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World of Warcraft |OT6| This wolf still has teeth


Anyone who thinks melee is easier hasn't played melee in challenging content.

Yea normals/heroics are a joke, but do CMs and Mythics as melee and lol. I tank primarily so it's not a huge issue for me since I have to be in melee no matter what, but there are a lot of mechanics that scream "fuck you" to melee players. Ex: Kargath's Tigers can fixate melee during "On the Hunt" effectively preventing them from dpsing the boss, while ranged can just LoS with a fire pillar and keep going.


Anyone who thinks melee is easier hasn't played melee in challenging content.

Yea normals/heroics are a joke, but do CMs and Mythics as melee and lol. I tank primarily so it's not a huge issue for me since I have to be in melee no matter what, but there are a lot of mechanics that scream "fuck you" to melee players. Ex: Kargath's Tigers can fixate melee during "On the Hunt" effectively preventing them from dpsing the boss, while ranged can just LoS with a fire pillar and keep going.

I'm not saying easier per se , since dodging shit is rather easy as ranged. It just about halves your DPS while you do so and there is a shitload of it to dodge.


logged on, got hijacked by guild into doing normal highmaul from tectus onward. Our guild runs are friday/saturday but people got impatient I guess. I'm surprised we managed to get up to Imperator considering how bad the lag was, too many people piling onto Burning Blade's hamster-powered server for free loot night.

Last week I didn't get a single drop off of LFR, normal raids, or the world boss. This week I got nothing from the normal bosses I did, but as soon as I stepped into heroic kargath and LFR the loot storm began. I went from 636 to 642 in like an hour including a crit/mastery socketed ring off Kargath. My DPS is definitely climbing rapidly and I'm hoping to semi-pug some of the easier heroic fights later in the week.

My guild, as a bunch of old returning players, is this weird mix of super-casuals and a small group of people who want to push the hard content. The guild itself has had tons of ups and downs, from top horde guild to dominating the server to just being 'there'. So you've got these guys coming back from BC who were used to being close to world firsts, but then some others from that same time period who have families now and are just around for the nostalgia trip.

Shaming people who aren't in the top tier of DPS meter charts.

funny thing is I had our drunk as shit raid leader on my back about my dps on kor'agh. Because he was using recount and it doesn't track dps against his shield. When someone posted a proper meter I was near the top, above other people with waaaaay better gear. I'm really looking forward to this week's guild raid even though I already got loot from most bosses, just because this time I actually know what I'm doing.

Last week we needed ranged dps badly so they had me start playing as Balance but I'd only spent maybe 20 minutes total practicing it. I was using a dumb spec too, once I changed things around I did dramatically better dps. On that subject why is the brain dead easy moonkin spec (soul of the forest/euphoria) close to or stronger than the complex one with stellar flare/incarnation? Just seems weird.


Darkness no more
I built this giant army of epic 645 followers but I never get any worthwhile missions to send them on. I have gotten a mission for a 645 chest 3 times now, but I have a 650 chest already.


Modesty becomes a woman
downside is being lowish middle of the pack dps wise I guess.

Citation needed. Other ranged classes will sim higher, but other ranged classes don't have full mobility while dpsing. I wish all our ranged classes were hunters right now. awesome classes to have in this raid.

I don't get how this DPS conversation keeps happening everywhere even with the raid out. Am I the only one in highmaul? There's only like 2 fights where you can even say "I got to mongoloid damage look at my epeen" and not look like a total jackass.

Besides Butcher and Kargath, if you're just tunneling the boss doing massive DPS on recount, I'd look at the log and see what kind of shit you're standing in.


As someone who never ever played ranged dps in MMORPG raids until last weekend I definitely find it annoying when my ridiculously long cast times on Starfire have to get interrupted. But me playing melee would be very dangerous because I'm not used to keeping track of a complex dps rotation without tunneling. I'm still a tank at heart but it's so unlikely that I'll be needed to tank anything right now that I got rid of my bear spec.

My main issue as ranged is how flaky tab target is nowadays. Is this just me or is it FUCKING AWFUL now? I have to hit it multiple times to switch between twin ogrons, and it's inconsistent. Once I remembered my old focus cast macros that fight was fine but for stuff with constant spawning adds it's still annoying.

Citation needed. Other ranged classes will sim higher, but other ranged classes don't have full mobility while dpsing. I wish all our ranged classes were hunters right now. awesome classes to have in this raid.

