yeah, just downed him on normal.
3 bosses, 3 double rolls... 6 chunks of gold.
Thanks RNG :<