Oof. Yeah, I haven't done a single one of those yet. I have too much on my log in plate.
better gear on followers -> better follower quests -> more chances to get gear for myself?
Yup. Just got a quest for 645 weapon, 100% chance
Also upgrade your salvage yard, I get more stuff from there than the bunker.
I need help. I am level 100 and I'm trying to get the last bit of gear for heroics, and I need auchidoun. The only problem is that its not listed on my normal lfg. It's there in heroic with everything else as too high to enter, but auchidoun is simply unlisted in the normal list.
Also, I dont like those apexis crystals dailies at all btw. Doing those outposts takes so fucking long![]()
I dont know how to get more of the thingies to trade at the ashram guy for garrison upgrades. the books, whatever they are called :/
I need help. I am level 100 and I'm trying to get the last bit of gear for heroics, and I need auchidoun. The only problem is that its not listed on my normal lfg. It's there in heroic with everything else as too high to enter, but auchidoun is simply unlisted in the normal list.
You only get 4. 2 large, 2 medium, and they're just "free". You can buy the blueprints next to the draftboard.
Blizzard on Patch 6.1: "bahahahaha deal with your Stockholm Syndrome isn't it awesome to artificially take more time to go from Point A to Point B to just reinforce our awesome method of making everything take longer?!"
I thought I'd get tired of running around after the initial novelty wore off but nope.
I like seeing things happen around me instead of treating the world like a giant aquarium. Wouldn't mind if ground speed mounts were faster though. Or flight masters a bit quicker and more direct.
If having enough resources for upgrades is a problem then definitely upgrade Barracks first. The resource for the work orders for a chance of follower upgrades is the garrison resources so you don't want to be spending them if you're still working on upgrading everything.oh ffs you just buy them with gold? I did not know that!
I thought I'd get tired of running around after the initial novelty wore off but nope.
I like seeing things happen around me instead of treating the world like a giant aquarium. Wouldn't mind if ground speed mounts were faster though. Or flight masters a bit quicker and more direct.
I think blizzard fucked up when they introduced flying mounts.
I thought I'd get tired of running around after the initial novelty wore off but nope.
I like seeing things happen around me instead of treating the world like a giant aquarium. Wouldn't mind if ground speed mounts were faster though. Or flight masters a bit quicker and more direct.
Glad to see you've been brainwashed into enjoying grinds take an artificially longer period of time.
Glad to see you've been brainwashed into enjoying grinds take an artificially longer period of time.
Man Ashran kinda sucks =[ just realized how many portals it's missing. Would at least like a Dalaran one.
Mount and transmog stuff. On multiple charactersRealistically, why does anyone need easy access to Dalaran?
Wait forreal? I didn't even know this.I still keep my hearth in the vale, since you have a garrison hearth and the level 3 garrison has a portal to Ashran it isn't exactly much of an issue.
Yeah, it's to the left of the mines up the tower. lol.Mount and transmog stuff. On multiple characters![]()
Wait forreal? I didn't even know this.
Smh. Blizz's portal placement game is weak this expansion.Went and got gold damage in the proving grounds. Hopefully that will help in group finder. Fixing to look for another Twins group.
Yeah, it's to the left of the mines up the tower. lol.
I still keep my hearth in the vale, since you have a garrison hearth and the level 3 garrison has a portal to Ashran it isn't exactly much of an issue.
Mount and transmog stuff.
We were hoping not to have a bunch of irrelevant missions spamming up your mission list. We didn't plan well enough for the fact that those missions aren't really irrelevant when the salvage yard is OP. It's definitely an issue we talk about here, but solutions are complex and can have a lot of ripple-effect consequences on the rest of the system/game.
Originally missions all pulled from a single pool; players found that as they got their first level 100 followers they got fewer low-level missions and had a harder time leveling their weaker followers, so we made a change to ensure that some low-level missions would always pop if you had a follower in that range who needed them. We recognize this causes some odd incentives (you're encouraged to NOT max all your followers) and are discussing good solutions to that problem.
But they don't, flying around isn't usually faster than taking a flight path and riding, and the times where it is meaningful (IE when something IS intentionally vertical, or harder to get to on foot) are exactly the moments that it was undermining. Flying doesn't add anything.
I like seeing things happen around me instead of treating the world like a giant aquarium. Wouldn't mind if ground speed mounts were faster though. Or flight masters a bit quicker and more direct.
Someone can correct me but someone here or maybe in my guild mentioned that each of the six type of invasions have a behind-the-scenes counter that goes up based off of kills or whatever that determines when you get an invasion. I didn't have any for awhile and then got two within three days. I'm not sure if you can have more than one lined up or how that part of it works. I think I did the Socrethar place three times and that one popped. I honestly have no idea how the Dark Iron one triggered as that was after having done the Mok'gor Outpost or whatever that area is called out in Nagrand. Are those considered Dark Iron Horde or something? I don't keep up with most lore stuff. Anyhow, I did the quest out there maybe four times before that one popped up.How often can you get garrison invasions to pop? I want a epic weapon from it.
Maybe it was fixed or perhaps it's intentional but I did my archeology at level 90-91 while questing in Shadowmoon and all the digsites stayed in the zone and made it fairly quick to just run from one to the next. Of course you won't get sites for all three groups but if you're wanting to level it quickly that's what I'd suggest doing if you have any alts or something.I'm taking this expansion slowly but I wanted to wait with archeo until flying is enabled, no flying will make this even worse than MoP with the endless pristine grind.
How often can you get garrison invasions to pop? I want a epic weapon from it.
Not sure why people are so averse to the Apexis dailies. They take maybe 15-20 minutes and there are a variety of ways to increase your counter besides just "killing" things. It's kind of like questing in GW2 where you just do things in an area until the bar fills. Plus, I've been chasing the achievements in those areas while doing them.
I'll take one big daily with a variety of things to do over a bunch of small ones in various parts of the world any day. It takes far less time and allows me to move on and do other things.
In many ways I found the collection process to be even more frustrating in MoP. You really would just mount up and steer yourself in the general direction of your next spot. I think Archaeology sucks this expansion because Blizzard is just increasingly done with the profession, and they aren't interesting in putting many resources towards it. Arch is just really lost from whatever it initially was. Instead of doing fun toy box things, which would have fit better than ever, Arch followed the route of building up objects nobody cares about in a room that nobody will ever see. MoP's finds were a little more interesting, but when Orcs and Ogres have trouble tying two sticks together what can they really build that's flashy to put on display?On the other hand, Archaeology sucks without it.
Work on the legendary ring and kill the rares in nagrand with handynotes telling you which item it drops. You can also buy off spec 640 ring from the vendor.Is there an add-on to that tells what upgrades I can get on my current gear and where from? I'm trying to get my ilv past 605 so I can heal heroics
Just do the Level 100 dungeons for items (and learning the encounters) and do the legendary quest, you get the 640 ring without much effordIs there an add-on to that tells what upgrades I can get on my current gear and where from? I'm trying to get my ilv past 605 so I can heal heroics