Just 17 more minutes.
Just dont get that "joke" was seeing it for 1 and a half hours, anyway is there a good tip for joining a group with more sucess of getting poundfist?
Just 17 more minutes.
Just dont get that "joke" was seeing it for 1 and a half hours, anyway is there a good tip for joining a group with more sucess of getting poundfist?
When it comes down to it, WoD released in a state that's pretty sparse on content. Highmaul is not really a piece of content that an expansion can sit on after release, even if it's just for a few months. It's deflating to come off the leveling experience and quickly run out of things to do.I'm not understanding the backlash behind 6.1. Blizz confirmed that 6.1 and BRF are not necessarily unified. I'm reading a post right now off of MMOChamp that shows blue noting BRF's raid schedule. New content is coming in 3 weeks. Works for me.
Sniping is when someone uses fast heals to steal healing from slower heals. As in, someone has 30k hp missing so healers put a hot on that person(to slow heal them) and then another healer casts a flash heal. In this case the flash heal "snipes" the healing, and makes the slow hot heals overheal.Maybe he meant sniping heals.
I just had this lovely conversation with a druid about me (a holy priest) sniping his heals. [The RL had just called him out for needing to 'up' his heals, even though we were one-shotting stuff.]
But yeah, holy and disc is good. Disc & disc steal from each other due to weakened soul, but that's about it.
By the way, can someone please explain what sniping heals is? I still have no clue.
I guess your Veteran account needed to be somewhat active in order for you to be eligible for the gift. My first account was created on 11/24/2004, I believe it has been active every year in some form or another, with this new year being the exception. Yet I've received no email (yes, I checked the correct email, the one that corresponds with the account) about the gift.
But the new raid comes in 3 weeks.
Would people have been happier if they were released together? I really don't understand.
That's exactly what would make me happier. I'm done with highmaul and I was going at a snails pace. Now I'm just waiting around farming it because there's the least amount of endgame in this expansion ever.
That's exactly what would make me happier. I'm done with highmaul and I was going at a snails pace. Now I'm just waiting around farming it because there's the least amount of endgame in this expansion ever.
Normal would be pointless if it didn't have tier.Unless it's farming mythic highmaul, I think the amount of time between the raids is pretty much at a sweet spot.
Honestly I wish Blizzard would do what they did with ICC and every week give an increasing buff to make mythic more accessible. Which then would make a point to do mythic highmaul in conjunction of heroic blackrock foundry.
I'm at a point where I am just bored because I'm 7/7 heroic and can't really move forward in mythic. Normal BRF will be pointless cause it's 665 gear, so have to move straight onto heroic BRF for actual upgrades.
When was that quest added?
I deleted well over 1000 scraps by now. Too little too late.
Unless it's farming mythic highmaul, I think the amount of time between the raids is pretty much at a sweet spot.
Honestly I wish Blizzard would do what they did with ICC and every week give an increasing buff to make mythic more accessible. Which then would make a point to do mythic highmaul in conjunction of heroic blackrock foundry.
I'm at a point where I am just bored because I'm 7/7 heroic and can't really move forward in mythic. Normal BRF will be pointless cause it's 665 gear, so have to move straight onto heroic BRF for actual upgrades.
You're farming mythic? Take me with you~
Basically. Difficulty levels are not steps that all need to be taken in order for players to reach new content. Given the player count requirements on Mythic there shouldn't really be an expectation for players to graduate from Heroic to Mythic.There's a point where doing the same raid over and over and over again isn't a goal. Mythic isn't something that people can point at and say "you still have stuff to do" some people are alright with just clearing Heroic. Besides the fact that if you don't count Highmaul, the endgame is absolutely abysmal, and 6.1 doesn't seem to be remedying that at all.
It's kind of stupid at this point that we get 1 raid with 3 difficulties, instead of 3 raids with 1 difficulty, and people think it's content.
