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World of Warcraft |OT6| This wolf still has teeth

But the new raid comes in 3 weeks.

Would people have been happier if they were released together? I really don't understand.

guess they were spoiled by beta or something, I'm pretty excited for BRF and the timing seems appropriate.

I do hope there's atleast one more raid tier (atleast 8+ bosses) before the final tier (16 bosses).


So how difficult are challenge mode dungeons in WoD?

Pretty similar to MoP CMs in 5.0. Some timers are really tight (Everbloom especially) and you have to do good dps and big pulls. No Vengeance cheesing like MoP, so it's harder to carry bad dps. Fewer melee = better, but Arms Warriors do great damage. Try to have a decent comp with good buff coverage.

DK tanks are helpful because Gorefiend's Grasp/Death Grip, but I've done 5/8 gold so far on my Brewmaster. You don't have to have a certain tank/healer. There are some packs of casters/gunners that will not move and it's much easier to kill them if you can AoE grip them together.


But the new raid comes in 3 weeks.

Would people have been happier if they were released together? I really don't understand.

Blizzard has been pretty clear about Foundry not being tied to 6.1. And even if it was, people would still be upset because 6.1 was originally described to be the first post-raid content patch, and Foundry was pushed much later than anyone expected.

And that comes from someone interested in Foundry. I'm sitting at 6/7 in Heroic all through PUGs, so it's not like there's utterly nothing for me to do, but at this point it's down to garrison missions, crafting dailies, and raids. There's nothing else in the game right now for current content, and something new or different would have been nice.

What are some good raids to farm gold? It seems it would be an easy way to make gold if I just pick up and sell all the loot, plus all the gold from bosses, trash

Any Cataclysm 25-man Heroics.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
ok.. I've researched around... and I am feeling I need to change my warlock's UI... just at the very least to break old/bad habits (glancing up to the unit frame for DF even though I have the info in the middle of the screen.. glancing at the action bars at the bottom even though I have dot and CD indicators in the middle, etc)

is there a strong minimalist UI that other locks (or any of you guys) strongly recommend over any others?


first take on Normal Imperator last night. Such a fucking "don't stand in the fire check". I REALLY think I need to change my UI. I am sitting there staring at the screen. Granted I am still learning how to play my Demo lock.. but it just seems like so much on the screen is white noise to me.. I think part of it does come down to it being our first attempts.. and looking at warcraftlogs (which were embarrassing, especially for me) I can see now a lot of the stupid shit I was missing. I don't know.. just feeling really frustrated.. between poor DPS from learning the spec to poor performance in stepping on shit (or not moving out of the way)...


half of me just wants to say fuck it.. gear my spriest up to 650 and main him again.. but the thought of shelving a perfectly good character seems defeatist to me... I don't know.

DBM has Duke Nukem say 'BEWAAAARE' when a mine spawns, there's so much shit going on that audio cues help me much more than visual ones. My brain seems to just filter most stuff out so an elaborate UI does nothing for me. Weakauras helped me learn moonkin though, that's a nice mod if you find the right string to use.

I also keep my relevant information near the bottom of the screen, and zoom my camera out extra far using a camera distance macro. Super useful for most highmaul fights.

Imperator needs practice but isn't as complicated as it seems. The abilities are the same and just need minor adjustments throughout the fight. Consistently remembering that the brand in phase 2 teleports you if you move too far was the hardest part for me, but I got it now after a few close calls.

Having a sound strategy is important too. Most of our wipes on heroic don't come from people standing in mines, they come from bad calls for DPS on those exploding small adds. Or people not listening to the tanks when they have a problem with getting out of range with their explodey shit. Or just being stubborn and not bringing tons of pug healers to the fight because the balancing is totally fucked up.


ok.. I've researched around... and I am feeling I need to change my warlock's UI... just at the very least to break old/bad habits (glancing up to the unit frame for DF even though I have the info in the middle of the screen.. glancing at the action bars at the bottom even though I have dot and CD indicators in the middle, etc)

is there a strong minimalist UI that other locks (or any of you guys) strongly recommend over any others?

