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World of Warcraft |OT6| This wolf still has teeth


From an interview last week blizzard said we would be hearing more about it soon, as in actual soon and not blizzard soon. 5.1 came out pretty much exactly 2 months after MoP launched so I am expecting something similar for 6.1, but, that's just speculation obviously.

They also said in an interview or a bluepost or something similar that they felt that timeline was too quick. They'll want the average guilds to be making headway into mythic before dropping the next raid on them.


I assume 6.1 won't be a raid patch, but it'll have something more casual and out-in-the-world to do, like the Barrens patch or the Alliance/Horde landing patch.


They also said in an interview or a bluepost or something similar that they felt that timeline was too quick. They'll want the average guilds to be making headway into mythic before dropping the next raid on them.

Depends on what 6.1 is I guess. 5.1 was brawlers guild + landfall campaign + new chapter of legendary quest chain and some other minor stuff, 5.2 is what they thought came out too quickly (was like 3 months after Terrace opened).

I'd like to hope they use the MoP patching model again as it was nice having something to look forward to every few months, especially considering the next raid tier won't be until what... April or May probably? If they actually want to give BRF room to breath.
I have multiple followers now at about 625 item level, but I've stopped getting 615 quests. Instead I'm being given sub 100 quests. Shit loads of 98 ones.... Why...

Karl Hawk

I assume 6.1 won't be a raid patch, but it'll have something more casual and out-in-the-world to do, like the Barrens patch or the Alliance/Horde landing patch.

I'd be honestly fine with content patches that has things besides a raid tier. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Blizz say WoD would have only 2 tiers for raids?

And while I liked the encounters on Highmual, I'm honestly interested more to Blackrock Foundry. The encounters on BRF look more interesting, IMO.


I'd be honestly fine with content patches that has things besides a raid tier. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Blizz say WoD would have only 2 tiers for raids?

They did but also from an interview last week they said it might have 3 tiers.

I assume it will depend on how far along progress on the next expansion is, but, that's a wild guess.
Well if my estimates are correct and we see BRF drop in February - which will need more time to live than Highmaul - the next raid patch would be best around June on the earlier end.

But I prefer slightly longer (without being overly long) tiers of 5-6 months. So long as there's other stuff to do or patched in during that time.


I'd be honestly fine with content patches that has things besides a raid tier. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Blizz say WoD would have only 2 tiers for raids?

Oh me too. I miss the days of lots of smaller patches. Heck, vanilla made it all the way to 1.12

1.1 - Release
1.2 - Maraudon
1.3 - Dire Maul
1.4 - PvP honor system
1.5 - Battlegrounds
1.6 - Blackwing Lair
1.7 - Zul'Gurub
1.8 - Emerald Dream dragons, Silithus revamp
1.9 - Gates of Ahn'Qiraj
1.10 - Weather
1.11 - Naxxramas
1.12 - Cross-realm battlegrounds

Man, what a time to be playing. And those were just the main things, each patch brought a load of other smaller things too, such as class quests, UI enhancements, QoL changes, world events..

Kinda want that feeling back.


Oh me too. I miss the days of lots of smaller patches. Heck, vanilla made it all the way to 1.12

1.1 - Release
1.2 - Maraudon
1.3 - Dire Maul
1.4 - PvP honor system
1.5 - Battlegrounds
1.6 - Blackwing Lair
1.7 - Zul'Gurub
1.8 - Emerald Dream dragons, Silithus revamp
1.9 - Gates of Ahn'Qiraj
1.10 - Weather
1.11 - Naxxramas
1.12 - Cross-realm battlegrounds

Man, what a time to be playing. And those were just the main things, each patch brought a load of other smaller things too, such as class quests, UI enhancements, QoL changes, world events..

Kinda want that feeling back.

It's weird that weather was put in so late.


I don't think they've done enough with weather since its inception. Seems pretty rare to see anything happening. It did start snowing in Frostfire the other day but then stopped less than 5 minutes later.


Well if my estimates are correct and we see BRF drop in February - which will need more time to live than Highmaul - the next raid patch would be best around June on the earlier end.

February seems like a pretty long ways away given the scope of Highmaul... That's not to say I am opposed though, I like the slower roll out for raids as well with minor patches adding stuff in between. Basically vanilla as pointed out above, the pacing was perfect imo and for whatever reason was never replicated again. Instead they kept front loading expansions: 3 tiers in the span of 4 months in TBC and 4 tiers in the span of 1 year and 1 month in wotlk despite both expansions lasting around 2 years.


I don't think they've done enough with weather since its inception. Seems pretty rare to see anything happening. It did start snowing in Frostfire the other day but then stopped less than 5 minutes later.

and the weather has been toned down too.