I don't get how this DPS conversation keeps happening everywhere even with the raid out. Am I the only one in highmaul? There's only like 2 fights where you can even say "I got to mongoloid damage look at my epeen" and not look like a total jackass.

Besides Butcher and Kargath, if you're just tunneling the boss doing massive DPS on recount, I'd look at the log and see what kind of shit you're standing in.

Twin Ogrons is really eye opening here. I feel like I'm doing bad DPS but then I look at the 'damage taken' chart and it suddenly all makes sense. Our poor healers.


I have had this strange hunch for a while now that hitboxes for large creatures is bugged or something. Very often I get stuff like that I have to face the target or stay within range when I'm trying to melee them.


So far today two Only the Penitent attempts have been failures. The first formed in about 10-15 minutes, we lined up, and then a hunter tried to stealth over with his pet. Done.

Logged on later and it was reset. Formed a new group in about 30 minutes. We all get there. All get in place. Ready check and all go green after about ten seconds. Wait about five seconds for a fresh cast and hit the /rw CLICK macro I created. My side nails it. Other side one out of three click the orb. Another fail.

Logging on right now to try for a third time. Can't wait.

If anyone is US Alliance and needs the achievement I'm sure the group will still be forming over the next 15-30 minutes so feel free to add me and come along for this dumb achievement: LordWibble#1924.

Edit: And a third fail. We agreed we'd get in place, I'd ready check, and then do a click raid warning. I do the ready check and a GeForce Experience updated caused the window to minimize. The 5ish seconds it takes to come back the right side had already clicked their orb and my side hadn't clicked theirs yet. And they blame me despite not doing the raid warning to do the click since the window had minimized. I'd understand if I did the raid warning to tell them to click.

Whatever. Time for a fourth attempt in a couple hours.

You know you can try for "Only the Penitent..." achievement like 10 times an hour right? With the same group.

If someone fails it, just get everyone to run out and have the raid leader reset the instance and then run back in, use the teleporter to get right to that boss and try again.

The only roadblock is you can only reset the instance 10 times per hour. But you should get it well before 10 tries with the same group.

And yeah that achievement was stupid because of stupid people.
Things aren't too bad as melee in normal, but god damn our ranged are having a hard time adjusting to having to do actual mechanics after coming off siege of ogrimmar. It was hard enough to get them to stand in malkorok's purple pools, let alone steer tectus's mists away from the raid. Really doubting we'll be able to clear high maul normal before black foundry comes out, hoping I can at least get some bosses in heroic done in pug group.

Bonus armor gives you 0 benefit as a fury/arms warrior, a 670 piece with bonus armor is effectively giving you 1 secondary stat. Crit/mastery benefit tanks, as does the extra weapon damage. Sure, getting a weapon on a dps will probably have a larger impact, and if the tanks have decent weapons, it would be nice of them to pass for you, but still, there's a big difference between not rolling on useless bonus armor gear (unless you want to play glad) and passing on a weapon upgrade because it's a larger upgrade for someone else.

The guys I could never stand in past expacs are the 2h frost or unholy DKs that decide to roll on 1 handers because they can, and vice versa.

In general, I agree with your sentiment though, blizzard kind of fucked up itemization with bonus armor. Tanks effectively double dip because they can use "dps" (standard) gear and then they have their own exclusive bonus armor gear. DPS don't have a "tanks don't roll on me" stat like bonus armor, which kind of sucks. As a plate wearer, it's pretty rough competing with tanks AND other dps for gear, and let's be honest, most tanks are DKs/Warrs/Paladins. Double sucks that as a warrior you want CRIT CRIT CRIT, and none of the 2h's have crit (can't put crit on just 1 blizz?), so you're kind of forced into the 1h's for Highmaul. Lucky ass leather wearers.

I worded it kind of weird but I meant weapon dps being the best stat for those classes. My point was that if they're asking me to pass on bonus armor for the good of the raid (as I'm dpsing as glad right now), they should pass on one handers for the good of the raid as well (the amount of benefit they get from increased weapon dps + minor stat gains vs how much I gain from weapon dps alone leans heavily in my favor). If they don't follow through on that I'ma be upset. I agree with your sentiment also as well.

Also about the arms/fury scaling as the expansion goes on... simcraft emulates a single target dps fight so it's not the best gauge, but I don't see any growth with arms at all. It's still bottom of the barrel (literally just above the tanks and the shadow priests that don't take that certain talent) in single target as you go up in item levels, and that will be a problem later on. We can skirt by it right now by doing good dps in multi target fights, but it's not so crazy it will make up for it later on. Fury is in a (really really) good position right now though, and will probably outscale some other melee dps classes.