If you aren't used to UI management and creation... it can be a bit daunting. I normally initially spend a couple hours just setting it up... and about a month refining. I'm a bit anal when it comes to UI. Information is very important in this game... and I like making sure that everything is available to me when I need.

That said - I like clean looks. I'm at work so I cannot show you mine right now. I'm a mage... unfortunately I am not familiar with Warlocks. What I can assist with is some great addons that have really helped me.

I use Bartender my bar addon. Fully customizable. Gets rid of the WoW art. Allows you to size and move your bars ANYWHERE on the screen. Opens up a ton of space. Will make your UI as minimalistic as YOU want.

I use Quartz for my cast bar addon. I never liked the stock cast bar. This allows me to set the size and placement for my cast bar. Gives me a little more information too... such and latency and target's spell casts. So... basically... it frees up some space or places it in a very concise area. Again... full customizable.

I use Shadowed Unit Frames for unit frame addon. Now... I used to use Perl. But that's gone now. SUF is pretty simple. Cute colors... but bold. Raid UI is clean and I can make it small (I don't need much raid UI info... I'm a mage). There are a lot of additional informational thing that can be done with this... but I keep it pretty stock.

I use Weak Auras for extra information. All this does, for me, is provide me with text alerts. As a mage... I want to know how many stacks of Arcane Blast I have. I simply created an aura alert that shows me how many stacks. Pretty slick. Keeps the information right where my cast bar is. Weak Auras is daunting tho. You will have to play with it to have it do what you want it to do.

I use Tell Me When for CD management. I really love this addon! I broke a rule when I started using this addon... I placed extra buttons around where my character can be seen. But... as far as simplicity goes... it's great. The icons will pop up when the spell is off cooldown... or keep track of charges. I have also set a couple of my spells to give me a sound chime when they are off CD. What's great for me... I set the opacity so I can see thru the icons. Useful.

I use Prat for Chat Windows and Sexy Map for map options. Obviously DBM for Raid information (remember... much of the DBM information can be altered within options. Don't have DBM overlap you other addons. This is why my UI management takes time... I need to learn where my stuff is and if its useful. Trial and error is your friend).

Good luck! A good UI will make you more effective. Good keybinds will too! But that's a whole different story!


We have a Resto Druid (me), Mistweaver Monk, Holy Priest, and a Discipline Priest. Our last raid was our first raid with the Discipline Priest, which was clearing the instance and one attempt on Imperator. We also have a geared Restoration Shaman, but he's Enhancement more than not as we recruit more healers since he has the most shaky attendance.

We'd kill for a Holy Paladin. The two Priests are where I think we can make some improvements, even simple things like having enchants (!) or switching glyphs.

The 2 Priests are probably an issue. It wasn't a good setup in MoP with 2 priest healers but it might have gotten better since then. They still are probably stealing heals from each other, unless they have a strat between them. Might just take another night with them working together to get it figured out though.


first take on Normal Imperator last night. Such a fucking "don't stand in the fire check". I REALLY think I need to change my UI. I am sitting there staring at the screen. Granted I am still learning how to play my Demo lock.. but it just seems like so much on the screen is white noise to me.. I think part of it does come down to it being our first attempts.. and looking at warcraftlogs (which were embarrassing, especially for me) I can see now a lot of the stupid shit I was missing. I don't know.. just feeling really frustrated.. between poor DPS from learning the spec to poor performance in stepping on shit (or not moving out of the way)...


half of me just wants to say fuck it.. gear my spriest up to 650 and main him again.. but the thought of shelving a perfectly good character seems defeatist to me... I don't know.