I remember when it rained it really rained.
Praise be to the Salvage Crate Gods!


I came back to this game expecting that I'd be needed to tank, but since you apparently only need 2 tanks even in a raid of 30 that ended up not working out. So I figured I'd do cat dps since it's strong and I still sorta know how to play it - nope, guild is absurdly topheavy with melee to the point where it was making normal Kor'agh impossible.

So I picked up Balance 20 minutes before our friday raid, somehow figured out more or less what I was doing, and did mediocre DPS all night. I have zero experience as a ranged class in MMO raids outside of screwing around as balance a few times in vanilla. After revamping my spec and UI the next day I managed to do respectable dps on kor'agh and we got him down. Hopefully I catch up gearwise a bit more by next week so we can clear more than one boss in heroic highmaul.

And because playing 3 specs wasn't enough I decided to try out resto in pvp last night. I haven't played resto at all since vanilla, except for a couple nights on twin eredars in Sunwell because our healers were all chumps. I'm still not sure I even managed to put all my abilities on my bar, and I only had a couple pieces of PVP gear...and I didn't die at all after 4 BGs. Turns out 200 days /played of muscle memory doesn't go away after 8 years. I should still look up a guide or something to see what I should be doing, since I felt like my overall healing output was low even if my teammates and I weren't dying. Also have no idea what situations certain abilities are used for, like Genesis.

I'd also like to cap out my conquest points tonight. I've never been big on arenas but my friends said it was easy to get points, and I'm a big fan of free gear.


Never thought I'd say this, but I really miss dailies.

Especially when dailies were like Landfall, with story quests every so often.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Did Molten Core yesterday with my gf.

Two painful hours. A couple of wipes(most were due to bad pulls), not too bad. It's just that 2 long hours with no loot at all but a mount and a helm from the final boss was just not fun.

And that raid made me realize how thankful I am that we don't have to do all these long walks after a wipe inside most modern raids.


Never thought I'd say this, but I really miss dailies.

Especially when dailies were like Landfall, with story quests every so often.

Yep. At least then you kinda had a reason to log in.
Now it's clear out garrison stuff, craft your limited resource profession mats, decide if you want to be bothered going to random area and kill shit until you get your 800/100 apexis crystals.
I never step outside of my garrison now, only to highmaul and occasionally warspear, feels wrong.

Did Molten Core yesterday with my gf.

Two painful hours. A couple of wipes(most were due to bad pulls), not too bad. It's just that 2 long hours with no loot at all but a mount and a helm from the final boss was just not fun.

And that raid made me realize how thankful I am that we don't have to do all these long walks after a wipe inside most modern raids.

At least it only took you 2 hours.

I had a friend who was in there from 3pm to like 9pm a week or so ago.

I pitied him so much.


The apexis dailies were a huge miss, and we did a MC that took 3 hours yesterday, it was really boring.

The biggest time waster of a raid was AQ40 Twin Emps, we had an afk wipe train planned for that.
Resubbed and boosted a Troll Monk to 90. Didn't quite feel like going back to my Warrior which was the only character at 90 (didn't play much of Pandaria)

Any tips for fast-tracking a profession, and which are more useful since you can (apparently) do so much crafting through your garrison.

I picked Leatherworking and Skinning, but might drop skinning eventually.
What's the fastest way to gain rep with each groups? (Arakkoa, Steamwheedle, etc.)

Steamwheedle is all about grinding mobs in Northern Nagrand but it goes by much quicker than the others because it's based on repeatable turnins of items dropped. There are also rares that drop high-value turnins and white stone chests secreted away in the surroundings.

Arakkoa requires a fuckton of grinding in mobs near Skettis once you're out of quests in Arak, which gets you to Revered or very near to it. You'll find this pattern repeated for the remaining factions of Draenor. Find pocket of level 100 monsters and grind. Make sure you don't miss ANY quests because the grinding is extremely boring.

Some garrison campaigns also grant you rep based on what happens during the questline. When I got sent to Broken Precipice I was getting Steamwheedle for every completed leg of the quest.



Additionally, I know for Arakkoa, you can occasionally get a Garrison mission that rewards a relic that gives you like 2500 rep with them.

Very useful.
I'll also add that although you can get some Steamwheedle rep from solving Ogre Archaology artifacts (pristine solves reward a rep token) Blizz really missed the boat by not tying Archaeology to other reps as well. I'd dig and solve all day if it could accelerate Arakkoa/Exarch/Shatari Defense reps.


