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World of Warcraft |OT6| This wolf still has teeth

Any feral druid mind telling me if I got the basic rotation for single target right?

Start with prowl if possible
Spam Shred in between to generate combo points

Rake (refresh) - Savage Roar 5CP (refresh) - Rip (refresh) - Ferocious Bite 5CP if target is at 25% hp or less or if the other spells are applied

Is that the basic rotation? Any more to it?
I'm still reading up about other skills/trinkets and stuff, but this is what I understand from reading mmo-champion and other places

I'm still not sure how much I should try to apply Rake or just spam Thrash on fights with adds

I like feral so far, although the downtime between using your skills when you try to generate combo points and your constantly out of energy can be a bit annoying..
wish you could have the Claws of Shirvallah looks without actually skilling it :/

First off, if you're really interested in sinking your teeth into the spec the Fluid Druid forums is the place to be. Pawkets maintains the main guide there and on MMO-Champ and his stuff is very solid. I also cannot recommend his WA display enough. Takes a bit to setup since it uses custom textures but ultimately you're not going to find a better addon to track you're DoTs.

What you described is the basics, yes. You didn't mention Tiger's Fury which I kinda consider part of the rotation rather than a cooldown since it's only a 30s cooldown but it's use isn't complicated. Just make sure you aren't wasting energy when you pop it (be at or below 35 when it's about to come off CD) and using it as often as possible.

Another thing you didn't mention is Bloodtalons. On the grand majority of fights in PvE Bloodtalons is the clear winner for lvl 100 talents. You want to maximize Bloodtalons by trying to only use it's charges on Finishers and on Rake. You should be able to buff every finisher past your first with Bloodtalons, and most of your Rakes. At lower levels of gear, often you won't be able to get to 4 or 5 combo points before Predatory Swiftness falls off. In this case always use the proc regardless and just use the BT charges on whatever is most useful, usually you just hold them until you can at least reapply Rake or you're forced to Shred in order to not cap on energy. In order to reduce this occurence, try and pool as much energy as possible before using a finisher, in order to give you as much time as possible to get to your next finisher before Predatory Swiftness falls off. Keep in mind the Bloodtalons buff lasts a long time so feel free to cast Ht and then just sit pooling energy holding the charges.

The only fight in HM you don't use Bloodtalons on is Twin Ogron. Here you use Lunar Inspiration and it's use is obvious, just keep moonfire ticking at all times on both bosses.

For AoE, you never spam Thrash. Just keep it's DoT applied and then Rake and Rip as many targets as you can, as long as they will live through the bleeds. The only situation you should use Swipe is if the targets aren't going to live long enough for your bleeds to matter, or if there are greater than 11 targets. Generally you want to avoid using Swipe at all because it hits like a wet paper towel. In raids when I'm in a situation where I would normally need to use Swipe, I instead just single target the boss. So in summary, you're AoE boils down to keeping Thrash applied and then multi-dotting. I tend to try and use my BT charges on Thrash when I can.

Once you have the basics down, pushing the spec further comes down to maximizing your snapshots as much as possible. For that, it comes down to alot of time played and paying attention to what the top Ferals have to say on sites like FluidDruid.

Chris R

That reminds me of even before that, we used to do like 20+ man strat and scholo runs to get people the quests done, you could drop group and do a quest pickup then get reinvited for ages. Similarly we would do entire guild UBRS clears all to get ready for MC.

Along those lines as well, it reminded me of this green hat quest reward from strat or scholo (I forget which, strat I think)....I wish I could remember the name now.
It was the first real mana regen item in the game and was COMPLETELY necessary for any caster. Originally it had something like 13 mana per 3 seconds. Then blizz changed the mechanic to be MP5 as we know and love, and nerfed it to like 3 MP5 or something. It was STILL good. At the time it was worth two or three times as much regen as all of the spirit you could possibly get, and worked while casting (which spirit did not).

stacking mp5 cloth on my resto shaman and pissing off the priests/mages

so good

http://www.wowhead.com/item=19391 bid ALL my DKP



I was just gonna recommend Bloodtalons for single target pve, link TFD forums, and call it a day. Nice that you went in full detail though. Bravo!