Get the GTFO addon if you don't already have it!!! It alerts you with LOUD noises to let you know you're standing in bad. You don't even have to look at the screen. Probably my favorite and least favorite addon at the same time. lol


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
If you think about the amount of money Blizzard makes off WoW, it doesn't really seem like much of that gets reinvested back into the game.
Two words. Support and operation. I think most people discount how much money it takes to keep the game running and supported. With that being said, I also really think the investment that they do make isn't as trivial as some might believe. A AAA team gives you a 40 hour game and it can cost upwards of $100M. Blizz gives us 100+ hours of content (say).. In the scope of an MMORPG it might seem awfully small.. but there were still plenty (millions. tens of millions? hundred?) of development dollars spent on it. just thinking about the art and development talent needed to make it all happen (and provide patches, hotfixes, etc)

Get the GTFO addon if you don't already have it!!! It alerts you with LOUD noises to let you know you're standing in bad. You don't even have to look at the screen. Probably my favorite and least favorite addon at the same time. lol

yeah... this is a huge thing for me.. I remember the genie raid in Cata there was a part where you had to immediately get off of the one platforms (the dude with tornadoes) the problem was DBM spams so many fucking warnings at you that they all just became white noise, but it was CRUCIAL to not miss this one.. I remember going in for that raid and modifying that warning to be a completely different sound (that I've never heard from DBM before)

it's my complaint with DBM in general. there's so much warning spam by default, all using the same warning sound.. it seems to me like sounding an alarm which then indicates "look in the middle of the screen to see what I mean" is a waste. I'd much rather a general alarm for switch target, a general alarm for GTFO, etc.

I will check GTFO out. Thanks!


I really don't understand.

It's because you have the tunnel vision view that raiding is the end all be all content for max level WoW players which it never has been in the history of the game. I am too lazy to hunt down Carbon's excellent post again, but, almost all non-raiding activities in WoD are a mess in one way or another. Plenty has been said in this thread by various people so I see no need to repeat all of it, but, it is a real problem some people don't think exists.

Frankly I think the talk about 6.1 is more disappointment than it is complaining, I doubt we'd see so much negative talk about it if the expansion hadn't launched the way it did. It's a mindset I don't see changing until they can push out a patch as big as the raid patches were in MoP, or maybe even the next expansion.


it's my complaint with DBM in general. there's so much warning spam by default, all using the same warning sound.. it seems to me like sounding an alarm which then indicates "look in the middle of the screen to see what I mean" is a waste. I'd much rather a general alarm for switch target, a general alarm for GTFO, etc.

I will check GTFO out. Thanks!

Yeah I was having a similar issue with DBM. I ended up dumping it for BigWigs and haven't turned back. BigWigs is simpler to customize and less stuff on the screen, just important ability timers for the most part. My favorite part about it is that if you're having a specific problem with a certain boss ability you can go into the settings, click the checkmark box next to the boss ability that you want to "emphasize" and Bigwigs will flash the screen, do a countdown, and make noises when that ability is coming. Helps a lot when I'm leading raids as tank and paying more attention on everyone else instead of actually tanking. XD


TDIL you don't need access to your old e-mail address to change it in your Battle.net profile. You need your password and the answer to the secret question, though.


ok.. I've researched around... and I am feeling I need to change my warlock's UI... just at the very least to break old/bad habits (glancing up to the unit frame for DF even though I have the info in the middle of the screen.. glancing at the action bars at the bottom even though I have dot and CD indicators in the middle, etc)

is there a strong minimalist UI that other locks (or any of you guys) strongly recommend over any others?

This is what I'm currently using:


In combat with all my TMW stuff showing (note that only the bottom right box shows all the time, the rest of it pops up when certain buffs are up, etc.):

Here's a link to where I found this:


It's set up so that TellMeWhen is already configured for a Frost Mage, but you can obviously reconfigure it for your Warlock (or any other characters).


It's because you have the tunnel vision view that raiding is the end all be all content for max level WoW players which it never has been in the history of the game. I am too lazy to hunt down Carbon's excellent post again, but, almost all non-raiding activities in WoD are a mess in one way or another. Plenty has been said in this thread by various people so I see no need to repeat all of it, but, it is a real problem some people don't think exists.

Frankly I think the talk about 6.1 is more disappointment than it is complaining, I doubt we'd see so much negative talk about it if the expansion hadn't launched the way it did. It's a mindset I don't see changing until they can push out a patch as big as the raid patches were in MoP, or maybe even the next expansion.

You're right. I do think that the game's end game raiding content is the end all be all content for max level. I know there is also PVP (which I hear is really good) - but that never interested me.

