Gentleman Jack
I'm surprised that before today I hadn't encountered a daily apexis group with Master Looter set and the ML jacking all the primals.
How so? Undergeared?
Just saw this. Rekt lol.
I've never tanked before. :<
Two notes on monk dps. First, you should be using the 3 chi channeled ability. It also stuns everything it hits so you can help your tank and healer get breathing time on big pulls. Second, take that glyph off, it is indeed garbage. If you hit the flying serpent kick ability again while flying, you will drop and do the AoE splash. It can be super precise with some practice.
Wow!!! I just got Ziri'lak from the Spires of Arakk vendor (10 min cooldown) and he supposed to be a green follower but I got a double upgrade for him and he turned into an epic
And it's Shadowbolt + Taunt counter! Exactly what I needed! FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!
Wow!!! I just got Ziri'lak from the Spires of Arakk vendor (10 min cooldown) and he supposed to be a green follower but I got a double upgrade for him and he turned into an epic
And it's Shadowbolt + Taunt counter! Exactly what I needed! FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!
I've never tanked before. :<
If I understand right, doing the Stables dailies that are outside of Nagrand(due to achievements) are a waste of time right? I mean, other than the little amount of resources they give.
Edit : Nvm , i think i just saw that fully training them make them actual mounts?
The whole point of stables lol. Also the gold and resources are a lot, as well as xp if lvling. Also two more achieve mounts with stables. Stables is the best large building by far.
Yeah, and once i got them all, i can change it to something else.
You never tanked before.. and chose to start with heroics..? Why not the regular dungeons? Learning to tank takes a bit. Especially keybind/macro and rotation priority.
Trying to explain to a pug that my interrupt, Fist of Justice, is on a 30 second cooldown and if the boss is casting Revitalizing Water quicker than that, I can't always interrupt. Idiots.
So what are the must have medium buildings?
Eh.. maybe on a pve server.. on a pvp server the mount speed is huge and just in general with how rare spawns are.. ground mount speed is pretty important. Also no dazing. After 10 years, no dazing. Stables is a perm in my garrison. There's really nothing to replace it with.
The barracks for five extra followers and the War Mill for extra bonus rolls and bonus upgrades! But yeah, other than that, unsure if anything's worth it. I may swap over soon too.
barracks is trash.. followers suck.
barracks is trash.. followers suck. Mill+Stables are the only two large buildings. Medium is where the choices get hard.
The Dwarven Bunker/War Mill yields weapon and armor upgrades for your followers if you feed it garrison resources.Followers suck? What?they're so key to the garrison and getting a lot of things! I enjoy having a variety to tackle different things.
I may actually ditch the Mill since quest upgrades are useless to me now, I have no interest in the xmog gear and I didn't realize that it wasnt an extra bonus roll and just a free one (of your three). They're so easy to obtain. Isn't worth it.
The Workshop seems like a lot of fun. I wish I had the spare slot to try it out.
The Dwarven Bunker/War Mill yields weapon and armor upgrades for your followers if you feed it garrison resources.
Stables are not actually a 20% mount speed increase because the buff doesn't stack with your guild mount speed buff. Or something. The benefits of the Barracks are pretty blunt, as it gives you more wiggle room on the oppressively small follower cap while opening up bodyguards, which are extremely useful for general questing and most notably invasions.
getting loot from missions is dumb.. neat.. I didn't play or do anything.. lol
It's the only viable catchup mechanic I'm finding works for my alts with garrisons.
Nice. I too was blessed with an epic ziriak. He's one of my main mans.
Think it caps at 655.Anyone know what's the maximum ilvl a follower can get to? Or maximum armor/weapon ilvl they can get to? I think my friend got to the maximum on one of his, forgot the number he told me though.
Glad stance is spammy on its own, but the most effective permutation of the spec turns the heroic strike mashing into something absurd.Glad stance feels way too spammy to me. Not a fan. Especially compared to pre-WoD arms and Fury.
Glad stance is spammy on its own, but the most effective permutation of the spec turns the heroic strike mashing into something absurd.
I just got to forge level 3, time to start pumping out 640 epics
What's the cost for 640 epics?
100 true iron ore and 30 sumptuous fur lollo
Are they BoE?
Are they BoE?
Are they BoE?
The crafted epics are available to wear at lvl 91.
Well that's how the cloth ones are.