What mong at blizzard decided that, the frost wolf faction, you know THE main wod horde faction would have their transmog gear available. Not to mention it's perfect shaman transmog.
Also I wish I could slap whoever decided to remove the damage from Unleash Elements, not being able to pull with is a massive bitch.
And I miss chain heal as enhc, it was my the spell to use when I had nothing to do but had mw_5 simply because of how awesome it looked and how great it sounded, whoever decided to purge it from enhc but keep healing rain should be shot, especially since chain heal was effected by the MW stacking healing buff and healing rain isn't.
Also, I miss earth shock, Storm strike debuff only working on light bolt is now is sad, there's lightning shield, but that's basically useless since blizzard removed static shock and nerfed unleash fury from an awesome LS proc on auto attacks to something as boring and stupid as 5% multi strike.
Man, way to ruin my favorite spec.
Well atleast EotE is fun, even if I hear you only take on AOE fights which is stupid since it takes by far the most skill to use out of any of the other talents so therefore should be the highest dps.
Haha, oh shit, Heroes of the Storm spoiling WoD's story. Image under a link for those who don't want to see.
Seems like it might be alt dimension story made for costume shit to me, tho I guess WoD is already alt dimension.