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World of Warcraft |OT6| This wolf still has teeth


I'm confused what people are expecting content-wise after they max out and don't care about dungeons or garrisons or achievements or pet battles that isn't raiding or pvp.

Like, what other expansion has had this wealth of things to do yet there's a constant caveat of wanting more? Mists had...dailies.
Cata had... dailies
Wrath had...dailies.

Like, this is shit everyone complained about, there's a bunch of dungeons compared to the last few expansions, there's still all the random rep grinds and achievements and pet battle/pvp shit, and there's still raids. IE: exactly what you would expect. /shrug

I personally hate feeling compelled to grind something like dailies, making it all optional is vastly superior, it's like people just don't want to go find things to do.


Who is still using roll based loot systems? Jeez.
We were using personal loot in our guild runs. In SoO, it was a performance/do you need the upgrade based system. People who showed up on time, didn't miss raid for dumb reasons and brought their A game were priority.


Can someone give a rundown on how the experience system works now? It's confusing the hell out of me.

Like, experience from quest rewards on a certain level could be around 13k, but the level after that it suddenly shoots up and becomes a lot more. And on the level after that, it might be even lower than the amount you had 2 levels earlier.

What's even more perplexing is that I tried abandoning a quest from my log that I had gotten 1 level earlier. The exp reward was around 12. So when I abandoned it and retook it on the next level, the exp reward suddenly shot up to 17k.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios

Satchel of Savage Mysteries now has a guaranteed chance to award a piece of Heroic Dungeon loot (item level 630 rare) appropriate for the character's loot specialization.

Whats the point of this incentive? If I needed 630 gear I'd be doing HCs anyways.
New Ways to Play

We’re exploring the possibility of giving players a way to buy tradable game-time tokens for the purpose of exchanging them in-game with other players for gold. Our current thought on this is that it would give players a way to use their surplus gold to cover some of their subscription cost, while giving players who might have less play time an option for acquiring gold from other players through a legit and secure system. A few other online games offer a similar option, and players have suggested that they’d be interested in seeing something along those lines in WoW. We agree it could be a good fit for the game, and we look forward to any feedback you have as we continue to look into this feature.

PLEX in my WoW? ALL MY YES FINALLY! Being gold-capped and somewhat cash poor, this would be HUGELY welcomed. People not in favor have never played EVE - it hugely cuts down on illegitimate gold buying (with the cut being that a game-time token costs slightly more than a regular sub would), and allows them to be more aggressive with banning bots.

And BRF tentative for February, as I predicted.



We’re exploring the possibility of giving players a way to buy tradable game-time tokens for the purpose of exchanging them in-game with other players for gold. Our current thought on this is that it would give players a way to use their surplus gold to cover some of their subscription cost, while giving players who might have less play time an option for acquiring gold from other players through a legit and secure system. A few other online games offer a similar option, and players have suggested that they’d be interested in seeing something along those lines in WoW. We agree it could be a good fit for the game, and we look forward to any feedback you have as we continue to look into this feature.


And about raids:
We’re expecting Blackrock Foundry to become available in February. We’ll announce specific dates once we’ve seen more of how Highmaul progression . . . progresses.

I hope it's late Feb at the earliest :p. Our progression is a little slower than I hoped... we'll need a good bit of time to have a chance at a Mythic clear before BRF.


Pepe’s Favorite New Feature
We’re working on the ability to send out Tweets—including screenshots—directly from within WoW, making it easier than ever to let friends know about your Achievements and item drops. We’ll be testing this functionality on the Patch 6.1 PTR.
Heh. I think I could do without this.

New Ways to Play
We’re exploring the possibility of giving players a way to buy tradable game-time tokens for the purpose of exchanging them in-game with other players for gold. Our current thought on this is that it would give players a way to use their surplus gold to cover some of their subscription cost, while giving players who might have less play time an option for acquiring gold from other players through a legit and secure system. A few other online games offer a similar option, and players have suggested that they’d be interested in seeing something along those lines in WoW. We agree it could be a good fit for the game, and we look forward to any feedback you have as we continue to look into this feature.
I'm afraid to even read the forum at this point. I like this feature a lot. Incoming tears.




