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World of Warcraft |OT6| This wolf still has teeth


Welp, apparently you do need something more than just killing a boss on that difficulty for the raid missions to count it. I killed all but the Imperator last week on HC and I got a normal mission today.

And just to taunt me more, I got the bracers that I already had from an HC kill.


(WoLTK wasn't very memorable in terms of raids besides ICC/Ulduar, wasn't it?)

Pretty much, Naxx was just recycled and even if you didn't do it in vanilla (which is most people) it didn't age all that well, the things that made Naxx hard in 40 man were pretty much irrelevant because of all the mechanical changes to the game from the time Naxx came out to when wrath came out. ToC seems to be a love it or hate it thing for people, but, it's certainly not memorable since it was just a single arena with a cave and came out when people were still knee deep in Ulduar.

In regards to running them, I don't actually mind doing Ulduar each week but that is certainly one of those things where as a rogue I can just speed through it given our ridiculous movement speed out of combat. ICC is a bit more annoying so I will look forward to being done with that... In a few years when I'm done with my Shadowmourne.
Welp, apparently you do need something more than just killing a boss on that difficulty for the raid missions to count it. I killed all but the Imperator last week on HC and I got a normal mission today.

And just to taunt me more, I got the bracers that I already had from an HC kill.

Last I heard you need to do 11 boss kills of a difficulty to get missions from the one above.


Anyone have Crusted Iron Horde Pauldrons farming tips? I've been soloing trash and the first boss in Iron Docks some this morning.

Edit: Wait, uh, I already had them? ... lol. Oh well, I needed more scraps.
Get an alt saved after killing sindragosa/vezex.

Extend the lockout each week, invite a friend to the party and make it a 25 player raid, give them assist. Log into your main/any character than can do it and have your friend invite you to the group. Friend quickly leaves group. Fly into the instance and accept the save. For ICC you wait a few minutes and are made leader, you can then set it to heroic, for Ulduar you just port straight to Yogg and kill him.

I basically kill just the lich king/yogg saron every week on 3-4 characters and share the save with my friends and all their characters whenever they want it. It's the best. I keep a save of firelands up to ragnaros saved as well, but I have the firehawk so it's just for my friends.

See the thing is, it's almost as much effort doing that and bugging someone about it than it is to just clear it all each week >.>

Maybe once I ramp up to more than 2 characters again for old raids, but for now it's not completely horrible.
Last I heard you need to do 11 boss kills of a difficulty to get missions from the one above.

Well that would explain why I got a normal mission even after clearing all of normal the other week. Stupid thing too, I got the exact same cloak I already had - being the only raid piece of loot I had gotten - just with leech.


lol, I just stole a Krol the Blade kill from an 89 alliance. No pot tho. I'm kind of sad I rolled my alliance alt on stormrage instead of sargeras.
See the thing is, it's almost as much effort doing that and bugging someone about it than it is to just clear it all each week >.>

Maybe once I ramp up to more than 2 characters again for old raids, but for now it's not completely horrible.

Well that would explain why I got a normal mission even after clearing all of normal the other week. Stupid thing too, I got the exact same cloak I already had - being the only raid piece of loot I had gotten - just with leech.
I actually have you on real id and see you on a lot. I'd be down to do this. lol.

The first boss was a bitch for me in Ulduar and I never went past it. Tho, I was trying to kill it without a mech.


Ugh I hate that every time I join an Apexis Daily group that the loot isn't set to Master or some bullshit. Why people gotta be this damn selfish?

Everyone need, problem solved? Why would you want random people controlling the loot? The raid leader is going to switch every 10 min.


I do roll need on everything these days, but twice I've seen groups set to Master Looter with the threshold at Uncommon. There's a problem.
Oh, I was misunderstanding. I never seen a ML daily group, or never payed attention. Yeah, that's pretty greedy. I saw people bitching about needing tho. That makes sense to me. Everyone needs them, and it only takes one person to need/ninja if you're greeding.

Karl Hawk

I'm pretty bored. I log in, do my garrison stuff and log out.
End game content sure is fun.

