Warlock on the other hand, feels fine compared to my mage.
all the locks I know are complaining they are the worst lol. everyone's class is always the worst class
Warlock on the other hand, feels fine compared to my mage.
Warlock on the other hand, feels fine compared to my mage.
I am doing fairly good with my mage. Sucks I am limited to frost to be effective but I am effective.
Mage has a big problem though that has expanded to all the specs instead of just fire. It is way too gear dependent. The class is just a glass BB gun with basic gear. You don't even achieve glass cannon until your gear is basically maxed out and your waiting for the next expansion.
short Burst AOE we are great. If the targets have a lot of health you can see how quickly we lose ground to like Hunters who just spam aoe attacks all day. They added a cooldown reducer to blizzard for frozen orb but blizzard blows so that addon was useless.
Frost Mage AOE is basically frozen orb, ice nova, ice nova, ice lance spam
any mistweaver monks around? I used to love mine at the start of MOP (the last time I raided for realsies, when we cleared up to the bug place with a group of 10m friends, but when they wanted to move on to heroic shit I just didnt have the time or will anymore), but blizz started forcing the "melee healing" in more and more with changes which killed the class for me, since I have zero interest in melee.
Im seeing now that "melee healing" actually is a official thing now, it even has its own stance. So are both ways of healing viable now, or do you still need to use both and switch around depending on the circumstance? because I really liked the range way with the statue and shit, I just dont want to be in melee to heal
(I also dont like disc priest, I just dont want to dps to heal basically lol)
short Burst AOE we are great. If the targets have a lot of health you can see how quickly we lose ground to like Hunters who just spam aoe attacks all day. They added a cooldown reducer to blizzard for frozen orb but blizzard blows so that addon was useless.
Frost Mage AOE is basically frozen orb, ice nova, ice nova, ice lance spam
fistweaving is not viable in raids.
I think Hunter AOE is actually really bad now. But they're single target DPS is so good that it's a tradeoff most of them are happy to make.
How does arcane fare right now? Thinking about trying it out.
But yea, frost is really boring. It seems the only time i do decent damage is when frost orb is out. other than that its just frostbolt spam until some procs. Incredibly dull rotation. Thinking about using that 90 on a new class that might actually be fun...
awesome! sorry punchy fans
hunters destroyed me in aoe (well in dmg overall, but in aoe good lord) in the few dungeons ive done on my shadow priest. shadow priests have fuck all aoe, we have 1 shitty channeled aoe, and a shitty cooldown aoe, I guess you can multi dot, but by the time you do that, mobs are dead
I enjoy my ret paladin quite a lot.
Maybe it's because everyone has low ilvls but normals seems way harder than SoO's Flex.
Guild should kill the last boss tomorrow night. No loot so far. >:
Ret is super fun right now. Love how inquisition is gone now.
My guild started with heoric Highmaul. The Butcher was kind of just a gut check, particularly as an Arms warrior. Kinda regretting being a DPS warrior because the climb on it seems like it'll be pretty steep. Fury is worthless right now and I feel blocked out of Glad spec based on the makeup of my raid group.
It really just depends on which currencies you want to be spending.So what are the best option to get the new coins aside from gold? apex and honor coins?
And I didnt noticed the War Mill achievement to get its lvl 3 BP for the free coin, so random.
Inn: To encourage players to not leave in the middle of a run with a Dungeon Finder group, quests received from the Garrison Inn now requires the final boss of the Dungeon to be defeated.
Satchel of Savage Mysteries now have a chance to contain a mount, pet, pet consumable, Draenor consumable, or Follower upgrade token in addition to an Augment Rune.
Tank let me die with 30 minutes left on my 300% exp potion because he was watching YouTube.
Then the windwalker monk ninja'd a leather INT bracer.
Good times.
So what are the best option to get the new coins aside from gold? apex and honor coins?
And I didnt noticed the War Mill achievement to get its lvl 3 BP for the free coin, so random.
...You spend your precious 1 hour of insane bonus xp in a dungeon?...why?
I love my windwalker but christ he has too many buttons.
Dungeons give really good xp.
I guess blizzard buffed the xp rewarded from dungeons then? Because during launch week dungeons gave a pitiful amount of xp, and a lot of people were complaining about it, including in this thread.
good lord you are not joking, just logged mine and played a bit on the prologue quest, damn so many buttons and spells >_<
my gear is also fucking wank, like mop heroic gear (I only healed on the char) so thats not helping lol.
Windwalker has a lot of buttons but many of them are either not needed or have extremely rare use cases. They are also not particularly reliant on damage windows, making their core rotation extremely simple.
I guess blizzard buffed the xp rewarded from dungeons then? Because during launch week dungeons gave a pitiful amount of xp, and a lot of people were complaining about it, including in this thread.
Two friends just had long text convo's with me why they are quitting because shamans suck. Their entire guilds quit.
Sometimes a class is broken. Sometimes it's so bad people quit in fucking legions over it
When people say they're quitting WoW what they really mean is they're not quitting WoW.
Talking about low level dungeons with the XP pot (only goes to level 84). WoD dungeons gave shit XP (though it's somewhat fixed now).
Only 26 mounts to go for 250.
I so wish I had 26 mounts lol. Only got like 6 but then again I have only been play almost 2 months.
I so wish I had 26 mounts lol. Only got like 6 but then again I have only been play almost 2 months.
If you look at defeated Kargath Bladefist in the guild news tab he just looks like a normal orc.
I clearly see two hands there!
Well, the way they just have us unceremoniously kill him off as the first boss in the expansion does make him feel little more important to the overall plot than a common orc. Really don't get what the point of building him up with stuff like the lords of war short was, especially considering they said that they only featured the most important of the warlords in those animation shorts.
The expansion gets some things right, but their handling of the orc warlords so far in the actual expansion itself have felt very subpar imo.