I wish I had ANY idea what to do in places like Ashran or random battlegrounds
It seems people mostly stand somewhere and fight, then some people yell about doing objectives that I have no idea what to do about.
Highmaul is fun and all, but it's pretty basic and not exactly ground breaking. I definitely wouldn't even put it in my top 5 raid raids of all time. It needs pets, mounts, a greater variety of item visuals and a whole lot less RNG in boss fights. Add in some rare spawns or interesting fun cheevos. I mean, there's a dude in there that steals everyone's clothes (not actually de-equipping items, just visually). I thought to myself 'Whoa! there HAS to be an achievement for popping a boss with a raid full of naked people!'...and there isn't.
I hope Foundry is more fleshed out.
Calling Kargath and Butcher "Bosses" is being pretty generous as well I think. Twin Ogron is also pretty simple, although it's not a straight tank & spank.
On Mythic Kargath I pretty much just zone out for most of the fight and do hardly any damage. Then when I go up into the stands I just blow everything and top the meter off that one Bladestorm. It will probably stop being funny after another go or two.Calling Kargath and Butcher "Bosses" is being pretty generous as well I think. Twin Ogron is also pretty simple, although it's not a straight tank & spank.
Get those Savage Blood ready, crafted gear can go to stage 4 in 6.1.
680 for armor and 670 for weapons.
Get those Savage Blood ready, crafted gear can go to stage 4 in 6.1.
680 for armor and 670 for weapons.
I feel like I'm in a black hole of dumb that I'll never escape.
My raid killed H-Imp last week, but couldn't kill it this week. People are still hitting traps or getting killed by mark of chaos or fucking up the mechanics repeatedly.
I've never hit a trap and I've never been in range of a tank with mark of chaos, but there are a few people in the guild that fail those mechanics a few times a night, and they're not being sat out or anything.
I would like to start looking for a better guild, but I'm also not doing amazing DPS or anything anymore. I don't think Warlocks are in high demand.
Game is starting to suck a lot.
Get those Savage Blood ready, crafted gear can go to stage 4 in 6.1.
680 for armor and 670 for weapons.
Like, people here in this very thread are complaining that people want you to overgear something before pugging it (Because pugging it might as well be -20 ilevels to the raid as far as being able to actually kill a boss, for what it's worth, I agree with being picky when you're setting a run up), but you guys are talking about the MSV of this expansion, MSV had like the hardest first boss of any expansion yet and tons of shit guilds and pugs couldn't do Stone Guard initially, this is lightyears better. Stone Guard was more interesting than Kargath sure, but it was also a REALLY REALLY steep difficulty spike for the first boss.
And for Ashran:
Generally you want to stick with the group and do your best to help the group out by playing your class role. You'll start to understand the point of each map as you get more familiar with them.
Yes.Christ, is Ashran really as bad as everyone says?
If the team's sticking together, find your team and do your role. If everyone's fighting individually and not paying attention to objectives, go do those, since you're not going to be stopped until a few things are capped. Even if you're a DPS, you probably have some CC/healing/buffs you can throw out while you're running by your "teammates". Maybe that will give them the idea that they're on a team. I've pied-pipered a whole group before by simply running around giving everyone blessing of kings, etc. to the point where they actually noticed me and realized that I wasn't a bot or something.I wish I had ANY idea what to do in places like Ashran or random battlegrounds
It seems people mostly stand somewhere and fight, then some people yell about doing objectives that I have no idea what to do about.
What? Noo, i just replaced my Barn by a Inn.Guess I will go back to the Barn.
I'm hoping we kill him our next raid day, but it's definitely a huge morale shot to be wiping so much on a boss that can be pugged. It'd probably be an easy kill if we trimmed the raid and just went at it with 10, but that'd ruffle some feathers for sure.
I just dont know how everyone gets iron horde scraps except me and when it drop there like 2.
I just dont know how everyone gets iron horde scraps except me and when it drop there like 2.