Karl Hawk

Got to 6/7 on normal Highmaul with a pug today and then decided to call it for a day.

I have my share of skepticism to raiding pugs, but I was impressed with how the pug I played with managed to kill the bosses without any trouble save for Ko'ragh (we were very luck to kill him with 2 dps alive near the end).


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
trying to freeze my account, second day in a row

but site gets stuck at "account"

No wonder this pos game has 10mil subs or whatever. No one can freeze their account so they're forced to play this shitfest


trying to freeze my account, second day in a row

but site gets stuck at "account"

No wonder this pos game has 10mil subs or whatever. No one can freeze their account so they're forced to play this shitfest

Come on Yoshi, you can give us something better than that.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Didn't get credit for Chromatic Champion on my rogue. He's not the character I'm doing the achievement on, but it worries me about it bugging out on a particular platform on the one I am trying to get it done on.
Mim's head up on the BMAH. Bid around 200k, but got outbid. Not sure if I really want to spend that much on it anyway. Would rather have Invincible. Might check when it's getting closer to the end of the auction.

And Arenas are literally a cancer upon this game that should be purged with no remorse. Yet I need to do them this week to get pants for PvE. ZZzzzzz

Gear is very limited right now and poorly itemized in Highmaul. Several conquest pieces are perfectly itemized at iLvl 660, which, while slightly worse than heroic Highmaul in terms of iLvl (though not itemization), is a huge upgrade over heroic 5-man gear that I still have in several slots. So to be competitive in PvE I have to PvP.

It's bullshit.

And since I have no honor PvP gear, I have to do BGs to get that so I don't get chewn through faster than a wet piece of toilet paper.

PvP in this game is so terrible - makes me rage hard.


Really Really Exciting Member!
trying to freeze my account, second day in a row

but site gets stuck at "account"

No wonder this pos game has 10mil subs or whatever. No one can freeze their account so they're forced to play this shitfest

Yoshi gonna Yoshi. You're going to praise Blizzard again next year or when their next game/expansion release.
As of the last patch. Good QOL upgrade. Now if only it weren't such a chore to trap elites I might actually enjoy the building again.
That double trap trick is awesome where if you time it right, you can actually toss a second trap down before the first one despawns with the beast and snag two for one. Used it to cut down time last night filling my barn's orders. But yeah, the elites do take a little more time. Thankfully you only need to get them down to 40% for them to trigger the trap.


Really Really Exciting Member!
That double trap trick is awesome where if you time it right, you can actually toss a second trap down before the first one despawns with the beast and snag two for one. Used it to cut down time last night filling my barn's orders. But yeah, the elites do take a little more time. Thankfully you only need to get them down to 40% for them to trigger the trap.

I thought it was 50% for the trap? Or is it 40% for elites only?


Yoshi gonna Yoshi. You're going to praise Blizzard again next year or when their next game/expansion release.
I like to flip-flop every week. They'll get my praise, then they'll get nothing but pure hatred.

Seriously though, I decided to take a break last week. Blizzard did a top notch job, but I'm just not feeling it right now. I'll come back for 6.1 if I don't cave and resub before then.


Think I'm warming up to the idea of committing to a two-night raiding guild, assuming the times are something that works for me.
For the past year or so, this is what I did with a group of friends. We raided on Tuesday and Thursday, 3 hours a night. No bullshit, just having a good time and killing bosses. Once in a while there'd be an optional day, which usually took place on Sunday or Monday.

I think it helps keep stress levels low. We weren't banging out heads against the wall trying to push progression. Admittedly, this really worked out well since SoO was fairly easy.
Didn't get credit for Chromatic Champion on my rogue. He's not the character I'm doing the achievement on, but it worries me about it bugging out on a particular platform on the one I am trying to get it done on.
I did mine over the course of the last month. It shouldn't be a bugged achievement. Not sure why it seems bugged for you, though.

You know you can try for "Only the Penitent..." achievement like 10 times an hour right? With the same group.

If someone fails it, just get everyone to run out and have the raid leader reset the instance and then run back in, use the teleporter to get right to that boss and try again.

The only roadblock is you can only reset the instance 10 times per hour. But you should get it well before 10 tries with the same group.

And yeah that achievement was stupid because of stupid people.

After looking it up it seems the reason it wouldn't reset is because I was on heroic. I always clear it on 10m Heroic but you can't reset that encounter. Some people in groups had their ideas with running out and resetting (didn't work), changing to Normal after running out and resetting (didn't work), changing to normal to reset and put back on heroic (didn't work), swap raid leaders (didn't work). I tried everything I thought was possible.