I'm also astounded as to how available the end game raiding content is compared to where it used to be when I started playing in Vanilla. LFR mode and Raid Finder has really opened the game up to some many people.

Maybe my experience with other MMO games is just limited. But I've certainly played my fair share of Diablo (non-MMO... I get that) and WoW over the last decade. An entire new raid, with new gear and content coming in 3 weeks is very very interesting to me. I don't know what else someone would want from the game at this point, I guess. This type of content (and amount) used to be UNAVAILABLE to the majority of subscribers of the game.


You're right. I do think that the game's end game raiding content is the end all be all content for max level. I know there is also PVP (which I hear is really good) - but that never interested me.

I'm also astounded as to how available the end game raiding content is compared to where it used to be when I started playing in Vanilla. LFR mode and Raid Finder has really opened the game up to some many people.

Maybe my experience with other MMO games is just limited. But I've certainly played my fair share of Diablo (non-MMO... I get that) and WoW over the last decade. An entire new raid, with new gear and content coming in 3 weeks is very very interesting to me. I don't know what else someone would want from the game at this point, I guess. This type of content (and amount) used to be UNAVAILABLE to the majority of subscribers of the game.

I agree with you. To me the pacing of content has been perfect so far, Blackrock will hit right when my guild may be sick of pushing Mythic progression in Highmaul. Blizzard has been very clear about how they thought they released the raid content too fast last expansion, I feel like their pacing is much better this time.

As for 6.1, it sounds like it's bringing a lot of nice polish to a bunch of elements of the game that need it.


Unconfirmed Member
Contemplating the purchase of a pre-paid game card seeing as my subscription has expired, but for now I'll go with the PTR client. Can always see if there have been new optimization opportunities implemented (though sometimes, especially with the 4.2 PTR phase, they don't reach retail).


This is the time when WoW becomes really intimidating for casual players.
Yeah, it's why I've barely played since before the holidays. WoD is a real drag for someone without a serious guild. At least in my experience.

Which is fine if that's Blizzard's intention. It's their right to make that decision, but it sucks for me and my playstyle. And it's frustrating because I didn't have this problem in MoP or Cata (though that was tougher than MoP). Not sure if it's just some weird shift in the community or something, but I was able to do everything save for the last few Siege bosses on Mythic without a guild. Geared up two characters and everything.

But now every group seems to have ridiculous inflated requirements for gear and achievements and when you do manage to get in a group for something it dissolves within a few seconds of someone making a single mistake. It's crazy how consistently that's happened to me in WoD and it's put me off the game completely for now. Just hoping it improves in a few months because I do like what I've managed to see of the expansion.
Curious what the veteran physical gift is going to be.

I'm missing the cut by….around 7 months.

I should qualify as I've been subbed since the beginning of December of 2004. Took me two weeks of listening to my friends talk about how much they loved it before I caved since I didn't touch MMOs before WoW. But yeah, I'm pretty curious too. Also REALLY curious how many people qualified by this point.
Yeah, wonder what the criteria is -- is it just an account created within those first couple months of launch (mine was launch night) or must the account have always been active (mine has not, I've taken a couple of months-long breaks)?
Yeah, it's why I've barely played since before the holidays. WoD is a real drag for someone without a serious guild. At least in my experience.

Which is fine if that's Blizzard's intention. It's their right to make that decision, but it sucks for me and my playstyle. And it's frustrating because I didn't have this problem in MoP or Cata (though that was tougher than MoP). Not sure if it's just some weird shift in the community or something, but I was able to do everything save for the last few Siege bosses on Mythic without a guild. Geared up two characters and everything.

To my sorrow my guild got kinda deserted by the fact some of our main members did the HM via cross realm and got bored to even trying it with the Guild members.

LFR is a joke and you get horrible gear to get geared to get horrible gear for the next raid, and the way how the LFR mode for the next raid is released doest help at all.

I got well geared at the end of MoP but I dont see me doing mythic in any raid soon.


Yeah, wonder what the criteria is -- is it just an account created within those first couple months of launch (mine was launch night) or must the account have always been active (mine has not, I've taken a couple of months-long breaks)?

