93% mythic highmaul mission, didn't find a way to get it to 100% (don't have a dude that would have countered both on one boss) shit better not fail
I have 19 epic followers at ilevel 645 and the best I could muster was 85% this week for Highmaul.
93% mythic highmaul mission, didn't find a way to get it to 100% (don't have a dude that would have countered both on one boss) shit better not fail
I've been getting resource missions all the time and I have the level 3 tavern.
Soooo, I'm thinking about coming back to WoW (after like 4 years of break) and it all depends on how much is there to do nowadays if I don't wanna do hardcore raids... I think I could describe myself as semi-hardcore. I like to check new content but I just don't have the will to like, raid 3 times a week Basically: how solo-friendly is WoW currently?
Soooo, I'm thinking about coming back to WoW (after like 4 years of break) and it all depends on how much is there to do nowadays if I don't wanna do hardcore raids... I think I could describe myself as semi-hardcore. I like to check new content but I just don't have the will to like, raid 3 times a week Basically: how solo-friendly is WoW currently?
there is a lot to do for someone like you but you eventually hit the wall where there are two things to do - get gear or get vanity/cosmetic/collectible stuff. For gear, after heroics, your choices are pvp or lfr for gear, both which are insanely simple to get. But then the question becomes, if you don't plan to use the gear to do better and harder pvp or pve, why are you getting the gear. For the other option, there are a million little things to do with achieves, titles, skill based tests like proving grounds, mounts, pets, money making, etc.. But then again are those a means to you enjoying the game? Only you can know.
in the grand scheme I sort of mainly play solo but the bulk of shit I do I still have a set group for cm, arena, rbg, and basic achieves.. so while you can definitely do shit solo having a few friends, even if it's just one to queue into lfr with you will certainly help
purple hasn't really meant "cool" since wotlk. cata and beyond it's really just another gear designation like ilevel. it DOES serve a purpose (hence the quest upgrade feature of WOD), but it's no longer really a status symbol.
Epic items haven't been a "status" symbol since vanilla. TBC added badges and incredibly good craftable items (too good actually) so the common man could very easily get plenty of epics without raiding. Wrath made it utter jokes by having tons of emblem gear and making Naxx 10 man piss easy.
I had 3 characters in full Naxx 10 gear before Ulduar came out because I couldn't make up my mind what character or faction I wanted to play. In terms of difficulty it was a joke of a raid that basically just spat out free epics. Honestly I'd argue it's the easiest non-LFR raid the game has ever had.
I'm debating about picking up the new expansion even though I said I wouldn't. What's the consensus? Is it good? Lots of story content?
Lots of story content?
Mythic Warforged item from highmaul mission
Item is from Imperator
Is the item for your role though
My last mission gave me a Mythic Butcher dps ring, fail.
[quote="I'm an expert, post: 145720471"]Yep, had to save up for my azuresong mageblade. Why I've said before the welfare epic system in game now sucks. Purples should only come from real raiding and high end pvp. Maybe one or two craftable. People are insta purp decked so quickly.. It should take months.[/QUOTE]
I mean, I can understand that PoV but they essentially changed it so 'elite' or 'mythic' is the tag that matters rather than color. Epic almost just means level cap gear now
Is the item for your role though
My last mission gave me a Mythic Butcher dps ring, fail.
What's up with this bnet launcher queue?
The hell did they do to this game after the 6.0 patch? Jaggies everywhere and runs worse with my new 980 than it did on a 680.
Assault on Skettis is goddamn awful
It's not. I actually enjoy(ed) it once I figured out how to do it.
hint: don't bother killing shit unless you are out of slave keys. I believe it's only about 30 or so freed slaves to get 100%. but yeah, until I figured that out life was pretty much hell.
The hell did they do to this game after the 6.0 patch? Jaggies everywhere and runs worse with my new 980 than it did on a 680.
My problem with it was that everything was buggy as shit and overcrowded. If I was there by myself it wouldn't have been an issue.
Why would anyone ever solo an Apexis.. Truly hell on earth. And skettis is awful. Never did it after the first time.
yeah, i mean it has haste, but it still has mastery. They are the leather pants from last boss, and Im a brewmaster tank. Almost 670ilvl now.
What's up with this bnet launcher queue?
I've got a queue too, first time ever. Maybe they are being DDOS'd again? :/
I solo Apexis dailies so I can get the rep.
I have 19 epic followers at ilevel 645 and the best I could muster was 85% this week for Highmaul.
Finally got my Alliance character to 90 and holy crap, Shadowmoon is just way better than Frostfire. So much nicer to look at, to be in, and the stories just seems better. I don't think I even need to mention the Garrison.
Finally got my Alliance character to 90 and holy crap, Shadowmoon is just way better than Frostfire. So much nicer to look at, to be in, and the stories just seems better. I don't think I even need to mention the Garrison.
This is one of the strangest items I have looted in WoW:
Why would anyone ever solo an Apexis.. Truly hell on earth. And skettis is awful. Never did it after the first time.
I don't think I even need to mention the Garrison.
How does the Inn/Tavern not have any place to sit down?!