But yes, every feral druid should use The Fluid Druid as a learning source. The information and data is incredibly detailed.
Think I'm taking mount farming off my list for the next few weeks after enjoying the extra free time this past week. It adds an extra 3+ hours of "mandatory" WoW time during the week that isn't necessarily enjoyable except for the slot machine of possible reward (usually at the end) in each instance.

Got plenty of new Steam sale games to play :>


Think I'm taking mount farming off my list for the next few weeks after enjoying the extra free time this past week. It adds an extra 3+ hours of "mandatory" WoW time during the week that isn't necessarily enjoyable except for the slot machine of possible reward (usually at the end) in each instance.

Got plenty of new Steam sale games to play :>

On a somewhat related note:

What is the best way to travel around to get to all of these raids and dungeons for farming? Is it just memory and you develop a route?

I didn't play much during the early years and finding the old raids/dungeons can be a chore.
On a somewhat related note:

What is the best way to travel around to get to all of these raids and dungeons for farming? Is it just memory and you develop a route?

I didn't play much during the early years and finding the old raids/dungeons can be a chore.

Without being a mage? There's quite a variety of items that help you fast travel between worlds and zones.

Azeroth: I use either my Cloak of Coordination or Baradin's Wardens Tabard for very quick access to the Cataclysm-era portals. The Uldum/Hyjal portal is a quick portal to Kalimdor and the Twilight Highlands portal is a quick portal to northern EK. Access to said portals requires some progression through their respective zones but it's well worth it. Seriously, farm for that Baradin's Wardens Tabard, it's invaluable.

Outland: Blessed Medallion of Karabor. Ports you right in front of Black Temple, which is only useful for Black Temple. It's much quicker to use Ashran Portals if you're farming Tempest Keep or Isle of Quel'Danas.

Northrend: Argent Crusader's Tabard - Quick access to ICC and Ulduar, 30m CD, it's my 'get to Northrend' button. If you feeling rich, you can buy a ring that teleports you to Dalaran.

Pandaria: Time-Lost Artifact. Not super-convenient as a 'get me to Pandaria' button but you can't earn the CM teleports anymore. Barring that just set your hearth to Shrine and use that as a 'get to every major city on every continent including outland and northrend' button. I tried to think of a way to combine CM teleports and Portal Shards to turn Sunsong Ranch into some kind of portal engine but the cooldowns make it impractical..

Other stuff I keep handy:

Direbrew's Remote. I used to farm BRD for rep back in the day.
The Brassiest Knuckle. It's my 3rd 'get to stormwind now' button.
http://www.wowhead.com/item=18814 I bid all of mine here for ele pvp when I was raiding as resto(I already had ToEP and ZHC ^_^). They gave me the item, then made a rule that only caster dps could bid on it from then on.

Back in Vanilla, before I got into truly hardcore raiding, several friends of mine played in the top guild on our server at the time in BWL, one of which was a hunter.

This guild had plenty of good players, several of which were pretty well known players on the server at least. One of their DPS warriors was quite e-famous on our server for having produced some popular PvP videos and also for being a raging cunt. The guild also had a few other dps warriors who played alongside him.

After they downed Nefarion, they waited something like 3 months for their first Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood drop. The weapon was by far the best two hander in the game for Warriors pre-Naxx, even better than Hand of Rag, a legendary. The guild operated on a strictly unregulated silent bid DKP system and this famous DPS warrior had kept several thousand banked for the sword.

Thing is, my hunter buddy, while I love him, is an insufferable dickhead. Even though Hunters could get BiS weapons by DWing ZG swords, he wasn't part of the official guild ZG run due to work scheduling and was too lazy to run it on his own time. So, barring the ZG weapons, Ashkandi was the BiS stat-stick for hunters. So, pretty much unbeknownst to the DPS warriors, my hunter friend was banking DKP for the sword aswell.

To his credit he didn't anticipate it taking nearly three months of Nefarion kills for the thing to drop, but when it did, bidding opened up and the TS filled up with "Grats Warrior! Finally!".

Bidding ended, and the raid leader stone cold and unflinchingly handed the much anticipated BiS warrior weapon to my hunter friend, who had outbid the DPS warrior by some meager amount of DKP, and he wore it on his back as a stats-stick as the only Ashkandi the guild saw for another month and a half.