We plan to them available again with patch 6.1. They are currently being redesigned to fit the new stat system.

The heirlooms will be sold for gold and base level will go up to level 60. Once you buy a heirloom, it will be available for all characters on your account, as toys and pet are now.

The base heirlooms can be upgraded to Tier 2 (usable up to level 90) and Tier 3 (usable up to level 100) in exchange for emblems that will be obtained as a reward for some tasks completed within the game.



@PLEX - I'm seeing people compare this to Diablo's RMAH. There are also some complaints about it making WoW "P2W", since you could essentially buy higher ilvl gear off of the BMAH.


@Heirlooms - I've leveled every class already, but if these went to 100, I'd be pleased. That's not to say I'll never level another character, though. Altoholic for life.

Eve has done that for years, and works out pretty well. It will have a massive effect on the economy that's for sure.
For sure. I've seen how it works on Eve. They have it down pretty nicely.


PLEX in my WoW? ALL MY YES FINALLY! Being gold-capped and somewhat cash poor, this would be HUGELY welcomed. People not in favor have never played EVE - it hugely cuts down on illegitimate gold buying (with the cut being that a game-time token costs slightly more than a regular sub would), and allows them to be more aggressive with banning bots.

And BRF tentative for February, as I predicted.

I'm all for this. I've always wanted to play the economy game but never really got into it. This would certainly motivate me.





Yeah that sounds fucking awesome. I wonder how enchants will work? Will we have to re-enchant for each toon? hm.

Eve has done that for years, and works out pretty well. It will have a massive effect on the economy that's for sure.

This is for sure, good or bad it'll have a huge impact. I think it's a good thing.

Yanger getting some upvotes debating that naysayer lol

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Was gonna say, China's free transfers coupled with BMAH has already given them an unfair advantage since its implementation.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Don't make the end of WoD become DS 3.0.

I mean it will anywyas, but I'm in no rush to push HM along.
Highmaul and Blackrock Foundry are supposed to serve each other as split raid tiers. Personally I don't really see Highmaul as a piece of content meant to stand on its own, and I don't think it holds up the current end game very well. I want raiding to be the focus but there's just not enough of it in WoD to sink your teeth into, and I don't really want to keep running Highmaul alone for another two months.
P2W in WoW won't pan out.

I had a guild run with a GL that was geared out completely in BoE epics. His iLVL was insane, about 20 more than mine.

The run failed, miserably, because the GL was simply a bad player. No amount of gear could make up for it. He complained that the flamethrowers would overheat, claimed that canceling them didn't help, wouldn't get out of stuff, wouldn't listen to the healers about mushrooms, etc.

It was terrible, but honestly gear only gets you so far. If you still don't know how to play the game (or take some personal responsibility, gdamnit), you'll still never get anywhere.

Yea I agree, regardless of your gear there still is a lot that will come down to personal skill and knowing/executing mechanics.


P2W in WoW won't pan out.

I had a guild run with a GL that was geared out completely in BoE epics. His iLVL was insane, about 20 more than mine.

The run failed, miserably, because the GL was simply a bad player. No amount of gear could make up for it. He complained that the flamethrowers would overheat, claimed that canceling them didn't help, wouldn't get out of stuff, wouldn't listen to the healers about mushrooms, etc.

It was terrible, but honestly gear only gets you so far. If you still don't know how to play the game (or take some personal responsibility, gdamnit), you'll still never get anywhere.
My exact thoughts. Those posts reminded me of playing private Ragnarok Online servers. There were players who would dump tons of cash and "donate" in order to obtain better gear for PvP. They would still get romped in the arena, because they sucked.


Windwalker Main/Mistweaver Off or Enhancement Main/Resto Off for raiding?!