I feel like because it's a physical gift, the criteria is probably pretty strict. I would imagine within a certain time frame of launch (30-60 days?) and been an active subscriber the whole time.

I got it at launch but took many long breaks.
I feel like because it's a physical gift, the criteria is probably pretty strict. I would imagine within a certain time frame of launch (30-60 days?) and been an active subscriber the whole time.

I got it at launch but took many long breaks.

Yeah, I bet it is super strict like that. That's cool.


So whats the reason behind no new BGs or Arenas in this expansion? At least 1 of each was added on each previous one, no?


I've still never even set foot in Ashran due to the insanely long queue on my server. Not sure why they weren't able to make that cross realm like everything else in the game.


I love the idea of Ashran on paper. It's like old AV, where the battles used to push back and forth for hours or even days. There was little side stuff you could do to help the main force if you didn't want to zerg.

In practice, you've got 40+ horde sitting on the side events and alliance sitting in the horde base the whole time. Very little PVP, or really much of anything going on. Sometimes you get a nice balance but I haven't seen that in a while, horde on my battlegroup don't even care about the middle road anymore.

It was kinda funny last night when all the horde farming events decided to buy captains and push at the same time. The server almost crashed from the massive conga line of captains that blitzed the alliance base and wrecked everything on the way.
I'd settle for just getting into Ashran. I can't think of a way to spend the hourlong queue productively in game and I just get bored waiting and sign out.

Karl Hawk

You know, I actually did notice that the gear requirement for a lot of normal raids is 645, but that's honestly not that bad.

That's basically just sitting in LFR until your gear is 640, doing the legendary ring quest to get a 680 ring, and doing world bosses for the 650 gear. If you do garrison missions, there's also 645 gear offered.

Also, I'm happy to run with any of y'all on the Horde side. Normals are fine; my ilvl and class (666/healing) should make it so that, if you don't make the requirements on your own, they might take us as a group.

Good luck though. I didn't feel like it was that awful, but it does seem like a lot of DPS is having issues finding a group.

It's bad enough that I need to have ''Ahead of the Curve'' just to have an opportunity to join a heroic Imperator pug (Almost all of heroic pugs ask for it).

At this point, I find more raid groups from Openraid than finding anything on group finder

EDIT: And I just saw some normal Imperator pugs a few days ago and today as well. Somehow, I am not surprised. Some people just wanna rush through raiding content and one-shot kill everything.


But isn't Ashran just this expansions equivalent of Tol Barad/Wintergrasp?

I think they wanted it to be more than that. There was clearly more effort put into Ashran than WG/TB from just a development standpoint when you consider all the side stuff going on that WG/TB never had. Not to mention that unlike those places the battle never ends in Ashran, you could theoretically log on and spend 10 hours in there.

Karl Hawk

Eh, that part doesn't surprise me (the part about Ahead of the Curve). I picked it up with a guild; I don't think I would have gotten in on many Imp kills otherwise.

But, I would consider raiding heroic raids to not be "casual."

I do think a lot of people are too impatient about normals, but there's always LFR or the first 5 of normal for casuals. If you want to do anything harder than that, you sort of have to join a casual raiding guild, which I find it less casual than casual solo playing.

I think more of myself as an intermediate raider. While I enjoy getting purplez, I like to push myself more and become better at my DPS rotation and watch my movements and other shit.

And I'm already with a raiding guild and they're on hc progression at the moment. If time wasn't an issue, I would gladly join their progression team (Hell, I don't mind if I have to get a 1 month worth of a trial). But we can't always get what we want, do we? :p


Ashran has pretty much settled into the status quo of Alliance farming the Horde base, and Horde farming the events.

Horde defended the base for some reason today, what was the point of that if nobody dies on alliance side so you barely get any teeth/kills.


There is also the 660 conquest gear, for a lot of classes that gear is even better than heroic highmaul gear since you have more itemization choices. Getting to the cap every week is possible by spending an hour or two doing 2's, the games only last a couple minutes and you only need to win 10 to cap for the week.

Alternatively, you can cap doing events in Ashran in an hour or two as well, but the queue to get in is so long in the evenings I'm not sure I would count on being able to do that if you do not have a 4 hour chunk free.


