...The expansion has been out almost a month.
Some of us are still not 100 / done with all the quests / ect
Not that I care, just saying some people might.
...The expansion has been out almost a month.
Might see some HCs finished now?
Yeah I actually haven't made an Inn yet (bad idea in hindsight, would have been a better way to get good followers for the Highmaul follower missions), but once I get all the Inn achievements I'll tear it down for sure.
I used to think about tearing it down but I'm not so sure anymore. You can only recruit one follower per week with it and there is a lot of traits I want.
Also I kind of have a soft spot for customizing things like this so eventually I want to replace all my boring followers like Croman and Manastorm with NPCs I actually care about. Seems like you can get some interesting people from the Inn as a few weeks ago I had Ken-Ken show up and looking at the list of NPCs you can recruit, lots of other NPCs from past xpacs you can recruit.
Heroics, in this case Heroic Dungeons since people wouldn't just leave after getting the quest item. Here is a video of us killing the Butcher in Highmaul Heroic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aXzCNe85nwWhat are HCs?
Some of us are still not 100 / done with all the quests / ect
Not that I care, just saying some people might.
not sure if all followers from the inn start at 90 or not.. The one I got last week did.. Haven't gotten my one this week yet.. but if they do start at 90, it almost makes the barracks mandatory with the inn then to be able to efficiently level them up.
Nah Kargath'sbladefist falls off after the raid fight and he runs away. Unless you are talking about something later I'm not aware of.
Both are up now???Woo! Got a 650 neck from Drove yesterday and then tonight I got a 650 belt from Tarlna. Plus the achievement for beating them both, of course.
DUDE, spoilers.
Not all of us have defeated that encounter yet.
Woo! Got a 650 neck from Drove yesterday and then tonight I got a 650 belt from Tarlna. Plus the achievement for beating them both, of course.
Both are up now???
Here is a video of us killing the Butcher in Highmaul Heroic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aXzCNe85nw
Nah his bladefist falls off after the raid fight and he runs away. Unless you are talking about something later I'm not aware of.
Dropped dead for us. No running away!
Huh. Maybe they changed their minds.
Kargath Beta "defeated"
I had been wondering he'd show up in a later tier, but I guess not lol.
So about Garrison plots, if I replace a level 3 plot with something else then later want it back what happens when I build it again? Do I have to pay all the costs or is it free?
I'm going to guess you start at level 1 again.
I'm about to tear down my level 3 stables. Which is sad because it looks so nice. I have all 8 mounts. I'm not sure 20% riding speed and clicking while mounted is worth the large spot.
Shamans aren't that bad. Huge exaggeration by a lot of people.
Is level 3 Stables necessary to get all the mounts? Or is level 1 enough?
Pretty sure Cho'gall took him away and we looted his Bladefist when we killed him yesterday.
Nah his bladefist falls off after the raid fight and he runs away. Unless you are talking about something later I'm not aware of.
No, Kargath dies.
Dude straight up wasn't using Savage Defense, 4 uses in a 6 minute fight? 6% uptime
Ask him about that. Maybe he has a good reason, but I doubt it. To be clear the only times you'd be justified in just not using Savage Defense as a Bear would be a Lei Shi fight while tanking Lei Shi. If things are dodgeable it's going to be the best use of Rage for the most part. Imagine if you only used SotR 4 times in that fight.
250 mounts and you use 1 or 2 so...yeah
I regularly use four of my 224, heh. I have a macro that selects at random one of the four jeweled panthers. If I win the bid on the black one I have in right now I'll add it to the macro.
I do occasionally hop on others and have around ten at a time on my side action bar that I change around with new mounts often enough.
But yeah, the vast majority I never really hop on.
Has anyone had issues with skada and recount showing different numbers?
I've been using recount since forever and it's always reflected my dmg accurately, but in the highmaul raids, people with skada have been posting dmg meters from fights, and there's hardly any difference between what my recount and their skada show for the different people, with the exception of me. Skada seems to always say I do several thousand dps less than my own recount shows.
And this isn't really an issue of "dps" against "edps". The total dmg done and individual dmg done by abilities are just straight up lower on skada meters than on my recount meter.
Honestly I'd be pretty depressed if the skada numbers are right, and my recount has just been feeding me false numbers.
What's the point of upgrading a follower item lvl? Especially if he doesn't have a Bodyguard trait? It's not like it's affecting the mission success rate from what I see.
What's the point of upgrading a follower item lvl? Especially if he doesn't have a Bodyguard trait? It's not like it's affecting the mission success rate from what I see.
They stand outside the building.I see now. And why is there no follower with me after I assigned them to a lvl 2 Barrack?
I checked the Barrack in case I needed to talk to him first, but nope.
See that number in the upper left?
I see now. And why is there no follower with me after I assigned them to a lvl 2 Barrack?
I checked the Barrack in case I needed to talk to him first, but nope.
Man hunters do some serious DPS. Dude did more than 3 million more damage than me, and I was doing a lot - 1 million more than the other DPS. I think it's time to level my hunter.
I just got the same exact 645 mission. I failed it at 70%
I was so pissed.
Man hunters do some serious DPS. Dude did more than 3 million more damage than me, and I was doing a lot - 1 million more than the other DPS. I think it's time to level my hunter.