The drama was legendary. Every single warrior in the guild, excluding only the main tank, gquit in protest the next day, demanding they move to a DKP system with set priorities rather than an unregulated silent-bid.

The guild leader scoffed, told them all to basically fuck off on the realm forums if they didn't like the way he ran things, and replaced every one of them within the week. Most of them ended up going back anyway, including the famous warrior. The guild never moved from a silent-bid system until I think sometime in Wrath.

Funny story, first ever Dark Edge of Insanity they saw from C'Thun went to an Enhancement Shaman. That was less notable because it was mostly considered a PvP weapon but was still really funny at the time. I always admired their GM for pretty much never giving a shit what anybody else thought. He ran by far the best guild on the server and he wasn't going to change his system for any reason.


We had our main tank gquit over not getting Ashkandi, because it went to one of the DPS warriors in the guild. He wanted it for pvp, and was convinced he deserved it.

We didn't do dkp though, or maybe we did, that was a really long time ago.
There's also Jaina's Locket (from the Shadowmourne crate) to get to Dalaran, which is oftentimes cheaper than the ring now (at least on my server.)

Bought one on my hunter convenience, even though I already have one on my DK since it's bind on use and not a toy. Though I have the Argent Crusader's tabard on him as well which is slightly closer to Ulduar at least, if not ICC.


I can't remember any vanilla loot drama.

I do remember a Troll named Rler having the most DKP and getting the Armored Razzashi Raptor. Everyone was kind of salty and was begging him to pass since he could already ride raptors. lol.

That's the only time I've seen it drop. I did get the tiger from high level farming tho.



Never forget.
I'm druid what is this
so i have a question. my main is enchanting/JC.

does having either of those two buildings give me any actual new recipe benefits? or is it just a way to get more crafting mats faster?

Because if not, I"m thinking of using my 2 small plot instead to pick up other plots that can make me money


Man, I guess I was the only one who managed to fish up the Ashbringer back in vanilla. Threw it back though, cuz lolret I've got decursing to do.
so i have a question. my main is enchanting/JC.

does having either of those two buildings give me any actual new recipe benefits? or is it just a way to get more crafting mats faster?

Because if not, I"m thinking of using my 2 small plot instead to pick up other plots that can make me money

The buildings only offer you more mats. For this reason the Ench one I think is very not worth since it only gives you fragments of temporals anyway, and while those are expensive now, you know as LFR gear propagates they'll get cheaper pretty quickly.

The JC one might be worth hanging onto if you plan on crafting upgrade tokens, which is really the most efficient way to use CD mats in terms of money making.


Think I'm taking mount farming off my list for the next few weeks after enjoying the extra free time this past week. It adds an extra 3+ hours of "mandatory" WoW time during the week that isn't necessarily enjoyable except for the slot machine of possible reward (usually at the end) in each instance.

Got plenty of new Steam sale games to play :>

After not playing for about a week now, I feel a helluva lot better.

I'm gonna still take a break, unsub this week and enjoy some movies, shows, and games I've got piling up in my backlog.

Some guildies might not like it, but I'm not terribly close with 'em.

Gotta go through the terrible, arduous task of emptying my mailboxes though...ugh.


Never forget.

I've STILL got the Hammer that you had to get to even get the Carrot.

I even remember owning the Lv70 Riding Crop, which is all but pretty much useless now.
(Good for two levels and that's it.)


Goddamn you Shaman-main fellows weren't kidding.

This is a total bore to play. I feel like I have no identity (as Enhancement at any rate)
The buildings only offer you more mats. For this reason the Ench one I think is very not worth since it only gives you fragments of temporals anyway, and while those are expensive now, you know as LFR gear propagates they'll get cheaper pretty quickly.

The JC one might be worth hanging onto if you plan on crafting upgrade tokens, which is really the most efficient way to use CD mats in terms of money making.

what do you recommend i replace my enchanting with? I already got my salvage yard.

currently running Barrack/Dwarf War Mill, Lumber/Inn, JC/Ench/Salvage
I don't like being so uncertain of the value of any given random green or blue I get from salvage crates. The amount of time I spend researching market value for random bits of armor feels like a huge opportunity cost when I could just vendor the lot. But I'd hate to vendor something worth potentially hundreds of gold. So much work from one building...