LFR is a joke and you get horrible gear to get geared to get horrible gear for the next raid, and the way how the LFR mode for the next raid is released doest help at all.

LFR gear is not necessary to do Normal Highmaul, considering it was tuned for 630. It might only be an issue finding PUGs at this point at the ilevel floor, as the average ilevel increases each week, but there's no reason not to crush Normal with 640+ gear, especially as a guild group.
Now this is completely my fault for not researching properly, but it's still irritating

I've been doing Ashran for about a week now. Slowly building up my conquest points and I've got a modest amount. Enough to replace my shitty bow, anyway. Or even my helm

And I go to the vendor and I need a 2k arena rating to buy them on top of the conquest. Now I probably was stupidly naive to think I'd get 660 gear just like that, but why on earth is Ashran giving out conquest gear when you need to do arenas to spend it?

I mean I wouldn't have even bothered with Ashran if that was the case


Now this is completely my fault for not researching properly, but it's still irritating

I've been doing Ashran for about a week now. Slowly building up my conquest points and I've got a modest amount. Enough to replace my shitty bow, anyway. Or even my helm

And I go to the vendor and I need a 2k arena rating to buy them on top of the conquest. Now I probably was stupidly naive to think I'd get 660 gear just like that, but why on earth is Ashran giving out conquest gear when you need to do arenas to spend it?

I mean I wouldn't have even bothered with Ashran if that was the case
there should be another conquest vendor that sells the 660 gear without the rating requirement the only difference is the way things look


Now this is completely my fault for not researching properly, but it's still irritating

I've been doing Ashran for about a week now. Slowly building up my conquest points and I've got a modest amount. Enough to replace my shitty bow, anyway. Or even my helm

And I go to the vendor and I need a 2k arena rating to buy them on top of the conquest. Now I probably was stupidly naive to think I'd get 660 gear just like that, but why on earth is Ashran giving out conquest gear when you need to do arenas to spend it?

I mean I wouldn't have even bothered with Ashran if that was the case

There's 2 different vendors, the rated one you can only buy in Ashran, while the unrated one is in ashran and stormshield/warspear.

You won't be able to be replace the bow until you earn 7250 conquest points btw.


The 2 Priests are probably an issue. It wasn't a good setup in MoP with 2 priest healers but it might have gotten better since then. They still are probably stealing heals from each other, unless they have a strat between them. Might just take another night with them working together to get it figured out though.

I don't think the line up is really the issue, both specs are spamming different things. I really feel it's more of a player issue.

I've done more raids with the Holy Priest, and she's constantly under performing compared to other healers. (She's acknowledged this herself actually) Lower healing but the first OOM. I think she's panicking a bit and laying on the Flash Heal a bit too hard instead of blanketing Renews. This last week I've actually had her focusing a bit more on tank healing, since we have a Mistweaver and Restoration Druid already.

Like I said, we've only had one raid night with the Discipline Priest, so I don't really have the full picture of his ability. However, he lacks enchants and doesn't have Glyph of Weakened Soul, which are big red flags IMO.


Christ, is Ashran really as bad as everyone says?

I've never been a big PVP guy (maining a priest since 2007, it's always annoying as fuck getting stun locked and torn apart in seconds by rogues and druids - so discouraging), but the way the devs were talking about Ashran at Blizzcon and other events really had me excited.



Yeah, I bet it is super strict like that. That's cool.

I would figure. I doubt blizzard would want to send out 50,000+ gifts for the people who bought the game but quit consistently.

With super strict restrictions getting say a $100 gift from Blizzard makes the people who've been playing 10 years with absolutely no breaks makes it all the more special as well as a realistic with delivery of goods.

Joined a camping group for Poundfist, lets the waiting game begins
Just 17 more minutes.


The 2 Priests are probably an issue. It wasn't a good setup in MoP with 2 priest healers but it might have gotten better since then. They still are probably stealing heals from each other, unless they have a strat between them. Might just take another night with them working together to get it figured out though.

Holy Priest + Disc Priest is a great combo, FYI. Not sure what you mean by 'stealing heals'.
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