So, I've gotten back into the game after a lengthy hiatus (haven't played since Cata). What addons should I be grabbing? Are they largely the same as back then? Gonna be mostly playing mage and resto druid.
Can't speak for anything class specific, but I also recently came back and find the following amazing:
- Skada - DPS tracker, super easy to use
- TidyPlates - Great nameplates for enemies
- DeadlyBossMods - Almost necessary if you are going to do Heroics and/or raids, very useful and lightweight
- MasterPlan - Garrison mission management. Don't bother with Garrison missions without this.
- Garrison Mission Manager - See above.
- Bartender 4 - Best way to organize your action bars
- AutoRepair - automatically repair any time you are at a repair vendor
- Bagnon - Shows one large bag instead of multiple windows (my preference, I hate multiple bags)
You'll also need Unit Frames and possibly separate Raid Frames for your Resto Druid.
I use Pitbull for the former; it's great and highly customizable, but setting it up is a bit involved. If you're the type of person who loves to tinker with your UI, it's great.
For Raid Frames I use VuhDo, a healer-centric raid frame addon. It's a great addon and originally came into popularity because of how well it worked for Resto Druids.
(That said, I'm rarely healing nowadays so I haven't kept up with all of VuhDo's competitors, but it still works well for me!)
Finally, I'd recommend a customizable addon for tracking, well, everything else. Cooldowns, buffs, resources, timers, etc. I use TellMeWhen for this, but lots of people use WeakAuras instead. WeakAuras tends to have a lot of "pre-built" support; if you google "Restro Druid WeakAuras" I'm sure you'll be able to find lots of things. TMW is more about building things yourself, but the UI for it is fantastic and the addon is extremely powerful. I recently had a friend swap from WA to TMW and told me he likes TMW better, so take that as you will!