For the dps comparions it's Kung Fu vs Battle Mage, which appeals to you more?

And for healing, Mistweaver is amazing if you like to dps heal on content you outgear or periods of low damage. Resto Shaman offers almost 0 dps opportunity.


For the dps comparions it's Kung Fu vs Battle Mage, which appeals to you more?

And for healing, Mistweaver is amazing if you like to dps heal on content you outgear or periods of low damage. Resto Shaman offers almost 0 dps opportunity.

Shaman if you insist on healing.

I'd just be healing for faster Heroic queues, or maybe in PUGs, so I'm not too worried about either one as long as they're relatively competent.

It was more a question about the DPS specs :p

As for which one appeals to me more, they both do. I've heard Enhance's priority system is really complicated, is that true in practice?


For the dps comparions it's Kung Fu vs Battle Mage, which appeals to you more?

And for healing, Mistweaver is amazing if you like to dps heal on content you outgear or periods of low damage. Resto Shaman offers almost 0 dps opportunity.

I use elemental blast for current progression raiding on my resto shaman. It's a mana regen talent if your resto.


So does holinka play a DK? I'm just wondering why DKs can heal like they were popping crit healthstones on the reg.


Data West

coaches in the WNBA

It's hitting even harder than it was in MoP. Like I honestly whispered my friend to ask if DKs got a lay on hands talent at 100. It's kind of funny that Blizz is trying to act all about hybrids healing being a problem but DKs are healing more than some healing classes in arena.


I'd just be healing for faster Heroic queues, or maybe in PUGs, so I'm not too worried about either one as long as they're relatively competent.

It was more a question about the DPS specs :p

As for which one appeals to me more, they both do. I've heard Enhance's priority system is really complicated, is that true in practice?

Well if you're only doing that, you could go WW/BM as a monk.

Karl Hawk

Releasing Blackrock Foundry that late seems concerning to me. If 6.2 is the final raid tier (emphasis on if) and we were not given more end-game content (IMO, it feels underwhelming outside of doing missions, raiding, and PvP) on 6.1, how do they expect to keep players from playing?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Enhancement is harder to play than WW's and WW has much better control over your burst due to lining up Tigereye Brew with your CDs. WW also has Storm, Earth and Fire which is honestly one of the most useful abilities in the entire game. Enhancement doesn't bring much better than an Elemental would bring other than slightly stronger burst and Flame Nova can get ridiculous with the AOE if you can stack everything. WW has basically no utility though (even though Enhance has less now than it did in MoP it still has some). Monk mobility is far better than ghost wolf but Ascendance is more godlike than anything WW can do.

The lack of mobile lightning bolts and healing tide and stormlash has really hurt Enhancement's utility and playstyle, but they do decent damage right now. Just not as decent as WW currently is.

I don't know if the Dark Shaman set still drops since it was on the BMAH in beta.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Enhancement is harder to play than WW's and WW has much better control over your burst due to lining up Tigereye Brew with your CDs. WW also has Storm, Earth and Fire which is honestly one of the most useful abilities in the entire game. Enhancement doesn't bring much better than an Elemental would bring other than slightly stronger burst and Flame Nova can get ridiculous with the AOE if you can stack everything. WW has basically no utility though (even though Enhance has less now than it did in MoP it still has some). Monk mobility is far better than ghost wolf but Ascendance is more godlike than anything WW can do.

The lack of mobile lightning bolts and healing tide and stormlash has really hurt Enhancement's utility and playstyle, but they do decent damage right now. Just not as decent as WW currently is.
Isn't it an Enhance shaman pulling over 80k on that Paragon Imperator video?
Isn't it an Enhance shaman pulling over 80k on that Paragon Imperator video?

I'm sure if the logs were available it's like 90% damage to adds.

And I'm curious about the new heirloom system. Hopefully you can get grandfathered in some, because I don't want all my 1-85 heirlooms scaled back to 1-60, and then I have to do some bullshit to bring them up again. Not clear based on what was said how that's gonna work.
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