Nerzhul goes from eventual lich king to a dungeon boss so...![]()
I wonder if there's a possibility that this expansion will lead into a Burning Legion full invasion of Alt-Draenor. Push all the nostalgia buttons at the same time.
Nerzhul goes from eventual lich king to a dungeon boss so...![]()
seemingly abandonned Shattrath raid.
What were your percentages on each mission? I almost had my 3rd guy to ilvl 630 to get 100% and the damned mission disappeared.My followers are the best. Brought me 645 trinket, 645 weapon, 651 (warforged) chest. All with good to decent stats.
Well, the way they just have us unceremoniously kill him off as the first boss in the expansion does make him feel little more important to the overall plot than a common orc. Really don't get what the point of building him up with stuff like the lords of war short was, especially considering they said that they only featured the most important of the warlords in those animation shorts.
The expansion gets some things right, but their handling of the orc warlords so far in the actual expansion itself have felt very subpar imo.
What were your percentages on each mission? I almost had my 3rd guy to ilvl 630 to get 100% and the damned mission disappeared.
When did they ever say that was gonna happen?
Plus his fight is super memorable and neat.
I'm curious about Kilrogg, he's nowhere to be seen yet. Probably in Tanaan.
I wonder if there's a possibility that this expansion will lead into a Burning Legion full invasion of Alt-Draenor. Push all the nostalgia buttons at the same time.
Archimonde: The sky will rain fire...the oceans will be filled with blood....
Archimonde: We will take this world with the unending strength of the Legion. The time for subtlety has passed.
Archimonde: Orcs and Draenei both will bow in fealty to the Legion. Our hordes will scorch the earth beneath them. Together, Kil'jaeden, we are unstoppable.
Got my hunter to 97. I already have more epic followers than my main.
My guild started with heoric Highmaul. The Butcher was kind of just a gut check, particularly as an Arms warrior. Kinda regretting being a DPS warrior because the climb on it seems like it'll be pretty steep. Fury is worthless right now and I feel blocked out of Glad spec based on the makeup of my raid group.
Ha ha!its like when wrestling fans quit Raw...until the next monday![]()
If you have the Burning Legion Missive, you'll see why this is very possible.
It's a toy that puts up an image of Archimonde talking to somebody else (this differs each time you use it) generally saying they're gonna invade Draenor.
Here's a few quotes:
PvE server man. World is fun when its 1v1 or 1v2, what is happening to you is PvPPPPPPPPPThere are five level 100 mages camping me in Veil Terokk.
Such fun world pvp is.
There are five level 100 mages camping me in Veil Terokk.
Such fun world pvp is.
How do druid tanks work these days?
I'm trying to work with a new druid tank who's better-geared than me, but I'm worried that I seem to be taking *significantly* less damage than him on The Butcher. I don't want to sound alarms yet since it's quite possible that that's intentional, and they compensate for it in other ways, but I really don't know druids well enough to be sure of that.
Brack isn't bad if you can nail the mushrooms and make sure almost everyone gets the buff. That might not make much sense now but it will. Hard to fully exlain the fight typing on my phone. Seemed really hard and then my group managed the mushrooms perfectly and it was pretty easy. Man it sucks being on flame thrower duty.Should I be looking at Brackenspore before Tectus? Wasn't aware you weren't limited to a fixed kill order, and Tectus was problematic for us.
The rumors about the upcoming content patch was that it would be Legion-centered and revolve around going back in time to fetch Illidan again.
Most world pvp in an MMO is like a laser pointer. It's only fun when you are doing it otherwise it's annoying as shit.
Yeah, Brackenspore is a lot easier. Last night and night before, couldn't down Tectus. Found a group that was doing Brackenspore last night and proceeded to one shot him. Tectus isn't a super hard fight, but it can get derpy when people can't learn to run away when they have the red cloud coming to them. I did get him last night with the group that one shotted Brackenspore, also Tectus is a bit of a dps check because you can easily get to his enrage timer if you can't kill him during his tectonic move.Should I be looking at Brackenspore before Tectus? Wasn't aware you weren't limited to a fixed kill order, and Tectus was problematic for us.
Yeah, Brackenspore is a lot easier. Last night and night before, couldn't down Tectus. Found a group that was doing Brackenspore last night and proceeded to one shot him. Tectus isn't a super hard fight, but it can get derpy when people can't learn to run away when they have the red cloud coming to them. I did get him last night with the group that one shotted Brackenspore, also Tectus is a bit of a dps check because you can easily get to his enrage timer if you can't kill him during his tectonic move.
Glad is really not fun for me...Glad warriors were up top in a lot of the fights for us last night.
The real problem isn't that the inn quests don't force the player to get to the end of the dungeon, it's that people don't feel like running heroics is worth the time.
Well, Nerzhul dies in a heroic
Two friends just had long text convo's with me why they are quitting because shamans suck. Their entire guilds quit.
Sometimes a class is broken. Sometimes it's so bad people quit in fucking legions over it
How do druid tanks work these days?
I'm trying to work with a new druid tank who's better-geared than me, but I'm worried that I seem to be taking *significantly* less damage than him on The Butcher. I don't want to sound alarms yet since it's quite possible that that's intentional, and they compensate for it in other ways, but I really don't know druids well enough to be sure of that.
Yup. Once you have full 630+ why run them? 50 GR? lol
When they awarded valor it made sense, I mean you needed to get valor regardless of how high your ilevel was
Warlock on the other hand, feels fine compared to my mage.
The inn quests don't really help imo anyway because the rewards for the daily versions of quests are crap. It's like 50 gold or 20 garrison resources (probably some other stuff as well but that's all I've gotten). I can make more gold by running an old raid/dungeon in the same amount of time it takes to run a WoD 5 man.
EVERY SINGLE CLASS has at least two specs represented before you hit the FIRST warlock entry (except for shadow priest (dur) and Warrior, though they still get 7th place overall with GLAD). and again, that is two specs right off the bat that need at least some level of skill to play (juggling havocs on destruction or weaving in and out of metamorph on demo). if you are not supremely efficient in one of those, you can't even hope to hit the numbers shown there.
edit - I think that's ultimately the problem with warlocks really.. they are a complicated class to play. Buff them up so people with average skill can get decent numbers, and people with exceptional skill will top the charts all xpac long. Nerf them so they fall down a bit on simulationcraft, and people with average skill struggle to just stay out of the bottom 1-2 on recount (below the tank......). make them "less complicated" to play, evening out that discrepancy, and now they are just a mage/elemental with demons.
So how many of the Warlords, WoD lorewise, are dead now?
Does Kargath really die? Did Ner'zhul really die? (Haven't done either encounter yet)
Kargath dies
DUDE, spoilers