I think I'm going to just auto-vendor every weapon I get, unless it truly has a unique or cool looking model.


Haven't played for a while. The thing I hate the most with getting back into WoW is setting up the UI. Is there a guide somewhere? i.e. essential addons or even addon packs. I will be using curse.
for all the enchanters out there, how are you making money from enchanting? do you wait til you're 700 to start enchanting?

how do you price enchants and market them? on trade channel?
for all the enchanters out there, how are you making money from enchanting? do you wait til you're 700 to start enchanting?

how do you price enchants and market them? on trade channel?

I use the actioner add on the keep on the prices by I usually sell the rings enchants because the weapons enchants dont sell so well in my realm.


Darkness no more
for all the enchanters out there, how are you making money from enchanting? do you wait til you're 700 to start enchanting?

how do you price enchants and market them? on trade channel?

Get temporal crystals from the daily CD/garrison building, make the more expensive enchants, sell on AH. I have 2 enchants and 4 stations on my characters, so it brings in tons of money each week.


Without being a mage? There's quite a variety of items that help you fast travel between worlds and zones.

Azeroth: I use either my Cloak of Coordination or Baradin's Wardens Tabard for very quick access to the Cataclysm-era portals. The Uldum/Hyjal portal is a quick portal to Kalimdor and the Twilight Highlands portal is a quick portal to northern EK. Access to said portals requires some progression through their respective zones but it's well worth it. Seriously, farm for that Baradin's Wardens Tabard, it's invaluable.

Outland: Blessed Medallion of Karabor. Ports you right in front of Black Temple, which is only useful for Black Temple. It's much quicker to use Ashran Portals if you're farming Tempest Keep or Isle of Quel'Danas.

Northrend: Argent Crusader's Tabard - Quick access to ICC and Ulduar, 30m CD, it's my 'get to Northrend' button. If you feeling rich, you can buy a ring that teleports you to Dalaran.

Pandaria: Time-Lost Artifact. Not super-convenient as a 'get me to Pandaria' button but you can't earn the CM teleports anymore. Barring that just set your hearth to Shrine and use that as a 'get to every major city on every continent including outland and northrend' button. I tried to think of a way to combine CM teleports and Portal Shards to turn Sunsong Ranch into some kind of portal engine but the cooldowns make it impractical..

Other stuff I keep handy:

Direbrew's Remote. I used to farm BRD for rep back in the day.
The Brassiest Knuckle. It's my 3rd 'get to stormwind now' button.

Great info. Thank you!
Get temporal crystals from the daily CD/garrison building, make the more expensive enchants, sell on AH. I have 2 enchants and 4 stations on my characters, so it brings in tons of money each week.

how do you "sell" enchants on AH? I thought enchant you gotta do it live? Or is it a scroll you can use now?


Great info. Thank you!

It's worth pointing out that all 3 of the teleportation cloaks from guild rep have separate cooldowns. I keep all 3 in my inventory just because, there have been times I've used all 3 before the short one comes off cooldown completely.


any word on vanilla servers (pipe dream)? Most fun I ever had with WoW was open world pvp in BRM. I lost so many hours in that little place.
I don't like being so uncertain of the value of any given random green or blue I get from salvage crates. The amount of time I spend researching market value for random bits of armor feels like a huge opportunity cost when I could just vendor the lot. But I'd hate to vendor something worth potentially hundreds of gold. So much work from one building...

I think I'm going to just auto-vendor every weapon I get, unless it truly has a unique or cool looking model.

Download TSM and use the tooltip. Get the TSM desktop app and update it each day before playing to make your tooltips properly reflect market value.

While there will always be dicks who vastly undercut, you can get a quick measure of what your item is worth, set up some groups to post it easily, and boom.

Takes me 5 minutes to empty my mailbox and repost various mats/gear thanks to TSM.

Plus, the tooltip, while it can be a little off here and there, gives me an idea if an item is even worth researching or simply vendoring on the spot.

any word on vanilla servers (pipe dream)? Most fun I ever had with WoW was open world pvp in BRM. I lost so many hours in that little place.