I had quit during Cataclysm and boosted to 90 for WoD.. so until going back to an 85 alt recently I had never gotten to try Pandaria content and after three levels I have to say... it is painful and I am very much looking forward to getting back to Draenor.

It has some fun levity at times and the environment art is very pretty (although the motif isn't really to my taste and is already getting old) but I really don't care for anything else. Questing has been pretty lousy, dungeons are easily my least liked of the whole affair so far and every time anyone opens their mouth, unless it's to crack a joke about beer,... my eyes just glaze over. I usually casually enjoy the narrative in WoW, big or small elements, but this shit hurts.

I had planned to absorb it more naturally and see what I had missed but it's really not for me, just going to start spamming dungeons to power to 90.

I'm having more fun leveling another DK as alliance than playing my main right now. :/

That's what I'm leveling right now, taking a break from my Priest. Moving up as Blood, which is amazingly better than it used to be, flows so much better last thing I remember about Cataclysm was gearing up Blood for my off-spec and constantly being mad at diseases so it's nice to see how much cleaner it is.


I'll also add that although you can get some Steamwheedle rep from solving Ogre Archaology artifacts (pristine solves reward a rep token) Blizz really missed the boat by not tying Archaeology to other reps as well. I'd dig and solve all day if it could accelerate Arakkoa/Exarch/Shatari Defense reps.

This is actually a pretty great idea.

I'm about 5000 rep away from Revered with Laughing Skull for the mask. Not sure if I want to go for Exalted.


88% chance on a follower mission for a 645 weapon -FAIL. This is my nightmare. Between failing garrison missions for loot and getting the same freaking piece over and over on my monk I want to cry. I can only run so many heroics and getting shoulders I don't need over an upgrade before giving up.
anyone know how to get to old outlands? I was looking through my achievement list and realized I never ran SSC, but the portal just takes me to WoD content. I'm assuming theres a guy but I only looked at the portal and then decided to stop for the day

farming legacy raids is RIDICULOUSLY easy. me and my wife are just 25 man heroic killing everything we can (s priest and ret pally) but Idk if Mists raids are trivialized as well. Good way to show her some content she didn't get to see and for me to get some gold and enchanting mats


anyone know how to get to old outlands? I was looking through my achievement list and realized I never ran SSC, but the portal just takes me to WoD content. I'm assuming theres a guy but I only looked at the portal and then decided to stop for the day

farming legacy raids is RIDICULOUSLY easy. me and my wife are just 25 man heroic killing everything we can (s priest and ret pally) but Idk if Mists raids are trivialized as well. Good way to show her some content she didn't get to see and for me to get some gold and enchanting mats

If you're Horde then go to the regular place but instead go up the stairs and to the right, the portal is right there.



Portal top right goes to Hellfire while the one bottom left goes to Blasted Lands.

Edit: If you're Alliance (sorry, I assume people are Horde if they don't say...), then the Mage Tower in SW has one portal at the bottom and the other at the top.


Darkness no more
farming legacy raids is RIDICULOUSLY easy. me and my wife are just 25 man heroic killing everything we can (s priest and ret pally) but Idk if Mists raids are trivialized as well. Good way to show her some content she didn't get to see and for me to get some gold and enchanting mats

Mists raids don't get the same damage bonus as Cata and prior expansions.
88% chance on a follower mission for a 645 weapon -FAIL. This is my nightmare. Between failing garrison missions for loot and getting the same freaking piece over and over on my monk I want to cry. I can only run so many heroics and getting shoulders I don't need over an upgrade before giving up.

Failed a 92%. Feels bad man :(


anyone know how to get to old outlands? I was looking through my achievement list and realized I never ran SSC, but the portal just takes me to WoD content. I'm assuming theres a guy but I only looked at the portal and then decided to stop for the day

farming legacy raids is RIDICULOUSLY easy. me and my wife are just 25 man heroic killing everything we can (s priest and ret pally) but Idk if Mists raids are trivialized as well. Good way to show her some content she didn't get to see and for me to get some gold and enchanting mats

Are you following any guides/lists to figure out which raids you can go back and do? I'm really interested in doing this as well.


anyone know how to get to old outlands? I was looking through my achievement list and realized I never ran SSC, but the portal just takes me to WoD content. I'm assuming theres a guy but I only looked at the portal and then decided to stop for the day

farming legacy raids is RIDICULOUSLY easy. me and my wife are just 25 man heroic killing everything we can (s priest and ret pally) but Idk if Mists raids are trivialized as well. Good way to show her some content she didn't get to see and for me to get some gold and enchanting mats
Alliance and horde now have a portal that will take you to Hellfire. Upstairs from the portal that takes you to Draenor.

Could also take the portal to Shattrath in Shrine.
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