God forbid that we (I wasn't playing WoW before SoO, so obviously I don't count) gonna live off another period of content drought like patch 5.4,

I'm still expecting some like that to happen again on WoD

But seriously though, I had fun playing against the bosses in Highmaul. Though my tolerance with rude behaviors with raiding pugs is getting so low, I'm making my raiding runs on a weekly basis (Friday's and Saturday's for me. Thursday's if I have time)
I'm pretty bored. I log in, do my garrison stuff and log out.
End game content sure is fun.

Well that's the thing. Garrison's aren't really end-game content. I'm not sure what exactly I'd call them (besides economy-destroying monstrosities).

I mentioned this all in another post but here it is again:

Heroics aren't very repeatable. Pet Battles haven't been expanded much and seem to be restricted to the fairly hardcore (I can't beat the garrison bosses without spending a decent amount of time acquiring and/or leveling the exact right team). Archaeology has been left for dead, besides being unbearable without flying. Brawler's Guild is recycled. Gathering as an activity has been killed off due to the free resources you get from the garrison - so the raw mats aren't worth the time. Crafting professions have all been time gated - there's not really anyway to acquire advantages there, so they feel pretty hollow. Fishing was killed with the alchemy hot fixes. Simple mob farming in Draenor isn't really a thing either with no potion of luck equivalent (along with the alchemy hot fixes). Aside from BoEs which are like winning the lottery, everything is worth nothing so you sell your shit for shit to buy shit you may not have that's worth shit.

Yeah, I think a lot of the current issues are tied to a dysfunctional economy and Blizzard underestimating how important it is with the half-assed job on professions and activities that relate to gold.

And there's probably some things I'm forgetting.

Hopefully some of this stuff gets addressed in patches and they add some new feature (like transmog was) as something new to do at end-game because garrisons and professions/economic activities aren't worth much beyond doing your daily CDs right now.

Sorry this was long-winded and a bit rambly, but I'm on my phone and not able to construct my thoughts in the most organized manner with it.


Time-gating content should not be allowed in a game I'm actually paying to play.

It really has sucked the fun out of my professions.
Time-gating content should not be allowed in a game I'm actually playing to play.

It really has sucked the fun out of my professions.

Well that's the dumb thing (that I didn't elaborate on). You're time gated with no way to overcome cooldowns to gain an advantage as there has been in previous expansions. Alchemy specializations don't apply (not that there's even a transmute anyway). Not to mention there not being a rare/premium herb or ore (e.g Golden Lotus/Trillium). There's no Spirit of Harmony equivalent that can be farmed as more expensive way to bypass cooldowns (Garrison Resources kind of was this when the potion meat had a value, but no longer). There's no other worthwhile thing to farm, etc.

It's all somewhat disastrous.


Last I heard you need to do 11 boss kills of a difficulty to get missions from the one above.

I'm 99% sure it's 15 kills. After raiding Tuesday and Thursday this week my guild was at 13 heroic kills and people got normal highmaul missions. So we went and did Kargath and Butcher again on heroic and bam, next couple people to get the highmaul mission was for mythic loot.

I hate that Blizzard wasn't transparent about this number. Dumb.
Well that's the thing. Garrison's aren't really end-game content. I'm not sure what exactly I'd call them (besides economy-destroying monstrosities).

I mentioned this all in another post but here it is again:

Heroics aren't very repeatable. Pet Battles haven't been expanded much and seem to be restricted to the fairly hardcore (I can't beat the garrison bosses without spending a decent amount of time acquiring and/or leveling the exact right team). Archaeology has been left for dead, besides being unbearable without flying. Brawler's Guild is recycled. Gathering as an activity has been killed off due to the free resources you get from the garrison - so the raw mats aren't worth the time. Crafting professions have all been time gated - there's not really anyway to acquire advantages there, so they feel pretty hollow. Fishing was killed with the alchemy hot fixes. Simple mob farming in Draenor isn't really a thing either with no potion of luck equivalent (along with the alchemy hot fixes). Aside from BoEs which are like winning the lottery, everything is worth nothing so you sell your shit for shit to buy shit you may not have that's worth shit.