When the third group failed I went online, verified people said it could be reset in Normal, and then simply swapped to Normal while still inside the raid and that reset me to the front. I stepped out, reset, and when I went back in the stupid skull was back on the portal. I selected normal again and that seemed to do the trick. From there I was able to reset it. The fourth group came in, failed two times and got it on the third. All done.

So damned happy.

And now Blizzard has that 50% off on store mounts and I always said I wouldn't pay their prices to bump my mount count but now I'm really tempted. I think I'll get two: Enchanted Fey Dragon and Windsteed. Still persuading my brain that it's okay. Money isn't an issue on this so it's really just being stubborn.
So far today two Only the Penitent attempts have been failures. The first formed in about 10-15 minutes, we lined up, and then a hunter tried to stealth over with his pet. Done.

Logged on later and it was reset. Formed a new group in about 30 minutes. We all get there. All get in place. Ready check and all go green after about ten seconds. Wait about five seconds for a fresh cast and hit the /rw CLICK macro I created. My side nails it. Other side one out of three click the orb. Another fail.

Logging on right now to try for a third time. Can't wait.

If anyone is US Alliance and needs the achievement I'm sure the group will still be forming over the next 15-30 minutes so feel free to add me and come along for this dumb achievement: LordWibble#1924.

Edit: And a third fail. We agreed we'd get in place, I'd ready check, and then do a click raid warning. I do the ready check and a GeForce Experience updated caused the window to minimize. The 5ish seconds it takes to come back the right side had already clicked their orb and my side hadn't clicked theirs yet. And they blame me despite not doing the raid warning to do the click since the window had minimized. I'd understand if I did the raid warning to tell them to click.

Whatever. Time for a fourth attempt in a couple hours.

This achievement sounds dumb and pretty sure it will be what keeps me from the mount. I'd always be willing to help with it (Alliance side) when I'm able to be on.


Whats the best way to get shatari defense rep?
Build a level 2 Trading Post, and kill mobs in the city of Shattrath, or the harbor area. Try the northern part of Talador. Bring a group! [Won't receive rep while in a raid]

Edit: Also, if you have a bodyguard, make sure you bring it out while farming.
It's buggy for me as well, did Alexstraza's platform first 4 weeks in a row but never got credit for it. Pretty annoying.

A friend of mine told me you have to wait for the aspect on your first platform to get impaled before defeating the claw and moving on. Has worked so far for us.


For the past year or so, this is what I did with a group of friends. We raided on Tuesday and Thursday, 3 hours a night. No bullshit, just having a good time and killing bosses. Once in a while there'd be an optional day, which usually took place on Sunday or Monday.

I think it helps keep stress levels low. We weren't banging out heads against the wall trying to push progression. Admittedly, this really worked out well since SoO was fairly easy.

Yeah, this is essentially what I'm looking for. Just need to find a guild now... I'm pretty flexible on class/role/faction, so it'll probably be harder to find a guild that matches what I'm looking for than one with an opening I can fill.


Yeah, this is essentially what I'm looking for. Just need to find a guild now... I'm pretty flexible on class/role/faction, so it'll probably be harder to find a guild that matches what I'm looking for than one with an opening I can fill.
The guild I ran with this group may be looking for a healer or ranged DPS.

Their raid times are Tuesday and Thursday, from 7PM to 10PM CST.


The guild I ran with this group may be looking for a healer or ranged DPS.

Their raid times are Tuesday and Thursday, from 7PM to 10PM CST.

I'm on the West Coast so that's cutting it really close, unfortunately.

Is there an easy way to find out which servers are in which time zones?
I know there's some windwalkers in here, but anyone who's good at stat crunching or just has general feedback would be great, I need some help.

My current trinkets are:

http://www.wowhead.com/item=109997/kihras-adrenaline-injector&bonus=518 The Heroic version.

http://www.wowhead.com/item=114427 It's Warforged.

I hit raid finder and picked up:


I feel like I wanna get rid of the injector and replace it with the tooth, because the emblem of terror is really good and I don't wanna get rid of it until I get the Butcher's trinket.

Am I on the right track? Any thoughts?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
If you use the Injector on every CD, that translates to approximately 176 Mastery, which is the same amount of Crit you get from the tooth. Crit is worth 3 times as much as Mastery for Windwalkers, however, so that + the ~70 AGI gain makes it the clear winner.
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