Having full hexweave bags is amazing. So much space.
I think this is the 5th good heroic ko'ragh group I left before killing him. I just don't trust master looters that are gunning for the 2H to hand it over. Especially a warforged one.. I can see them using recount to come up with some low dps BS.
do you guys think the DK fallen crusader runeforging is still the best enchant for weapons?
Are you alliance or horde? I'm having a difficult time finding personal loot pugs as horde.Master Loot PUGs are an auto-leave for me.
Are you alliance or horde? I'm having a difficult time finding personal loot pugs as horde.
Did my usual six old raids and got a dupe Flametalon or whatever to drop from Alysrazor. Almost didn't go back and see that as once I kill Alysrazor I found I can zip right over to the spider boss and skip the entire travel time up to its ledge by flying right into the boss area. But when I went back to the main gateway I swung by and got my dupe. Considering I've killed Alysrazor right around 25 times now and have seen the mount drop three times (once was for...someone here. I always forget which person I was with when we were working on their meta and it unexpectedly dropped) I've got some good luck getting that mount to drop.
Also someone in trade was selling the Depleted Kyparium Rocket for 50k so I snagged that at a discount. Don't think that one gets duped so I didn't feel bad buying it. Checked the guy's armory and nothing made it look evident he was hacked, either, so it seems he was just wanting to unload it right away No real idea.
And lastly I finally left my guild I was with during all of MoP. Liked them during that expansion but when I came back pre-WoD it grew a lot and the newer active folks really irritated me with the way they talked in chat. Finally decided it was time to look elsewhere. Asked a friend on the server for an invite to his guild and the experience from the couple hours I was on with them was much improved. And they had even more people online than the guild I left, which surprised me, so that was also nice.
Right now I'm paying $15/month to do my mount runs on Tuesday and hop on once a day or so to cycle follower missions. This expansion is doing absolutely nothing for me. I wish there was something that made me feel more excited to play. Thinking I need to check out pet battles more or something else with a lot of content to perk me up. I started Final Fantasy XIV a couple weeks back and that's been really enjoyable to hop into instead for something fresh for the time being. Sadly I don't think mount collecting is going to be something I can focus on nearly as much there.
It's always difficult leaving a guild you've grown an attachment to. I was in the same guild for all of BC and Wrath, and only left when in Cata the GM decided to pass leadership over to the one officer I didn't get along with. Nowadays it seems really tough to find a guild with any sort of active gchat.
Get a good group and go to the giant Iron Horde Door separating Talador from Tanaan. Lots of orcs there, respawning fast.
Use artillery from your outpost.
It's insanely fast, you get 1000 rep every 5 minutes or something.
I went from neutral to exalted in a few hours.
does anyone have tips like this when it comes to farming reps in Draenor?
They nerfed every single good rep spot in WoD, as far as I know.
Gotta spend hours grinding that rep now. Working as intended.
Found a LFG group with Nakk up and someone noticed Silthide was up while they were flying over. Thank you low pop servers for still existing.
Ever since this morning my chat window is getting spammed to shit...
Anybody else getting that?
does anyone have tips like this when it comes to farming reps in Draenor?
Most level 3 blueprints are tied to achievements. For example, you need to loot 500 Draenic Stones from your mine before the level 3 blueprints unlock.
Luckily, the achievements are account-wide, so you only need to unlock them once.
First off, if you're really interested in sinking your teeth into the spec the Fluid Druid forums is the place to be. Pawkets maintains the main guide there and on MMO-Champ and his stuff is very solid. I also cannot recommend his WA display enough. Takes a bit to setup since it uses custom textures but ultimately you're not going to find a better addon to track you're DoTs.
What you described is the basics, yes. You didn't mention Tiger's Fury which I kinda consider part of the rotation rather than a cooldown since it's only a 30s cooldown but it's use isn't complicated. Just make sure you aren't wasting energy when you pop it (be at or below 35 when it's about to come off CD) and using it as often as possible.