Never gonna happen, nor does anyone with both hemispheres of their brain functioning want to happen. While the social aspects of Vanilla ruled, you'll never get that feeling of a "vast, unexplored world" again. Plus, too many aspects of the game were shit during vanilla. Don't get me wrong, I miss the magic of spending 2 hours to form a group for Deadmines in Westfall, experiencing the content, and barely getting half a level for it. (That sounds like sarcasm, but it isn't.) But looking at MMO's of today, hell the past 5 years, its simply ridiculous due to design philosophy changes and whatnot of the current market.
wow..i didn't know about this at all...what enchant are you selling on the AH?

would an addon like aunctioneer be able to tell me how many of a mat has been purchased within the last X amount of hours/days and at what price?

I don't sell enchant scrolls but if you do a scan with auctioneer every day for a week (twice a day if possible) you'll get a decent mean price for each enchant scroll. It makes a decent guideline (the BeanCounter module is your friend) but know that every rule of price manipulation and market cornering is in full force at the WoW Auction House. Just because you've built up a good pricing history doesn't mean some bum isn't going to come bring the market crashing down for their own interest.

Download TSM and use the tooltip. Get the TSM desktop app and update it each day before playing to make your tooltips properly reflect market value.

While there will always be dicks who vastly undercut, you can get a quick measure of what your item is worth, set up some groups to post it easily, and boom.

Takes me 5 minutes to empty my mailbox and repost various mats/gear thanks to TSM.

Plus, the tooltip, while it can be a little off here and there, gives me an idea if an item is even worth researching or simply vendoring on the spot.

Yeah I'm looking to truly steamline the process but as almost everybody has at least one level 3 salvage yard I fear that even currently-valuable pieces of transmoggable gear are about to come crashing down in price no matter what my tools tell me. I notice that Zul'Aman replacement gear from Isle of Thunder is now a third of its former value.
Ran with a guild I did a bit in MoP tonight. Went 6/7 heroic and spent the last half hour trying mythic Kargath. Run went smooth once the raid leader learned how to count on Butcher. Only other wipes were one on Ko'ragh and kind of one on Twin Ogron (someone pulled as soon as they spawned and everyone ran out).


I haven't been able to raid this expansion because of a new job, and the content is severely lacking otherwise. I've enjoyed my experience thus far, but I'll be lying if I said I was enjoying it now. Everything is so daily grind its just become shockingly transparent and hollow.

I spend my days crafting cooldowns for all my characters for no real reason other than to make lots of gold. Theres just no point to it, I'm not having fun.

At least in MoP, I was able to mess around on Timeless Isle, Isle of Thunder. It seems like here theres just pvp Ashran, which is boring and frustrating for me.

I'll be getting some new PC upgrades, maybe its time for me to take a break or quit WoW finally. I certainly have a huge backlog from WOTLK onwards to dive into.


No Scrubs
There is no grind in wod. If there is, I'm not seeing it.

There's a lot more daily management stuff as a result though. The Garrisons as a whole are a failure but there's a lot of good stuff there that I wouldn't mind carrying over. Specifically the followers and missions thing, they should be used instead of reputation/gold dailies going forward and dailies should be used for something else.


Yeah, I quit at the beginning of Mists because it was wayyy more grindy than WoD. Having to log on every day to do a bunch of those dailies sapped my enjoyment of the game. But, I really only play to do raids/dungeons, so being forced into all those dailies sucked. Now it's just one and I don't even do it all that often.


No Scrubs
Yeah, I quit at the beginning of Mists because it was wayyy more grindy than WoD. Having to log on every day to do a bunch of those dailies sapped my enjoyment of the game. But, I really only play to do raids/dungeons, so being forced into all those dailies sucked. Now it's just one and I don't even do it all that often.

Yea Mists was way too grindy, putting the justice point gear behind a reputation wall was a mistake. I quit for the same reason, it was just way too much shit to do for very little reward. I wouldn't mind seeing the return of justice point gear, if only to make heroics worth doing after you've geared up. Like have the gear on-par with normal raid mode rewards and put it behind a progression wall, like you need to kill the third or fourth boss to get at them. Or if not gear then flasks and potions or something because heroics are kind of pointless at the moment.


I certainly feel like theres a grind.

I have two level 100's and a level 98, they all have to do their mine, herb garden, two of them need to get savage blood beasts for the barn, and all 11 characters need do their primary and secondary profession cooldowns, then process their work orders for their buildings.

