played a few more alts up to having a garrison. Whipped out the monk again, and after the overwhelming amount of buttons you have as windwalker (is that the name of the spec?), it felt better. that new spell where you make spirit clones for other mobs is awesome.
I take it the "rotation" is basically jab for energy, tiger palm for the armor debuff and then just rising kick on cd, or the spinning kick instead correct? with drinking he booze when you have 10 stacks, but most mobs wont last that long
one thing that is annoying me is that the glyph of serpent kick seems bugged, its supposed to stop you when you reach an enemy and I still go flying past them like an idiot. that skill could have been much cooler with proper colision detection
also got my unholy DK up to garrison, so much fun. right up there with ret pali, but DK is less surprising since i used to play it alot in my tanking days. Still, unholy is a ton of fun now with the pet / pet transformation, and I still love the rotation with the dots.
no idea what to level really, Monk would be for healing for sure, I dont think I want to ever tank again so the DK and Ret pali would just be for dps (well I guess the pali could heal)
still need to give my shammy a go aswell