Yeah, I think a lot of the current issues are tied to a dysfunctional economy and Blizzard underestimating how important it is with the half-assed job on professions and activities that relate to gold.

And there's probably some things I'm forgetting.

Hopefully some of this stuff gets addressed in patches and they add some new feature (like transmog was) as something new to do at end-game because garrisons and professions/economic activities aren't worth much beyond doing your daily CDs right now.

Sorry this was long-winded and a bit rambly, but I'm on my phone and not able to construct my thoughts in the most organized manner with it.

Great post.

To that I'd add my general disappointment with the in-world benefits provided by Garrison Buildings. The Lunarfall Inn isn't that amazing when put in context with dungeon rewards in expansions past, but it's telling that it shits all over every other building from a great height.


I haven't put major time into WoW since late Wrath / early Cataclysm. I never reached max level when I used to play. I always enjoyed my time, but I could never get with a good group of people.

Been playing a lot of Destiny lately, whose MMO-lite mechanics along with the positive buzz for Draenor have made me want to jump back into WoW for whatever reason. The level 90 boost is extremely appealing to me. I'd like to finally see some end-game content for a change.


I haven't put major time into WoW since late Wrath / early Cataclysm. I never reached max level when I used to play. I always enjoyed my time, but I could never get with a good group of people.

Been playing a lot of Destiny lately, whose MMO-lite mechanics along with the positive buzz for Draenor have made me want to jump back into WoW for whatever reason. The level 90 boost is extremely appealing to me. I'd like to finally see some end-game content for a change.

I was playing a lot of Destiny since launch. Jumped back into WoD when it launched and having a great time. So much so that I haven't even redeemed my season pass for Destiny yet.

My usual problem with WoW is that I can't get far enough into content with my "casual" schedule. However, with this expansion, I'm doing really well. Just hit iLvl 615 today. Did my first heroic last night (Blackrock Spire) and while the fights were a cluster, it was so much fun.

Overall, just really enjoying my time so far.


Man the kitties in the mythic Kargath fight are buggy. One of them just chomped our tank for no apparent reason as everyone else was still alive.


Ah, so it turns out you guys were right. My ilvl was so low because I actually somehow managed to not notice entire quest chains in Nagrand. #Oops

Just finished the Throne of the Elements quest line (which was really well done, by the way, Might be my favorite of this expansion). and now my ilvl is 610.
Well that's the dumb thing (that I didn't elaborate on). You're time gated with no way to overcome cooldowns to gain an advantage as there has been in previous expansions. Alchemy specializations don't apply (not that there's even a transmute anyway). Not to mention there not being a rare/premium herb or ore (e.g Golden Lotus/Trillium). There's no Spirit of Harmony equivalent that can be farmed as more expensive way to bypass cooldowns (Garrison Resources kind of was this when the potion meat had a value, but no longer). There's no other worthwhile thing to farm, etc.

It's all somewhat disastrous.

Don't primals take place of Spirit of Harmony? You can farm those and trade them in for mats? Each time I near 100 Hexweave Cloth I've usually built up enough primals that I trade them for the last 15 or so I need.

I'm sure if you wanted to you could farm tons of primals and boost your professions more quickly if you really, really wanted to. Of course you need 1,000 primals to make an epic hexweave item so I'm not sure if it's a great use of time but it's certainly an option.
Don't primals take place of Spirit of Harmony? You can farm those and trade them in for mats? Each time I near 100 Hexweave Cloth I've usually built up enough primals that I trade them for the last 15 or so I need.

I'm sure if you wanted to you could farm tons of primals and boost your professions more quickly if you really, really wanted to. Of course you need 1,000 primals to make an epic hexweave item so I'm not sure if it's a great use of time but it's certainly an option.

Like you mentioned, primals are an order of magnitude less effective than spirits of harmony were at accelerating your crafting. But of course the things you craft are at the mercy of the RNG and you have to spend even more mats just getting desirable secondaries, further reducing the appeal of professions in WoD.