Another thing you didn't mention is Bloodtalons. On the grand majority of fights in PvE Bloodtalons is the clear winner for lvl 100 talents. You want to maximize Bloodtalons by trying to only use it's charges on Finishers and on Rake. You should be able to buff every finisher past your first with Bloodtalons, and most of your Rakes. At lower levels of gear, often you won't be able to get to 4 or 5 combo points before Predatory Swiftness falls off. In this case always use the proc regardless and just use the BT charges on whatever is most useful, usually you just hold them until you can at least reapply Rake or you're forced to Shred in order to not cap on energy. In order to reduce this occurence, try and pool as much energy as possible before using a finisher, in order to give you as much time as possible to get to your next finisher before Predatory Swiftness falls off. Keep in mind the Bloodtalons buff lasts a long time so feel free to cast Ht and then just sit pooling energy holding the charges.
The only fight in HM you don't use Bloodtalons on is Twin Ogron. Here you use Lunar Inspiration and it's use is obvious, just keep moonfire ticking at all times on both bosses.
For AoE, you never spam Thrash. Just keep it's DoT applied and then Rake and Rip as many targets as you can, as long as they will live through the bleeds. The only situation you should use Swipe is if the targets aren't going to live long enough for your bleeds to matter, or if there are greater than 11 targets. Generally you want to avoid using Swipe at all because it hits like a wet paper towel. In raids when I'm in a situation where I would normally need to use Swipe, I instead just single target the boss. So in summary, you're AoE boils down to keeping Thrash applied and then multi-dotting. I tend to try and use my BT charges on Thrash when I can.
Once you have the basics down, pushing the spec further comes down to maximizing your snapshots as much as possible. For that, it comes down to alot of time played and paying attention to what the top Ferals have to say on sites like FluidDruid.
Yrel's Campaign mission is my favorite one yet. Probably says a lot about the lousy quality of the other campaign missions.
I'll bet my old keyboard that the Corehound mount will hit the shop in the near future.
So i was bored today and figured I could go kill old raid bosses that drop mounts... again... since I haven't done that since the expansion launched...
No more fucking Kaelthas! I will gladly never step foot in this raid ever again.
Also Firelands 10 is such a joke now at lvl 100. Maybe I should give another try at Dragon Soul for the Blazing Drake...
I hope I can find a raid group to do MC before the Mount chance ends.
I've got 90% of my epic pvp gear so I should be okay to run MC.
lol. Sounds about right. Even if I got the last two kills I need this week it will probably be full 7/7n and 7/7h gold loot. I'm out though. Dedicating hours upon hours to RNG and a toxic community isn't fun. I'm switching to PS4 gaming for the new year. Also, I guess this 100k gold I'll never need again is going to go to waste. I guess no on here is from an Akama connected realm for me to give it to. Or were willing to guild invite me for FLEX raiding after a xfer/faction changing from a low pop server. Aight.640+ ON KO'RAGH NEED MAGIC DPS
*641 Frost Mage signs up*
*641 Frost Mage signs up*
lol. Sounds about right. Even if I got the last two kills I need this week it will probably be full 7/7n and 7/7h gold loot. I'm out though. Dedicating hours upon hours to RNG and a toxic community isn't fun. I'm switching to PS4 gaming for the new year. Also, I guess this 100k gold I'll never need again is going to go to waste. I guess no on here is from an Akama connected realm for me to give it to. Or were willing to guild invite me for FLEX raiding after a xfer/faction changing from a low pop server. Aight.
Similar case as you, but worse. I usually get normal Imp pugs asking for Imperator's Fall achievement. I guess they just want a fast and clean kill
Hell, today I got with a guild pug for Imperator (Luckily, they didn't ask for the achievement, only to be competent with the tactics), we got to phase 4, but we got wiped due to some silly mistakes (I was partly at fault). Hilariously enough, they removed me from group and permabanned me from their TS server.
If anything, it seems less and less likely for me to complete Highmaul before BRF's release thanks to the toxic community I have to deal with while raiding. Granted, most MMO communities are awful
If you made mistakes that caused a wipe, what's the issue? Cutting excess fat is normal, not every group has the patience. Just a style thing.
The shortest time possible is most valuable. Even in a pug heroic I'll kick anyone who lags behind, doesn't run back after a wipe, or tries to afk for more than 30 seconds. Time is money, friend.