This takes around 2-3 hours, depending on how much difficulty I encounter with trapping beasts (lack of mobs, people stealing mobs, etc). Not to mention the inventory micro management of sending herbs and ore in the proper amounts to people. The weekly grind of milling herbs to send to 5 inscription alts. Sending followers out on missions. You can state the obvious, that I don't NEED to do all that, but honestly if I skipped stuff, I would feel as though I missed out and if I'm not attempting to do something 100%, theres no point to doing it in my mind...I guess I'm just realizing now that without raiding the end-game doesn't really exist in WoD.

I would love for their to be some kind of personal test of skill, thats repeatable like raids that would award something. That would definitely keep me interested.

I'll give the game another shot, the wife has been playing a Rogue in pvp, so I'll level one and see if its fun with her. If not, I think I'm really done with the game.


I certainly feel like theres a grind.

I have two level 100's and a level 98, they all have to do their mine, herb garden, two of them need to get savage blood beasts for the barn, and all 11 characters need do their primary and secondary profession cooldowns, then process their work orders for their buildings.

This takes around 2-3 hours, depending on how much difficulty I encounter with trapping beasts (lack of mobs, people stealing mobs, etc). Not to mention the inventory micro management of sending herbs and ore in the proper amounts to people. The weekly grind of milling herbs to send to 5 inscription alts. Sending followers out on missions. You can state the obvious, that I don't NEED to do all that, but honestly if I skipped stuff, I would feel as though I missed out and if I'm not attempting to do something 100%, theres no point to doing it in my mind...I guess I'm just realizing now that without raiding the end-game doesn't really exist in WoD.

I would love for their to be some kind of personal test of skill, thats repeatable like raids that would award something. That would definitely keep me interested.

I'll give the game another shot, the wife has been playing a Rogue in pvp, so I'll level one and see if its fun with her. If not, I think I'm really done with the game.
Why are you even doing all that alt shit if you don't raid? If its just for money then I have to wonder if its worth the monitity. I have one alt at 100 and do zero work orders except war mill. I don't even bother with garden or mine because its a waste of time.

Seems like you are trapped in your garrison and don't know what to do.


The guild leader scoffed, told them all to basically fuck off on the realm forums if they didn't like the way he ran things, and replaced every one of them within the week. Most of them ended up going back anyway, including the famous warrior. The guild never moved from a silent-bid system until I think sometime in Wrath.

This is fucking enraging. I'd have quit and never returned, too. Your guild leader was an idiot.

I say this as someone who played feral and had hunters want my +Feral AP staves. Fuck you hunters.


Hoooooooooollllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ssssssssssshhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiittttttttttttt

I FINALLY found a PUG that could kill Ko'ragh. And on the first try, no less. Fight is so easy if people just do their jobs.


This is fucking enraging. I'd have quit and never returned, too. Your guild leader was an idiot.

I say this as someone who played feral and had hunters want my +Feral AP staves. Fuck you hunters.
IINM asscandy was BIS for hunter as well before AQ40, plus DPS warriors were a luxury until Patchwerk.

Ah vanilla.


I know I'm super late to the party on this one as there was that little chat a bit back about the oldest thing people remember (I was always fond of old unused content like Karazhan Crypt or Mt. Hyjal's under construction sign), but as someone who has just started playing seriously again for the first time since Burning Crusade I really need to get this off my chest. I'm totally hooked and loving it, but I feel with all the ease of life changes they've made to the game it sort of lost a bit of character. Don't get me wrong, removing stuff like carrying shaman totems, hunter ammo, soul shards, or item costs for certain spells (fuck farming fish scales/oil) is a total relief, but taking out stuff like class quest chains sort of makes the game lose something for me. Sure some of them were a total pain, but in the end it sort of gave me more of a connection to that class or the world. Globe trotting to hunt down that second piece of tome to summon a felhunter or getting mail from your class trainer letting you know you've been invited to the super secret druid club was always exciting and came with a great payoff. I'm certain its mostly nostalgia talking here but hitting whatever level and having a staple class spell unceremoniously dumped into your lap just feels so hollow.

Also what the hell happened to all my shaman totems?
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