Wish this title lasted longer than 30 minutes. :(

Yeah primal spirits don't really count because they're much scarcer than spirits of harmony ever were and the exchange rate is worse. Probably worth about 40g/ea at best spending them on Savage Blood. Something silly like 10g/ea if spent on any of the BoP mats. You can't really farm them either like you could spirits - they don't drop from everything like the motes did. Any you acquire is just sort of a small bonus.


Haven't played WoW in any real way until now since like 2007. My cousin took over my old account so I grabbed a new one during this last sale and have been playing quite a bit. Everything is crazy compared to 7 years ago but still really fun. Got to level 20 and turned off XP so I could run through all the low level zones and see what Cataclysm did to them plus stock up on greens and gathering mats to start amassing a new fortune. The game somehow looks a lot better as well I think.


Pretty sure if you are in the way of a fixate you still get eaten.

Nope. Usually they just go straight through you and nothing happens. We think that it might eat you if you're close to the fixate target, but one of them just gobbling up our tank who was actively tanking the boss was stupefying. Might be because the kitty's cast ran out and it decided to chomp whatever was nearest to it.


Nope. Usually they just go straight through you and nothing happens. We think that it might eat you if you're close to the fixate target, but one of them just gobbling up our tank who was actively tanking the boss was stupefying. Might be because the kitty's cast ran out and it decided to chomp whatever was nearest to it.
we had that happen too and thought something similar since the fixated person died at the same time. It was only on one pull though so could just be a rare bug.


I mentioned this all in another post but here it is again:

Makes me endlessly happy to see so many other people talk about this stuff in the thread over the past few days ; ;. I've felt alone in my bitching since the first week of the game but I guess I just play way too much and hit that point faster. There is a bunch of other stuff I would add to your list, but, I've done that in other posts so whatever I don't want to retread worn ground.

What I will say though is it's pretty funny you mention pet battles in that light. I actually find the garrison battles to be pretty easy in comparison to the celestial tournament which I found especially crazy as someone who doesn't like to look up strats for the battles and go in blind and learn it myself. Having to do multiple battles and not being able to heal in between them felt a lot more "hardcore" haha.


Count me in the "Logging on, tending to Garrison, logging off" club. Heck, I've been doing Legacy raids on difficulties I never did, just to get titles and achievements, and a shot at mounts. Spent far more time on that than any level 100 content.
One other thing that sucks:

Warspear is a "city", but you're only rested/instant logout in the inn. Meanwhile the garrison is rested everywhere (when it doesn't bug out).

The other faction can't even access your Ashran city afaik. So I'm not sure why this is the case.

And the layout is kind of ass. Find myself going to Orgrimmar for serious AH activities.


And the layout is kind of ass. Find myself going to Orgrimmar for serious AH activities.

Haven't really spent much time in the horde town but I think the layout of the alliance one is alright. The AH, apexis vendors, and a mailbox are all basically right beside each other. I guess the only annoyance is that the mailbox isn't literally right beside the AH and it is next to another building, but I usually see people toss down a portable one inside the AH itself so it doesn't matter much.
Like you mentioned, primals are an order of magnitude less effective than spirits of harmony were at accelerating your crafting. But of course the things you craft are at the mercy of the RNG and you have to spend even more mats just getting desirable secondaries, further reducing the appeal of professions in WoD.
Maybe it's because I haven't dropped mining as my second profession but I was easily able to get a bunch of primals from mining while I leveled. Killing enemies might be a rough way to get primals but mining in the world works well. Of course most people dropped their gathering professions with the mine and garden.
Has the Tavern hotfix gone live yet? (L3 blueprint achievement at 10 quests completed instead of all 20)
I've completed three inn quests and logged on the other day having all quests marked as complete and the achievement earned allowing me to buy the blueprints for tier 3. I assumed it bugged and everyone had that happen.

Chris R

Holy shit, do you just keep doing quests after quests to get guys that high? I've only seen iLvl 615 and my guys are just that high too :(


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.

If your log is full of quests you're doing something wrong.
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